Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, the Welsh Green and Hogsmeade

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Ron appears first, trailed Y/n then by Harry and Hermione, and finds Bogrod standing placidly by himself. As Harry and Hermione hang back, Ron and Y/n moves forward slowly, squinting. Something massive shifts heavily. Chains clink. He looks: a giant dragon tethered to the ground, bars access to a deep vault. Its scales are pale and flaky, its eyes milky.

"Bloody hell.- " Ron cursed

"That's a Welsh Green." Y/n continued

"It looks like it's been down here forever." Hermione piped in.

hinges squeal sharply and they jump, watch take something from a wooden box on the wall. An odd-looking metal instrument. As he steps into the light, he tosses it to Hermione. She glances from it to Griphook, sees him eyeing her with a strange intensity.

"Go on." She looks unsure. Then gives it a shake. a shrill ringing echoes off the rocky passage, eerie and unpleasant. The dragon rears back instantly, howling in fear, then, as the ringing subsides, settles. Ron nods knowingly.

"It's been trained to expect pain when it hears the noise." Hermione's eyes flash to Ron, then to the scars on the dragon's face and neck.

"That's barbaric. I..." She hands the instrument back, horrified. Griphook takes

it, unmoved.

"We'll only have a few seconds. In other words... they'll be no do-overs. Understood?"The quartet eye the dragon, nod.

"Ready, Bogrod?" Griphook asked Bogrod

"Hm? Oh. Yes. Of course." Bogrod holds up his hand, waggles it. Griphook nods,

eyes the dragon. Its eyes glimmer angrily. Griphook raises the instrument... and shakes it. The cacophony is murderous. Y/n, Harry, Ron and Hermione grimace. The dragon roars hoarsely, then slowly retreats. Bogrod strides forth, blissfully ignoring the dragon's bobbing head and presses his hand to the vault's door. It melts.

All rush inside. In the ensuing silence, the dragon spits fire... just as the vault re-seals itself and all goes DARK.

"Lumos!" A quartet of wandtips bloom, illuminate a huge vault swimming in glittering treasure and eerie artifacts.

"Blimey..." Ron muttered

"Look." Y/n crosses to what appears to be the Sword of Gryffindor.

"No wonder Bellatrix thought it was real." Hermione added. Harry pays no attention, having drifted away from the others, playing his wandlight over the glittering walls.

The others notice and go silent, watching. Griphook eyes Harry with particular curiosity. Finally, Ron speaks.

"Is it here, Harry? Can you feel anything?" Harry doesn't respond, his wandlight continuing to travel over the small treasures above. Gradually, a Hum rises in his ears and he closes his eyes. As Hermione watches, transfixed, her arm dangles nary a quarter inch from the lip of a silver bowl perched on the edge of the table beside her.

The hum in Harry's ears grows louder and his wand hand begins to twitch. The beam of light trembles over the objects nestled nearest the ceiling, then settles on an ancient cup, bearing the Hufflepuff crest. Harry's scar contracts. He opens his eyes...the skin of Hermione's wrist brushes the lip of the bowl... Harry stares at the ancient cup above, glimmering dully in the light of his wand when ,Hermione yelps. As the others turn, they see her retract.Her hand, as if stung, sending the silver bowl tumbling to the floor. She holds up her wrist -- displays a red welt.

"It's hot!" All eyes turn to the bowl, wobbling madly on the floor, when... it splits apart and begins to multiply.

"They've added Gemino and Flagrante Curses! Everything you touch will burn and multiply!" Y/n said. The multiplying bowls skitter across the floor and flip into the air. As one caroms off Ron's shoe, it bursts into twenty more.

"Ron, your foot! It's smoking." Y/n bellowed. As Ron stamps the ground, harry pivots,

Tipping a towering stack of galleons to the floor where they multiply like cockroaches. Instantly, the room is a riot of multiplying white-hot metal.

"We'll be crushed! Hurry!" Griphook bellowed

Harry points his wand once again at the small cup near the ceiling.

"That's it. Up there."

"How're we going to reach it?" Y/n asked

"Give me the sword! The real one." Hermione reaches into her beaded bag, tosses it to Harry, who catches it by the hilt. Griphook's eyes glitter greedily at the sight of it. Instantly, Harry begins to scale the multiplying mountain of objects, climbing towards the cup. As the sizzling surface shifts beneath his feet he moves upward, beads of sweat trailing over his forehead. Suddenly, halfway up, he slips and instinctively to keep from falling, he reaches out and plants the flesh of his palm against the shifting slope.

instantly, objects explode forth, multiplying crazily and cascading down onto Y/n, Ron, Hermione and Griphook in a small avalanche.

"Keep going!" Ron encouraged. Harry climbs faster -- the sound deafening, objects

clanging off one another -- until, finally, he stops just shy of the ceiling. Reaching out, he extends his arm further, then further still -- and slips the sword's tip through the cup's handle. As it shimmies down the blade, a scream rises. Harry looks down, sees a terrified Bogrod pinned against the door, watching as Griphook sinks beneath the rising tide. Ron dashes forward, grabs Griphook's fingers as he's about to go under and yanks the blistered Goblin free.

