33. Fuggy... Fuggy... Oh my cookie....

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Directly to shot. 33:

Abhi's pov.: What is going on around me??? Am I hallucinating the things??? But it's happening in real... 😱😱😱😱... This devil fuggy is doing too much...

She is really going to be the spoiler of her own happy married life. . But that stupid fuggy will say I'm the reason for that... Huh... Who on the earth asked her to dress up like that???

Really, Pragya is a natural beauty with her simple look... Her plus point is her bold attitude and her arrogant nature... She is famous for the witty, teasing smile and smirk in her face.... Her dressing sense is really mind blowing...

But I don't know who is misguiding this idiot fuggy... Why can't she be herself??? Arjun really wants a girl like Pragya, but this devil fuggy is doing everything opposite to her character and also irritating me too much...

Arjun is really getting irked by this behavior of this behenji fuggy... God... If this continues, surely Arjun will reject pragya for sure... No... no.... I wont allow my bro to miss a nice girl like pragya....

Moreover I'm little bit selfish too... I'm not in a mood to get punishment from the devil and I don't want to see the sad faces of Ram uncle and Priya aunty if this wedding gets cancelled... I've to do something for sure...

😱😱😱 Pragya, again with a horrible behenji type dress... Huh... Is my ears gone deaf??? The loud speaker and the harsly speaking lioness fuggy is talking softly and politely.... Mummy... 😭😭😭😭😭...  I can't tolerate this... I will strangle this fuggy's neck for sure...

Wait wait... If she dare to raise her voice against me, I will kill her... Hey mind voice don't laugh or mock at me... I agree she only has upper hand in our fights as Im a very good boy and I don't insult girls....

Ahaan... That's my arjun... All are fuggy's hatred foods... Good job ajju... Superb man... You really fed her... She is gulping it hard... 😂😂😂😂....

I can't control seeing your oranguttan like blowing face fuggy.... wow... mind blowing... Im flying in happiness... Seriously you are looking like a sick chicken fuggy 😂😂😂😂....

Why this call come this time??? Damn it... Let me finish off this soon and come here as I don't want to miss the mega entertainment of this behenji pragya with arjun 😂😂😂😂😂... Fuggy darling... Enjoy your torturous food ... I will be back...

Huh... These clients are hell adamant in irritating me... I have to rush up to watch the fun... Idiot waiter... Who asked you to come before me??? See... The juice got spilled...

😱😱😱😱😱.... Gosh... What have I done???? Abhi beta you are dead for sure... For a simple thing itself, this devil will jump from sky to earth... She will spit venoms on me unnecessarily ...

Now, all the juice spilled on her face and dress... sure she will take a very big lecture and kill me for sure... My ears gonna bleed for sure today... Abhi she will rip you into pieces..m

Hey... Wait... Wait... How did I forget that??? Woha... A golden opportunity... Fuggy... Now the game of Abhi vs pragya begins... Abhishekh Mehra is going to be a winner for sure... Come on... Do it my attitude queen....

Today Im eagerly waiting to hear your scoldings.... Come on go ahead fuggy... You can slap me and bite me too... I'm ready and I don't have any problem too... Get ready Ajju for your wedding.... It is going to be fixed with pragya for sure.... "

Abhi smiles sheepishly and walks near pragya... Abhi with a smirky and naughty smile sees pragya... She is boiling in anger but she notices Arjun's face who is looking at her intently...

Pragya closes her eyes and takes a deep breath... She counts 1 to 10 to control her anger...Bulbul holds pragya's hands in a consoling way and pats her back to calm her down...

Abhi: Im extremely sorry pragya... I didn't notice the waiter .. sorry, the juice got spilled on you ... Your face and dress got wet... Wait let me help you to clean...

Arjun: Hey... chill up bhai... Why are you asking this much sorry??? What's your mistake in this??? It's an accident.... Nothing is wrong on your side..

