50. You should make a woman to get angry, if you wish her to love you...

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Oh my goodness!!! We are in the 50th part... A half century or a golden jubilee guys....

Thanks for all your love and support so far....

Just 10 more shots to go.... I hope you all will support me in this...


March. 24.... A very special day in my life..

Last year, the same day, a crazy girl named Mahii (crazymahiz) stepped into this amazing world of creative writing to pen down her crazy n cliffy stuffs....

😂😂😂😂... Okay okay cool down...

It's a happy day for me as this is the day in which your crazy buddy mahii stepped in to scribble her crazy thoughts with a little hope that someone will support her....

But never expected that I will write this many stories and many will support me like this... Words can't express my thanks to you all...

Successfully completed a year as a story teller... I hope you all will support me further too....


➡ Even if we fight a lot for silly and stupid things, I want you in my life forever...

➡ All said to me to make her to fall in love with me... But, every time she laughs, I'm the one who falls in love with her more....

➡ I have gone completely crazy and smiling out of no reason... Then only, I realized that I was thinking only about you...


The Aroras and Mehras had a great time together... Abhi stealthily glances at pragya who is looking at him murderously as he had escaped from her clutches so easily and sitting between her father Ram and mother Priya....

Priya: So, Abhi beta... You will get so busy after this... Will you find time to come and meet me???

Abhi: Oops... It's really hurts, my angel... You accepted to be my girlfriend na... Why won't I come and meet you??? I will daily come and meet you for sure...

Haan... My dearest Ram uncle, my buddy purab and my darling sissy bulbul are also here na... I need to come here to meet them too.... How my day will pass without meeting you all...

Pragya is glaring at Abhi murderously as Abhi has not said her name... Pragya couldn't understand why her heart is paining as the thought of abhi ignoring her is killing her... She doesn't know why her eyes are about to shed the precious tears...

Pragya sighs and quickly moves from there as she feels that she has become unwanted for abhi too... Abhi couldn't understand why pragya has left the place abruptly and why on earth, aaliya and sid are glaring at him angrily...

Abhi least bothered about their looks and turns his attention on purab who is deeply thinking about something...
Abhi gets up and sits near purab and side hugs him...

Abhi: what happened Purab??? What is bothering you now???

Purab whispers: Abhi, can you do me a favour, please??? I don't know how to ask bulbul to come from here... We can't stay here for so long na... So...

Abhi: What's your problem purab??? Why can't you stay here??? You will be here right, if this is your home... Don't think it as your in laws house, think its your home man....

Purab: But abhi... It won't look nice if we stay here, abhi... Pragya is there... Won't she feel bad on seeing us here and what will Ram uncle and priya aunty think about us... Won't people taunt me saying that I have settled in my in laws home...

Abhi: Do hell with those stupid people... Don't  think much purab...
I know very well about Pragya... She won't feel bad on seeing you two staying here... Rather, she will be happy, if you two are here... Moreover, priya aunty is not well and bulbul is pregnant ..

So, if you are with them, it will of much help to them and bulbul will also be happy... You don't need to worry about bulbul, when you are in office too... Its safe for bulbul to be here..  Come on purab... Say yes...

Just then Ram and priya comes near Purab and asked him to stay with them forever, if he considers them as their parents... Purab smiles happily and accepted to stay with happy tears in his eyes as he has got a family for his own...


A week passed in a jiff...  All are busy with the arrangements and works for the office matter and got deeply engrossed in the paper works, cabin arrangements and other documentations works... Abhi doesn't know why pragya is avoiding him all the time and not talking with him...

Abhi who was always irritated with pragya's silly fights and shoutings starts to carve to hear a word from pragya... Pragya is talking with everyone and is doing her job perfectly... But she behaves as if abhi didn't exist in the world....

Pragya often visits abhi's house and discuss the office matter with sid... She never cared to ask anything to abhi and even spare a glance at him too... Abhi is highly annoyed with pragya's attitude and her arrogant behavior irks him to the core....

The d day for the documentation signing for the newly modified company ( breaking off the partnership with the singhs and adding the aroras n purab as partners and also to make sid as the chairman of the company) came finally... All are eagerly waiting for Mohan singh to turn up soon....

But, the time is running way too quick and all got worried why Mohan is not at all showing up... Just then, abhi's mobile start to ring aloud.... He quickly picks up the call and completely startled on hearing the news and assured the person that he will come there soon...

Abhi is feeling helpless at that situation and he is completely confused what to do further too...  He ruffles his hair and takes a deep breath to calm him down... All he want now is to have pragya beside him at that moment...