"Harry! Behind you!" Y/n shouted. Harry turns and sees the swelling mountain has reached the ceiling and -- with nowhere else to go -- is about to

spill itself down upon him. Turning back. Harry leaps.He plummets, feet first, soaring through the air, then crashes down on the swelling treasure. The sword – and cup -- fly free.

"The cup!" Ron shouted. Harry dives into the scalding treasure, hand outstretched, and catches it. Instantly, dozens of Hufflepuff Cups burst from his fist, but he holds tight

to the original, grimacing in pain.

"In here!" Hermione holds her beaded bag before Harry and he jams it inside. As they turn for the door, they stop. Griphook holds the sword, the real sword, in his hands, turning the blade in the light.

"We have a deal, Griphook." Y/n said. Griphook looks up. A kind of madness burns in his eyes.

"I said I'd get you in. I never said anything about getting you out."

Pivoting swiftly, he slams Bogrod's hand to the door and as it melts, Y/n, Harry, Ron and Hermione ride an avalanche of silver and gold into the outer chamber.

As the trio find their feet, the dragon roars and spits fire, illuminating the tunnel. Shadows approach, stretching over the tunnel walls: Gringotts goblins and guards.

"Griphook! Griphook!" Harry shouted. But Griphook merely looks back, grins madly and, sword in hand, rushes to join the approaching throng.

"Thieves! Help! Thieves!"

"That little bitch." Y/n cursed so does Ron, "Foul little git. Least we've got Bogrod."

The dragon spits again, reducing Bogrod to dust.

"That's unfortunate."


"We can't just stand here! Who's got an idea?" Hermione asked

"I've got something. But it's mad." Y/n said. Hermione, Harry and Ron eye the approaching throng, turn back to Y/n with looks of mild panic. Steeling herself, she

raises her wand.

"Relashio!" The iron cuffs on the dragon snap free.

"That's your idea?" Hermione asked

"Come on!" Harry fires stunning spells toward the goblins as he pelts toward the dragon and flings himself onto its neck helping Y/n up. Hermione and Ron jump up behind. The dragon doesn't move.

"It doesn't realize it's free!" Y/n said trying out different spells "Leviosa! Aviatus! Ex Cappa!"

Nothing. Ron and Harry glance at each other and then -- as if reading each other's mind raise their wands high and, as one, jab the dragon with the tip of their wands. it roars, rears, and soars into the air. as it caroms off the sides of the tunnel and scrapes the ceiling, the quartet duck, watching the goblins scatter like skittles and

dust and debris rain down. harry looks back, sees the dragon's spiked tail thrashing, the tunnel caving.

A low rumble is heard, growing louder, then a massive dust cloud billows forth and... ...the dragon bursts into view. It soars by, wings flapping, eyes blind, gulping fresh air.

The Hall trembles, fissures appear and the dragon erupts through the floor. Pillars spill, goblins dive for cover.

The grand facade of Gringotts disintegrates as the dragon penetrates, wheels upward and beats toward the sky. The dragon soars over London, shedding scales and debris

as the dust-ridden quartet hunker low, the cool breeze bathing their blistered skin. Ron bellows in delight:

"That was brilliant! BRILLIANT!" Ron looks down, realizes he's on a dragon, several

hundred feet in the air. Goes a bit green.

"Bloody hell."

Dust still hangs in the air. Those Goblins that survived straggle over the rubble -- and the occasional dead colleague -- toward the exits. Among them, a familiar figure emerges Griphook. Clutching the sword of Gryffindor, he bumps past his dazed brethren, taking an agitated glance over his shoulder as he hurries on before turning back round and coming to a dead halt before a Death Eater, who raises his wand and points it directly between Griphook's eyes.


The sun has dropped. Below, the dragon's giant shadow passes over patches of brown and green.

The quartet shiver as they cling to the dragon. Harry slides a few inches. He peers up, past the beast's head.

"We're dropping! The dragon circles, lower and lower. A lake shimmers.

"I say we jump!" Ron said

"When?" Hermione asked

"NOW!" Y/n shouted

They drop like stones into the water.

"Well, that was bloody brilliant!" Y/n said laughing as she dropped in water.

At the Malfoy Manor, Voldemort, in a rage, wand slashing the air, as he murders goblins and guards, their bodies falling as...

Harry's body twists, feet kicking for the surface

Nagini slithers through the falling bodies, smearing the tiled floor with red as the aged goblin coughs blood

Harry bobs to the surface, coughing up water. As his face streams...


Blood runs into the eyes of the guard who had stalked Ron at Gringotts. Lucius, Narcissa and Draco survey the carnage in stunned silence, while Bellatrix – lips parted, eyes narrowed -- watches a widening pool of blood encircle his boot. Voldemort, elder wand clutched in his bony hand, speaks in Parseltongue to Nagini

"The boy has discovered our secret, Nagini. We must find out just how much he knows. We must return to our hiding places and see if the others are safe."

