34. The cold war inside the hearts...

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I know its been a week since I updated this story... But Im very sad as the votes are not turning up and Im not in a mood to update this story...

You all know na, this is the first story that bloomed in my mind... This story is very special to me and I don't know where am I lagging behind in impressing you all ... Even my new stories are getting good response and has very well crossed 100+ votes...

All stories cant be a love story... If it so, it will be too boring na... The fighting abhigya is way too adorable for me... Im a crazy fan of abhigya's nok jhoks...

Im not expecting that much... Many are reading it but not at all voting... Silent readers is it very hard to vote for this story... Anyways, Im breaking my silence for the very last time....

Iv planned for 50 chapters and I won't like to end this story abruptly as there are lots of interesting and unexpected things to come..

Many of my buddies are insisting me to update this story but please consider my feelings too ... Im planning to put this story on hold for the time being... Is it okay for you all???

The votes are going to decide, whether this story is going to get continued or going to sleep for time being... Iv got a maximum of 93 votes... Atleast 85-90 votes will be better to continue , I guess... What say???

Now to shot. 34:

Abhi is curious to know what his jiju sid is going to say....

Sid: Abhi... Listen to me okay... Don't do anything stupidly... Let you be a silent spectator... Its between Arjun and pragya.... Leave it..

Let pragya do what she wishes... You don't play smart to prove her originality to Arjun... May be who knows Arjun can be impressed with this pragya's new calm avatar... poor arjun can be in peace  without bearing pragya's anger na...

One more thing, you know very well about pragya... If anything wrong happens, she will surely say that you are the reason for all the mess and she won't mind to blame you, if Arjun say no to pragya... So keep quiet and let them decide...

Abhi : But jiju.. How can I be silent watching all the mishaps going on in front of my eyes???? Pragya is going to spoil her life and Arjun will miss a nice girl like pragya na...

(Abhi tensely bites his nails as what he is going to do unite Arjun and pragya)

Sid's pov.: Stupid abhi... Why are you not understanding me... God... Give some sense to this dumbo head abhi.... Where will I go and bang my head??? How much Im trying to make him understand but this idiot is thinkubg about arjun....

Why not he think of himself... Abhi... Pragya is made for you and I won't allow anyone to snatch pragya from you... Iv to go in your track only...

Yes.. i will do it... Get ready abhi to face your attitude queen and Im sure Im going to watch your fights happily in your wedding too...

Sid comes out from his thoughts as Abhi shooks him hard....

Sid: Huh... abhi... Are you an umpire or referee between arjun and pragya???

Abhi: Whaattt??? No... No.. why I have to???

Sid: Then what... Keep quiet and watch the show... You promised me abhi and no backing off okay... Let pragya and Arjun decide and take the judgements of their lives... Keep it in your mind, you don't know who is pragya at all... Is that clear???

Abhi: Do you want me to act???

Sid: yes my dumbo bro... Now be a good boy and do it okay... You are a stranger to pragya and you don't know anything about her... Pragya is just a girl who is proposed as arjun's bride.. got it....

Abhi nods his head but he is much worried for pragya a lot... Poor abhi doesn't know the fact that he is going to be a saviour of pragya's life and he is the one who is going to save her from a living hell...


Pragya is fuming in anger with abhi's behavior... Bulbul's consoling words is not at all going into pragya's ears...

Bulbul: Enough di... Stop it... How much will you scold abhi bhai??? Won't you feel tired to scold him??? How come you are talking in a great flow when it comes to scold abhi bhai???? Unbelievable.... this much bad words ..

Pragya: Bulbul... Don't get on to my nerves... I will end that abhi's game soon. . wait n watch... If that stupid to any stunts in revealing myself to arjun, then no one can save him from me ..

Bulbul doesn't know how to make pragya to realize what she is doing... She wishes to talk to abhi regarding this issue... Bulbul's mobile rings and she moves out to pick up the call. .. Her face curved to a bright smile on seeing the caller ID..

Pragya watches bulbul from far... Bulbul's happy smiling face, her blushing cheeks makes her look so adorable... Pragya prays for bulbul's happiness and she wishes that bulbul should get a good, happy life she wished for... Pragya sighs that unlike her who is forced to marry a person losing her self identity...

