Aberforth, Hogwarts, Ravenclaw's Diadem and the Kiss

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"In here, Potter." The silhouette said. Y/N, Harry, Ron and Hermione slip quickly past the man and inside. He gestures toward a rickety wooden staircase, brings a finger to his lips "Shhhh."

Harry and Y/n enter a room with a threadbare carpet and a small fireplace, above which hangs a large oil painting of a blonde girl with a sweet, but vacant stare. He steps to a grimy window and peers down to the street, where half a dozen death eaters glance about in confusion. Just then, Hermione and Ron enter the room.

"Did you get a look at him! For a second I thought it was –" Ron whispered

"I know." Hermione said mildly shaking

Hearing this, Harry slips the mirror from his pocket footsteps sound from below.

"Harry! I can see you! In here!" Hermione said. Harry turns, watches Hermione take a jagged shard similar to his own from the mantel. He glances down at the piece

in his palm, sees Hermione's eye looking out at him. Just then, Aberforth's hulking form appears on the landing.

"You bloody fools! What were you thinking coming here? Do you have any idea how dangerous it is –" an old man said

"You're Aberforth." Harry said. The room goes quiet. The man turns, eyes Harry.

"Dumbledore's brother. It's you I've been seeing -- here. It's you who sent Dobby."

Harry holds up his shard. Aberforth eyes it briefly.

"Where've you left him?" Aberforth asked

"He's dead." Y/n answered coldly

"Sorry to hear it. I liked that elf." Dumbledore said

"How'd you come by it?" Harry nods to the shard in Hermione's hand.

"Mundungus Fletcher, 'bout a year ago." Answered Aberforth

"Dung had no right selling you that. It belonged to –" Harry was cut off by Dumbledore

"Sirius. Albus told me. He also told me that you'd likely be hacked off if you ever found out I had it. But ask yourself where you'd be if I didn't." Harry doesn't respond.

"Right then. Reckon you're hungry. Let's get you fed, then think of the best way to get you out of here."

A tray of food is set down on the table. Y/n, Ron and Hermione set to, they haven't eaten for days. Aberforth pours himself a glass of mead. Not his first.

"Do you hear much from the others? From the Order?" Y/n asked

"The Order is finished. You-Know- Who's won. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves. The quartet exchange glances. Harry doesn't touch the food, just stares quietly at Aberforth.

"We need to get into Hogwarts.Dumbledore gave us a job to do." Harry said out of the blue

"Did he now? Nice job? Easy?" An awkward silence, the tension heavy.

"We've been hunting Horcruxes. We think the last one's in the school. But we'll need your help getting in." Y/n pleaded, "If we can find it and kill it, then we kill him, and then we can end this war once and for all. We need to get into Hogwarts tonight." Aberforth stares at the girl for a moment, until the silence grows.

"It's not a job my brother's given you, it's a suicide mission. Do yourself a favor boy. Go home. Live a little longer. " Aberforth said

"Dumbledore trusted me, to see this through." Harry said

"What makes you think you can trust him! What makes you think you can believe anything my brother told you! In all the time you knew him, did he ever mention my name? Did he ever mention hers?" Aberforth gestures to the painting of the girl.

"Why should he... " Harry said

"Keep secrets? You tell me." Aberforth said

"I only care about the Dumbledore I knew. I trusted him. "

"Did you now? And why is that?"

"I had no reason not to – "

"That's a boy's answer. A boy who goes chasing Horcruxes on the word of a man who won't even tell him where to start. You're lying. Not just to me, which doesn't matter, but to yourself as well.That's what a fool does." Aberforth exclaimed

"You're drunk." Harry said

"You don't strike me as a fool, Mr. Potter. So I'll ask you again. There must be a reason. Why do you trust anything my brother ever said to you? Why?" Harry stands mute, his face at war with itself. For a moment, it's unclear which competing emotion will win out, then -- finally -- he speaks, his voice steady.

"Because I need to. Because if I don't, I don't know who I am anymore. I've lost too many people to lie down now. I'm not interested in what happened between you and your brother, I don't even care that you've given up. I trust the man I knew. I'm going to see this through." Harry paused, "I need to get into the castle tonight."

Silence. Hermione and Y/n exchange a glance. Aberforth regards Harry darkly, but Harry merely stands, waiting. After several seconds, Aberforth's gaze shifts... to the painting.

"You know what to do..." he said to the painting

The girl smiles, turns, and walks away, growing slowly smaller in the painting with each step she takes.

"Where've you sent her?" Harry asked

"You'll see soon enough." Aberforth replied

"That's Ariana, isn't it? Your sister. She's beautiful." Y/n complimented

"She'll always be beautiful." Aberforth said with a slight smile. Ron and Harry glance at each other, confused while, Hermione seemed to understand

"She died very young, didn't she." Hermione chimed in

"My brother sacrificed many things, Mr. Potter, in his journey to find power, including her. She was devoted to him -- he gave her everything, but time." Aberforth looks to the empty frame.

"Mr. Dumbledore... thank you." Y/n thanked the old man. Aberforth stares hard at Y/N, nods curtly, exits. As he disappears Ron looks to Y/n to explain her "Thank you."

"Did save our lives twice. Kept an eye on us in that mirror. That doesn't seem like someone who's given up, does it?" Y/n shot back at Ron. Ron and Harry exchange a glance, eye the empty doorway.

"She's coming back! And she's got someone with her!" Hermione said eyeing the painting

"Just then, the painting blooms faintly and Ariana emerges from deep within the dark canvas. *

"Who's that with her? Bloody hell..." Ron said

As Ariana draws closer, the limping figure beside her comes clear: Neville Longbottom

"I knew you'd come! I told them all! Harry Potter would never abandon Hogwarts!" Neville said

"Neville..." Y/n whispered softly

The gilded frame swings open, revealing in actuality what the painting had replicated. Harry pelts forward into the passageway as Neville comes into the light drifting from the sitting room. Long hair. Gashed face. Swollen eye. Clothes ripped and torn.

"Neville, you look..." Harry started

"Like hell? I reckon. This is nothing. Seamus is worse. You'll see. Y/n! Hermione! Ron!" Neville embraces them, then turns to Aberforth.

