38. I will never forgive you...

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A very happy news guys...

This story "Arrogancy Vs Attitude" has become my second ever story to cross 3000+ votes after my story Loving husband .... Im so so happy... Thanks for all your love and support...

Expecting it to continue further in the upcoming chapters too to reach greater heights and end up this story as a successful venture of mine....

A special dedication to all my voting buddies whose votes are really my energy tonic... Thanks again for all the love and support...

🌺🌺🌺🌺 Some issue in watty has not allowed us to vote yesterday... So, iv unpublished the part and   republishing today... Those who have not read n not voted, do vote for this part without fail... 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺

Now without further adieu lets move to shot. 38:.

( All are very bad guessers... Only very few guessed it in first instance... 😂😂😂😂... Why all are thinking of pragya like this??? Too bad....

Why all thought that pragya will only slap abhi??? 😂😂😂... Please leave the poor soul abhi for time being... Let him enjoy his punishments later 😉😉😉😉... Do you want to know who got slap from pragya???

Its none other than pragya's sister bulbul.. Wanna know why pragya slapped bulbul???? Read further to know in detail.... )

Pragya fumes in anger and walks in full rage as she hears the voice of bulbul calling her papa Ram Arora with a shivering voice... Pragya's blood boils on seeing bulbul wearing mangalsutra in her neck and her forehead is adorned with kumkum....

Pragya's anger is uncontrollable... She is errupting like a hot lava as purab is standing there very close to bulbul with his face down which is full of guilt... Pragya cant take it anymore....

She doesn't want the betrayers to stand in front them that too acting as if they are worried for them .... She hates bulbul and purab for her mother priya's misery.... She marches ahead and slaps bulbul very hard...

Bulbul stumbles with the sudden assault of pragya  but in a nick of time, purab catches her without falling down... Pragya is not in her senses and is  uncontrollable...  Her eyes are furious with anger oozing all around her body...

Ram stunns to see pragya standing like a kaali maa with a long weapon who is about to punish the enemies...
Ram was dumb struck with the way his two daughters standing like enemies, one being very furious and the other being filled with guilt....

Before Ram reacts and stops pragya, pragya barges on bulbul... She is too much furious like a pouncing tiger and about to strangle her neck and slap her even more harder....

Bulbul closes her eyes as she knows the reason for pragya's anger and she thoughts she deserves such treatment and punishment from pragya for the biggest sin she has committed...

Purab stands there helpless and his eyes welled up as he too is also responsible for the rift between the sisters...  He doesn't know how to stop pragya from being hurting bulbul....

Pragya rises her hand to slap bulbul again... Bulbul closes her eyes and clutches purab's hand hardly... But pragya's hand is being caught by abhi in the correct time and he pulls her away from bulbul....

Abhi: what the hell are you doing pragya??? How can you slap bulbul like this??? Dont ever try to hurt her or else I won't mind to slap you in return...

Stupid pragya... Are you mad??? Why are you behaving like this??? Remember this is hospital... Cant you calm down and listen what she says???

Pragya yells: That's none of your concern you bloody moron... Who the hell are you to stop me from slapping this heartless n shameless girl???

And how dare you to raise your tone on me... Who are you to question me??? I will kill this bitch for playing mercilessly in our lives...

Abhi: Mind your tongue pragya... She is not a random girl and how can you talk like this... Damn... She is your own sister you fool...

I can bear whatever words you spit on me but you dare to speak ill about my loved ones, I wont stand simply hearing all your bloody craps...

What the hell you think of yourself, hun??? Stop being so judgemental without knowing anything... Who gave you rights to punish bulbul???

Pragya:. Get out from here abhi... Its our personal issue... You don't have any rights to poke your nose in this matter... Better go away to save your dignity or else ...

(Fists her hand in fury and bangs in the nearby chair making bulbul to shreik out... )

Abhi doesn't mind anything and ignores pragya and walks towards bulbul... He makes bulbul to sit in the nearby chair and asks purab to sit along with bulbul... He gave water to bulbul and asks her to drink....

Abhi: Bulbul... Stop crying... I asked you not to come here na... You idiot purab, why you two are not at all listening to me... Again and again you two are complicating and messing up everything....

Purab: Sorry abhi... Im helpless... Bulbul is crying very hard and not at all listening to me... She is keep on begging me to take her here to see her family...

