40. We're peculiar and unique ....

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Oh my god!!!! We are in the 40th chapter.... I'm so happy that this is my second story to cross this many chapters....

As you all know, I've planned for 50 chapters.... But I don't know whether I can finish off this story within 10 shots...

If its okay for you all, if I add 5-10 chapters more... Not more than that.. I will try to finish it off within the limit, but if not only I will add...

Expecting all your reply to know your views... Tell me what do you want??? Majorities decision will be considered...

How about an Abhigalicious episode with only Abhi and Pragya, with full of their nok jhoks, fights, care and teasings and fun moments....

How many are excited like me???

As previous shots were too senti , this shot is going to be full of fun... Just dont read alone and go just like that... Click the 🌟 button and proceed further....

Now to shot. 40:

As abhi is not at all in a good health, doctor has advised him to take rest and didn't alowed him to get discharged.... He is being injected with glucose trips and he is sulking as he feels completely bored and feeling as if he has been caged....

Abhi keeps on irritated and staring at the ceiling angrily as if he is measuring and thinking how its made very neatly... He sighs and closes his eyes and a frown come up abruptly when he hears a chuckle...

Abhi grits his teeth in anger seeing pragya standing out there with a mischievous smirk in her face and a teasing smile is clearly visible in her face ... Pragya not able to control more bursts out into laughter seeing abhi's expressions....

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂.... oh my god... Mind blowing... Picture perfect... Wow... Wow...  Today only you look exactly to the name Iv given you... Aww... so cute... 😂😂😂😂

Abhi: What the hell...😬😬😬😬... Don't irritate me pragya... This doctor and nurse are already getting on to my nerves and you too just dont annoy me and eat my head.... Get lost and dont laugh in front of me...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂.... I  ..  I just cant control myself... 😂😂😂😂.... you look exactly... Yah... Oh my god.... Same to same... 😂😂😂😂😂.. quite funny... 😂😂😂


Abhi's pov.:

What happened to this devil fuggy??? Is she for real??? Im not day dreaming or Im not got mad right....

She is fine only na yesterday .. Oh god.. did her  brain stops to work properly??? why she is behaving like a mad girl and why she is laughing like a fool???

Strange girl... She and her different moods... Really she is an unique piece... Yesterday she is completely opposite to what Im seeing today...

She is crying, screaming , angry , hurt and irritating everyone... she was a lioness yesterday but today she is laughing like a crack pot... All of a sudden what happened to her..

But ... phew... She is a devilish beauty ... God... what a breath taking smile she is having... It will be nice na if she smile like this always..

Stupid fuggy... Always showing arrogant attitudes and full of big, big egos... Not at all smiling and frowning always...

What is happening to me??? Why Im willing to cherish the beautiful smile in her face.. Why my heart is feeling some unknown pleasure on seeing her beautiful smile... Dont be a stupid abhi...

Remember sarlama asked for pragya's hand for arjun and though arjun rejected pragya, still chances are there for them to patch up again.. Dont be a fool and make a laughing stock of yourself...

Keep this in your dumb head.. Pragya is your enemy and you are helping her to repent for the unknown mistakes and blames you have done... Its your duty to make her life in a proper manner... That's it...

Don't think much abhi... Pragya is going to be the wife of arjun and its a sin to see your brother's fiance in a different angle... Shut your heart and behave properly...

Abhi stares at pragya who is laughing clutchcing her stomach and tears are there in her eyes because of laughing too much ... An unknown smile creeps in his face not knowing the fact that pragya is laughing on looking at him only...

Abhi: So, can you tell now what's make you to laugh like mad???

Pragya: Whattt?? Me mad... youuuu idiot mehra... 😬😬😬😬.. You stupid monkey... Its all because of you.. oh my god... 😂😂😂😂

You are sitting  like a baby monkey...  I cant suppress my laughter seeing you scratching your head really like a monkey... 😂😂😂😂

Abhi: whatttt.... You stupid devil... Arrogant evil witch... How dare you to make fun of me 😬😬😬😬??? Why not I kill you????

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Don't kid me monkey... You are a caged monkey now... Be a good boy and behave properly or else I will ask doctor to put you a big injection and dont come and cry to me to help you...

Abhi: huh... You are annoying me pragya... Get out from here before I smash your head...

Pragya: Don't act as if this is your home... Keep quiet and sleep... I know what am I doing???? Dont take me lectures...

Abhi didn't utter a word more... He gives a death glare to pragya who is sitting opposite to him with a bossy attitude criss crossing her legs and smirking at abhi and irritating him too much...

Abhi's blood starts to boil on seeing pragya eating the fruits and showing off to him making his stomach to grumble in hunger... He can't digest it anymore when pragya crushes and squeezes the orange in the manual juicer and filling the glass to drink...

She gave a devilish smirk looking at abhi and starts to sip the juice and she keeps on praising and enjoying the juice.... Abhi is highly annoyed with pragya's behaviour...

He just want to strangle her neck and make her to spit out all the juice... He sighs and closes his eyes as his stomach starts to make strange sound embarrassing him before pragya...

Abhi is starving and he badly needs something to eat or drink to fill his stomach but his male ego didn't allow him to open his mouth and bend his head down before pragya...

He sulks and tries to suppress his hunger and his body started to betray him... Abhi is completely startled when he felt a tap in his shoulder...