Abhi: Papa... Jiju... Its an emergency... I will be back in an hour or two... Purab, just take care of everything and try to delay the documentation works, till I return back... Ram uncle... If you don't mind, I'm taking pragya with me...

Abhi never waits for pragya to reject his offer and he drags pragya abruptly from there... Abhi's hold on pragya is way too stronger and tight and it's not at all easy for pragya to come out from abhi's hold...

Pragya understands that it's of no use to struggle as abhi won't leave her at any cost... She smirks and walks dashingly together with abhi making his jaws to get wide open...  Abhi leaves pragya's hand when he nears his car and asked her to get inside the car...

Pragya smirks and gestures abhi to open the door for her with full of attitude as if  pragya is the owner of the  car and abhi is her driver... Abhi grits his teeth in anger and harshly opens the door for pragya and closed it with a big thud after she gets inside...

Abhi drives the car rashly thinking that pragya will ask him to slow down but she least cared about the speed and smilingly watched the view outside with full of interest as if she is new to the city and watching it today only....

Abhi halts the car abruptly and pragya wonders why abhi has come to hospital all of a sudden... He opens the car door and runs in a jiff not bothering whether pragya is following him or not... Pragya is confused as why abhi is behaving wierd out of nowhere....

Pragya enters the emergency room in which abhi entered and she is way too startled to see Sarla is not in good health... Mohan singh is standing there with tear striken eyes... Abhi rushes and hugs Mohan tightly....

Abhi: Mohan uncle... Don't worry... Nothing will happen to sarlama... She will be fine soon...

Mohan: Abhi beta... I'm extremely sorry, as I couldn't come there for signing the documents... Sarla's health deteriorated all of a sudden and I'm standing here helpless and I'm so sorry for calling you to come  here at this time...

Abhi: What's this uncle... We are family.... Can't I understand the situation??? We would have delayed the documentation works, but you didn't agree to it and is hell adamant do the paperworks today itself... As you said, I have brought the documents with me.... 

Mohan without saying a word picks up the documents from abhi and signed it hurriedly... He made sarla's thumb impression to be marked on it as she couldn't sign it as she is sedated ... Mohan takes a deep breath and smiled genuinely on seeing the documents in his hands...

Mohan: Here is the documents abhi beta... I'm completely relieved and happy now...  Thank god..  The company is now transferred to my deserving son Abhishek mehra completely... Beta... You will grow higher and will reach greater heights.... I will support you with all my might ....

Mohan hugs Abhi and pats his back and hands over the documents to abhi happily.... Abhi signs pragya to come inside and he hands over the documents to pragya with a genuine smile in his face....

Abhi: Uncle... Tell me at least now... What has happened to sarlama, all of a sudden... She is absolutely fine when I talked with her yesterday night too.... She is way too eager to come today for signing... But how did it happened???

Mohan: What to say abhi beta... We have given birth to a heartless monster as our son, who cares for nothing but money... All he cares is his happiness only and he is least bothered about anyone or anything...

He is fighting a lot with me all these days, when I said that I'm handing over the company to you completely... He started to blackmail me with all his might but I least cared about that...

Morning, when we were getting ready, that idiot has called Sarla and has talked badly it seems... Sarla can't believe that her son whom she has pampered so much will talk this much badly with her...

That's all beta.. Her pressure raised and she falls unconscious all of a sudden.... Poor wife of mine not able to bear this shock at all... Thank god, we came to know about him before itself...

If not, we would have destroyed pragya beta's life too... Sorry pragya beta... Please do forgive us, as we were about to push you in a living hell and would have spoiled your happiness too....

Pragya: Oh god... What's this uncle... You are also like my papa... Don't feel sorry and all... I'm really feeling bad for you... Nothing wrong from your side...

Don't worry uncle... Sarla aunty will be fine soon... We will be there always for you uncle... Any help don't hesitate to call me uncle...

Abhi smiles happily on seeing pragya's genuine concern for Mohan and sarla as she didn't mind that they are Arjun's parents too....  Abhi's heart is keep on telling him to hold pragya tightly before anyone snatch her away from him....

Abhi shooks his head in disbelief and vows himself not to be a stupid to fall in her trap.... They sat there with them for some time and moved out hurriedly as Purab has called them to come soon....

All through the way, abhi and pragya neither had a word too as they were hell worried whether they can reach the registrar office in time...  They hurried and reached there at correct time huffing and panting and did the documentation works happily....

All smiled happily and signed the documents.... They congratulated each other for their new beginning... But the two important people of the day, abhi and pragya are staring at each other and wishing the other to give up and come and congratulate the other....

