25. Is love a curse or a boon???

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Thanks for all your support...

Sorry for being late... Though I try hard , it's getting delayed to update... As you all know I'm dealing with 8 different stories at a time , I could not update daily...

Eventhough, I post daily updates even not considering my health n I'm sparing my sleep too to update... Still, this much delay happening.... Sorry for making you all to wait...

And here we are in the 25th chapter... This wont be possible without all your support.... Thanks for all your love and support ..

Happy to inform you all that this story has crossed 8750+ reads, 1380+ votes and a maximum of 73 votes to it's credit... Hope it grows further n further...

No bak baks lets move to shot. 25:

Abhi is shocked on hearing pragya's words... It took sometime for Abhi to digest what pragya has said... Abhi is literally hurt with the words of pragya...

Abhi is completely pissed off that pragya is ready to marry anyone of her mom's choice but why she has not considered him atleast for courtesy sake... Then his mind screamed why on the earth he is coming in this matter n why pragya has to choose abhi...

Abhi is startled but he compose himself that why he is always getting hurt when pragya is not considering him at all... He wishes to talk to her...

Abhi: Pragya... I cant accept wht u said. .. You are a bold n strong girl... But you have to be practical right... Wont it affect your future...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂.... I believe my parents, abhi and I have trust in God that he wont leave me abruptly and im sure that god will give me a best person as my better half... So, no problem...

Abhi: Oh... That's good... Dont mistake me... Do you love anyone???

Pragya: yes of course... Im in love madly and deeply...

Abhi is shocked to the core .. Abhi's whole body is burning in jealousy...

Abhi: Whaaaatttt???? Who is that???

Pragya: 😂😂😂 why are you so interested abhi???? Dont say that you have feelings for me...

Abhi: Feelings my foot... Im not a fool to have feelings for a devil...

Pragya: Haan... That's better... Its good for your health... And by the way coming to my love... I dont love one person... But...

Abhi: wht sort of love is this??? This is too bad. .

Pragya: hey monkey king... Dont decide just like tht... Hear me fully... I love my mom, dad and my sister bulbul... Thy are my life...

Abhi: oh... You are saying about your family haan...

Pragya: Hello mister. Cant I love my family???

Abhi: wh.. why not??? I too love my dad, my di, my uncle n aunt, my bro n my jiju.

Pragya: Jiju???

Abhi: Ya... You know him too... Sid...

When pragya is about to ask something, Abhi's phone started to ring....

Abhi smiles on seeing karthi's name flashing...

(Hello..Sir... Sirrrrr...)

Abhi: Hello karthi... How are you??? All is fine in your home na...

(Ye.. yes... Sir...)

Abhi: hey wht happened??? Why you sound low??? Is everything alright???
Nothing is wrong na..

(Si... Sir... Please dont get sad sir... Even i was shocked to hear that... Have you started sir???)

Abhi: dont scare me karthi... Wht happened .. im on the way...

(Sir...sid .. sid sir got into an accident... I got call from hospital... I dont know whom to inform sir... So, i called you)

Abhi: whaaattt????

The phone slipped from Abhi's hands and his eyes welled up and he is crying too hard... Pragya is startled to see Abhi like this...

Pragya took the mobile and speaks to karthi and understands what has happened...

Pragya: karthi... Do one thing... You go to hospital and do the formalities... Be with sid... Hopefully, we will reach in 5 hours.....ya... Dont worry... I will take care of Abhi...

If anything serious, call me... Hmm.. okay...

Pragya turns to see Abhi... Abhi is not at all in a mood to listen to anything... But pragya can feel Abhi is hurt and some sort of guilt is killing him...

Pragya: Ab... abhi...

Abhi did not say anything but he snatched his phone and called a number... He is in full rage... His anger is turning him too hot and his face darkens like a fuming volcano...

(Hello... How are you??? Now only you remember me...

Abhi: Now you are too happy na... You did what you want na... What did he do to you??? The biggest blunder he did in life is that he loved you madly and is loving you though u keep on hurting him....

(Abhi... What are you saying??? Why are you talking like this???)

Abhi: Its all because of you... Everything is wrong only because you... I dont want to hear you fake concern any more...

You are a selfish woman... What matters to you most is your feelings... You never bothered about anyone or anything...

Remember one thing... If anything wrong happens to my jiju, I wont forgive you at all... I will forget Iv a sister... I dont bother to break my all ties with you...

Pray to god that nothing wrong should happen to my jiju... I care for him because he is there for me always... Atleast if you have loved him once, go and see him... "

Abhi cuts d call not able to talk anymore.. Hot tears are rolling from his eyes..  He sits there dumb struck and he does not know what to do???

Pragya pats abhi's back...

Pragya: Abhi... Dont worry... Sid will be okay... Karthi will go to hospital... She will take care .. we will also reach there soon na..

Dont be emotional abhi... God will save him..

Abhi: its better god will take away my jiju's life , pragya... (Abhi says calmly)... I will be happy if he is dead...

Pragya: what nonsense are you talking abhi???? Are you in your sense??

Abhi: yes im talking completely in my sense, pragya... Why my jiju has to live??? Do you know its better to die rather than living a life of a corpse ..

Pragya: I cant understand ... what are you saying abhi???

