37. Facing the worst situation of my life...

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Thanks all for the support... Sorry for being late... Climatic changes are sucking me n playing in my health very badly... huh..

So, kindly excuse me for my absence and delay in the updates .... Will try my level best to update as and when possible...

Now to shot. 37:

Abhi is in a complete dilemma and is confused to the core as what he has  to do now... He is pissed off with the sudden up and downs in his life....

Abhi is worried a lot about pragya's parents Ram and Priya a lot... He can't find any words how will he console them with Bulbul's issue and also about Arjun's matter....

His only relief is that he has not informed anything about Arjun's decision till now to anyone... But he is bothered whether Pragya has said the matter or not and he doesn't know what's happening in the hospital too....

Abhi comes out from his trance when Purab shooks him hard....

Purab: Abhi... Please... Try to understand our situation.... Its all my fault and please don't mistake bulbul...

Abhi: Just hold on purab... I understand  pretty well that what you two have done... You can have your own reasons but whatever you guys have done till now is unforgivable and its solely the mistake on your sides...

You two doesn't know what you guys have done... Already a big blow has happened in pragy's life and now this matter...

God... Nothing should happen wrongly... Im much worried a lot... Priya aunty is being admitted in hospital it seems... Don't know what's going on there... I can't even contact pragya too...

She is hell angry on me... Now bulbul your matter should have aroused her anger for sure... If she knows im with you two, she won't mind to kill me too...

Bulbul: Its all because of me only... 😭😭😭😭... I committed a big mistake.... Such a bad person Im... 😭😭😭😭

Purab: Don't cry bulbul... Please...  It will affect your health... Calm down sweety... We will go and explain our situation to your family and Im ready to bear anything for you...

Abhi... Please try to understand our situation... We are helpless and so we have got married all of a sudden as we have no choice left other than this...

Abhi (in a sarcastic tone) : Really purab.... wah... wah... what an explanation to hide the sins you two have committed... I cant even believe till now that you two have done such things....

Keep this in your mind... You two have done a big blunder which cant be forgiven soon... How can you two have the guts to live together before marriage???

I didn't expected this from you bulbul.... Purab is a man but bulbul don't you know, you are a girl and haven't you thought for a single time about your family's respect....

You guys are in a live-in relationship for more than 3 years... You two didn't valued about our customs and beliefs... I cant comment on your personal matter or your personal will and wish....

But bulbul haven't you thought a single second about your parents.... Don't you ever thought about pragya and her life???

You have got married happily with your lover ... Your life got settled...  What about pragya??? You have destroyed her life because of your stupidity bulbul....

Purab: Abhi... please... Bulbul told me that your cousin Arjun is being fixed as pragya's fiance na.... We will talk to sarla aunty n mohan uncle...

Im ready to go and beg to them and I will explain our situation to Arjun too... I hope nothing wrong will happen and Im sure they will accept pragya for sure....

Abhi (yells) : Shut up purab... Nothing is going to happen.... Believe it or not... You two have put pragya's life in stake and completely destroyed it... Arjun rejected pragya's proposal and flewn away to USA this evening....

Tell me now... Whom are you going to convince now??? What answer you have for pragya's life??? Now talk purab and bulbul... What are you to going to do for pragya's life???

Purab and Bulbul are dumb struck and doesn't know what to do now.... Their eyes welled up as they have played in pragya's life unknowingly....


Its past mid night... Aaliya, sid n prem mehra are seated in the living room with tensed faces.... Aaliya rushes out hearing the bell sound...

Aaliya: Abhi... You came... Where are they??? They are fine right....

Abhi: Ya di...  There they are... Take them inside and take care of them di... Give them food and make them to stay in the guest room.... I will be back soon..

Purab... Bulbul... Get inside.... Don't worry .. I will take care of all the problems...

Jiju... Please look after them... Keep an eye on your friend purab... He shouldn't do any stupid stunts again... Ask him why he didn't informed anything before and how he dared to hide this  from us...

