11. Who is at fault???

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Thank you all my lovely Abhigyans, my lovely supporters, my followers n my buddies for liking and supporting me in this story....

So, without further delay let's move to chapter 11...

Pragya is roaring in anger like an attacking bull... She shrugges Bulbul's hands and yells on to the top of her lungs...

Pragya: Leave me right now... Why the hell are you dragging me like this bulbul???

Bulbul: Stop it di.... Why are you behaving like this??? What happened to you??? I've never seen you so rude and angry like this....

Pragya: Bulbul... That monkey is only at fault... Whenever we meet, he is messing up with me and turning me to behave very badly... Go and scold him....

Bulbul: Di... Are you speaking about Abhi Bhai??? Did you know him earlier???

Pragya: Yeah that disgusting monkey only... I know him from childhood itself... He is my biggest enemy....

Bulbul: whaaaattttt?????
Di, you have never told me this before....

Pragya (irritated): There's nothing so high about him to inform you... He is a stupid and always trying to fight with me..

And you know what.. That monkey will always gets slap from me and I've even bite him many a times and he has even that scars too... But that stupid guy is hell adamant to annoy me.... Have to kill him for doing like this....

Bulbul (gasps); Diiii... I could not believe my ears... But I think you are mistaking him... I can see truth in his eyes amf care in his voice... He is really worried for the mistake that has happened...

Pragya: Bulbul... I know what he will do??? Just don't talk in favour of him and irritate me.... I know what to do now... Come let's move ...

Pragya walks ahead and Bulbul follows her....


Bulbul's pov.: I could not believe the sudden turn of events.... This is a complete different day... I've got many prizes and di get only 2 prizes...

The most unexpected thing that happened is I met Purab and he is very sweet person..... He is so helpful to me and I don't know why I'm stammering this much with his closeness....

Moreover, I saw a new version of my pragya di today... The way she behaves with Abhi jiju is not at all believable....

Such a shocking this na... Yes I called him as Abhi jiju and I'm 100% sure that he will become my jiju.... I can see some spark in both their eyes....

They both are great actors... They are just pretending that they hate each other.... But I can very well see the reality in their eyes.... Let some miracle happen to bring their truths out. .."

Bulbul's thoughts were broken when they reached home...


The next day....

Abhi barges angrily inside the college... He wants to know who has created the mess and mistake... He is not going to leave the person who has done this...

That night itself abhi enquired purab and he too told that he is not fault and even he is not aware of that...

He called sid many times but his phone is completely switched off... Abhi wants to confirm if sid has done this or not... He spotted sid in canteen and rushes....

Sid is completely in his dream land... He is looking deeply into something and smiling brightly....

Sid looks on aaliya's face and looks here and there... As there is no one, he slowly took the photo in his hand and about to kiss it...

But.... In a jerk, the photo falls down...

Sid (shouts): what the hell???

He controls his anger seeing abhi there...

Abhi: wah... Wah... You started to shout on me too....

Abhi picks the photo and smiles...

Abhi: Oh... This is what you are doing???. Jiju be a man and go and kiss my di in real and make her yours..

Sid (sighs): hmm... Im trying a lot... But your di is not ready to hear me...
Leave that...

Tell me why you are tensed???

Abhi: Jiju... Sorry to ask you... I want to sort out everything... Did you do anything that Pragya didn't get any prizes???

Sid: Abhiiiiiii.... (Yells) What are you saying man??? Why will I do like that???

I'm not bad to do such kind of worst things... Even I too was wondering how that happened...

I really feel bad for Pragya, but she is mistaking you... I've scolded her for talking bad about you...

Abhi: It's her habit to always misunderstand me... Leave it Jiju... But we have to find the culprit...

Their talks were interrupted when they hear two voices...

Voice 1: you know no one can mess with me??? That girl thinks herself as a queen... Iv completely spoiled her happiness..

Voice 2: what did you do???