They didn't initiated a move but doing a great war with their glarings itself... All moved to the office in some time, where aaliya, bulbul and priya are waiting for them to come and do the pooja... As insisted by everyone, abhi and pragya sits together and does the pooja along with Aaliya/ sid and Bulbul/Purab....

After the pooja gets over, abhi announced the staffs that they will be resuming the works from tommorow and will be having a small get together that night to celebrate their happiness.... The staffs were really happy on hearing the news....


During evening, when everyone sstarted to go to the hotel in which the party is arranged, abhi made sure that pragya has to come with him... Abhi couldn't resist himself from staring at pragya who is looking breath takingly gorgeous and killing him mercilessly with her smile....

Its really hard for pragya to bear the instense look of abhi... But she is not in a mood to encourage abhi at all... She wants clear explanations from abhi and she is hell adamant not to talk with abhi before that...

Abhi's patience starts to diminish with each passing second as pragya is not at all answering his questions or saying anything to him or arguing or fighting with him.... Abhi gritts his teeth in anger and halts the car abruptly in a secluded place....

Abhi gets down from the car angrily and opens the door in pragya's side.... Though pragya is highly irked with abhi's behavior, she composed herself quickly and stayed mum as if she is least bothered about anything and shows her attitude filled look on abhi....

Abhi yells on the top of his lungs with anger flaring in his nose tips:

What the hell is your problem pragya.... Why are you avoiding me like this fuggy??? Why are you not at all talking with me???? What wrong did I do for you to ignore me like this...

Tell me you devil... Don't smirk and irritate me... Shout at me... Scold me.... Beat me... Fight with me and do whatever you want to do with me.... But don't avoid me like this fuggy...

I... I can't bear this cold attitude of yours....  Its pricking my heart to the core.... Damn it... Open your mouth and say something.... I'm dying here to hear you and you are standing there as if I'm not a matter to you hun...

Pragya didn't mind abhi's words and looked at her watch... When she is about to get inside the car, abhi pulls her harshly and tightly holds her in his grip making her not to move an inch too....

Abhi: We are not moving anywhere, before you answer me fuggy.... Tell me at least, why are you avoiding me like this.... Please...  Its killing me too much without hearing your bak baks...

Pragya sighs: May I know who are you and why I need to answer your questions.... You have clearly said na already that I'm no one to you... Then what's your problem now
Mr. Abhishek Mehra.... Its getting late... Shall we move...

Abhi: Fuggy please... Tell me clearly na what did I do to face your wrath... Why are you angry on me??? Show your anger in your words and I hate this silent torture fuggy...

Pragya: Who am I to get angry on you Mr. Abhishek....

Abhi: Aargh... I hate it, if you call me like this... Call me in names which you used to call me always... Please fuggy... I'm begging you.... 😢😢😢😢

Pragya: It's you who did everything and you are questioning me as if I did wrong to you.... You didn't thought a second too, when you neglected me abhi... But you are saying that I'm ignoring you.... Nice joke...

Abhi: When did I leave you fuggy.... I'm beside you only na... I'm only running behind you and willing to talk to you... But you are only avoiding me...

Pragya makes a sarcastic laugh: Really... I know, I'm an unwanted person for everyone.... All through my tough days, I thought there is one person, who can be by my side, no matter what....

I really believed you abhi that you won't leave my hand any time for anything.... But you too proved me wrong and made me clearly understand that this pragya has to spend her days alone only and no one can understand her feelings....

Haan... Why am I bothering too much when my parents and my sister neglected me???? Why did I get too much angry when you least cared about coming and meeting me???? Why I'm like a fool is still believing that whatever happens you will support me???

😭😭😭😭😭😭.... So, you too thought na abhi that Im not worth for anything.... You also don't want to see me and you too didn't treated me like a human na.... Answer me... You king of monkeys... 😭😭😭😭😭....

Pragya is crying uncontrollably.... Abhi's eyes too welled up on seeing her broken state...  He didn't do anything purposely but just then he realized that why sid and aaliya glared at him on that day....

He curses himself for doing such a stupid stunt and didn't know how to console pragya at that moment.... He takes a deep breath and walks near pragya and cups her face....


So, what's going to happen next????

What will abhi do to console pragya????

Will abhi and pragya get rid of their arrogancy, attitude and stupid egos and confess what's in their hearts????

Will it be easy for Abhigya to carry their business forward without any interruptions from Arjun????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 3000+ words..

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any...

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail....


Yours buddy,


signing off....

Will be



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