Abhi: I told you na bulbul... Why are you hell adamant to do everything opposite to what I say to you??? Wont you listen to me???

Bulbul: 😭😭😭😭... Sorry... I didn't meant to.... But I cant stay there thinking what's happening to maa???

Abhi: Don't cry bulbul... See its not good for your health... Priya aunty is still unconscious and I will take you to her after everything is back to normal okay...  

Now be a good girl and go to home... Purab take her to home and make her to eat food ... Dont stress yourself bulbul... I will take care of everything... Go now...

Bulbul with moist eyes get up from the chair... Purab holds her carefully and wipes her tears and they moves... Pragya claps her hands harder...

Pragya: wah... Wah... 👏👏👏👏.... Mind blowing and emotional performance... Im  way too impressed...

Papa... See here... Your lovable daughter, your angel, you pet, your princess bulbul has come to see all of us and to check whether we are alive or dead... Super na papa...

Bulbul: Sorry di... 😭😭😭😭... Im at fault...  But Please listen to me... I didn't mean to do this ... My situation is like tht... That I...

Pragya: Cut all your irritating and useless craps... I don't want to listen to any of  a your fake dramas... who are you ???

Bulbul: pragya di... 😭😭😭😭...

Pragya: Shut up... Im not your pragya di... Never and ever call me di in your life... Your di pragya is dead for you... Maa and papa can forgive you but I wont...

Get lost... But remember you two... If anything wrong happen to my maa, I wont spare you two... And I don't mind  this great supporter of yours, the biggest betrayer and spoiler of my life Mr. Abhishek prem Mehra..

Ram can't take it anymore... He kept mum so far for pragya's accusations as bulbul and purab are at fault... But, he cant tolerate pragya talking nonsense about Abhi anymore and ill treating him like this ...

Ram: Stop it pragya... Why are you blaming abhi out of no where??? He is not at all fault pragya... If he is not here,...

Pragya: Papa... You don't know anything papa... 😭😭😭😭😭.... All back stabbed us papa... This purab, bulbul , that idiot arjun and the biggest destroyer of my life and the culprit is this abhi only...

Ram: But pragya... Its not as if you think...  You are misunderstanding everything wrongly...

Pragya: Papa... 😭😭😭😭😭... This purab and bulbul is responsible for maa's condition... My maa is suffering like this because of this two...

And you asked me na why am I blaming this abhi??? Maa is day dreaming about my marriage na... Its not going to happen for sure papa....

That arjun rejected me papa... 😭😭😭😭... He doesn't want a girl like me papa... Do you know who is the reason behind that??? This great man abhi...

One more thing papa... Iv never faced a worst situation in my life kikw this... Because of these four idiots mistakes, im facing everything papa... 😭😭😭😭... As Im a girl, Im standing helpless like this... .

What is my fault in this papa??? Tell me... What have I done to them??? Why did they played in my life??? 😭😭😭😭... Why all are hurting me again and again ???

If they didn't do this to me, I would have never gone to meet the cheap and lusty monster... Do you know papa what that manager asked me??? 😭😭😭😭😭....

For giving money for maa's treatment, he is asking me papa... He wants to me to pleasure him in his bed papa... 😭😭😭😭... How can I stay calm papa??? Tell me....

Pragya cries very hard... Ram doesn't know how to console pragya... Abhi is startled to see pragya crying like this... Abhi who always awes pragya for her bold attitude and arrogant behaviour is dumb struck to see pragya like this...

He is not in a condition to see the devastated state of pragya and her cries pricks his heart to the core .. Abhi's blood boils on hearing the manager's cheap behavior and he wished to punish him for behaving with pragya like that....

But abhi composed himself and texts to someone to look after this issue... Right now, he knows pretty well that he has to be in hospital with pragya and Ram...

Abhi gestures Purab and bulbul to go from there... Though they wished to be there, abhi assures them through his gestures that he will take care of pragya and inform them all the happenings... 

Pragya: Papa... 😭😭😭😭.... We are helpless papa... I don't know what to do now... How will we pay money for the operation??? Im so sorry papa... 😭😭😭😭...

I can do anything for maa... But I cant do this papa... 😭😭😭😭... Please forgive me... I backed out from my responsibility... Sorry papa...