"Hey, Ab. There might be a couple more people on the way." Neville said. The quartet turns, see Aberforth standing in the doorway, watching Ariana drift back into the canvas. Neville turns to Harry,Y/n, Ron and Hermione. Smiles again.

"Well? Ready?" Neville leads the others down the passage.

"I don't remember this being on the Marauder's Map." Ron said confused

"That's because it never existed till now. The seven secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year. This is the only way in or out now. The grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and Dementors." Neville explained

"How bad is it, Neville? With Snape as Headmaster." Y/n asked

"Hardly ever see him. It's the Carrows you have to watch out for." Neville answered

"The Carrows?" Harry asked

"Brother and sister. They're in charge of discipline. Like punishment, the Carrows."

Neville points to a gash on his face.

"They did that to you? But why?" Hermione asked concerned

"Today's Dark Arts lesson had us practicing the Cruciatus Curse. On First Years. I refused.Hogwarts has changed." The others look shocked. Neville grins.

"Aw, c'mon. Don't be grim. We're all used to it by now. And the thing is, it helps when people stand up, gives everyone hope. I used to notice that when you did it, Harry. C'mon, we're almost there." The quartet exchange glances, follow Neville.

Neville leads them up a short flight of stone steps to a door, pauses. Looks back.

"Let's have a bit of fun, shall we?" Neville whispered

He pushed the door open "Hey! Listen up, you lot! I've brought you a surprise!"

"Not more of Aberforth's cooking, I hope. Be a surprise if we could digest it." Seamus groaned Neville looks back, jerks his head toward the open door.Y/n, Harry, Ron and Hermione step forward, duck through and emerge into a large room that looks like a sumptuous tree house. Faces turn. Blink. Utter silence.

"Blimey." Seamus said

Voices Explode. Madness ensues as the trio is swallowed up in a scrum of backslaps and handshakes. Many familiar faces are present. Luna. Dean Thomas.

Cho Chang. Lavender Brown. Neville leans down, whispers to Nigel

"Get the word out to Remus and the others that Harry's back." Nigel nods, scrambles over to a battered wizard wireless. As it crackles to life he leans close, speaks.

"River, DA calling. Do you read? We have a new weather report:Lightning has struck. I repeat, lightning has struck..."

"Okay, okay! Stand down! Let's not kill them before You-Know-Who gets the chance!" Neville said as they settled

"Right then. What's the plan,Harry?" Neville asked. Harry gazes out over the expectant faces in the room, noting the hollow eyes and broken bodies and the desperate, almost palpable desire for hope. For a moment he seems lost, awed by the sacrifice his friends have made, much of it for him.

"Okay. There's something we need to find, something hidden here in the castle. It could help us defeat You-Know-Who." Harry said

"What is it?" Neville asked

"We don't know." Y/n said

"Where is it?" Dean asked

"Don't know that either." Y/n answered again

A confused murmur fills the room.

"I realize it's not much to go on." Harry said

"That's nothing to go on." Seamus said. Harry falters, then his gaze happens upon the Ravenclaw Banner hanging across the room, bearing the symbol of an Eagle. He studies it, a notion forming.

"I think it might have something to do with Ravenclaw. It would be small, easy to conceal, valuable. Any ideas?" Harry asked expectantly. He looks up. For a moment, there's no response.

"Well, there's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem." Luna answered

"Oh, bloody hell. Here we go." Ron whispered under his breath

"The lost diadem of Ravenclaw? Hasn't anyone ever heard of it? It's quite famous." Luna said

"Yes, but Luna, it's lost. For centuries now. There's not a person alive today who's seen it." Cho said. Her fellow Ravenclaws nod. Ron frowns.

"Excuse me. But would someone tell me: what's a bloody diadem?" Ron said. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing.

"It's a kind of crown. You know, like a tiara." As she says this, Harry frowns, trying to think if he's seen such a thing in the castle.

"Ravenclaw's was rumored to have magical properties, to enhance the wisdom of the wearer." Cho continued

Just then quick footsteps are heard and a girl appears atop the far staircase. She stops, staring at the quartet. Ginny.

She runs over to Y/n and Hermione and embraces both of them together. Y/n couldn't help it but break down. She then hugged Harry and Ron. She then went and stood next to her girlfriend Luna holding the blonde's hand reassuringly.

"What is it, Ginny?" Seamus asked

"Snape knows. He knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade." Ginny said


Mist encircles the parapets of the castle itself, barely distinguishable from the Dementors that drift like silent sentinels over the grounds. Lights glimmer in the castle.

A stream of Hufflepuff Students move toward the GreatHall. They walk grimly, their faces blank, as if accustomed to such exercises.

The Ravenclaws walk in lockstep as well. One tiny girl, Maisy Reynolds stands out, walking alongside Luna, her bearing more defiant than defeated. The Death Eater chivying them along eyes her cruelly.

"Put a smile on, Miss Reynolds Wouldn't want me to have to pay a visit to Daddy again, would you?" Carrow said

Slytherin House walks in rigid synchronization, backs straight, in perfect rhythm. We catch sight of Blaise Zabini and Goyle.

As the Grffindors walk, Harry moves in their midst, effectively shielded. Harry slips past a few people, reaches out and... enfolds Y/n's hand in his own. She doesn't look back, knows it's him, knows his touch.

Each House stands together as a group, the room buzzing. No one sits. Harry is nowhere to be seen. At the Tall Table at the top of the Hall two Death Eaters Amycus And Alecto Carrow -- stand like sinister sentinels, their eyes raking the crowd. Professor Mcgonagall, her face ashen, her bearing reduced, stands along the right wall, while Flitwick stands by the left wall. As Snape enters, the room goes slowly silent.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you here at this hour. It has come to my attention that earlier this evening... Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade." Snape's voice rang through the hall

A murmured thrill fills the Hall. McGonagall's eyes glisten with curiosity. Snape raises his voice, briefly, to quell the noise in the Hall.

"I mention this in the hopes that truth will not be supplanted by rumor.For myself and a few select members of the staff this comes as little surprise. We have, for some time, considered Mr. Potter's return to Hogwarts to be not only possible but inevitable. Consequently, in the past several months and under my specific direction, exhaustive defensive strategies have been employed to defeat any attempt Mr. Potter might make to breach these walls. But know this. Should anyone -- student or staff -- attempt to aid Mr. Potter, that person will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Rest assured: So long as I am Headmaster at Hogwarts, Harry Potter will never again step foot in this castle." Snape said as applause erupts from the Slytherins, Maisy Reynolds, glowers over at them. Snape raises a hand. The room returns to silence.