Sid: Aaliya... Take them inside... Come in purab and bulbul...  Don't worry abhi let me teach this purab a good lesson... Abhi... Where are you going at this time???

Abhi: I have a small work jiju... Let me go and come soon...

Aaliya: chottu... Did you had anything??? You look tired and exhausted....

Abhi: Im full di with all the day's happenings...The person's I believed all my life has back stabbed me... First that arjun and this purab and bulbul... huh...  Im fine di ... Don't worry... Just take care of everything... I will be back..


Pragya and her papa Ram Arora are standing nervously in front of the doctor's cabin... Traces of drained tears are visible in their faces... Their tension increases when the doctor enters the cabin with a pale face....

Pragya: What happened doctor??? My mom is fine right... Nothing serious na...

Doctor:  Im so sorry to say Miss... Your mom is in a highly dangerous situation... We are trying our level best to give the best of the best treatments....

We have been instructing you that she is stressing herself a lot... Already she is a heart patient... She has got a severe cardiac arrest now and we have spotted blocks in her heart too...

So, immediately a surgery should be done to save her.. As soon as the operation should be done... The delay will surely deteriorate her health for sure and we cant give any hope to you about her life if the operation is not done in proper time...

Ram: 😭😭😭😭... No doctor... Don't delay... Please save my wife... 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Doctor: A specialized surgeon has to be called and it will cost some lakhs... Is it okay for you??? Is it possible for you to arrange the money for you to continue the treatments...

Ram and pragya are stunned to hear that... Pragya wipes her tears and speaks...

Pragya: You make arrangements for the Operation doctor... We are ready to pay any amount doctor....

Doctor: Alright... Then we will start the proceedings...

Ram and pragya goes out from doctor's cabin...

Ram: Pragya.... How are we going to arrange for the money now??? Its sunday tommorow... We cant take jewels from the locker too ... Iv invisted all my cash in the stocks...

Hardly, we have only 50,000 in our accountd... Already we paid 30,000 for admission and procedures.. How can we arrange money all of a sudden???

Pragya: Don't worry papa... I can go and ask help from my manager... I can apply for loan too.... Take care... I will be back soon with money...


Pragya is sitting tensed before the manager and is waiting for his reply after she said about her situation.... As it's a holiday, she has visited the manager's house with lot of hesitation...

Pragya who always considers the manager as a gentleman didn't expect his house will be like that... The posters of many heroines and models in vulgar and sexy attires are filled in his place...

Pragya feels awkward to sit there and she doesn't find good vibes in that place a bit at all .... She want to rush up after getting the money from him... She prays to god not to bring such situations in her life ever again...

The manager is scanning pragya's body with full of lust and his lips are lingering with a desired smile to use pragya's situation for his well being and fulfill his long term wish of having pragya in his arms....

Pragya: Sir... Its an emergency... I have to pay the money as soon as possible... Please sir 🙏🙏🙏... I dont know whom to ask other than you... Will it possible to make arrangements soon sir???

The manager smiles brightly and comes near pragya... She feels suffocated with the wierd smell coming from his body and she is feeling creepy with the way he looks at her ...

Manager: Relax pragya... Dont worry...  Your mom will be fine soon... Im ready to give whatever amount you ask for....

No need to apply for loan and all in the office... The company procedures will take much time and you may not get the expected amount you wished for asap...

Pragya: 😱😱😱😱.... God... What will I do now??? I have to pay the amount within afternoon sir... Is there any other choice left sir??? Cant I get the money....

Manager: Hey calm down pragya... Cool cool...  Did I said you wont get the money??? I will surely help you .. I will give you money from my personal savings...

Pragya: Thank you so much sir... I wont forget your timely help sir....

Manager: Pragya... But you have to do one small thing for me and then Im ready to give as much as money you want....

