39. Hold on to your stupidity...

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Thanks for all the support... Expecting some more from you all...

Now to shot. 39:

Abhi is trying his level best to control his anger... But Pragya being an arrogant and attitude queen starts to blame Abhi out of no where, for all the mishaps that happened in her life ...

Abhi kept mum knowing pretty well about Pragya and he knows that its her stupidity to behave like this, without minding anything and she is talking everything out of anger...

But Abhi's patience gets out of control, when she blames Abhi that he doesn't value any relationship at all and her mom's condition worsened because of him only...

That's it... Abhi's all patience gone in thin air ... Abhi's blood starts to boil... The inner monster in him leaped with full rage and his eyes turns red with fury and anger flares in his nose uncontrollably ...

Abhi who respects woman a lot, slaps pragya hardly for the second time to control her tongue, for the stupid accusations she is saying on him...

Pragya is stunned with abhi's sudden assault .. Hot tears rolls down from her eyes... Abhi though is madly angry on pragya startles on seeing her tears...

Abhi says sorry to pragya and caress her cheeks which has the impression of his hand and wipes her tears which are flowing uncontrollably... He quickly runs and gets water and hands over the water bottle to calm her down...

Pragya gulps it in a go and didn't said anything at all to abhi... Abhi coughs to seek pragya's attention and he starts to speak...

Abhi: "Why its always me pragya??? Don't you know anything about me... How can you always clearly misunderstand me and puts all the blame on me so easily???

I accept we always argues and fights for all the silly things... But dont you know that I will never leave your side when anything wrong happens with you...

How can you blame me so easily that I didn't value any relationship??? At least you should have think that your enemy, your stress burster, your monkey abhi wont do anything that hurts you...

I know you don't like me calling you fuggy from our childhood... But why cant you realize that its an unique name given by me to call you with affection... Still I remember the pony tailed fuggy who looks way too cute in the green dress...

I accept pragya we are not friends... I know pretty well , we don't share any affectionate bond, neither friendship too exists between us...

At least you can treat me as a fellow human... Im not a heartless monster like you think pragya... I too have a sister and I always treat bulbul like my little sister...

When I came to know that purab and bulbul are married, I reacted more than you and I scolded them a lot than you ...

But whatever happened is happened... We cant change anything... They had their own reasons and said that they did it out of their helplessness...

Im not here to support them but now a days, younger generation are not at all minding anything and doing all sort of stupidity and they end up like this hurting every one in the family...

The result is not only they are suffering, their entire family has to face a down fall and has to face society's mockery too...

Now too, Im not at all bothered about bulbul or purab... They are happily married and they will focus on their family life from now on... But what will happen to your life??? Im worried for you only pragya...

Don't worry... I won't call you fuggy anymore... The abhi you know is dead already for you... Im only Abhishek prem mehra, the cousin of Arjun who ditched you....

Its my responsibility to make priya aunty to get back to her normal self... Remember this is my duty and responsibility, as you blamed that Im the sole reason for aunty's condition...

Dare to say the money I spend on priya aunty as loan or you will repay, you will see my worst face for sure... Is that clear??? (Roaring n threatening voice)

And I will set everything right between purab and bulbul and its my responsibility to take care of everything... Finally miss. Pragya Arora, you blamed me na that I only corrupted Arjun's mind...

Keep this in your dumb head...
I will set all the things right... Im answerable to your life... You are going to be the bahu of the singhs and I will make sure that Arjun will accept you and marry you... "

Before pragya could realize what's happening and what she has heard from abhi, abhi moves from there and sits afar from pragya... Hot tears were rolling from both their faces unknowingly and their hearts are having an unknown pain....

Just then, the nurse calls the attenders of Mrs. priya Arora as doctor wants to meet them... Ram and Abhi rushes over there followed by pragya who is standing there at a distance not able to see abhi's eyes...

Abhi: Doctor Sharma... What happened??? How is priya aunty??? She will get fine na...