"Now then. If anyone here has knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening... I invite them to step forward now." Snape's eyes rake the Hall. Dead silence. A nervous shift of glances. And then footsteps.

A figure appears in the shadows at the back of the Hall. McGonagall's chin rises in disbelief. Maisy's face blooms with hope. And then...

"I think I can help you out with that..." Harry appears.

"It would seem that, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster." Snape stares in stunned disbelief, then his gaze shifts as one by one, others emerge: Y/n, Ron. Hermione. Lupin. Arthur. Molly. Fred. George. Percy. Luna. Dean Thomas. Bill. Fleur. Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"And I'm afraid it's rather extensive."

The Carrows, who had been moving towards Harry, falter, turn to Snape with uncertainty. Harry's eyes narrow with malice as he stares at Snape.

"How dare you stand where he stood." Harry shouted. Snape watches Harry draw his wand, point it at him.

"Tell them how it was that night. Tell then how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you...and killed him. Tell them!" Harry bellowed venom dripping from his words

Snape's eyes find Harry's, but his face remains a mask. McGonagall stands poised, no longer an ashen ghost. Flitwick's hand twitches over his wand. The air prickles with anticipation. Snape moves as if to retrieve his wand. McGonagall steps forward and sends a volcanic blast Snape's way. Pivoting, he parries the spell -- barely -- and sends it RICOCHETING around the room. chaos ensues. Flitwick and the rest of the staff -- inspired by Harry and McGonagall -- leap forth, wands out. Snape, outnumbered, standing at the epicenter, parries spell after spell with astonishing skill deflecting two of the curses into Alecto and Amycus Carrow.

Snape takes the measure of the room and sweeps his wand over his head, reducing the TORCHES that line the wall to smoke and pitching the hall into total darkness.

As students scream, a great whooshing sound fills the hall and some flying thing flickers past the windows, rattling the panes before blasting through one.

Instantly, the torches burst back to life and we see that it's McGonagall, wand raised aloft, who's done it. In the moonlight, harry can see a bat like creature beating

into the night. McGonagall peers bitterly into the darkness.

"Coward! COWARD! And he didn't even stay to fight!" McGongall turned to Harry."Mr. Potter, do you mind telling me what you're doing here, which, I trust you realize, is an act of complete and utter lunacy?"

"I'm a Gryffindor." Harry said

"I thought it might have something to do with that." She them turned to the room, "All right! Settle down! Settle down!"

The room quiets.

"It appears that your Headmaster, to use the common phrase, has done a bunk."

Cheers rise from all Houses save Slytherin, where Pansy Parkinson glowers along with Blaise and Goyle. Even McGonagall can't help but smile. Just then, Harry winces slightly, pressing his fingers to his temple.


A slow rumbling fills the hall. Harry, fingers trembling with pain, glances up, sees dark clouds coagulating in the enchanted ceiling. Mcgonagall follows his gaze, as

Do others, watching as the clouds shift eerily, like blots of blood.

Suddenly the flames in the torches along the walls tremble as a chill breeze consumes the room. The hall slowly dims. All grows progressively silent when a girl screams, her voice rising and rising. Harry rushes through the throng, the students parting as he pelts forwards, pushing past them until he finds Maisy, cowering on the floor in the corner, hands over her ears, eyes clenched tight. She seems possessed.

Everyone watches, chilled. Finally harry starts to move forward, when he himself winces, pressing his fingers to his temples. Another person screams somewhere in the hall, then another. Harry glances about him, at the circle of faces in his vicinity.

All are a mirror image of Maisy now, grimacing in pain. Harry stares, confused, stricken with pain, when a voice blooms in his head in a deathly whisper.

"I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think this wise. But this is folly." Y/n lokked through the room taking in the faces, listening in mute misery as Voldemort speaks. Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Seamus... on and on.

"I wish you no harm. I have great respect for the students of Hogwarts. I was once one myself after all. I ask for but one thing and if granted no magical blood shall be spilt..."

For a moment they stand, hung in silence...

"Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded."

With that, the whisper recedes and those in the Hall slowly surface back into the prickling ambience of the here and now. Above them, the clouds evaporate in the Enchanted Ceiling. And then, like iron filings flaking to the surface of a magnet, every eye finds...Harry.

For a moment, silence. Then, Pansy Parkinson jabs her finger at Harry.

"But he's there! Potter's there! Someone grab him!" Parkinson shriked

Instinctively, Y/n steps in front of Harry, wand drawn. Then, as one, the Gryffindors assemble in a line and face towards the Slytherins, shielding Harry. Moments later,

the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs do the same. Harry's eyes glitter at the sight, moved. Y/n lowers her wand. Just then Filch bursts in the Hall.


"Students out of bed! Students in the corridors!" Filch stops dead, as Mrs. Norris wends through his legs.

"They're supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot!" McGongall bellowed. Y/n couldn'y help but chuckle at her mentor

"Oh. Sorry, mum." Filch begins to turn away.

"Wait! As it turns out, Mr. Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I'd like you to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin House from the Hall." McGongall said

"Right away." Argus stopped, "Er, exactly where is it I'd be leadin' em to, mum?"

Minerva thought for a while "The dungeons should do." CHEERS rise again and McGonagall's eyes turn on Harry. She rises up to full height, her jaw firm.

"I presume you have a reason for returning, Potter. What is it you need?" She asked Harry

"Time. As much as you can give me."

"Do what you have to do. I'll secure the castle."

"Is that possible, Professor?"

"We teachers are rather good at magic, Potter. We've even been known to turn out a worthwhile witch or wizard on occasion.I think it's time I ask a few of them to take their magic beyond the classroom. What d'you think?" Harry follows McGonagall's gaze, sees Neville and Ginny conferring with a sprinkling of DA members.

"I think you're right." McGonagall nods, still sizing up Neville and the others. Harry turns, starts to exit.

"By the way, Potter...", Harry stops. "It's good to see you." She grinned

"You, too, Professor."