Pragya: Tell me sir .. what Iv to do??? Im ready to do anything to bring back my mom to hale and healthy...

Manager: Wow... That's so nice to hear.... Nothing much pragya... You have to do a small thing for me... You can get the money as a reward for  the thing you are going to give  me and you can save your mom easily...

The manager nears pragya and holds her hand in a seductive manner... Pragya feels awkward and tries to move but he tries to get closer with her ...

Pragya: sir... What are you doing??? Leave me please...

Manager: pragya... Please... Im ready to give anything for you... Just one hour... Be with me... No one will know anything about this... Its between you and me...

My bodily desire can get fulfilled by you... You will get the needed amount.. Your mom will be saved... I will also be happy... Keep the money with you and you don't need to repay it to me...

The manager stings in pain when pragya slaps him hard and kicked him down with full rage and pushes him down ... The manager wriths in pain...

Pragya (screams) : You swineless, lusty monster... What did you think of me??? Im not a cheap girl as you think...

You bloody asshole... You tried to misbehave with me using my helpless situation... Dont think all girls as same.... I don't mind to kill you too if you tried to near me again with such bad intentions...

Im a well cultured girl and I value my feminity the most... Your tricks wont work on me... If you try to near me, you will face the worst side of me... Mind it you bloody moron...

Manager: Hey you bitch... What did you think of yourself??? Dont think high about yourself.... I can get any girl, if I throw money....

Its my long term wish to have an arrogant and fully attitude girl like you in my arms and  its my wish to have a virgin like you... Remember you are working under me and I can do anything with you if I want... Its not easy for you to escape from me...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Really....You are trying to threaten me... Remember Im pragya arora... Its impossible to make my head down and never and ever this pragya will be ill treated...

Dont think you can use my situation or my job for you to fulfill your lust... Do hell with your so called stupid job... Dare to near me... You will face my wrath for sure... Get ready with my settlements... good bye...

Pragya kicks him again with her heals hardly in his manhood, making him to scream in pain... She bangs the door and rushes out... Hot tears rolled down from her eyes uncontrollably...

Completely defeated and helpless, pragya enters the hospital without knowing what to do... She doesn't find ways to arrange for money and is in a complete confusion as how she is going to arrange money and pay for the hospital expenses....

She spots Ram Arora seated in the hopital chair tired and exhausted... She plasters a fake smile and nears Ram... She hands over the food packet to Ram...

Pragya: Papa.... Eat this and fresh up and come.... Don't worry papa... Mom will be fine soon...

Ram smiles: Dont worry pragya... I have got all my hope back pragya... I know my priya will come back to me fit and fine... She will be okay soon... 

You look so tired beta... Go and freshen up... Did you have your food or not... Come and sit here... Let me feed my daughter today... Be brave... Nothing will happen to priya...

Pragya couldn't understand what happened to Ram... But she felt contented on seeing the happy smile in Ram's face.... She too smiles and starts to eat the food from her papa's hands as she is tired and exhausted....

Unknown to pragya, her eyes welled up... Ram wipes her tears and consoles her that all will be fine soon... Pragya is completely guilty and doesn't find ways to settle the hospital bills...

Pragya is in deep thoughts thinking how to arrange for money... She cant say the issue to her papa ram as she doesn't want to make him sad again...

Pragya is jerked up from her thoughts when she hears a familiar voice near by.... Her blood boils in anger and she stands up like a ferocious lion....

Pragya walks in full rage and slaps hardly in the person's face... Hot tears rolled down and hits the floor... Ram is dumb struck to see the sight there...

So, what has happened???

Whom did pragya slapped???

Is it abhi or bulbul or purab???

What will happen to rabul??? Will pragya's family accepts them???

Will pragya misunderstood abhi again???

What will be Arjun's parents call on arjun's decision???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2500+ words....

Dont forget to cast your votes and pen down your views...

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any, as iv not proof read...


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


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