44. Mesmerized on her angelic smile...

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Thanks for all the love and support..

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Now to shot. 44:

Abhi couldn't resist himself from looking at Pragya's smiling face... Something in Abhi is pulling him towards her and he just want to melt himself in the soulful smile of pragya....

Abhi is completely mesmerized on seeing Pragya's angelic face and her smile is doing something in his soul... He couldn't find words, as why he is reacting in such a way and what sort of feeling is this...

Abhi enjoys the food cooked by Pragya and they were talking about some random topics and neverthless they didn't forget to argue on something and their nok jhoks too continues in between....

Suddenly, Abhi jerks up as his mobile starts to buzz, making him to frown hard as if he is bothered about someone is interrupting his romance... Abhi is in a mentality to rip the person into pieces for coming between them...

He is hell angry on the person and takes his mobile from his pocket... Abhi is highly annoyed and irritated to see the call is from Arjun.... He looks at Pragya's smiling face and is in a dilemma whether to attend the call or not....

Abhi without bothering about the consequences cuts the call and put his mobile in silent mode.... He casually flips his mobile in his pocket and starts to pounce on the food, as if he is starving for years...

Abhi starts to cough hard all of a sudden as the food chokes in his throat making his eyes to blur down with tears starts to ooze out uncontrollably.... He starts to suffocate and is coughing vigorously....

Pragya panicks and gets up from her seat.... She rushes towarda abhi and pats abhi's head and soothes on his back to calm him down.... She makes him to drink water....

Abhi's eyes and nose starts to overflow because of the choking of food in his throat.... Pragya without minding anything wipes the tears and his nose with her shawl and continues to pat his back.... But the situation of Abhi is worth a watch...

Abhi's pov.:

Oh my goodness.... What's this.... God... Why im failing miserably today???? This fuggy is doing too much today and why all my control is subsiding before her terribly....

Why am I feeling like heaven when Im with this fuggy??? Why her irritating and annoying bak baks are becoming like a soft, rhythmic melody in my ears???

Why her smell is intoxicating me so much and why want to drown in that very badly??? Why am I terribly affected with her closeness???

Why my thoughts are getting dirty now a days???? Huh... Why am I started to do the impossible things and I am having many wierd dreams that too with this fuggy???

Why I started to consider pragya's family as mine??? Why I want to cherish and to be with close with the aroras??? Why Im  more concerned about their happiness and why their sadness and pain is badly affecting me???

Something in me is wishing for something which I couldn't get ever in my life...  I know pretty well that pragya will never like me ever in her life...

Why is it hurting me badly thinking that pragya can't become mine??? Whaaattttt.... 😨😨😨😨😨.... What the hell am I thinking???? Why did I thought of such stupid thing???

😱😱😱😱😱... This fuggy is doing something inside my soul.... Abhi be careful man... Stay away from this devil for heavens sake.... You have to carry on with your mission and try your level best to talk to Arjun...

Arjun 😨😨😨.. .. seriously 😬😬😬😬.... Did I have to talk to Arjun??? But why I feel odd to talk arjun and why am Im not bothered about that till now???

Pragya hates to hear Arjun's name too... Why I felt in top of the world when pragya said she will never accept Arjun in her life???

Why I was highly irritated when Arjun called me when Im spending my time with pragya??? Why I cut the call without talking to Arjun??? Why the blind thought of arjun and pragya as couples is pricking my heart???

Huh... Just relax and calm down Abhi... Dont over think anything.... Move on with the flow of your fate which your life is going on.... Let god decide what is best for you....

Abhi came out of his reverie when pragya shooks his hard and asks him to continue eating.... They finish off the food in silence and pragya asks abhi to wait in car as she needs to taks something from room...

She locks the house and moves towards the hospital with abhi .. Pragya finds it wierd as abhi is not at all speaking to her and is in deep thoughts...