Voice 1: 😁😁😁😁 I liked a girl so much... I hold her hands and about to kiss her... But no where from there, that idiotic girl came and spoiled my happiness...

She shouts on me and made me get punished and everyone laughed at me...

Voice 2: oh... What did you do???

Voice 1: simple... Im the one who is responsible to type and print the winners list... I cleared her name in everything...

Just for name sake, iv put her names in two categories that too for third prizes... She is the one to be crowned as she got first prize in all competitions... But i made her to suffer....😁😁😁😁

But his laughter turns to cry when a thunderous slap strike his face...

Abhi: you idiot... How dare you to do this??? Dont you know your responsibility... You are at fault and you made that girl to suffer. .

Get ready to face your hell...

Voice 1: abhi... Im so sorry ..

Abhi: shut your bloody mouth and move... I will punish you for sure...


Bulbul runs happily in her college corridor and she halts on seeing pragya...

Bulbul: Di... Di... Im... So... So.... Ha... Happy...

Pragya: what happened bulbul???

Bulbul: Di... Iv got a happy news for you...

Pragya: what's it???

Bulbul: you got all your prizes back... Someone has done it intentionally...

Pragya: I told you na... Its abhi's fault...

Bulbul: stop it di... He is not at fault... He is the one who is responsible to get all your prizes and for punishing the culprit behind this act...

He even came in person and apologized to our principal for the mistake happened...

Pragya: oh... I know he is a good actor...

Bulbul: di... Why are you not believing him?? He is even waiting to see you...
Now go to principal's room immediately...

Pragya's heart says abhi is good and not at fault.... But her mind argues with her....

She moves to principal's room...

Principal: Pragya... Here are your prizes.... Tommorrow we will keep a small function and we will give away the prizes to you...

(Turns) Thanks mr. Abhi...

Pragya... If Abhi is not there, you could not have got the prizes .. Thank him Pragya for the good thing he has done to you...

Pragya gasps and reluctantly says thanks to abhi... Abhi with smirky smile winks on pragya... He leaves from there...

Pragya too comes out and suddenly she bumps on abhi...

Unknowingly, pragya's lips touches Abhi's cheeks and Abhi is shocked to the core...

Pragya horrifies and closes her eyes... She knows Abhi will surely slap him...

But Abhi smiles : wah... Wah... Always your hands only touch my cheeks... But today, good improvement... Your lips... Not bad...

You are proving me again and again that you are very desperate to touch me... I know iv such a charm to attract girls...

The great attitude n arrogant, egoistic queen " The irritating devil - Pragya / Fuggy cant live without touching me na...

Pragya: oh .. hello... Stop your bakwass okay... Don't think high of yourself... It's an accident.... An unexpected one...

Iv to go and wash my mouth... Yeeks...

Abhi: Why not you go and use some acid or toilet cleaner to clean your mouth... It's smells too horrible...

I've to go and wash my face with dettol so that germs from your mouth will not spoil my face...

Pragya: You monkey .. I will kill you...

Abhi: 😁😁😁😁 As if my hands are tied.... Do whatever you can???

Finally, I'm going to win... You will definitely come and beg for your happiness from me...

Pragya: Don't day dream , monkey... You are a loser and I will surely win...

They quarrel and curse each other and walks in opposite ends...


Time flies rapidly.... The seconds turns to minutes, minutes to hours , hours to days.... Days to months and months to years....


Three years have gone in a jiff. ..

The camera zooms and focuses on a huge building....

The name " SM group of companies" is shown......

Whose company is this???

What's going to happen next???

Did aaliya n sid solved their issues and got married???

Did rabul fall in love???

Did our fighter cocks meet again n if there is any chance for love???

When will this arjun n family come into the picture??

What destiny has in stores for them???

To know more, stay tuned....

Quite a long one na.... Almost 1500+ words...

Time to read, vote and comment... Silent readers hope you will make me happy this time...

Yours buddy,


Signing out....


Meet you all soon....

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