Ram: Tell us doctor... Your silence is scaring us...

Doctor: No need to worry... Mrs. Priya's condition is stabilizing after the operation... But she is lacking with blood... She has a very rare blooed group and our blood bank has no stock too...

As its late night, we cant call up for the volunteers too to donate blood... Time is very short... We don't know what to do now... We are bothered that it should not affect her condition...

Ram: Doctor... No need to worry... My younger daughter has the same blood group... I will call her to come soon and give blood...

Doctor: That's very fine... Make sure that blood has to be transferred to your wife within an hour and ask her come to come as early as possible as we lack in time...

The doctor leaves the cabin as he has to check other patients... Ram, abhi and pragya comes out....

Ram: Abhi beta... Can you call bulbul to come here??? I and pragya has not yet forgiven her and can you please do this favour for us...

Pragya: No need of that papa...
We will ask some other persons for blood... I don't want that corrupted girl's blood on my maa...

Abhi roars: Just shut up pragya... Cant you use your brain even in hard times too... Always talking something rubbish... I don't know when you will start to understand the seriousness of the situation..

Pragya yells: As I heard your talks some time ago, its not essential that you can have the guts to talk to me in this tone... Dont show your male superiority to me...

Abhi: Ram uncle... Please ask your daughter to keep quiet... We are in a critical situation and Im confused to the core as how to arrange for blood but this pragya is eating my head... Please help me...

Ram: Pragya beta... Please keep quiet... Its about your maa's health... I beg you to stay calm and we have no choice left than to call bulbul now...

Pragya: Alright... Only for my maa... Go ahead...

Ram: Abhi beta... Please ask bulbul to come soon... Abhi... Call her soon... What are you thinking...

Abhi: Hun... I don't know what to do now uncle... Bulbul cant give blood to priya aunty at this condition... Im worried where to find blood now that too very soon...

Pragya: Why cant that maharani come n give blood to her maa??? Cant she do a duty as her daughter too???

I cant understand how can a girl can forget her parents very ealily when she gets married... Shame on her... Cant she do this out of humanity too???

Abhi rufflles his hair and sighs to calm himself as pragya is boiling his nerves...

Abhu : bulbul is not like what you think... I don't like anyone blaming my sis bulbul without knowing the truth...

If I call her, she will come hurriedly and donate blood without minding anything... But I don't want her condition to worsen because of this...

Ram: Can you tell me abhi beta what's the problem bulbul has??? Why can't she give blood to priya??.

Abhi: I don't know how to say uncle... Bulbul is three months pregnant now and she came to know that yesterday only... So, only bulbul and purab has got married it seems...

Pragya: Oh my god!!!! How can she do like that??? I know that purab only misguided her and do this with her...

Abhi: Stop talking rubbish pragya... Both are at fault... Its not purab's mistake alone... Both are equally responsible and the shocking news is that they are living together in a relationship for more than 3 years as that of a husband and wife...

They did a biggest mistake but they didn't eloped or get married before itself as they worried for your life pragya...

Now, they have no choice than to get married as they are worried for their child and they don't want their baby to be called as illegitimate by anyone...

Ram and pragya are completely stunned and they don't know how to react to the shocking news they heard about bulbul... But all they cared now is how to get blood for priya and to save her without any medical complications....

Ram: Now what shall we do Abhi beta... Where will we find A-ve blood???

Abhi: Really is it A-ve??? Oh my god... God is always with us... Don't worry uncle... Priya aunty has got the blood...

I and my sister aaliya can give blood to priya aunty as we two have the same blood... Let me call my sister aaliya to come soon...

After sometime, aaliya comes there along with her father prem mehra... Abhi and aaliya donates blood to priya and Ram thanks aaliya for the timely help...

Aaliya: Don't embarrasse me uncle... Its our duty to care for aunty... I know how much your family means to my chottu.. But some people are hell adamant to misunderstood him and not at all knowing about his good nature...