Neville and Ginny flank McGonagall as she sweeps out of the Great Hall and into the courtyard. Flitwick and other members of the DA -- including Seamus -- trail


"Let me get this straight, Professor. You're giving us permission to do this?" Neville asked

"That is correct, Longbottom." Professor answered

"To blow it up. Boom."

"Boom." Professor McGonagall mimicked

"Wicked." Neville said with a frown "Um... exactly how do you propose we do this, Professor?"

"Why don't you confer with Mr.Finnegan.As I recall, he has a particular proclivity for pyrotechnics." Neville and Ginny glance back at Seamus.

"I can bring 'er down." Seamus said

"That's the spirit. Now off you go." Neville, Ginny, Seamus and the DA peel off.

"You realize, of course, that nothing we do will be able to keep out You-Know-Who indefinitely." Filtwick said

"That doesn't mean we can't hold him up." Sprout said

"That doesn't mean we can't hold him up. And his name is Voldemort, Filius. You might as well use it. He's going to try to kill you either way." With that, McGonagall wheels, raises her wand and points it in the direction of the Great Hall.

"Piertotum Locomotor!"

Instantly, all along the corridor statues and suits of armor come to life on their plinths.

As McGonagall and the others watch, the statues parade into view

"Hogwarts is threatened! Man the boundaries and protect us! Do your duty to our school! Minerva ordered. As the statues thunder past, heading toward the viaduct,

McGonagall watches with evident pleasure.

"I've always wanted to use that spell." McGongall said giddily. Several yards off, Flitwick holds his wand aloft, his face grimly determined. Momentarily a "disturbance" troubles the atmosphere -- this is powerful stuff -- McGonagall and other Staff members step forward to assist, wands raised high. Together, they conjure...

Protego Maxima...

Finato Duri...

Repello Inimicum...

A magical shield, which expands ever outward,blooming over the castle grounds, while far below the statues march the length of the viaduct and take their positions along the perimeter, still as sentinels.

Further on, small as ants from this vantage, Neville, Ginny, Seamus and half a dozen DA members approach the Wooden Bridge.

As we leave them behind, moving beyond the shield's reach, a massive, quivering shadow comes into view, drifting toward the castle: death eaters, their numbers staggering. We descend into their midst and a figure Emerges, stepping onto an outcropping, robes billowing, flanked by Bellatrix and Pius Thicknesse. We sweep around, find his face: Voldemort.

Controlled chaos as scores of students and Staff sweep over the staircase, preparing for battle. Harry moves quickly, followed by Y/n, Ron and Hermione. They speak withurgency.

"Harry, Y/n, Hermione and I have been thinking. It doesn't really matter if we find the Horcrux."

"Unless we can destroy it."

"So we were thinking –" Ron said

"You were thinking. It's Ron's idea. And it's brilliant." Hermione piped in

"You destroyed Tom Riddle's Diary with a Basilisk fang, right? Well, we know where we might find one, don't we?" Harry and Y/n look sat the two of them. Ponder this. Nods.

"Okay. But take this. That way you can find me when you get back." Harry hands Hermione the Marauder's Map.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked

"Ravenclaw Common Room. Got to start somewhere." Y/n said. Hermione nods, slips the Map in her beaded bag and she and Ron head off. Just before they turn the corner, Ron looks back, holds Harry's and Y/N's glance briefly... and then is gone. As Harry continues on, Luna steps into frame, watches him vanish in the crowd.

Harry and Y/n dash across the bridge.

"Y/n! Harry! Wait! I need to talk to you!" They glance back, slowing, but doesn't break stride.

"We're a bit preoccupied right now,Luna." Y/n said

"But you won't find anything where you're going. You're wasting your time." Harry frowns, mildly annoyed, doesn't glance back.

"We'll talk later, Luna." Harry said pulling Y/n

"Harry –"

"Later." Luna stops, watching him recede.

"HARRY POTTER! YOU LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW!" Harry stops, stunned Turns. Luna collects herself.

"Don't you remember what Cho said about Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem: 'There's not a person alive who's seen it.'" Harry stares dumbly back, shrugs, "So?"

"It's obvious, isn't it? We have to talk to someone who's dead." Y/n pelts toward Luna and hugs her " Awh, Luna I love you." .Harry stares at her oddly when suddenly he becomes aware of the disturbance in the air around them. He looks up, toward the shield above, then at the tiny figure of Flitwick, wand aloft, standing with McGonagall and Sprout.

"He's very impressive, isn't he?" Harry starts to respond when he winces, clutches his

scar, sees...

Voldemort, regarding the castle pityingly as the Hogwarts faithful take their positions.

"They never learn. Such a pity." Voldemort smiles, as if amused. His eyes gleam fiercely.

"Begin." Bellatrix raises her arm in signal and the sea of Death Eaters settle, poised and waiting. The air goes still...

"But, my Lord, shouldn't we wait –" Voldemort's eyes shift, killing the remainder of Thicknesse's sentence before it can escape his throat. Bellatrix's eyes narrow in contempt. Chilled, Thicknesse looks away. Then -- as if burying a knife deep in the heart of an enemy... Bellatrix drops her arm.

Explosions Sound. Harry blinks, looking upward as the sky blazes with light and smoking tendrils plummet towards the castle. BOOM! The bridge rolls under his feet but the shield holds... for now. As fire fills the sky again, Fred and George burst out of the castle, grinning madly.

"Nice night for it!" Harry turns to Luna.

"Okay, Luna. Who've you got in mind?" Y/n asked


The Grey Lady drifts eerily, staring at Harry and Y/n.

"You're the Grey Lady, the ghost of Ravenclaw Tower." Harry said

"I do not answer to that name." the ghost lady said

"We're sorry. It's Helena, isn't it? Helena Ravenclaw. Rowena's daughter. Luna told me." Y/n apologised

"Are you a friend of Luna's?" Helena asked

"Yes. She thought you might be able to help us." Harry said

"You seek my mother's diadem." The duo stop, stunned.

"Yes! That's right –" Harry nodded

"Luna is kind. Unlike so many of the others, but she was wrong. I cannot help you." She begins to drift away. Outside, explosions are heard. The room quakes. The couple looks desperate.

