42. I will follow you, all my life...

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I'm so happy today with double happiness....

Yup, two happy news...

This story "Arrogancy vs attitude" has become my 4th story to cross
20,000+ reads after Loving husband,
I fell for your eyes and From the day I met you to be read by many....

My heartfelt thanks to each and everyone, who have read this story so far and rendered all your support in the name of votes, comments and reads...

Last chapter got the maximum votes of 115 votes, which is the highest ever so far for this story... I'm so happy and I hope it grows further more too..

Now to shot. 42 without blah blahs:

Ram Arora spots Abhi sitting beside pragya and talking to her... He understands that there is something hidden in their eyes for each other yet they are behaving as if they are great enemies and ends up in fighting always...

Ram sees the genuine happiness in both their faces when they are together and he prays to god to unite them soon without any problems ...

Ram badly wants Abhi and Pragya to realize that they are made for each other and cant live without each other... He sighs on seeing the fighter cocks and he vows to make them realize the feelings they have for the other...

Ram smiles widely seeing them fighting like kids again and he shooks his head in disbelief... He enters the room in which his wife Priya is admitted...

Ram: Priya... Would you like to have something???

Priya: No ram... Im completely full... This abhi be na... Forced me to drink juice a lot...

Ram: 😂😂😂😂 Good job... You won't listen to anyone of us... But you're nodding and accepting and obeying abhi properly na...

Priya: Haan... Why not??? If you have such a loving and caring son like abhi, anyone can get recovered soon and no one will reject him for anything...

Ram: Ahaan... That's very nice to hear... So, you like abhi beta a lot na...

Priya: Of course Ram... To be frank, when pragya's inlaws came with abhi, I thought him only as the groom for our pragya... But what to do, its Arjun...

I really thought atleast our bulbul can have a good husband like abhi... So, I purposely send bulbul along with abhi so that they can get some good vibes and end up in love and marriage...

Who can miss such a nice boy as their son in law??? But our poor fate... We were not lucky enough...

This bulbul treated abhi like her own brother... I never expected Ram, that bulbul will back stab us like this and do everything behind our back...

Are we not friendly with her Ram???? Why she did everything against us??? When did we said we are against love marriage??? Why she did this to us???

Im really scared Ram.... What will happen to our pragya's life??? Will arjun and his family reject the proposal??? What pragya's in laws is thinking about us and our family??? Im really scared Ram...

Ram: Priya... Priya.... Just calm down.... Relax... Don't get emotional... Its not good for your health...

Priya shouts : I cant Ram... I cant... Im really worried Ram... I can't stay here calmly and take rest... What will happen to our pragya's life???? 😭😭😭😭

None from pragya's in laws family came to meet me and our pragya's fiance, arjun too didn't came to see me na... Im scared Ram... I cant see my daughter's life spoiling in front of my eyes...😭😭😭😭

Ram doesn't know what to say and convince priya who is crying a lot... Priya starts to get worried a lot and her breathe starts to get uneven... Just then abhi and pragya enters the room....

Abhi horrifies on seeing priya in a bad state and he rushes near her.... He starts to pat priya's back and rubs her hands and legs... Ram asks pragya to go and call the doctor soon..

The doctor came and puts injection for Priya and she soon falls asleep... The doctor advised everyone not to make her stress and keep her without any worry....

After sometime, Abhi is sitting there holding priya's hands with tear filled eyes...

Ram: Abhi beta... Don't worry... priya will be fine soon.... You don't stress yourself...

Abhi: What happened all of a sudden uncle??? When I was with priya aunty, she was fine and talking with me happily only na... Why she got uneven breaths???

I cant see priya aunty like this... Im feeling the same pain again, uncle... 😭😭😭😭... I cant lose my mother again... Please uncle, I want to know what happened here that made priya aunty to stress this much???

Pragya: Papa... Tell us what happened to maa all of a sudden??

Ram: We were talking pragya... Just then priya asked me, why arjun and his family didn't come to meet her and she starts to worry about your life pragya and she was hurted by what bulbul did..