Ram: Pragya beta... Calm down... Dont cry... Nothing to worry... You are always a bold and brave girl... You didn't do anything wrong beta...

You didn't failed in your duties beta... God won't punish us like this... Your maa will be fit and fine soon... She wont spare me if she sees you crying like this....

Pragya: But papa.... How can we save maa??? I don't know how to arrange for money....

Ram: Dont worry beta... The money is being already paid...

Pragya: But how???

Ram: You scolded all this while na the same abhi is the one who saved your maa...  If he is not here, it wont be possible to save your maa....

Not only money, he is being with me as my moral support... He has arranged for the best of the best doctors and to do the treatments way too faster....

Moreover, your maa's blood group is very rare... We were in an emergency and no stock of that blood in the blood banks too... Abhi is the one who lent his blood to your maa...

But you accused him like a culprit pragya... Abhi is innocent and he has nothing to do in purab and bulbul's matter...

Pragya: But I cant forgive him for the betrayal in Arjun's matter...

Ram: Why are you misunderstanding abhi like this pragya??? I know all the matters relating to that Arjun... To be frank, I don't like that Arjun at all...

Abhi is also way too shocked with arjun's decision... Now too he assures me that he will look after the issue... He asked me not to inform this to your maa at all till he finds solution to this problem....

Pragya: You are trusting that abhi so much papa...

Ram: yes... Because he is the one who bring my priya back to life...

Ram moves away from there... Pragya is stunned with Ram's reply and hot tears  rolled from her eyes... Never in her life, she feels helpless like this... She is feeling as if she is standing alone in a deserted island...

Pragya suddenly feels that she is finding a ray of hope in the deserted island... She is startled as abhi wipes her tears and hands over her a bottle of water and asks her to drink...

Abhi: Fuggy... Please stop crying... I cant see you like this... If you are broken like this, who will look after Ram uncle and priya aunty... Be strong fuggy...

Where is the arrogant, attitude queen pragya who fears nothing and fights for her rights??? Don't be like this pragya... All will be fine soon...

Pragya: why all have deceived me like this??? I didn't expect bulbul will back stab me like this... You too were way to close with bulbul na...

That purab is only your friend right ..  Dont tell me that you didn't know anything about their love and marriage...

Abhi: Seriously fuggy... I don't know anything... I too was shocked to know about them... Iv never imagined they will do like this...

But whatever happened is happened... We can't change anything... Its better to forgive and move ahead...

Pragya: Hmmm... Its very easy to advice others right... You cant understand anything abhi... Its me who faced everything... As you have saved my maa, I cant tolerate all the nonsense you say to me...

So, you have played your cards pretty well na... You have thrown your money and donated blood and showed to my papa as if you are a very good soul...

Im taking this money as a loan only and I will surely repay the money to you... Its very disgusting that my maa has your blood... What purpose you have to do like this???

Pragya rubs her cheeks as she felt a stinge of pain.... Abhi is standing there furiously and his eyes are blood red with anger... He shooks pragya's shoulder hardly....

Abhi: How cheap of you to talk like this pragya??? How dare you to say that I did everything on purpose??? Don't think you only value relationship, family and your maa....

I don't have my maa... When I see priya aunty's condition, I only see my maa in her... I only know how its hard to live the life without maa...

I lost my maa at a very tender age... Im living a life of a hell without my maa... If my maa is there, my di would have not suffered this much... If my maa is there, she would have never allowed a heartless girl like you to question me like this....

Keep this in your dumb head... Always you can't be correct in your life... Try to trust others and have patience to listen to others words too...

Always you are drawing conclusions on your own... This is not good for your future life pragya... Cut down your attitude and think wisely...

Pragya is stunned with abhi's accusations.... When she is about yo answer him, Ram rushes there as doctor is calling.... Pragya and abhi too moved ahead with Ram to hear the doctor's words....

So, why did the doctor called???

What happened to priya??? Is she alright???

Will purab and bulbul be forgiven by pragya and her family???

What will be priya's reaction if she comes to know that arjun has rejected pragya????

What is going to happen in pragya and abhi's lives????

Will abhigya go apart or will they come closer???

Will it going to be a new beginning or a going to distance them with a sad ending???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

A very long update of 2700+ words...

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any...

Cast your votes and pen down your views....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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