41. Lucky is the girl who is going to marry him...

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Hope you all enjoyed abhigya's nok jhoks in the previous shot...

Life is god's mysterious play... Always we have to get ready to face the unexpected twists and turns...

Now abhi and pragya are going to step into an unexpected thing in their lives... May be a big world war gonna strike between them....

So, lets see whether its going to increase their enmity and move them way apart or is it going to make them close unknowingly without their knowledge too....

Come on buddies.... Press the 🌟 button once... Wow...  Good... 👍👍👍👍.... That's like my buddies...

Those who didn't press the 🌟 button,  do it at least now.... Dont want to do that, no problem.... Dont hurt your fingers....

You're very much pleased not to read ahead as I dont want anyone to mock and laugh at you, my stubborn silent readers....

Im saying it seriously and please don't mistake me as if Im teasing you... No no... mahii/crazy won't do like that....


Abhi is smiling like a mad unknowingly as his thoughts were filled with the sweet fights with his fuggy... They were too childish and done all the silly things they can in these days...

It reminds him how his days was quite interesting which is filled with the sweet and funny encounter with his fuggy... He never imagined that such a scenario will happen in his life...

Abhi is being hospitalized for two days... As his pressure level keeps on fluctuating and he had got fever too after donating blood, doctor advised him to get treated...

Abhi is not at all happy with the idea of staying in hospital ... He cant trouble his di aaliya as she has to take care of his jiju sid... Abhi is not in a mood to call his papa Prem Mehra too....

But Ram consoled abhi saying that as he and pragya are also there in the hospital, they will take care of him properly and informed abhi's family too regarding this...

Abhi reluctantly agreed as he knows very well that pragya won't like this idea at all... Much to his surprise, its the arrogant queen pragya who takes care of him in the hospital...

Though she irritates him and annoys him too much but she never failed to impress him with her care... She is a wild lioness and she threatens and blackmails abhi to make him to eat food and medicines...

Abhi is smiling brightly unaware of the fact that he is in the middle of the dining table and everyone is looking at him teasingly... Abhi come backs to earth when he got a nice tap in his back...

Abhi: Ouch... What the.... Jiju.... What's this??? Its my back... Not the table to tap... Its paining..

Sid glares at Abhi and taps him again making abhi to yelp in pain...

Sid: Idiot abhi... Come out from your Dreamland... How long Iv been calling you??? Cant you see bulbul is waiting for your answer???

Abhi: Really... Bulbul did you asked me something....

Bulbul gave a death glare on looking at abhi and turns her face angrily... All starts to laugh hard as abhi is completely trapped with bulbul's mood swings...

Abhi pathetically looks at purab for help but purab shooks his shoulder and starts to munch his food sincerely... Abhi sighs and gets up from his seat and comes near bulbul...

Abhi: Bulbul darling... What do you want tell me??? Dont be angry na please...

Bulbul: who is that idiotic girl in your dream bhai???

Abhi: Hoye who said Im dreaming about a girl.... Too bad bulbul... You have completely mistaken me bulbul...

Sid: Ahem... Ahem... If its not a girl, why you are smiling and blushing so much....

Abhi:  Jiju...😬😬😬😬😬.... Aaliya di look at your husband properly... He is having nice food only right... Then why he  want me as his food... Please ask him to show some mercy on me...

You idiot purab... without helping me, you are eating like a ...... Grrr 😬😬😬😬😬... bulbul, my cutie pie... Tell me... What do you want???

Bulbul: Bhai... I want to meet maa... I cant stay calm without seeing her... Im dying here in guilt... Please bhai...

Abhi: Dont worry bulbul... I will take you when the right time comes... Believe me..  the days are not far, you are going to be with your family...

I know aunty and uncle will surely forgive you... But the terror devil in your house is the biggest problem.... That's the only thing bothering me... Or else, I will take you tommorow too...

Bulbul: Bhai... Pragya di is very much angry on me right... She hates me too much and she wont forgive me n.. Iv spoiled her life and Im a very selfish girl...