Pragya's anger roses: Papa... I don't want hear that Arjun's name anymore in my life... I know how to convince maa...

All because of that bulbul .. Everything is getting worst and worst because of her one big sin... See papa... How much you pampered your daughter???? See... Where it has lead to us???

I lost my sister, I lost my happiness, I lost my life and I cant lose my mother too papa... Never and ever,
I will forgive that betrayer bulbul in my life...

Why are you sitting quiet abhi??? Tell me what is going to happen next??? You only supported and helping that bulbul na... Tell me what to answer my maa...

Abhi takes a deep breath and composes himself: Stop blaming bulbul again pragya... Its over and we cant change anything now... Please dont curse a pregnant woman that too your sister... At least allow her to live in peace...

Pragya yells: Peace... My foot... 😠😠😠😠... We lost all our peace because of her and we have to let her live in peace... Wow... What a logic... Amazing... But sorry, Im not having such a big heart...

Abhi: Will you please stop all your nonsense and get out from here bedore I lose my control??? I don't want anything to trouble or stress priya aunty's condition...

Pragya fumes: Who the hell are you to say that to me??? She is my mother and I have every right to be here.... Who are you to question me???

Ram sees the arguments between abhi and pragya is turning ugly and he doesn't want anything to make them stand apart....

Ram interrupts: Pragya will you please keep quiet... Im sorry abhi beta... I apologize to you on behalf of pragya... Please forgive us...

Abhi: Oh god!!!! What's this uncle??? Don't embarrass me... You're like my father and please don't say such big words and all...

Trust me uncle .. I will set everything right... Its my responsibility to convince arjun and dont worry about pragya's life... I will handle priya aunty amd leave this in my hand... I will take care ..

Pragya shouts: Again and again Im saying, I don't want to hear that Arjun's name anymore in my life...

Abhi: Huh... At least please be patient for time being you idiot... Now, our concern is only about priya aunty's health... She should not know anything about arjun's rejection right now....

So we have to maintain the lie... Till then, I will try my level best to convince arjun and who knows anything miracle can happen...

Please pragya... You said na that I spoiled your life... I swear on my maa and my angel priya aunty.... pragya you will have a happy life...

There was a complete silence prevails in the room after that... All are sinking in different emotions... None speak a word but uncontrollably abhi's eyes are welling up and he holds priya's hands and lays beside her....

After sometime, Ram sees abhi sleeping with a pale and tear drained face... He is not able to tolerate to see abhi like that... Ram sits near pragya...

Ram: Pragya... Again and again you are hurting abhi... Why are you like this pragya??? Why cant you trust him once???

I thought you are a clever girl... But you are proving again and again that you are a biggest stupid... Dont hurt a good soul like abhi... You will regret for this later pragya...

Cant you see how vulnerable abhi is??? My own daughters didn't cried and cared for their maa this much... See him... Who is he??? Is he anywhere related to us???

Day and night, he is with us, helping us, taking care of priya like his own mother... Don't you know how much busy he is??? He has left everything and sitting here only for us...

Try to understand pragya... Don't hurt him anymore... At least, treat him like a fellow human being and try to be friendly with him...

Cant you see he is longing for a mother's love and care??? He is like a kid pragya... He has a golden heart... Trust him once and be friendly with him... I hope my daughter will understand...


After sometime, Abhi groans inwardly and is highly irritated as someone is spoiling his beautiful sleep... He turns his side but his neck starts to pain terribly and he opens his eyes...

Pragya stands before him with her hands on her hips...

Abhi: whaatttt???

Pragya: You sleepy head... How long Im waking you up??? Get up... Im feeling hungry...

Abhi: You heartless devil... If you are hungry means go and eat .. why are you troubling me and spoiling my sleep???

Pragya: Hmm... Iv kept A special fasting today... I cant eat alone... I want someone to sit near me and see me having food.... Who can I find for this other than you monkey??? Come... Come...

Abhi: Bloody hell... Youuuuu devil 😠😠😠😠 ... Im damn hungry and you will eat before me haan... I will kill you, if you do so... I will eat you before that

Pragya: Stop your bak baks... Only 5 minutes.... If you come with me, we can have food together or else Im alone having food sitting before you...