Pragya's eyes welled up unknowingly... She curses herself for digging her own grave... She wipes her tears, takes a deep breath and consoles herself that god will show her the right path and make her life too happy ...


The next day, as instructed by Arjun, Abhi comes to pick up pragya and bulbul... Abhi didn't opened his mouth or talked anything to them as sid warned him to behave as a stranger to pragya...

Pragya couldn't understand what is cooking in abhi's mind and she really feels irritated with abhi's silent treatment... She tried her level best to intiate the talk but abhi didn't give up and pays no heed to pragya's words....

They reached an amusement park.... Pragya gasps in shock and anger flared in her face as abhi coolly takes off the cotton buds from his ears... Pragya wished to go and grab abhi's collar and slap him hard for doing like this ...

Pragya can't do anything or step ahead as Arjun reaches there.... Bulbul gestures pragya not  to do anything rubbish in front of Arjun and assures her that she will talk to abhi....

Arjun took pragya with him to buy tickets for them... He excused them and asked abhi and bulbul to give them some privacy... Though pragya didn't like it a bit at all, she has no other choice than to go with Arjun alone....

Arjun tries to flirt and talks cheesy with pragya.... He teases her with his dirty comments and tries to touch her and hold her back, sometimes shoulder and her waist...

Pragya has to act like she is feeling shy but inwardly she is boiling in anger... She couldn't figure out why arjun's closeness is making her hell angry and why his touches are making her to feel as if she standing in fire  ...

Pragya is completely confused as why her heart is warning her and not allowing her to be close with Arjun... She couldn't figure out why she is not getting comfortable with arjun like she has been with abhi...

Pragya blames herself for thinking about abhi who is trying to snatch and spoil her happy life and she calms herself on seeing bulbul taking with abhi smilingly...

Pragya fakes a smile and talks with arjun... But she doesn't like Arjun's self praising talks and his cheap and dirty comments on woman folk...

Arjun openly flirts with the passing girls but pragya did not mind that thinking its common In US to sociàlize.. But poor pragya failed to notice and doesn't know that Arjun is a biggest womaniser...


//// With Bulbul and Abhi ////

Abhi is seated in the corner table of the food counter.... He is completely engrossed himself in some office works and he doesn't mind to look at anyone as he is way too busy to finalize and finish some important office works...

Though his heart wants to go and see what is Arjun and pragya doing but Sid's words tied him up and he brought his laptop with him to kill his boredom...

Unknowingly, Abhi's eyes wanders on seeing Arjun and pragya laughing and he doesn't know why his heart is not accepting their togetherness and why he wants to go and interrupt and see what they are doing ....

Abhi comes out of his thought, when bulbul snaps her finger infront of abhi...

Bulbul: Hi abhi bhai ... Can I join you???

Abhi: yes... Sure sure... why not ??? Have a seat bulbul...  (Abhi calls waiter to take his orders) One apple juice and for you bulbul???..

Bulbul: Anything will do...

Abhi: Two apple juice, 2 chicken popcorns n fries... Make it fast please...

Waiter takes the order and leaves...

Bulbul: Sorry.... I didn't disturbed you na... You are a busy business man... But Im way too bored... I can't go and sit with them.... So, I thought to come and sit with you..

Abhi: what's this bulbul??? Don't be so formal... Im pleased to have you here... Even im too bored... Doing some work to kill my boredom only...

Why not they come alone??? Why they are taking us too here??? Huh... We are playing a spoiler sport and ending up with nothing yet getting bored ..

Bulbul: 😂😂😂😂 may be... Anyways let them talk and decide their life... Why we have to bother them???

Abhi: Yes who is going to bother them... I will be the most happiest person if they are together and gets married happily...

Bulbul: Really... I cant believe this... Can I ask you something??? Don't mistake me okay ..

Abhi: Go ahead bulbul...

Bulbul: I know you and pragya di are rivals and fighter cocks from childhood... You guys always end up in fighting and you two won't give up even if the mistake is on your's side too...