Pragya always hates abhi's silence... She keeps on irritating him as she badly wants to talk with abhi always... Unknowingly abhi's voice is like a stress reliever for her...

Pragya: Hello.... Monkey king... What's cooking??? Planning any conspiracy against me...

Abhi: whaatttt .. no... No... Nothing sort of that..  Just some random thoughts...

Pragya: So, tell me...

Abhi: Pardon... What I have to say you???

Pragya:  This is too rude man... You haven't said anything about my food...

Abhi: Food... haan its somewhat okay... Not bad... Try to cook more... Practice hard...  You will do it tasty one day....

Pragya: Oh really.... Seriously you don't know even to lie too monkey... I saw how you pounced on the food.. You didn't leave a piece too and licked your fingers and plate as well..

Abhi smiles sheepishly as pragya has keenly observed all his silly antics... Pragya bursts out into laughter on seeing abhi's condition.... Abhi drops pragya in the hospital....

Much to pragya's surprise, Abhi said thanks to pragya for the wonderful dinner she has cooked for him...  Pragya gasps in shock as abhi hugged her in a friendly manner and drives back to his house..

Abhi rings the bell and his papa Prem Mehra opens the door with a wide smile in his face... Abhi hugs his papa and asked about where is his sister aaliya and jiju sid....

Prem said that they are in their room and he also adds that he is way too happy to see them together finally... Abhi wishes to go and see them but prem mehra stopped him and whispers something in abhi's ears...

Abhi nods his head as yes and walks ahead to aaliya's room with a teasing and naughty smile lingering on his lips... Abhi leans on the door with his hands folded on his chest...

His lips curved to a mischievous glint on seeing his sister and jiju are staring at each other without blinking their eyes too and not at all minding his presence for a long time ...

Abhi chuckles hard and suddenly he shouts cockroach making both sid and aaliya to get panic and they hug each other tightly with fear...
Abhi bursts out into laughter uncontrollably... Aaliya glares at abhi and holds his ears and twists it hardly....

Abhi: aahhhhh.... Its paining di.... Leave me...

Aaliya: what sort of stupid prank is this abhi???

Sid: Bad manners abhi... Don't you know to knock and get in...

Abhi: Whaattt... This is too much... How long I was standing outside... You guys didn't even locked the door and never heard me too... So, you two are saying that I have came as an interruption na... 😞😞😞😞

Sid: 😂😂😂😂  Drama king... We won't say that ever in our life abhi.... Everything happened only because of you....

Abhi: Awww.... Love you two so much.... But sorry love birds...  I came here really as an interruption only....

Both sid and aaliya shouts in horror.... Abhi bursts out into laughter on seeing their poor state on hearing the shock he has given...

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂...  Just chill up...  No crying like babies... Its papa's wish... Papa wants you two to start your life happily in an auspicious day as he doesn't want anything to spoil your happiness....

So, what I mean is that you two are not supposed to sleep together until we find a best day for your suhagraat and also till jiju gets recovered fully...

Sid: we know that abhi... What are you upto now??? Dont say that you are gonna ask aaliya to go and sleep somewhere....

Abhi: No jiju... I wont do that... Instead Im going to drag you to my room.... Sorry di... Sleep with my jiju's dreams .. Good night...

Abhi helps sid and takes him inside his room.... Sid pouts and glares at abhi but he knows pretty well why abhi and prem did so.... Sid sees abhi's smiling face and he prays to god to keep him happy like this always....


Days starts to roll on... Pragya has resumed her work as the lusty manager has been thrown out from the company because of abhi's influence ...

It has become a habit for abhi to visit priya and he spends his time happily with ram and priya not forgetting to stare at pragya stealthily and  continuing his silly fights happily with her... 

The fondness  of ram and priya for abhi increased day by day.... Pragya too smiles happily on seeing their bonding and she brings her hand made food for abhi whenever possible...


Priya is completely fine now and doctor has said ram that he can discharge his wife but doctor has clearly warned ram to keep Priya stress free and worry free and asked him to keep her happy always....