Abhi: No... Nooooo... Im coming devil... No bad intentions right... I will survive na after that...

Pragya glares at abhi and walks angrily.... Abhi mentally curses himself for talking like this and walks behind pragya in a hurry... Ram chuckles on seeing them and prayed for their togetherness...


In the other side,

Purab and bulbul, Sid and aaliya gets ready to go to the candle light dinner arranged by abhi... Purab senses something is not so going on good between aaliya and Sid...

Purab: Aaliya di... Can I ask you something???

Aaliya: Haan purab... What's the matter??

Purab: Di... Don't mistake me okay... Why are you all not bothering about abhi's life??? Arjun is younger to abhi, but I came to know that they came to meet bulbul's sister pragya for marriage...

But why abhi is single till now??? Why none of you are taking interest in his marriage??? Is anything troubling abhi or is he in love with someone???

Sid: Can I answer you purab??? Abhi is a sacrificer all his life... He never cares about his happiness.. All his life, he cares for his sister, family and friends more than him...

Stupid guy... Till this date, he failed to realize his own love and what he needs in his life...

All because of a single person, who is hell adamant and selfishly drowning in her own, bitter past and not at all caring about my abhi and his happiness...

Abhi is one thick headed fool not at all understanding the fact that nothing is going to workout as he expected...

He can't understand the fake dramas played by his loved ones to wipe their guilty but he keeps on saying its out of love.. Huh... God had to give him sense...

Purab and Bulbul understands that sid is talking about Aaliya and they never fail to notice aaliya who is shedding silent tears... All through the dinner sid and aaliya never speak...

Aaliya looks at purab and bulbul longingly... The way purab takes care of bulbul really makes her to drown more in guilty realizing that how she neglected sid's love and care and hurted him a lot in a very ugly manner...

Aaliya's eyes are shedding tears uncontrollably... Sid looks at aaliya and gently gives her a tissue and asked her to wipe her tears without anyone's notice...

When they finished off and about to move, aaliya is rooted in the chair without moving... Sid takes his walking stick and looks at aaliya who is left in deep thoughts...

Sid: aaliya... Aaliya... Can we go now??? See its getting late... Prem papa will be alone na...

Aaliya: Okay... Im ready to move only when you fulfill my wish....

Sid: What Iv to do aaliya??? Did you want me to move away completely from you??? Did you want divorce from me???

Sid gasps in shock with the sudden shock of his life...


In the other side, Abhi is highly irritated and feeling hungry but pragya is taking him somewhere in the car and not at all answering him properly...

Abhi: Hey devil... You annoying, attitude queen... Tell me where are you kidnapping me...

Pragya: You hungry monkey... Cant you stay quiet for sometime...

Abhi: Says the broken radio... 😂😂😂😂... Very funny... Stupid girl... Im hungry... My stomach will burst out anytime... Why are you kidnapping me in my own car???

Pragya: Just five minutes... We will reach the place... Keep the fingers on your lips and dont irritate me... Or else, I will kick you out...

Abhi: God... Why??? Why its me always??? Why are you so cruel to me??? Why you always make me to end up with this queen of devils???

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Because only
I can handle this whining little monkey... You cant escape from my clutches so easily... I will follow you life long and will torture you all my life ...

Abhi smirks while pragya gave a
I don't care look towards abhi... Little did they know that pragya's words are going to become in real soon and its not going to be a bitter torture for abhi yet a sweety and lovely torture for him....

The gentle breeze starts to sing the melancolic song with the soothing air looking at abhi and pragya who are going to love very madly without their knowledge and all of abhi's carvings and longingness are going to be fulfilled by none other than his sweet devil fuggy...


So, what's gonna happen next??

Where is pragya and abhi are going???

What happened between sid and aaliya???

Will bulbul be forgiven by her family???

How abhi gonna handle priya???

Will arjun enter again between abhi and pragya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual a long update of 2550+ words...

Sorry for typo errors and mistakes,
if any..

Cast your votes and pen down your views...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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