But sorry to say... Can you please leave my di in this matter??? This is her life... Please abhi bhai 🙏🙏🙏🙏.... I respect you so much.... Don't do anything  in this matter and please don't take revenge on my di ...

Pragya di is doing everything for mom's happiness and she is ready to sacrifice her self identity, her life and her true character too to make maa happy ... This marriage is my maa's dream and please don't say anything about my di to Arjun please....

I don't want you to be the person to spoil my di's life... Please our family's happiness lies in your hands and my mom's life is auscilating.... Please save my mom and make her happy ... 🙏🙏🙏🙏.... Leave my di and let her get married with Arjun...

Abhi: Hey bulbul... You too mistook me... Why will I do like that??? Im not a heartless person as your di thinks .. She always misunderstood me and thinks that Im the reason for everything....

I swear on my mom bulbul... I wont do anything to stop this wedding... I too love priya aunty a lot and how do you think I will make her suffer... Please bulbul don't talk like this... It's really hurting me...

Bulbul: Oh Im so sorry Bhai... But di only  told me that you are trying to say about her true self to Arjun..

Abhi: yes... Im wishing to say...

Bulbul: whaattt???

Abhi: Relax... Arjun wants a girl like real pragya and not this fake pragya... He wants a bold, attitude n egoistic girl and I tried my level best to prove Arjun that pragya is the perfect match for him...

But your sister is way too adamant to spoil her life .. Arjun hates shy n calm girls and see how your sister is acting never minding his flirty talks with that girls... If Im at Arjun's place, your sister would have killed me... 😂😂😂😂😂....

Bulbul: Huh... I don't know what to say abhi bhai... Lets leave everything in God's hand... He knows what's good for everyone....

Please don't reveal anything about pragya di to Arjun and who knows he may fall for this new pragya di too... Men likes calm girls a lot and I think they will end up together...

Abhi: Let's hope for the best bulbul...

Abhi and Bulbul sips the juice and eats the starters filling their stomachs.... They chit  chat for a long time happily... Bulbul's long term wish to have Abhi as her jiju gets stronger and stronger on seeing his care and nice gesture towards her ....


Days passes....

Abhi and Arjun took pragya and bulbul to many places.... Abhi and bulbul leaves them giving them privacy while abhi finds a good sister in bulbul and bulbul starts to dream to have abhi as her jiju for sure...

Abhi and bulbul bonded really well like a  real brother and sister and they talk on any random topics without minding the time.... They happily spends their time together.....

Arjun and Pragya's situation is completely different.... They both are forced to sit and spend their time together... Arjun is getting irked with pragya's shyness and he is getting angry as pragya is not allowing him to touch her...

When Arjun wishes to kiss her, pragya shivers in fear and tells him that it's permitted and allowed only after marriage...

Arjun gets aggressive and frustrated and his anger  starts to hurt honey very badly... He tortures honey a lot with his video calls and troubled her a lot....

5 days passes....

Arjun asks abhi to go and pick pragya and come to beach... Abhi couldn't figure out what's cooking in Arjun's mind.. Bulbul couldn't join pragya as she had went out for an important work...

The drive to the beach was very calm and silent... Pragya and Abhi's minds are filled with varied emotions... They reaches the beach and spots Arjun there...

Arjun: Hi bhai... Hi pragya... Pragya... I want to talk an important thing with you... It's my final decision and it's going to be good for you and me...

Pragya and Abhi are keenly watching Arjun and is eager to know and hear an yes as reply from Arjun....

So, what's gonna happen next???

What will be Arjun's reply???

If it's an yes, What will happen to pragya's life with the lusty monster??? What will be the condition of honey??? Will Abhi forgive himself that he didn't save pragya from arjun after knowing his true self ???

If it's a no, what will be pragya's reaction ??? Will she misunderstood abhi and thinks it to be abhi's dirty tricks to take revenge on her????

Is there any chance for love to bloom between abhi and pragya???

Will their misnderstandings are going to get wider or will it makes them to come closer???

To know more stay tuned ...

As usual came up with  the long update of 2550+ words.... Not proof read... Sorry for typo errors ..

Cast your votes and pen down your views ...


Yours buddy,


Decide and call me back soon with your votes or allow me to put the story to sleep for time being ...

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