After finishing the hospital formalities, Ram and pragya along with priya in the wheel chair comes out from the room smiling happily... They know abhi will come any time to pick them up...

Their smile vanishes all of  a sudden and their anger roses on seeing bulbul standing there with tear filled eyes... She folds her hand and looks at them pleasingly to forgive her for teh sin she has committed....

Bulbul couldn't able to tolerate their accusing gazes and she stumbles and id about to faint... Purab holds her in the nick of time and makes her to sit in the  near by chair and pats her back...

Bulbul hugs purab and starts to cry hard pleading him to ask her parents to forgive her for her mistakes... Purab doesn't know what to do but he gets up and folds hands before them....

Purab: Please... I apologise for all the mistakes we have done... Im not here to argue that what we did is correct... We have done the mistakes as we are completely blinded in our love and we don't want anything to separate us....

We are ready to accept whatever punishment you give to us... But I beg you not to curse my bulbul or my baby... She is my angel and I don't want your curse to hurt my bulbul and our child...

We know that we can't get your forgiveness and blessings so soon..... But at least we wish to visit you all whenever bulbul wishes and we plead you to allow us to come to your home...

Pragya: Wah... Wah... Great... What a performance...  What a love and care from a husband come father...  So, Mr. Purab, you mean to say that you only care for your wife and child and no one can do that right....

Did you guys care about us atleast once in your life time... My father is also a husband and he shouldn't care about his wife and has to forgive you right... Didn't my mom cared this bulbul so much and where is the love she has on her....

Can you answer me??? All our happiness ruined because of you two... Don't you guys have any shame... Stay away from us...  If anything happened to my maa again, I will show my worst face....

Bulbul: 😭😭😭😭😭 ... Diiii... Please... We didn't came to hurt mom... We just want to see her and nothing else....  We will leave after you all go to home...

Pragya : Stop right there .. dare to near my maa , I will kill you..

Bulbul without minding pragya's warning tries to near priya... Pragya holds bulbul's wrist angrily and rises her hands to slap her....

Bulbul horrifies and closes her eyes to bear the slap willingly.... Ram and priya doesn't wish pragya to slap the pregnant bulbul and they are not in a mentality to see their daughters fight...

Purab's eyes welled up uncontrollably as he cant see his love of life, his wife, his angel bulbul being ill treated badly before his eyes...

Bulbul opens her eyes as she didn't feel any pain in her cheeks.... She gasps in shock as abhi is holding pragya hamds tightly and twists her wrist angrily....

Pragya grits her teeth in anger and is hell furious on abhi for stopping her like that...  Abhi didn't mind that and gave a death glare on looking at her....

Pragya:  Leave my hand your moron.... Don't poke your nose in this monkey... This is our family matter....

Abhi: Just shut up, you devil.... If you dare to open your mouth, you will see this abhi's another face.... This is between your parents and bulbul....

You don't have any right to say what they have to do... They know what to do.... Just keep quiet and stay away from this matter... Did you get that???

Both abhi and pragya starts to argue and the hospital is looking like a nasty fish market...  They stopped their fight as Ram shouts both abhi and pragya to keep quiet as all are seeing them....

Priya didn't even look at the scenario and she closes her eyes and hot tears are rolling from her eyes.... Abhi panicks and pushes pragya and runs towards pragya...

He hugs priya and beg her not to get tensed...Abhi wipes her tears and whispers something to priya... Ram too comes near them and hears what is abhi saying to priya....


So, what has happened????

What did abhi said to priya and ram???

Will bulbul and purab be forgiven???

What will be pragya's reaction for that????

Will abhi and pragya starts to fight again and makes them stand apart or are they going go to get close pleasing everyone???

Keep  and guessing stay tuned...

Cast your votes n pen down your views.....

A long update as usual..

Almost 2460+ words....

Sorry for grammatical mistakes and typo errors, if any....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


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