Bulbul's eyes welled up and purab tries all his might to console bulbul...

Aaliya: Bulbul... Dont cry... please... its not good for your health... Abhi will take care of everything...

Abhi: Ya trust me bulbul... I will tame the arrogant queen... You just relax and stay happy okay ..  I will take you soon....

See Iv completely forgotten...  Purab here is the tickets for movie... Take bulbul with you... Iv arranged for candle light dinner too... So enjoy and have fun...

I know... I know... Jiju... Dont try to kill me okay... How will I forget you... Aaliya di... Here is the tickets for you too... I want you all four to have nice time together and I want to see all your happy faces after returning...

All smiles happily and thanks abhi... No one notices the change in sid's face when abhi said dinner date and his longingness on seeing aaliya...

Though aaliya is taking care of Sid properly but he wants aaliya to accept him as her husband whole heartedly... Abji winks at sid and gestures him all the best making sid to smile brightly...

Abhi too finishes off his lunch and rushes to the hospital to see priya....


Abhi enters the hospital happily with a bouquet in his hands... When he was on his way, Ram called and informed him that priya has gained conscious and is far better now...

Pragya's jaws dropped on seeing abhi and her anger is at its peak... He didn't mind pragya and walks ahead with his usual smile and hugs Ram happily...

Abhi: Ram uncle... Where is priya aunty???

Ram: Abhi beta... Dont kid me... Priya is right in front of you...

Abhi: My goodness is this Priya aunty???? No ways... I thought she is pragya's twin sister... 😉😉😉😉

Priya blushes too hard with abhi's compliment while pragya is burning abhi with her eyes...

Abhi: 😱😱😱😱... GOD... Why are you always unfair to me??? No... Never... I am not a loser ..

Priya looks at abhi concernly: what happened beta??? Is there is any problem???

Abhi: Yes... Why did Ram uncle married you???

Ram was stunned with abhi's question and sits near priya holding her possessively .

Ram: What's this abhi??? You are trying to separate me from my wife...

Abhi: please uncle... Better leave priya aunty... Leave her to me... Please... I want her as my girlfriend...

Abhi kneels down before priya and hands over the chocolate, rose bouquet to priya... Priya too chuckles and accepts it with a wide smile in her face...

Abhi jumps happily like a kid and hugs priya and kisses her cheeks... Ram too hugs abhi .. The trio shared a group hug and they forget to notice a volcano is fuming there uncontrollably...

Abhi: so, my love... You accepted my proposal right... No backing off saying family, blah, blah, blah... You are not against this right ram uncle...

Ram: No problem for me.... Priya... Your boy friend is very hot and happening right ..

Priya: Haan Ram... Abhi is way too handsome.... Im so lucky to be his girlfriend...

Abhi: Aww... My sweetie... You are really an angel .. But Iv a doubt..  Can I ask you??? You don't mind me right...

Priya: no... No.. Today only you proposed me right... So I wont get angry...

Abhi: I know angel... you are the mother of pragya and bulbul... I accept bulbul is an angel .. But how come you give birth to a devil...

That's it... Pragya's anger roses and she hits the near by chair angrily... She starts to curse abhi with whatever bad words she knows, not loudly but all in her mind...

Ram and priya laughs hard along with abhi...

Priya: I too have the same doubt abhi... I think they have changed my baby in the hospital it seems...

Ram: may be... I think abhi beta, You are our kid... Pragya has been replaced in place of you...

Pragya: Papaaa... This is unfair... This idiot is elder to me and how can you say that Im not your daughter... So, you got a new son and trying to throw me out right...

Abhi: Uncle... Aunty... Did you two feel any burning smell here... Someone is in peak of jealousy and is boiling  like a potato..  😂😂😂😂😂

Priya: ya .. Im also smelling a very bad burning smell... yuck...

Pragya stomps her feet in anger and get out from there... All laughs on seeing pragya... Abhi is opely flirting with priya and making her to laugh happily...

Ram sees abhi and priya with a happy smile and his shed a happy tear unconditionally.... He wipes his tears and  excuses and comes out in the name of getting tea from the canteen...