"Wait! Please!" Y/n pleaded

"Many have sought my mother's diadem. Its powers are legendary..." Helena said

"But I don't care about its powers! Honestly –" But she is drifting away. Harry watches in desperation.

"I don't seek it for myself! You have to believe me!" But she only drifts on. Helplessly, Harry watches her go....

"I want to destroy it." She stops. Turns. He sees this has hooked her in some way. But begins walking back toward her, nodding.

"That's what you want, isn't it, Helena? You want it destroyed." Y/n said

"She thought I took it to hurt her." The ghost said vaguely, "But I only wanted to be more like her, clever and wise. She wore it so beautifully, but on me... I grew to hate it... the pain I felt... the pain I feel even now! "

"We'll end your pain, Helena. Tell us where it is and I'll destroy it, I swear, on my mother's memory –"

"Another swore to destroy it, many years ago, a strange boy with a strange name..."

"Tom Riddle –" Y/n named the guy

"But he lied."

"He's lied to many people –" Suddenly, her eyes blaze with anger, her face contorting

horribly and Harry and Y/n can't help but take a step back.

"I know what he's done! I know who he is! He defiled it! With Dark Magic!" Harry stares at her, watching as her eyes drift and her face resolves itself again, vacant but beautiful.

"Yes. That's right. But I can undo that, Helena. I can destroy it once and for all. But only if you tell me where he hid it. You know where he hid it, don't you, Helena? You just have to tell me. Please." Harry stepped towards the lady, "Trust me." She looks at him, standing so close now, only inches apart, lost in his eyes for a moment.

"Strange... you remind me of him a bit..."


Harry stares at her, stung, suddenly looking a bit lost himself. Explosions sound again, faintly this time and for a moment it's as if he's forgotten why he's come here. Then, her voice brings him round:

"It's here. In the castle. In the place where everything is hidden..." Y/n probes her eyes, baffled.

"If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask..."

Slowly, Y/n expression changes. Then, she is pulls Harry back to her

"Thank you..." Y/N thanked Helena

Y/n and Harry careen down the staircase, buffeted by the chaos that surrounds them, swept forward by the tide of people screaming and shouting as they deploy to different parts of the castle. It's madness.

As Harry and Y/n pelt down the corridor, an explosion detonates and the windows running the length of the corridor explode -- one after another -- showering Harry and Y/n in glass. Then the wall itself falls away, rubble falling into the night and below. Harry never breaks stride.

As the billowing smoke thins, Malfoy appears, flanked by Blaise and Goyle. They follow.


Ron and Hermione, flying out of the bathroom, still soaking wet. Taking the Marauder's Map from the beaded purse, they look. It is swarming with dots.

"Bloody hell. We'll never find them on this." Ron cursed

"There they are." Hermione said

"What?" Ron questioned

As Hermione points to Harry's and Y/n's name amidst the ant colony on the parchment, Ron -- unbeknownst to her – regards her with naked appreciation.


"He vanished. Just now. I saw it." Hermione said confused

Ron glances at map. "He must've gone into the Room of Requirement. It doesn't show on the map, remember? You said so last year."

"That's right. I did." Hermione said amazed

"Let's go." As Ron dashes off, Hermione -- unbeknownst to him -- regards him with naked appreciation, then follows.


Ron and Hermione race through the shattered glass, the smoke thinner now. we track them to the end of the corridor and into another, where tapestries burn and portraits hang askew. Suddenly, Hermione grabs Ron's hand, gestures ahead, where Draco, Blaise and Goyle are slipping around a corner. Ron and Hermione follow.

Draco stops, turns to face the wall and closes his eyes. as the window behind explodes, filling the corridor with smoke, Goyle and Blaise jump, but Draco never flinches.

"Take my hand." Draco said, as they hesitate, "Now."

Ron and Hermione creep carefully to the end of their corridor, peer slowly round the corner swirling with smoke.

Harry continues on, almost running now, then winces, Y/n immediately covering his hand with hers faltering as he's struck by a spike of pain, his fingers tracing his scar as he resumes his pace, knowing he's getting closer, feeling it, his head humming with the Horcrux's sinister siren song, the sound growing louder and louder as he turns down yet another aisle and...Stops.

A vein throbs visibly at harry's temple. Hand trembling, he reaches out, pushes aside a stack of decaying spellbooks and finds a pair of eyes looking at him over the rim of a dusty canister. He pushes the canister aside and reveals a pockmarked stone bust of a warlock with glass eyes. Perched atop its head, dulled by time, is Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem. He reaches out...

"Well, well, what brings you here, Potter?" Y/n turned back at the familiar voice. Harry looks slowly over his shoulder. Draco – Blaise and Goyle at his side -- steps into view, his face bisected by light. He holds a wand on Harry.

"I could ask you the same." Y/n shot back at the blonde

"I virtually lived here last year. Remember?" Draco asked Harry ignoring his wife.

"I remember."

"You have something of mine. I'd like it back." Draco gestures to the wand sticking out of Harry's pocket.

"What's wrong with the one you have?" Y/n asked

Draco studies the wand, "It's my mother's apparently your mother-in-law's. It's very

powerful, but it's not the same. It doesn't... understand me." He then looked up "Know what I mean?"

Just then, over Draco's shoulder and several yards beyond, a shadow flickers Harry looks down, notices a drop of water fall from the pant cuff, cuts his eyes away. He reaches for the wand in his pocket.

"Easy."Harry looks up, sees Draco watching him closely. He studies Draco's face.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Y/n said out of the blue. Draco doesn't respond.

"Bellatrix. You knew it was us. But you didn't say anything." Blaise and Goyle, confused by this, regard Draco dimly from either side. Draco fidgets, his hand twitching on

the wand.

"Give me my wand." Draco ordered. Harry continues to study Draco's face.

"No. I don't think so..." With blithe disregard, Harry removes the wand in his own pocket, ponders it.

"Besides, its allegiance is to me now. If you want it, you'll have to win it back. Perhaps even kill me..." Y/n said. Harry looks up. Y/n and Draco lock eyes.

