30. Is she really my fuggy ???

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Thanks for all the love and support...

Oh my god!!! We are in the 30th chapter... This wont be possible without all your support...

This story is very very special to me as this should be my first story... When I saw Abhigya's nok jhoks in kkb, this story popped in my mind... For one year, I don't have the courage to write at all... After starting to write too, I did not start this story as first...

I started to write this only as my third story, as I am very much scared that how you people will accept Abhi and Pragya as fighter cocks and I know very well that there is no love or romance in this story at all....

Yet many liked this story and many personally messaged me that they like to read abhigya's fight a lot... Im happy that you all accepted my crazy thought whole heartedly...

Atlast my betting buddy wins again and as wished by her, this story Got a maximum of 91 votes in last chapter which is the highest for this story so far... Thanks buddy... All are responding only to you and not to me 😢😢😢😢....

Thanks for all the support and I hope this grows further more.... As I got the expected vote, I did not make it as a private chapter and I hope you wont disappoint me this time ..

Still I have not decided the number of chapters... As the story is now only going to see many unexpected twists and turns and I know many more things have to come in lime light right...

Not to bore you all further....

Lets move to shot.30:

Bulbul makes pragya to wear a saree as instructed by her ma priya... Bulbul could not control her laughter after dressing up pragya.... She excuses and runs to washroom and started to laugh like mad...

After composing and calming herself down, Bulbul comes out... But this time, she gets out of control and burst into laughter which makes pragya to frown and her anger roses like a volcano...


Sarla, Mohan, Abhi, Arjun enters the Aroras residence... Ram and priya Arora happily welcomes everyone..

Mohan: Hello Mister Ram... Nice to meet you... This is my wife sarla... This is my son Arjun, the Owner of SM group of companies... He is going to be the groom of your daughter...

And this is Abhi, the real owner and the pillar and CEO of SM group of companies, the unborn and loving son of ours... But we were not blessed to be his parents... 😔😔😔😔

Abhi: what's this uncle??? Turning senti and all... Not fair... Sorry Ram uncle... Usually sarlama only overracts but dont know what happen to Mohan uncle today...

I think some unwanted chemical reaction is happening today.... Oh my god!!!! Sarlama Im scared.... Did any ghost got into uncle??? Ajju help me man...

Sarla and Mohan hits Abhi... Abhi hugs them and makes them to compose themselves ... Arjun who is aware of their bond just winks at Abhi and asked him to handle on his own...

Ram is completely impressed with Abhi... When everyone enters the house, Ram really thought Abhi only as the groom for pragya and he is not much impressed with Arjun at the first instance...

What made Ram think like is that Abhi bents down when he enters the house and gets blessings from Ram and Priya and talks very nicely with them.... But Arjun just fakes a smile and hand shakes with Ram...

Ram is completely admiring Abhi only... He does not mind what priya, mohan and sarla are talking... Being an overprotective father, Ram wants Abhi only as the groom for pragya as his mind keeps on saying that Abhi and pragya are made for each other...

Abhi's looks, his smile, his charms, his cute antics, his bonding with the singhs, his respect for the elders, his behaviour, his natural good character makes Ram to feel that he did not get a son like Abhi... Ram takes a deep sigh that he is not even blessed enough atleast to get a son in law like him...

Ram's thought were interpreted when Arjun speaks...

Arjun: Mom.. I have to make an important call... Please excuse me and I will be back in five minutes...

Sarla: But Arjun beta... You have to see your bride na..

Arjun: Just five minutes mom... I will be back... You all see her... Abhi bhai is there na... He knows my choice well... Bhai do the judegement correctly okay... I will be back..

Arjun goes out as he is not at all inerested to see the girl... From morning, his mind is only in the thoughts of honey... Arjun is remembering only the video call they had that night...

Arjun just admires honey's photo in his mobile and is shamelessly drooling on her sexy physique.. Arjun just want to run away to US and to have honey in his arms...

(Please do that arjun... Run away from here... We all will be happy)

Priya: So, its good time ... Let me call my daughter ..

Priya gets inside the room... She along with Bulbul brings Pragya outside .. Pragya walks very elegantly by taking slow, slow steps, her heads down, decked up and covered herself in a saree typical like a behenji which no way relates to her character...

Anyone who sees pragya at that moment will feel that pragya to be a shy, naive, innocent, calm, nerdy, homely girl ... Sarla and Mohan are completely impressed on seeing pragya...

But the complete reversal is happening in the mind of abhi...

Abhi: Arrey... What's happening here... Hey that's bulbul right??? Pragya's sister... Wait... Wait... Is this my fuggy's house???

Hey that means its my lovely priya aunty... Oh my goodness... How sweet she is na??? Let me tell her who Im later.... She will be happy... Sure I will ask her to prepare my favourite aloo paratha... 😋😋😋

Thank god Pragya is going to be wife of Arjun... Arjun always wished to have an arrogant, attitude and bossy girl... Pragya is a perfect match for him...

Ram uncle is also very sweet... Priya aunty is always awesome... Bulbul is such a sweet heart... Arjun is very lucky to get into such a lovely family...

But why my heart is aching like this... Im happy only na but why Im feeling some pain inside me... Why Im thinking something so close to me is going away from me...

Silly abhi... Leave that... Lets see how this fuggy has dressed up... I know she is a beautiful girl and her dressing is way to stylish and elegant and I know very well that Arjun is going to get completely flat on seeing Pragya at first instance itself ..