A rapid succession of images flash: Dumbledore's desk drawer sliding open, revealing tom riddle's diary and a ring with a black stone; the underground lake; an old woman (Hephzibah smith) in a parlor, her teeth black with age, opening a box to reveal Helga Hufflepuffs cup; Hogwarts castle; the face of a beautiful, sad-eyed woman (Helena Ravenclaw) standing with her equally-beautiful mother (Rowena Ravenclaw); the Lestrange's vault at Gringotts; a tarnished tiara, a filigreed Ravenclaw eagle among the crown's detail; harry himself, staring straight eyes dark, the surface of his skin trembling like water; Nagini, fangs flashing...

"And you, my friend, must stay close..." As the great snake wends its way around Voldemort's feet, see a bloody hand gripping the Sword of Gryffindor. It is Griphook, eyes blank, body still. As we watch, the sword slowly.

Harry, face ashen, shivers as he watches the dragon, fifty feet up, swoop down, slurp some water and fly on.

Seconds later, Y/N, Ron and Hermione break the surface.

The quartet crashes through the water to the shore.

"He knows." Harry said. Y/n's smile falters, her eyes widen in realization.Ron and Hermione, both dripping wet, eye Harry. His chest heaves from the swim to shore.

"You-Know-Who. He knows we broke into Gringotts. He knows what we took. He knows we're hunting Horcruxes." Harry said out of breath

"How is it you –" Hermione started

"I saw him." Harry cut the girl off

"You let him in! Harry, you can't –" Y/n now started to lecture him

"I can't always help it, Y/N!" Harry exclaimed, then he frowned, "Maybe I can. I don't know."

"Never mind! What did you see?" Ron asked

"He's angry. But he's scared too. He's going to make sure the other Horcruxes are safe."

"What happens when he finds out four are gone?" Y/n asked

"I reckon he'll do anything to stop us from finding the rest. There's more: one of them's at Hogwarts.

"What?" his three friends shout together

"You saw it?" Hermione asked

"I saw the castle. And Rowena Ravenclaw. I think it must have something to do with her. We have to go there, now."

"Tonight? But we have to plan. We have to figure out what –" Hermione said

"Honestly, Hermione, when have any of our plans actually worked? We plan, we get there and all hell breaks loose." Harry said annoyed

"'Fraid he's right. One problem: Snape's Headmaster now. We can't just walk in the front door." Ron said

"We'll go to Hogsmeade. To Honeydukes. Take the secret passage in the cellar. The one Harry snuck through in third year" Y/n said. Harry looks off then, over the lake, in the direction the dragon flew off.

"There's something wrong with him.In the past, I could always follow his thoughts. Now everything feels disconnected." Harry said

"Maybe it's because of the Horcruxes. Maybe he's growing weaker. Maybe he's dying." Ron suggested

"No. It's more like he's wounded. If anything, he feels more dangerous." Harry continued


An eerie calm. posters of harry -- "UNDESIRABLE NUMBER ONE" -- droop from every light post. SHOPS, shuttered at this hour, sit silently, shrouded in a thick fog. Only the three broomsticks evidences life, where yellow light and course laughter drift from greasy windows. Just beyond lies Honeydukes. Suddenly, there is a disturbance in the mist and the quartet apparate into view. They glance around about when...

A scream rents the air. Inhuman. Shrill. The laughter dies inside the three broomsticks, a mob of shadows fills the windows. Instantly, the quartet pelt for Honeydukes.

As the trio close in on Honeydukes, Death Eaters spill from the Broomsticks.

"There! Right there!" one of the death-eater shout. The quartet turn on their heels and vanish into the mist.

Harry leads the way, the quartet running wicked fast through the twisting streets, glancing down alleyways for signs of pursuers, the mist both friend and foe. Suddenly, a dark figure appears on the roof above. He whistles.

"I've got them! Down here!!"

Harry,Y/n, Ron and Hermione race down a side street and stumble into an alcove, lungs burning

"They were ready for us." Y/n whispered. suddenly beams of light fracture the mist.

"We know you're here, Potter. There's no getting away." A death eater said

Harry slips the MIRROR from his pocket and ANGLES it. His own face slides briefly over the surface, then the end of the alley comes into view. a death eater stands there, wand glowing in the mist.

"Perhaps you need some convincing."

"What's he mean by that?" Ron asked

Hermione and Y/n gasp, eyes looking upward. Ron and Harry follow their gaze.

Just above the rooftops, barely distinguishable from the night, Dementors drift like smoke. As Harry draws his wand, Y/n's hand covers his.

"No, you'll give us away." The (H/C) haired girl whispered.

The night grows darker, the streetlights dim. Thequartet's breath drifts visibly in the gathering chill. As the Dementors descend, the quartet grimace, beset by bleak thoughts. A tear escapes Y/n's eye, trails down her cheek. Finally, Harry can take it no more.

"Expecto Patronum!" A silver stag bursts from his wand and charges down the

street, scattering the Dementors before vanishing around the other side of the Hog's Head Inn.

"It's him! He's down there!" the Death-eater shouts

Footsteps clatter on the cobblestones. Y/N, Harry, Ron and Hermione glance desperately about when -- suddenly -- bolts grind, hinges squall and a door opens. a cat slithers out and a man appears in silhouette,

the profile familiar...

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