"C'mon, Draco. Don't be a prat. Just do 'im." Goyle said

Draco's hand twitches, his brow conflicted, then his eyes shift -- catch sight of Hermione, in silhouette, far beyond Harry's shoulder, her wand pointed... at him. he

blinks, as if she were a mirage... then... a ball of scarlet light bursts from her wand, briefly illuminating her face, and strikes his hand. As his wand flies free,

Goyle steps into the breach and fires back at Hermione.

"Avada Kedavra!" The spell caroms off the stone bust instead, sending the diadem spinning into the air.

Ron fires a flurry of spells at Goyle, but he manages to elude them all by crashing through the wall of junk. As it teeters, Ron pelts through the hole made by Goyle and gives chase. Ting! Harry looks up, sees the diadem bounce off the top of a birdcage, skitter along the top of the highest shelf and bounce... out of sight. Gone. Y/n turning back, finds Blaise taking aim at Harry.

"Expelliarmus!" she fired at him. Blaise's wand flies free and he scarpers. An instant

later, Hermione steps into view. A massive groan echoes and the walls of towering junk shudder. Harry looks up. Hermione looks up. Then at each other. The sky is falling.

One after another, the towering walls spill like dominos.

Y/n, Harry and Hermione run side by side as the world comes crashing down.

"Did you see where it went? The diadem!" Y/n asked in a hurry

"It's gone! We'll never –" Harry said out of breath. Ting! Ting! Ting! The diadem drops from the sky and hops, skips and jumps down the aisle in front of them.Y/n, Harry and Hermione exchange a glance and pelt after it. Harry nearly has it in grasp when a small avalanche of moldy books bars his path. Y/n leaps over the books, reaches out and... grabs it. Harry comes panting up.

"Well done. Let's find Ron and get out of here." Harry wheels, sees Ron running towards them chased by a river of scarlet flames.

"RUN! Goyle's set the bloody place on fire!" As one, the quartet dashes through the remaining aisles as the towers of junk turn to ash all around them. The flames draw closer, mutating into a pack of fiery beasts Basilisks, Serpents, Chimaeras, Dragons -- all nipping at their heels. No matter which way they turn, the flames follow them.

"Split up!" Harry shouted. Each goes a separate way, but it's no use. The fire simply divides, the serpent slithering after Harry, the basilisk after Y/n, the chimaera after Hermione, the dragon after Ron. Y/n glances up, sees Malfoy and Blaise scaling a mountain ofburning junk, doomed. He takes one turn after another until he comes to a clearing and nearly runs into... Ron and Hermione as they arrive from separate paths. They glance around frantically. No free path exists. The flames roar, racing toward them.

"Do we climb!" Hermione asked

"No, it'll just follow us!" Harry glances around once more and sees Half A Dozen Ancient Broomsticks.

"Here! Take one!" He tosses Y/n, Ron and Hermione broomsticks then takes one for

himself. As Y/n slips the diadem atop her head, the flames explode into the clearing, engulfing them as they soar free, just barely eluding the snap of the dragon's fiery jaws. As they race away, a horrible scream pierces the clamor and they all look below, see the flames devour Goyle.

"Serves him right." Ron said

"C'mon! This way!"

"Wait! What about Malfoy and Blaise!" Y/n shouted thinking about her husband and his friend

"She's joking, right?" Ron whispered to Hermione

Then Harry sees them, perched atop a fragile, crumbling tower. Harry whips his broom around right behind Y/n and jets forth. Ron shakes his head, then jets after, "IF WE DIE FOR THEM, I'LL KILL YOU,Y/N! HARRY!" the redhead bellowed

Y/n sweeps down, grips Draco's hand while Harry and Ron takes Blaise's. The instant Draco's foot leaves the mountain of junk, it collapses into a great billowing cloud of

ash, mushrooming upward and blinding Y/n, Harry and Ron. Unable to get their bearings, they swerve dangerously, squinting and choking when a giant beam of light shimmers in the distance, like a beacon. It's Hermione, hovering on her broom, wand raised.

"Brilliant." Harry turns, catches Ron marveling Hermione. Ron turns, sees Harry looking at him. Then, as one, they fly pell-mell toward Hermione's beacon. As they draw close the light burns so bright all goes white and they burst through the wall, tumbling into the corridor. Malfoy lands face down. As Y/n rolls over, the diadem SPINS MADLY on the ground. Harry snatches it quickly, as if it might run away and Hermione tosses him the basilisk fang. He stares down at the smoking diadem and briefly pauses, reading the words etched there: Wit Beyond Measure Is Man's Greatest Treasure. Then, without hesitation, he drives the fang into the blackened crown and...

Voldemort freezes, bellowing in pain as his eyes burn red and he glares toward the castle in the distance, where harry grimaces in agony and roars with pain, the veins at his temple throbbing, his knuckles burning white

As he grips the basilisk fang. Fissures surface in his fingernails and Voldemort's pale hand grips the elder wand so fiercely hairline cracks craze the wand's veneer. Voldemort's stricken face wheels toward the black sky above, eyes scanning the dull stars with despair as he releases a mournful shriek and the fang crumbles in Harry's fist and harry, staring toward the ceiling, gasps desperately, purging himself of the pain. He looks down, regarding the diadem with a kind of mournful horror, then Ron kicks it back into the room of requirement, where it explodes in a vortex of flames and the room re-seals itself as voldemort's eyes glitter with madness, his gaze lost, adrift in the dark constellations above. When he speaks, finally, his voice is hoarse, oddly tender:

"Nagini. Come." Voldemort begins to slip away, blasting anyone who stands

in his way. Pius Thicknesse comes into view. His eyes widen. Voldemort raises his wand and, with callous disregard, executes him as well. As those ahead part for him and Nagini, we return to...

Draco, staring fearfully at Harry. Blaise scrambles up and off.

Draco lingers briefly, then finally rises and follows, but as he reaches the end of the corridor, he looks back.He begins to say something, then continues on. Y/n doesn't let him go but she instantly pulls him into a hug not caring if he just tried to kill them. Draco hugs back as tightly not caring about the war. Y/n slowly pulls back, hands on both of his cheeks caressing them, Draco looked at her. His gaze flickers between her eyes and lips. Y/n didn't even waste a second she instantly pulled him into a kiss. Their lips moving in perfect sync, they both never wanted the moment to end. Draco slowly started to pull away from her. He then whispered something inaudible to the girl in front of him.

