35. The answer to my wedding...

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So, no one wants the story to sleep... Not bad... I'm relieved and the happiest the most as my favourite story is back to track again... From now on, let me fix a target... 90-100 votes will get your updates soon...

This much you people like this story but votes are also important na... So, got the max. Votes of 99 for the previous chapter.... Thanks for the wonderful support .. My lovely buddies, a biggest surprise awaits for you all..

Are you all ready... Shall we start???

From this chapter on, we are going to kick start for a bigger and twisty roller coaster ride, which is going to turn the lives of Abhi and Pragya.... A lot of fights, misunderstandings, heart wrecking moments are yet to come but an unexpected thing is also going to happen...

Keep guessing what's it going to be....

Its decided that this story will have a total of 50 chapters... Hope you all are okay with that...

Now to shot. 35:

Abhi picks up pragya from the Arora mansion...The travel was very silent. .
Both their hearts are filled with varied emotions...

Abhi's pov.:

What's happening to me??? Why am I reacting like this??? Why I couldn't be normal today??? Why am I thinking from morning that a big thing is going to happen today???

Why did Arjun asked me to bring pragya all of a sudden to the beach that too in such odd hours .. I couldn't predict what's cooking in this Arjun's mind... Thank God this fuggy didn't protested and coming with me silently...

😱😱😱😱... What will be this Arjun's answer??? God... please make Arjun to say yes or this fuggy will rip me into pieces... Im little bit of a selfish person... Though I want Arjun and pragya to be together as couples, there is my sefishness in that too...

😂😂😂😂... This Abhishek mehra is a cunning and clever man... Pragya has to give respect to me after he marries my little bro Arjun na... I will take my sweet revenge and tease my fuggy as much as I want after their marriage..

Aww.... Trapping the arrogant, attitude queen fuggy nah nah the silly, calm and shy girl pragya arora soon to be wife of arjun singh... 😂😂😂😂...

Pragya shooks her head in disbelief in seeing the reaction of Abhi...

Pragya's pov.: What's cooking in this abhi's head??? Why is he smiling like this??? Is he mocking on seeing my dress???

This is abhi is really annoying and irritating now a days... My hands urging to slap him as much as I can... How dare he to laugh on seeing me???

Its my fault... All because of my priya maa... Aargh... I want to slap this monster now... Huh.. poor me... I cant even scold this idiotic monkey... God... Why have you tied me up in this mess???

I know pretty well what's cooking in this stupid abhi's mind... He is planning something big.... Don't day dream iditotic, brainless donkey... You are trying to mess up with me, pragya arora... 😂😂😂😂

I know you are trying to take revenge on me after my marriage na... None of your tricks gonna work on me... This pragya always has the upper hand than you abhi...

Huh... Why am I thinking about this abhi??? How I forgot the fact that Im going to meet arjun??? Why did he called all of a sudden?? Is he going to say his answer???

What will be his reply??? I hope it should be an yes... If not, no one is going to save that abhi from me... I will kill him for sure... Why I have to think negative...

I know pretty well that arjun is really impressed by my new avatar. . So... All the best... Soon to be Mrs. arjun singh"

Pragya smiles brightly but she is jerked up from her thoughts as Abhi halts the car all of a sudden...

Pragya frowns but abhi rises his brow and gestures her to see out .. Just then pragya realizes that they are in the beach and Arjun is waving his hands on seeing them...

Abhi and pragya gets down and walks towards Arjun... Their hearts are beating rapidly to know what will be the answer of Arjun... Both their hearts for the first time wishes in unsion that Arjun should say the answer as YES...

Arjun: Hey bhai... Hi pragya... I was waiting for you two only.. You guys took much time..

Abhi: huh... Heavy traffic man... Levae that... Arjun you talk with pragya... I will wait in car...

Arjun: Not needed bhai... You should also be here only... Because you are going to be the witness for what am I going to do now.... You want to know my answer for this marriage na..

Abhi bhai... You are the one going to inform or say my answer to maa, papa and even to pragya's parents... So, you are going to be here only...

Pragya .. you don't have any problem in this right... Abhi bhai can be here right... I know you will nod your head only.... Such a nice girl you are... By the way pragya, what I want to say is....

Just then Arjun's mobile starts to ring aloud... He excuses and attends the call much to the displeasure of abhi and pragya as they can't tolerate the suspense anymore...

Arjun: Whattt????... What's all this nonsense ??? How come this be possible???... How can it happen???

Its all your mere carelessness... Why cant you guys be some more responsible??? Alright... When???... Just within in an hour... What rubbish??? Okay... I will be there...

I don't want any nonsense to happen again .... If you guys dare to say no, then I wont mind to sue your company... Got that... Make it fast.... Im on the way...

Arjun cuts the call... Pragya and Arjun who heard the one side conversation couldn't understand what is going on...

Abhi: What happened ajju??? Why are you shouting like this???

Arjun: Bhai.. It's an emergency... I will tell everything in car... Come its getting late... Pragya you too come with us... I will explain you what Iv to say to you on the way...

Abhi, Arjun and pragya gets inside the car... Arjun drives the car in full speed and he didn't say anything to them... Abhi and pragya understood that Arjun is in some emergency and they didn't say or ask anything to him till they reached their destination ...

After sometime, the car halts in front of the airport.... Arjun rushes inside without bothering pragya or abhi... Almost 15 minutes gone since Arjun entered inside the airport but he didn't turn up .. Abhi and Pragya are standing restless with each passing second....

Arjun comes at last with a wide smile in his face...

Abhi: Arjun... What's going on here??? Why are we in the airport??? Tell me arjun... Don't irritate me by smiling like this. .