Ram spots pragya sitting in the isolated corridor and is cursing abhi very badly with all her might... Ram sits near pragya and caress her head. .

Pragya: Don't touch me papa... Go to your new son... He is important to you than me na... See mom too forget me and is talking with him happily... That monkey is also hell adamant to irritate me...

Ram: pragya beta.... I don't know why are you hating abhi this much... Don't you know what happened before abhi comes here...

Priya is crying very madly as bulbul did like this and she is worrying a lot about your life... Priya doesn't know anything about arjun's decision and she keeps on bothering about how to convince arjun's family right...

Now see .. The scene is completely changed... Priya has forgotten everything and is smiling happily without any worry... If abhi is not with priya, her condition may get even worse...

Pragya: So, you mean to say that the monkey has made maa happy...

Ram: yes of course Pragya... Undoubtedly its only abhi who made my priya to smile brightly which we failed to do... But please No nick names... Call him abhi at least...

Pragya: Papa he is the one started ... He irritated me first calling me as fuggy and then devil... I will call him monkey only...

Ram: Huh... I don't know what to say pragya... Abhi is really a gem of a person... Lucky is the girl who is going to get his love and become his wife.... Im damn sure, he not only keeps his wife happily but also his inlaws too...

Im really disappointed as I have not blessed to have one more daughter .. If its so, I would have made abhi as my son in law by hook or crook ..

Hmm... My poor fate... Bulbul is already married... You don't like abhi and hate him to the core .. we are unlucky not to have abhi in our family...


Ram gets  up and walks ahead and he smirks as he started his plan very brilliantly... Pragya is completely confused to the core with her papa's words....

Pragya's pov.:

What is papa saying??? Why he is keep on saying abhi is a gem... Blah.. blah... Blah.... Always... Why papa is feeling too much??? Huh...
I couldn't understand...

Abhi is a real monkey... He is jumping here and there... But his monkey acts only making maa to smile happily and Im also happy with that...

But why this idiot monkey is always irritating me... How dare he to say that im a devil??? Abhiiii...

😬😬😬😬.... How heartless of you to compare me with maa??? I accept maa is pretty... But twin sister...

Idiot monkey... I will kill you... You arrogant, blind jerk... Let me see how you gonna run away from me escaping from my tortures...

Pragya came back from his thoughts as she feels a snap before her face... Abhi is sitting there with teasing smile in his face...

Abhi: So, finished scolding me hun...

Pragya: What the hell... I don't have any other work other than this...

Abhi: Oh I see... To my knowledge, I have seen you sitting here doing nothing... Really do you have any work...

Pragya: Stop irritating me abhi... Dont mock me saying that Im jobless...

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂.... You are very funny... Its too bad pragya... You shouldn't take leave like this...

From tommorow onwards, you are going to office and I will take care of priya aunty on your behalf... Is that clear??? No buts and ifs okay...

Pragya glares at abhi...

Abhi: whattt... Why are you glaring at me??? You have not lost your job.. you stupid devil... Your job is safe and you are promoted too...

That asshole is kicked away from your office and he is no more in this city too... Go and do your work happily...

Pragya doesn't know what to say .. She is smiling happily and she can't express her happiness in words...

Abhi: okay... Okay... I know you wont say thank you to me at all... At least you can give a treat to me... Don't be too stingy... Get me a coffee at least...

Pragya smiles and nods her head... Abhi is completely mesmerized by pragya's smile and he cant take his eyes off from her... But he sighs and keeps on chanting pragya is meant for Arjun as a mantra in his mind....


So, what's gonna happen next???

What is going to happen in abhi and pragya's lives???

Will bulbul be forgiven and accepted by her family???

What is Ram's plans to unite abhigya???

Will sid and aaliya live a happy life???

Will abhi and pragya fall in love with each other or will they separate because of the interruption named arjun!???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 2450+ words....

Cast your votes and pen Down your views....

Sorry for grammatical mistakes and typing errors, if any... No time to proof read...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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