"I love you..." with that he ran off

"You're bloody well welcome!" Ron shouted after him, "Prat." He then muttered

Ron looks back, to Hermione, and follows her gaze to Harry, who stares into the distance, his face still bearing traces of the agony he's just endured. Y/n immediately rushed to the raven haired boy's side

"Ron, you once asked me if I thought he felt it -- Voldemort -- when we destroy a Horcrux, when we destroy a piece of his soul." Y/n, Ron and Hermione wait.

"He does." Harry looks up then, meets their eyes:

"It's the snake. She's the last one. The last Horcrux."

"Where will he take her?" Y/n asked

"Someplace safe." Hermione answered

"No. He'll keep her close." As Harry wipes his brow, grazing his scar, trying to dispel the pain he feels -- Ron studies him intently.

"Look inside him, Harry." Ron said. Hermione turns, looks at Ron. Then Y/n does as well.

"Find out where he is. If we find him, we find the snake. Then we're one step closer to ending this." Y/n studies Harry and Ron as they stare silently at one another. Finally, Harry closes his eyes.

For a moment: nothing. Then: his eyelids dance with movement, his scar spasms. He winces.

Finds himself soaring over dark fields, past unspeakable devastation. The Quidditch Pitch rolls into view, ablaze...

A cloaked figure, Voldemort sweeps eerily forward, Nagini slithering at his feet. Lucius Malfoy looks up...

The walls shimmer oddly, reflecting the water's surface. Here, the assault on Hogwarts is muted, distant. A haggard Lucius Malfoy nervously eyes Nagini while Voldemort paces with a strange energy, glancing at the wand in his fingers -- the Elder Wand -- then to the lake itself, where a reflected Hogwarts burns in a beautiful blur. Suddenly, his eyes shift to Lucius.

"Stop looking at her. She smells your fear. It agitates her. Be grateful she's just eaten." Lucius glances nervously to the weathered floor, to the blood smeared there. He closes his eyes to blot out the image when an explosion detonates in the distance. He jumps.

"Forgive me, my Lord, but wouldn't it be more prudent to call off this battle and seek the boy yourself?" Lucius said politely

"I do not need to seek the boy! Before the night is out, he will come to me! Do you understand!"

"Of c-course, my Lord." Lucius stuttered

Lucius trembles, staring into Voldemort's scarlet eyes. Voldemort steps forward, voice more measured.

"How do you live with yourself, Lucius?" Voldemort said eyeing him with disgust, " Go. Find Severus. Tell him I need to see him immediately. Lucius rises quickly, exits. Voldemort fixes his eyes on the wand once again. The snake hisses.

Harry twitches. His eyes flutter open. The sounds of battle no longer distant. Y/n, Hermione and Ron wait expectantly. Harry nods.

"I know where he is."

The battle rages on. Hogwarts in flames. In the courtyard, where students and staff trade spells with Death Eaters, among them Padma Patil; Neville and Seamus;

Sprout, and Kingsley. From an upper balcony, Professor Trelawney raises her wand, draws a bead on a Death Eater and with a forceful flick, sends him flying through the air. Seamus regards her with amazement.

"There's more to me than incense and tea leaves, Mr. Finnegan." She said. Dean trades spells with a Death Eater, while Luna stuns a quartet of Death Eaters -- one-two-three -- and watches the fourth fall before she can fire. She turns, sees Neville standing behind her, wand smoking.

"Thanks." She thanked the boy

"Don't mention it." He excused

As the quartet pelts through the madness, Hermione gasps, catching sight of LAVENDER BROWN as she falls to the ground. Hermione's eyes shift, spy Fenrir Greyback, lips still glistening with Lavender's blood, staring at her. He smiles, starts forward...


Y/n's wand flashes. a deafening blast. Greyback takes it straight to the chest, pitches up into the air and drops. Unmoving.

The quartet races away from the burning castle. In the distance part of the dark forest burns, trees shedding sparks into the sky like scarlet feathers. Shadows do

Battle in the distant dark. Screams shatter the night. A thunderous shock wave as a monstrous giant lurches into view, swinging one of the Quidditch goals, the golden ring dripping blood. Seeing the trio, it whips the ring down, strafing them with threads of blood, but missing them, narrowly, scooping out a massive chunk of earth instead. It groans in anger, lumbers stupidly off. The Quartet races on.

The trio race down the steps toward the Boat House. Y/n, Harry, Ron and Hermione pick their way forward, moving quietly through the eerie light, then stopping within the

safety of the shadows. They watch Voldemort steps into view and extends the wand. In the mercurial light, it looks like a living thing.

"Why doesn't it work for me?" Voldemort said frustrated

"You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord. In the last few hours alone –" Snape started explaining

"No! I am extraordinary! But the wand resists me!"

Snape studies Voldemort in the half-light, then his eyes shift to Nagini, who skims slowly over the wooden floor, circling the two wizards.

"There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander himself said it. Tonight, when the boy comes to you, it will not fail you, I am sure. It answers to you and you only." Snape said

"Does it?" Voldemort holds the wand to the wavering light again, his eyes on Snape.

"My Lord?" Snape aksed

"The wand. Does it truly answer to me?" Snape says nothing. For a moment, he and Voldemort stand perfectly still, two faces in the darkness, the only sound the lapping of the lake. Harry studies Snape's face -- calm, composed -- then notes the hand concealed behind his back, twitching with tension.

"You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know." Snape remains silent. His gaze shifts to Nagini, still skimming slowly over the floor.

"Where, Severus? Where does its loyalty lie?" Snape looks away from Nagini, sees Voldemort staring at him.

"With you, of course, my Lord." Voldemort stares long at Snape, then, finally speaks:

"The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly, Severus, because I am not its true master.The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. Ollivander was quite explicit about that. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot be truly mine." Snape stares at Voldemort, then his eyes shift to Nagini,

still circling.

"My Lord –"

"You have been a good and faithful servant, Severus." Voldemort raises the wand, points it at Snape's throat.

"But only I can live forever..." Voldemort sweeps his arm away, turning the wand on


"Kill." Snape's eyes shift... meet the snake's. The snake strikes. Harry's scream is swallowed by Snape's own. Voldemort runs a finger along the wand, eyeing it with

wonder, transfixed, then turns away.