(Abhi expected pragya to be dressed up like this in saree)

😱😱😱😱😱.... What's this... Did I have any eye problem??? What am I seeing??? Im not hallucinating na... Who is that behenji typed girl???

I thought pragya to be the bride of Arjun but who is this shy, nerdy girl... Oh my god... Is that my fuggy??? Unbelievable... Why she is dressed up like this and why she is doing such antics...

Oh no... This girl gonna mess up everything.... Why pragya??? Why are you doing like this??? Arjun dont like this type of girls .. someone has misguided you for sure... Be yourself pragya or else Arjun will surely reject you..
(Thank god... We all want that only)

God... What shall I do now??? Abhi you have to do something .. Though pragya is your enemy, you have to help her .. she wont get a good boy like Arjun...
(Seriously abhi...)

Think abhi and take some action before things get out of control .."

Abhi is completely irritated when sarlama pulls him closer...

Sarla: Abhi beta.. such an awesome girl na she is... See how is my choice... So shy, calm and composed .. very very polite and homely na..

Abhi just imagined pragya's bites, kicks, slaps, threats, venoms and curses given by her and the arrogant, attitude of pragya... Abhi laughs and nodded his head as yes...

Pragya lifts her head to see who is laughing on her... Her eyes popped out on seeing Abhi sitting there as a groom... She very well knows that the groom is from US and his name is Arjun singh and she wonders how come abhi is here...

Pragya starts to get negative vibes as abhi knows her in and out... She is completely shocked to see Abhi's gaze on her mocking about her looks... Pragya first time in her life feels really nervous as Abhi should not spill out anything about her...

Sarla: what's your name beta???

Pragya (in a calm tone) : Im pragya... Pragya Arora...

Sarla: what a nice name... Such an innocent beauty you are... I like you so much beta. .. come soon to my house as bahu and brighten my house with your lovely smile....

Pragya smiles as she likes sarla a lot... Priya is way too excited and happy that pragya's makeover and changed behaviour has impressed her inlaws a lot...

Priya gave a victory smile towards Ram and bulbul as they were against Priya for changing pragya like this... Priya smirks that she is always right and got a good family for her daughter....

Just then Arjun enters the house... His jaw dropped on seeing Pragya... No one can understand what's cooking in Arjun's mind... Only Abhi understands Arjun's thoughts exactly...

Sarla: pragya beta .. This is Arjun... My son.... your groom...

Pragya makes a blushy smile and lifts her head and folds her hand and says Namastey to Arjun... Pragya is happy to see a handsome young man
standing infront of her... Pragya's heart says he is not at all good looking than Abhi... But her mind argues that he is her mother's choice...

Arjun pokes Abhi slightly and gestures him to come out.... Abhi does not know what to do... Arjun glares at Abhi... Abhi nods his head and knows the needto go out...

Abhi: Sorry everyone... Just excuse us please... We will be right back in few minutes... An important matter... Just chat for sometime, we will come...

Ram uncle... Priya aunty dont mistake us... We will come soon...

Arjun drags abhi outside and vents out what's in his heart...

Arjun: Abhi bhai... I cant sit here a minute... Lets leave...

Abhi: Arrey what happened??? Why are you reacting like this ajju????

Arjun: seriously bhai... Have not you seen the girl??? Yuck... A shy, nerdy girl... What's sort of saree is that... She is looking like a typical behenji..

I guessed my parents would have chosen a girl like this... Horrible... I dont want such a girl... I am gonna say no to them straight and Im going to fly to US tonight itself...

Abhi: shut up Arjun... Dont draw to conclusions without knowing anything... Remember what we saw everytime is always not correct....

I know pragya pretty well... She is not like this... She is very classy, modern and stylish... She is with full of attitude, her whole self is completely filled with arrogancy and she is a girl with big, big egos...

She is a perfect match for you Ajju..
Im too confused why she is behaving like this today and why she is dressed up like this... I think some wrong guidance.... Let me speak to her...

Arjun: Dont try to convince me bhai...I dont like her and Im gonna reject her for sure...

Abhi: ajju... Just listen to me... Give me few days... I will prove  you that she is an attitude queen... Then you will accept her na....

Arjun: Do whatever you want bhai... I cant stay here for long time.. I will give you just 5 days... If you did not prove her to be an attitude girl, I will reject her and say no to the proposal...

You have to convince Mom and papa... I will fly away to US... You have to take care that mom should not trouble me for marriage atleast for two years..."

Abhi: Alright... Lets get in... I will prove you that pragya is acting infront of you to get in your good books...

Abhi drags Arjun inside... Pragya is completely confused with Abhi's smirky smile and Arjun's confused and disinterested face...

Pragya's blood boils thinking that Abhi has started to take his revenge on her by saying about her true identity and her original character to Arjun..
Pragya wishes to strangle Abhi's neck for messing up in her life... Pragya vows to herself that if Abhi did anything wrong and if by any chance the proposal is rejected making her mom to worry, she swears to kill abhi for sure....

All of sudden Arjun speaks:



So, what's gonna happen next???

What did Arjun speak???

Will it going to create a whole misunderstanding between Abhi and pragya and will it create any rift between their relationship???

Will Arjun accept pragya??? or will he ill treat and reject her ????

Will Abhi be able to know about Arjun's bad habits and save pragya if by chance Arjun is okay to marry pragya???

To know more stay tuned....

A long update na... Almost 2250+ words...

Keep reading... Cast your votes and pen down your views and comments...

Not proof read... Sorry for typo errors....


Yours buddy,


Winding up..

Will be


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