Abhi: whaattttt.... 😬😬😬😬

Pragya: Idiot... Don't shout... My ears are paining...  Have this and yell afterwards briskly.... Stupid always showing tantrums like a kid...

Abhi: I don't want this... Go away from me and don't irritate me...

Pragya: Hello mister... Im not your slave or your servant... Dont try to order me okay...  Im just doing it out of my selfishness... See you looked at me and cursed me when I had juice na...

Drink this quickly or I will get severe stomach pain... come on have it before I change my mind and give it to the real, cute baby monkey....

Abhi makes an annoying face and takes the glass as if he is having a yucky drink...

Abhi: Yuck... What the hell is this??? Horrible... Really is it a juice???? You didn't add poison to kill me na...

Pragya: what the hell 😤😤😤....
I know you will talk like this only... My mistake... You heartless moron...

Im not a creepy creature like you who plays with others life and feelings... I have to blame me... I thought of helping you na... Go to hell...

Idiot... Give the juice to me... Let me die if it has poison... Still you didn't believe me right... How cheap of you to think that I will mix poison in juice??? You monster... 😬😬😬

Pragya grabs the drink from abhi and starts to sip the juice... Abhi is highly irritated and picks the glass from pragya and starts to sip the juice... Unknowingly, abhi places his lips exactly in the place where pragya has sipped...

Abhi finishes off the juice and keeps the glass aside.... Pragya gasps in shock and stares at abhi wide eyed... She gulps hard and doesn't know what to do now... Abhi is completely puzzled on seeing pragya's reactions...

Abhi pov.:

What is happening today??? Seriously something is wrong with this fuggy... I have a doubt whether she is in her proper senses or not...

Why is she staring at me like this??? I know no one can leave without admiring me... I know its hard to resist my charms but this fuggy has never reacted like this ever before...

Why is she nervously staring at me all of a sudden and why she is biting her lips like that??? Why she is looking like eating me??? Oh my god..  what she is staring at...

😨😨😨😨😨.... Why is she looking at my lips like this and why she is biting her lips too???? Noooo... Is she going to pounce on me and grab my lips  ..

Seriously something is wrong... Hey why she is coming near me... Oh no... What I will do now... I cant even run away from here... Please pragya don't do this to me...

Im ready to get your slaps, beatings n even your bites too... But don't come near me...please... Go away... Its reserved for my wife and no one has the right to kiss on my lips other than her... Nooo...

Abhi is completely nervous and sweating hard as pragya nears him... She bends her head down and comes closer to abhi's lips...

Pragya: Abhi... Look at me... Turn this side and show your lips to me...

Abhi: whattt.... 😨😨😨... Nooo...  See pragya... This is wrong... Don't do this to me please ...

Pragya: what the heck??? Why are you blabbering like a foolish monkey???

Abhi: say whatever you want... But don't ever dare to kiss me in my lips... See only my love of life and my wife is given the right to grab my lips and kiss me passionately...

I don't allow anyone to do that... Please  please leave me...  Im a virgin... Stay away from me... Dont try to take advantage of my situation and I want to be so pure and genuine to my wife...

Pragya: Nonsense... You are completely sick and its confirmed you dont have brain at all... Yuck... I will die rather than kissing you...

You are thinking too high of yourself... Dont be a fool okay... You stupid... I just came to wipe away the lipstick mark in your lips which accidentally left in the glass ..

But you are reacting as if Im trying to rape you... Thinking too high of yourself na... You thick headed monkey never deserve to get the kiss from this pragya...

Pragya bursts out her anger and stand there furiously glaring at abhi... Abhi ruffles his hair and doesn't know how to react too... There was an awkward silence prevails in the room...

Pragya hands over a wipes to abhi and shrugs  off and goes and sit in the chair opposite to abhi... She starts to swipe her mobile as if nothing has happened and didn't look at abhi at all....

Abhi's pov.:

You have gone completely mad today abhi... Again you purposely messed up with the devil and given  your nose to her to voluntarily to cut it down with all her might...

Huh... Stupid abhi... You are hopeless... God... For a single thing itself she will dance on my head...

Today I made myself a laughing stock and she gonna mock and tease me very badly....  Im damn sure she will embarrasse me for the stupid stunt I did now...

But why did I reacted as if I like the closeness... Why my heart is longing to grab those lips??? It will be nice to see those attitude filled lips surrendering to mine na...

God... what am I thinking??? Rubbish... Why my mind is thinking too much today and why am I having all sorts of dirty thoughts.... Nooo... Abhi just calm down and take a deep breath...

Ya... Relax... Don't think much... Remember... pragya is your enemy... You are just helping her out of your guilt and there is nothing between you two...

You two are arch rivals and you two are poles apart which never can come together ... Stay away from her and behave as much rude as  you can..

You are here to set everything right in her life and remember you two cant be together ever .... Stop thinking nonsense and behave properly....

Life is always a package of surprises...  We cant predict what is going to happen in our lives... Life is a tricky puzzle and we should be ready to face the unexpected twists and turns...

So, what's going to happen next???

How is the abhigalicious update???

Question of the hour:

Will pragya and abhi fight like this ever or will they fall in love with each other???

What will happen if Arjun is ready to marry pragya????

What is going to happen in purab and bulbul, sid and aaliya's life???

Keep guessing and stay tuned..

As usual a long update of 2285+ words ..

Sorry for errors and mistakes, if any...

Cast your votes and pen down  your valuable reviews n comments...


Yours buddy,

Crazy mahiz

Signing off...

Will be


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