"Nagini! Come! He sweeps from the room, toward the lake's quivering darkness, the giant snake slithering after.

Y/n rushes forward, into the strange, wavering light, then stops in horror, watching Snape's blood run like syrup over the weathered boards toward him. Ron bumps

past, heading in the direction Voldemort took. Hermione pauses by Harry.

Harry kneels by Snape. He lays his fingers upon the bloody wound at his neck, but it's no use. Snape's eyes shift and, briefly, look deep into Harry's. And then he begins to...


"Take them..." Harry looks confused, hesitant.

"Take them!" Snape's face shudders softly and his tears transform, from clear water to SILVERY BLUE. Harry reacts to the color. He's seen it before... Suddenly Snape grabs his collar, pulls him close.

"Please." Snape holds Harry captive briefly, then drops back to the floor. Harry blinks, shaken.

"Give me something! Quickly! A flask! Anything." Instantly, Y/n conjures a flask from thin air. Hands trembling, Harry presses it to Snape's ashen cheek, letting the fluid flow within.

"They are the same..." Harry searches Snape's face, trying to decipher his words. Snape stares at Harry in wonder, lost in his eyes, then his pupils dilate, his voice trailing off.

"You have your mother's eyes..." Snape's face goes slack. Harry shivers. Ron reappears.

"He's gone. The snake too."

Just then the sound of thunder, like a gathering storm, engulfs them. The joists of the shack groan, as if in agony. The entire room begins to tremble. Ron yanks a board from the window and the trio peers out. As in the Enchanted Ceiling before, a face appears in the dark clouds above. And then Voldemort's voice echoes:

"You have fought valiantly... but

in vain. I do not wish this.

Every drop of magical blood

spilled is a terrible waste.

I therefore command my forces to

retreat. In their absence,

dispose of your dead with dignity.

Treat your injured.

Harry Potter, I speak now directly

to you. On this night you have

allowed your friends to die for

you rather than face me yourself.

There is no greater dishonor.

Join me in the Forbidden Forest

and confront your fate. Should

you do so I give my word that no

other life will be lost on this

night. You have one hour. If, at

the end of that time, you have not

given yourself up, then I shall

punish every last man, woman and

child who tries to conceal you

from me."

The joist trembles one last time, then the ambient sounds of the night return. The clouds separate, become just clouds. Ron yells:

"Never! Do you hear me! NEVER!"

Hermione places her hand on the nape of his neck, glances at Harry. He gazes down at Snape's still body one last time, then at the flask in his hand.

SMOKE drifts from the battered castle. Deserted. The flagstone stained with blood, strewn with broken wands. The trio stands looking.

"Where is everyone?" Hermione asked

 Ron walks ahead, toward the Great Hall. Puts his hands to the doors... pushes them open.

Triage. The House tables have been pushed to the walls. The injured stand in groups, arms slung over one another, waiting to be treated by Madam Pomfrey. Filch's arm

gushes blood. Flitwick's face is laced with gashes. Harry stands in the doorway, taking it all in, as if some invisible force prevents him from going further, his face a mask as he views the dead laid out in the middle of the Hall, among them Remus and Tonks, their blood-stained fingers clumsily intertwined. Y/n rushes towards the bodies of the couple, she immediately drops to the ground, sobs racking through her body as she lays her head against Tonks chest. A heartbreaking SOB draws his gaze to George, who kneels over a familiar body,Fred Weasley, tears dripping from his eyes. Beside Harry, he hears a gasp-- Hermione -- but he doesn't turn, his eyes instead lost on Ginny, puffy-eyed and pale, standing alongside a distraught Arthur and Molly. Ron comes into view then, having left Harry in the entryway to join his family. As he drapes his arm over George, drawing his brother into a limp embrace, the lifeless body comes, Fred.

Hermione glances back at Y/n briefly before joining the Weasleys. Seeing her, Ginny begins to cry, burying her face in Hermione's shoulder. Gently, slowly, Hermione strokes Ginny's copper hair, over and over, murmuring something softly.

For a moment, Harry stands, hung in the doorway, then the Great Hall seems to fly away from him, to grow smaller, to shrink as he reels backward, stumbling away...

Professor McGonagall rushes to Y/n's side as she sees the divested girl. Y/n stands up and hugs her teacher crying into her shoulder . McGonagall rubbing her back soothingly. Y/n then turns to the Weasleys, she slowly starts walking towards them. She sees the dead body of Fred, she couldn't help but break down again. First she lost James, then she lost Cedric, now she lost Remus, Tonks and Fred. George wrapped his arms around the younger girl. Y/n felt like she was losing everything close to her.

The castle is eerily quiet as Harry walks, the portraits, he passes empty. As he reaches the end of the corridor, he turns and stops. In the shadows of an alcove,Hermione murmurs to Ron, their faces close. For a long moment, Harry simply watches them. Then, as if sensing his presence, Y/n turns. Instantly, she runs to him. Ron and Hermione follow.

"Where've you been?" Y/n asked

"We thought you'd gone to the forest, we thought you might be –" Ron said

"I'm going there now." Harry said

"Are you mad! No!" Y/n shouted at him

"It's... meant to be."

"Rubbish! You can't just give yourself up to him –" Ron started to scold him. Hermione squeezes Ron's arm, silencing him.

"What is it, Harry? What is it you know?" Ron studies her face, then looks back to Harry.

"There's a reason I can... hear them -- the Horcruxes." Hermione begins to shake her head, not wanting to believe. Harry simply nods, touches the center of his chest.

"I think I've known for awhile.I think you've known too." Y/n stands still, miserable. She couldn't bear to lose anyone now

"I'll go with you. I'll –" She falters hopelessly as a single tear traces her cheek. Harry reaches out, wipes it away. Y/n embrace the boy in front of her tightly not wanting to let go. He looked into Y/n's eyes, he slowly leans in kissing her lips leaving Y/n in utter shock

"Kill the snake. Kill the snake and then it's just him. Then it will be over." He gently pried Y/n's hands off of him. He turns then, leaving them. Y/n, Ron and Hermione stand silently, watching every step he takes until he reaches the end... and is gone.

Well finally done! we are almost toward the end of the book. Maybe 4-5 chapters. Hope you enjoy!


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