Dont worry uncle... Priya aunty will be fine soon... My chottu abhi will make priya aunty to get all the best treatments ... We know the value of a mother and we know how it will hurt if we lose her... My papa,. me and my chottu suffered a lot without our maa...

Nothing will happen to priya aunty... And you don't be sad uncle.... Until priya aunty and you forgive bulbul and purab, they are our responsibility... We will take care of them...

Any help dont mind to call us uncle... Pragya... You too can call me... I know you hate my chottu abhi a lot but you can very well contact me... Im there as a sister to help you....

Aaliya smiles and hugs pragya and pats her cheeks and asked her to be strong enough to face everything... Prem mehra too consoled Ram and moves to their home....

As abhi is completely exhausted and tired as he hasn't ate food properly and taken proper rest for two days, he lost his conscious when he was giving blood... So, Doctor has put trips for him and he is sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed...

Ram and pragya were sitting in the isolated corridor of the hospital...

Pragya: papa... Maa will be fine na...

Ram: she will beta... Don't worry... But I want a small help from you pragya... Can you do it for me please???

Pragya: what's this papa??? Tell me what Iv to do...

Ram: Please don't insult abhi beta in front of me... I don't know why you don't like him at all... But he is very very important to me...

He is the reason that my priya is getting back to normal... If you respect your papa, try to talk normally with abhi... For god's sake, Don't show your anger on him before me at least... Please...

Pragya doesn't know how to react too... She nods her head as yes but her mind is lingering with various questions... She gets up and goes inside the room in which abhi is being medicated and sits near him...

Pragya: You stupid monkey... How dare you talk like this haan??? You are talking too too much... Don't you know about me idiot...

Tell me what will I do??? As a girl,
I can't tolerate the back to back blow in my life ... when every single thing is against me what will I do???

Maa's sudden health problem, bulbul's betrayal n her marriage, arjun's hatred words and his sarcastic comments on me and my character and the way he neglected me pierced my heart to the core...

Moreover, my helplessness to get money to save maa and the lusty monster's bad behavior towards me made me completely mad... Tell me what will i do at that time???

Tell me you brainless monkey abhi what will your devil fuggy do??? Don't you know whatever happens, I will show it only with you as I know pretty well that my monkey abhi will understand my anger and will there to support me in bearing my pain...

But you too are hurting me now abhi... I don't mind your slap at all... I accept all your talks and advices... But how dare you idiotic donkey to say that you won't call me as fuggy at all...

Get ready Mr. Abhishek Mehra... You have messed up with your fuggy... Will I leave you just like that??? A big cold war gonna start between us... As you know always, Im only going to win for sure...

Remember you have to be with me till my maa recovers fully... Enjoy the torchorous punishments your fuggy gonna give to you... 😂😂😂😂😂...

May your soul rest in peace Mr. abhishek mehra ... Dare to say that moron Arjun's name from your mouth anymore, I will kill you for sure...

Pragya hits playfully in abhi's chest and caress his head and moves to the nearby couch and drifted to sleep... Abhi wakes up in early morning and spots pragya sleeping there in the couch... A bright smile creeps in abhi's face...

Abhi: Silly fuggy... When will you understand me... This abhi can't hurt you at all .. I'm there for you always and I swear that I will try my level best to change arjun's mind to accept you as his wife..

Life is an unpredictable game... We are mere players in the dramatic fate of our life... Knowingly or unknowingly we will take a wrong decision which not only gonna hurt your heart but also gonna hurt your loved ones hearts too...

So, what's gonna happen next???

What is abhi going to do now???

What is the torchorous game pragya gonna play with abhi????

Will priya be back to normal???

Will bulbul be forgiven by her family???

What will happen in sid and aaliya's life??. Can they lead a happy life???

The most important questions :

Will abhi and pragya fall in love???
Will arjun become a sautan in between abhi and pragya???

Is it going to be abhi and pragya or arjun and pragya???

To know more stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2600+ words...

Sorry for errors n mistakes as its unedited...

Cast your votes n pen down your views without fail...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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