Abhi: my sid jiju is lifeless pragya... His love of  life, my sister is the reason behind everything... He lost everything because of my di... He is living just to have a glimpse of my di...

But what my di does to him is unfair... I accept my di is also broken inside .. yet she is not in a mind to listen to other's feelings... If once she listened to my jiju means , all the problems would have got solved ..

You know what pragya... Im scared... Sometimes back i asked you about love na... That's d reason... Im completely in fear why this love is spoiling everything... Love is a curse pragya... Its d reason for sadness in life ..

Pragya: Abhiii... Relax .. Dont worry... Nothing wrong will happen... If you want you can share it with me what has happened???

Though we are not friends, you can trust me and you can very well say what's in your heart... Dont keep everything in yourself abhi... Tell me what has happened in sid n your di's life...

Abhi starts to  say the bitter past that has happened in sid and aaliya's life... The love birds who has been madly and deeply in love from childhood has been separated and aaliya who has treated sid like her heart beat is completely not in a position even to hear his name too...


In the meantime, karthi rushes to the hospital to look for sid... Her mobile starts to ring...

Karthi: yes... Karthi here..

Aaiya: karthi... Im aaliya .. Abhi's di... Ho... How... Is .. sid???

Karthi: madam... Im city hospital .. sid sir got into a major accident on his way to office.... I dont know what to do??? Abhi sir is on the way... It will take 5 hours for him to reach. .

But i heard doctors talking about operation and all... I dont know whom to contact too .. even abhi sir is not in a mood to talk...

Madam... Did you know any of his family members??? Tell me whom should i call... Its matter of sid sir's life... I cant take any decisions just like that na...

Aaliya: No need to call anyone... Im his family karthi... Im his wife... Im coming there in 10 minutes... Dont worry...

Karthi is shocked to hear that sid and aaliya are married... She knows that Abhi used to call sid as jiju... Karthi thought tht sid is in love with aaliya but she cant believe that thy are married...


The screen shift to Abhi and pragya...

Pragya: oh my god!!! This much happened... Fate has played cruelly in their lives... No one could have got such a misery in their lives...

But no one is at fault abhi... Try to understand this... Your di is also not at all wrong... Circumstances forced her to think everything wrong because she is too broken inside... Dont worry... Stay calm and think what we have to do...

Abhi understands what pragya has said...

Abhi: just a minute pragya... I will make a call...

Calls someone...

Abhi: Hello papa... You are free right .. haan im okay .. sid jiju has got into accident and is admitted in city hospital... Can you please take my card and go there???

My p.a. Karthi is there... She cant do anything alone... So , please go there n inform me wht is happening and do whatever doctor asked to do... I will reach soon..

Abhi cuts d call... The very next moment, his mobile starts to ring with aaliya's name flashing... Abhi feels irritated and cuts the call again and again... Completely pissed off abhi switches off d mobile...

Pragya gets a call from karthi and she informs the happenings... Pragya assures that she will inform abhi...

Pragya: Switch on your phone abhi... Your di wants to talk to you...

Abhi: No pragya dont force me please...

Pragya: Abhi your di is in hospital...  Doctor has informed that sid has got hurt in head and in legs... Doctors want to rush up and they want to operate him it seems... So, your di wants confirmation from you...

Abhi switches on the mobile without saying a word. . prem mehra calls abhi...

Prem: Abhi beta.... You there..

Abhi: yes papa... Proceed whatever doctor says... Use my card and karthi has my checque  book with her... Ask her to draft money... I want my jiju to be fit and fine...

Prem: Dont worry abhi he will be fine soon... His life has come to him and is praying for his betterment... So, nothing wrong will happen to him...

Abhi: Is it for true papa??

Prem: yes abhi... Hope all will be fine soon...

Abhi: hope so papa...

Abhi cuts d call and hugs pragya all of a sudden... Pragya is startled as abhi has hugged her suddenly... But she knows its only a friendly hug ..

Abhi: pragya... My di has gone to hospital...

Pragya: hello... You dumb monkey... That's what im trying to say half an hour... But you are not in a mood to listen you idiot...

Abhi: did you said to me pragya??? Donr bluff you devil...

Pragya: yes you fool... But you have no mood to listen to me idiot...

Abhi: sorry... Pragya... Im not in my sense...

Pragya: wah... Wah... The arrogant monkey knows to say sorry too...

Abhi: ya... Why not??? That's only to my attitude queen...

The screen freezes on abhi n pragya in car.... Sad faces of prem and karthi in hospital and the crying face of aaliya and the flight landing in airport and arjun coming out happily with a devilish smirk in his face...

What's gonna happen next???

Will sid be fit and fine???

What has happened in aaliya and sid's life????

Arjun has come... What will happen in abhigya's life???

Will abhi be able to save pragya from arjun???

Will pragya fulfill her parents wish and marry arjun???

Is anything unexpected gonna happen???

To know more stay tuned...

A long update na... Almost 2100+ words..

Lots of twists and turns gonna happen soon.... Lots of questions to unfold... Unexpected things on the way....

Silent readers and new readers, sorry iv made some chapers as private... If you wish read those, do follow me...

Expecting to see your votes and valuable comments....

Not proof read... Forgive me for mistakes, if any....

Yours buddy,


Winding up ..


Will try to come back soon.....


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