Abhi: No... No...  Arjun... It's my mistake... Sorry pragya... I shouldn't have done that... Its my mistake... I was completely engrossed in work and I failed to notice the waiter...

Pragya sighs and whispers: It's okay Mr. Abhi... It's not your mistake... Don't feel sorry...

Abhi could not believe his ears and he couldn't believe that whether its the same devil pragya or any other girl... Abhi gasps and gulps the glass of water in a go to calm his nerves... But, he starts coughs too hard as he gulped it too much in a hurry...

Arjun pats his head and makes abhi to sit ..

Arjun: Abhi bhai... Are you okay??? Can't you drink it slow???

Abhi: Ya... Ya... Im fine... That much thirsty I'm.... Something unbelievable is happening.... huh... If you guys don't mistake me, Pragya can you please pinch me...

Pragya: pardon... Im so sorry Mr. Abhi... I dont like to hurt anyone... I can't pinch you... Sorry...   Excuse me Arjun and abhi... Let me clean myself and come....

Shock is an understatement for abhi... Abhi's jaw dropped and he gasps too hard and poor abhi couldn't understand what is going on or is he day dreaming.... Pragya and bulbul excuses and goes to the washroom..

Arjun shooks abhi : abhi bhai... See bhai... I told you na... She is not my type .. she is a soft and polite behenji , bhai... You have given me too much build up for a small sparrow and compared it to a mighty eagle bhai... Grow up bhai...

Can't you see bhai, she don't raise voice when the mistake is yours too... I don't like such girls... Again and again, Im telling you bhai... I want a hot and happening chick with lots of attitudes and ego and not this crappy behenji at all...

Abhi: Huh... Please arjun... let me digest the facts and im completely in severe shock.... please don't draw into conclusions soon... What we are seeing by eyes can't be real sometimes....

Still we have time ajju... Just wait and watch... I will prove the real pragya's character to you... She is going to be your bride for sure...

Arjun: In your dreams bhai... Alright just four days na... I will get rid of this idiotic behenji and  I will also escape  from mom's wedding tortures too... No one should force me again...

I won't return for 2 years at least... I will come only for your marriage bhai... Do confirm my tickets too bhai... Iv to fly away to my fort....

Abhi is left in deep thougts and he is mentally planning how to trap fuggy and to show that he is correct and also to prove to arjun About pragya... Only confusion reminds in abhi's mind...

In washroom, pragya is yelling in high decibel sound.. Bulbul closes her ears tight and looks at her sister pitifully to keep quiet...

Bulbul: Enough di... Dont shout like this... Come let's go out...

Pragya: If I come out, I will kill that monkey abhi and the irritating ape Arjun... I missed a wonderful opportunity... If that stupid Arjun is not there, today would have been the end of that donkey abhi...

Bulbul: 😂😂😂😂.... Diii.. you are unbelievable... You are scolding Arjun too... He is going to be your groom.... Cant you give some respect to him..

Pragya: Bloody hell... Why I have to give  respect to him!??? Am I his slave???

Bulbul: I didn't say so... But you are acting typically like that ..

Pragya: Get out bulbul before I kill you....

Bulbul: Pity on you di.. so sad... 😂😂😂😂.... Can you come and shout like this outside???? Arjun is a poor soul... Don't scold him like that di....

Pragya: youuuu... idiot... what's your problem if I scold that Arjun???? That donkey forced me to eat that horrible foods.. yuck....

Bulbul: 😂😂😂😂.... Enough di... Im completely entertained now... Now come .. let's go and see abhi bhai's reaction on his sweet fuggy...

Bulbul runs out as pragya is looking at her murderously... Later pragya too joined them and keeps quiet...

Arjun: So, pragya and bulbul... Nice meeting you two... Had a great time... Let's go somewhere tomorrow... What say bhai...

Abhi: As you wish ajju... What am I supposed to say??? Ask your fiance if she has any wish or any place to visit...