Arjun: Relax... Chill up bro... Cool.. cool.. Im in a very happy mood... Dont spoil it na...

Abhi: Idiot... We are standing here in tension... But you are giggling like a small kid... Cut all your craps and tell me what's going on... See... Its not time to play ajju... Be serious...

Pragya is waiting to know your answer... Tell me damn it... Don't make me angry arjun... You know about me pretty well, so spit it out... Right now...

Arjun: Alright... My abhi  bhai is losing his temper... I will tell you two why we are here... Iv booked the flight ticket to fly to US tomorrow morning but unfortunately my tickets got cancelled...

I got a call from the travels that there will be a strike for one week and all the flights to US are going to be cancelled all of a sudden... Seriously I got panic attack..

But they said to me that one ticket is available in business class and that too the flight is in two hours and they asked me to rush up within an hour, if not my ticket can be sold out...

I came before time and got the tickets... Oohoo... Im so so happy... Im going back to my paradise.... US Arjun singh is coming back to you...

Pragya: Arjun... Why all of a sudden you're going??? Is there any emergency???

Arjun: No nothing like that...

Abhi: Then what's the need to rush up to go to US .. Don't you know sarlama is eager to conduct your engagement and wedding soon... Arjun you have to get matured... You are not a kid anymore...

Arjun: Hey bhai... Im damn serious...

Pragya: Arjun when are you coming back??? What will I have to say to my parents??? Tell me the comfortable dates for you so that they can look for auspicious day to fix our engagement and wedding...

Arjun: 😂😂😂😂😂.... Seriously pragya... Are you mad??? I thought you are only a shy, nerdy and innocent girl but I didn't know that you are the biggest fool...

Abhi: What rubbish are you talking ajju??? Tell me now... when are you returning back???? Say the date and go or else Im not allowing you to leave from here...

Arjun: Bhai... Im not going to return back at least for two years... And say to mom and dad not to trouble me any more in the stupid crap called marriage... Who the hell ask them to look for a behenji for me???

Sorry to say pragya... I didn't meant to insult you.. But I don't have any other choice other than this... See you are a good person, calm, shy, polite and a typical marriage material which my mom wants to see in her bahu...

But you are not going to marry my mom... This Arjun is way too practical and modern .. See I live in US and not in a remote village... I want my wife to look stylish, hot and way too modern... Nothing is matching with you as I expected...

Moreover you don't have the basic maners to greet and you don't know how to do a friendly gesture too... In US its common to hug and kiss everyone we meet... But you are folding your hands and saying namaste...

You are not allowing me even to hold your hand too... You are thinking a friendly hug and a small kiss is a biggest sin.... You can't be a match to this Arjun.... Seriously pragya you are not the girl whom I wanted to marry...

Go and marry a naive and innocent man who will match up to your looks... You don't have the place to stand near me too... Arjun Singh, the owner of SM group companies is not at all ready to marry the behenji Pragya Arora....

Pragya... Just chill up and smile... My bhai will drop you in home... All the best... I will pray for you... Soon you will get your naive husband for sure... Bye abhi bhai... Inform to maa and dad...

Don't trouble me anymore... I will only come for your marriage next... See you bhai... Love you so much... Take care of maa, papa, prem chacha, aaliya di and sid jiju... Bye bhai... Take care... Will miss you so much...

Bye pragya... All the best... Don't miss me okay and don't day dream about me... Never in your dream too this arjun will not be yours... Bye...

Arjun splatters like a time bomb and rushes inside the airport... Abhi and pragya are dumb struck and shocked to hear the words of Arjun... They are standing like a statue without any reactions...

The clouds gets darken all of a sudden... Heavy wind is blowing rapidly... The trees are moving and dancing like a witch with the heavy murderous sound... Big drops of rain starts to hit the floor....

The rain is pouring out heavily... Abhi and pragya are rooted to the ground without any senses... The heavy rain didn't startles them rather they can't come out of the shock which Arjun has given to them minutes ago...

Abhi jerks up from his turmoil when a person has hit him accidentally and asked sorry to him... Abhi is way too shocked to see pragya standing there lifeless....

Abhi horrifies to see pragya like that and rushes near her... He shooks pragya hardly....

Abhi: Pragya.... Pragya... Fuggy... Don't worry... This Arjun is just pranking us... Dont think much fuggy.... Relax... I will talk to him and make him understand...

I will set everything right fuggy... No need to inform this to anyone ... I will handle him... I will take care and I will clear all his misunderstandings and trust me pragya I will make Arjun to say yes....

Say something fuggy... Please... Don't stand like this .. Don't be silent... You are scaring me fuggy... Please fuggy... I will help you to clear the mess soon...

Pragya didn't respond to any of Abhi's words .. Abhi doesn't even know how to handle the situation and how to console pragya.... They are completely drenched in rain.... Their hearts are bleeding and is suffering from an unknown pain....

Both Abhi and pragya's mobile starts to ring at the same time.... They pick up the calls.... They were startled and shocked to hear the news.... Both their mobiles slips from their hands....

Pragya and Abhi who are already in the shock given by Arjun is stumbled to hear the biggest shocking news in the phone... They don't know that these phone calls are going to play cruelly in their lives...

So, what's going to happen next???

How is abhi and pragya going to handle the situation???

What did the shocking news they heard in the phone???

Is there any chance for Arjun to return back???

What's in stores for abhi and pragya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Cast your votes without fail....

Waiting to see your valuable comments, reviews on this chapter....

Rise your hands who all have jumped in happiness on hearing Arjun's answer as no...

As usual came up with a long update of 2400+ words...

Sorry for mistakes...


Yours cliffy buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



Fingers crossed to see 100 votes at least once for this story....

Hope you guys wont disappoint me...


Have a great day ahead....

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