Pragya in a calm and in a very polite tone:  your wish is my wish arjun... Tell me... Where we have to go Arjun... We will come there..

Arjun: Hey no problem... We will pick you... If I can't, abhi bhai will come and pick you...

Abhi mentally curses Arjun for trapping him with the devil fuggy... Abhi can feel that pragya is hanging him till he dies...

Arjun: Bhai you will do it  na.

Abhi: Yeah...sure... Sure... Why not??? Decide and message me the time and place, I wil pick them up... Shall we move now Arjun...

I have an important work in our office and I have to talk to one of the important person regarding the new project...

Arjun: hey... Iv completely forget na... It's your fuggy right who accompanied you to do the project... The arrogant and angry devil, the attitude queen fuggy hey na bhai....

Pragya's blood starts to boil and she is stabbing abhi through her eyes... Bulbul couldn't able to control her laughter on seeing abhi looking at arjun helpelessly...

Abhi: Arjun please .. stop it... Don't talk about my fuggy here please ..

Arjun: woha.... Then tell me why you sing fuggy... Fuggy .. oh my cookie on that day...

Abhi: my mistake..... Come.... Iv lots of work please. ..

Arjun: Alright... Come on girls... Let's move...

They all goes out... Arjun tries to walk very closely with pragya and tries to touch her... Pragya did not like that a bit at all and holds bulbul's hand and moves from there very fast ...

Abhi and arjun drops pragya and bulbul and resumes their works.... Arjun as usual says some lie to sarla and mohan and calls honey... He continues his torture with honey and the poor girl has no other choice than to fulfill his demands...


Sid and Aaliya sees Abhi completely in a confused state... Sid gestures aaliya what is going on... Aaliya too says she doesn't know anything...

Sid: Hey abhi darling... What happened??? Why are you pressuring your forehead like this??? Is it paining???

Abhi: A little bit headache jiju... Nothing much...

Sid: whaat??? Headache... Aaliya get him some coffee and tablet... Abhi shall I press your head...

Abhi: it's okay jiju... Di .. get me some coffee alone...

Aaliya: Are you sure abhi??? Shall I call the doctor??? You are fine na..

Abhi: ya di... Don't worry... Get me coffee alone...

Aaliya moves out but gestures sid to ask abhi what's the matter...

Sid: Hey abhi... What's going on??? I know something is eating your brain for sure...

Abhi: Ya... Jiju... Im completely confused... I don't know what's this pragya is upto???

Sid: pragya.... what's with pragya??? You two worked comfortably na... Then what happened all of a sudden????

Abhi: That's old news jiju... A lot happened when you got accident... Sarlama has chosen pragya as bride for arjun...

Sid: Huh... Is it so??? But I thought you and pragya will end up together...

Abhi: whaaatttt???? Seriously don't you know we are enemies...

Sid: Alright... You and your lies... Leave that... Now tell me what's arjun's decision...  Didn't he liked pragya's attitude????

Abhi: The thing is arjun wants only an attitude queen like pragya... but...

Sid: But????

Abhi: Pragya is acting opposite to her character and she is acting as a typical behenji... Arjun is pissed off seeing pragya and Im scared whether he will reject this proposal...

Sid thanked god and dances inwardly that abhi and pragya will become couples one day for sure ...

Sid: Abhi... I will tell you one suggestion to you... Can you do it????

Abhi: Yes.... shoot out jiju...

Sid:. abhi..... -----------

So, what's coming up next???

What did sid say to abhi???

Will abhi prove that pragya is an attitude queen to arjun???

Will arjun's real character will come to limelight???

What will happen to pragya and her family if arjun say no to the proposal???

To know more stay tuned...

Don't forget to cast your votes and pen down your views...


Yours buddy,


Signing off for time being...

Will be


Words used: 2180+

Forgive me if there is any typo errors...


Have a nice day...

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