54. Couples who fight too much are really in love....

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Hey my crazy Abhigya pankhas....

Anyone missed this story???? I missed it a lot....  Especially Abhigya's nok jhoks...

This is a very special day.... Today (29/05/2018) is my best friend's birthday.... More than a friend, she is like a family to me... Ours is a peculiar relationship and you all won't believe that we fight and argue a lot... 😂😂😂😂...

Same like Abhigya, we fight and get angry on each other many a times, but our friendship and bonding are way too stronger than anything... Watty has given a special friend to me, who is a pillar of support to me always and stood beside me, no matter what...

Happy birthday sweet heart... Dedicating this chapter to my best buddy AshwiniBala, the birthday girl... Hey aswi... What else can I give, other than your favorite story on your birthday....

Here is my birthday wish and a small cake for you from my side... Did it hurriedly... I hope, you like it...

May God bless you with all happiness and all you dreams and wishes come true... Have a blasting year ahead... Happy birthday Aswi.... 🎂🎂🎂🎂


Great couples gets angry on each other and fight a lot... But they never leave each other's hands, whatever happens....

Every women deserves a man, who looks at her everyday, like it's the first time, he laid his eyes on her....

Simple philosophy of my life:
Fight for her...
Protect her...
Laugh with her...
Tease her...
Play prank with her...
Irritate her...
Care for her....
Adore her...
But don't forget to argue and fight with her, as it's the way of conveying your love for her...


Abhi asks Pragya to go and call their family and inform them that they have reached US safely, until he collects their baggages.... Pragya too nods her head and moves towards the lobby... She takes a seat and calls their family and is busy talking with them...

Abhi picks up the baggages and is waiting for one left out baggage to come soon, which holds the important stuffs and some official documents...  When Abhi is impatiently waiting for the baggage, his mobile rings aloud....

Abhi: Hello... This is Abhishek Prem Mehra here... Who is it????.. Hello Mr. Parker... Good day to you... Yeah... All is fine, my friend... We reached safely... Oh, thank you so much for your help... Will meet you soon... Take care... Bye...

Abhi cuts the call and grinned widely as everything is arranged perfectly, as per the way he planned ... Abhi knows very well about Pragya's tastes and preferences and he took extra care on everything and looked keenly in every aspects, irrespective of the short span of time, so that there won't be any mishaps in the arrangements...

Abhi wants everything should make Pragya happy and he thought this is his way of conveying his love for her... Though Abhi is always with Pragya, he doesn't got the courage to propose her in an usual filmy style..

Abhi had a peculiar belief that every action of him should indirectly convey his love for her and he didn't wish to convey it through words....
On the other hand, Pragya wants to hear the three most important words from Abhi's mouth for a long time...

She is also stubborn not to spill the truth to Abhi, until he proposes... The whole family is really tired of their fighting dramas and they send them together to US using the business deal as a chance, to make them realize their love on each other and also to come together as happy couples....


Arjun is on call with someone and enters the Airport to meet an important person... Though he is attentive on his call, his eyes are scanning for hot chicks and he is roaming his view here and there to find out any girl who is trying to seek his attention....

Arjun is chuckling and whistling happily as many girls are looking at him with lustful eyes and he is winking at them with a mischievous glint in his eyes... Arjun keeps on speaking to the person and walks towards the arrival gate sending flying kisses every now and then, to flatter his fan girls....

Arjun is not at all aware that both Abhi and Pragya has arrived to the same airport and will any time reach towards the arrival gate, after picking up their baggages as they have completed all the immigration formalities already..

Arjun finishes of the call and wishes to go and have some refreshments as the person he is waiting for will arrive later due to fight delay.... He is smirking as he feels that something good gonna happen for him....


Abhi sighed in relief as the baggage has reached finally... He picks it up and kept in the trolley and is looking for Pragya, here and there... But to his dismay, Pragya is no where to be found .... Abhi grits his teeth in anger knowing Pragya's arrogant attitude and he is hell furious on her for being careless in the new place and not at all minding about the possible dangers too....

Abhi's pov.:

God....  Where the hell has this fuggy gone??? Stupid, arrogant, heartless devil... Always thinking high of herself and not at all minding about me or anything... Where did she go???

😱😱😱😱... What will I do if anything happens to her??? All in the family will kill me and rip me into pieces, if they see a small scar in her body too.... Papa will start his lectures again saying that Abhi be a man and take proper care of Pragya beta... Blah.. blah... blah...

Huh... Im tired of hearing Papa... My head is spinning completely... Where did this devil go, out of no where??? Can't she hear me at least once... Haan... Will it happen ever??? Oh my god... What will my fuggy do, if anyone nears her with bad intentions....

Abhi... You are insane man... Is there anyone born in this whole world to near your fuggy, other than you??? Don't get panic man... Relax...  Your fuggy is like a burning fire... She will burn anyone, if they near her with wrong intentions....

Huh... Let me go and search for this pagal ladki.... Aargh... Why God... why??? Why are you making my life miserable by tying me up with this arrogant devil again and again....

Alright... Alright, my mind voice... Dont laugh or mock at me, please.... Poor me... I accept my defeat... I can't live my life without my fuggy and I'm damn possessive about her... Fuggy... Where are you sweetie??? Don't make your Abhi to get tensed like this darling...

Abhi takes a deep breath to calm himself down.... He rides the trolley with his one hands and moves in search of Pragya and dialling her number in other hand.... He is trying to call her US number but to his dismay Pragya is not picking up his calls , as it's in silent mode...

Pragya had forgottenly pressed the side button in her iphone, after she ended the call and the phone went silent without her knowledge too...
She is in the cafeteria, buying coffee and sandwiches for her and Abhi, as it's been long time, since they had eaten anything...

Pragya is not aware that Arjun is also nearing the same shop to buy some refreshments for himself.... Pragya's heart beats are rising rapidly and she couldn't understand why she is getting tension and nervous out of no where and she couldn't figure out, why she feels some bad vibes all of a sudden....

She opens the water bottle and sips the water to calm down her ragged breaths but nothing is stopping her tensed mind.... She is sweating too hard in the chilled airport and she gets panick and suffocated all of a sudden which is  bringing all sorts of negative thoughts in her mind....

A heavy gasp escapes from her lips as someone touches her shoulder with all the rights and she couldn't understand why she felt the touch is so possessive on her, claiming as if she belongs to that person...  Pragya's heart is beating unevenly and she feels her limb becoming weak all of a sudden....

Her vision too started to blur and she feels losing her balance on the strong arms to which it belongs...  A heavy sigh escaped from Pragya's lips as she is in the hold of her monkey, her Abhi who is patting her cheeks and rubbing her hands, seeing her losing her conscious....

Abhi: Fuggy... What happened to you??? Why did you come here??? I asked you stay near by right...  You, arrogant devil is not at all in a mood to listen to me right... Idiot... What have you done to you...

Pragya come back to normal on hearing abhi's scoldings and she pushed Abhi with all her might and glared at him angrily.... But Abhi never cared about anything and tightens his hold on her...

Pragya: Shut up, You monkey king... I will smash your head and break all your teeth, if you didn't keep quiet... You took my life off by touching me suddenly and you still have the guts to question me, haan....

I didn't go anywhere, just like that and I didn't run away without informing you... You idiot, dumbo monkey only said to me that you are very hungry and is keep on looking at the cafeteria for a long time... I thought of getting some coffee and sandwiches for you, but you are scolding me na...

Move... Leave me idiot monkey... Go to hell... Don't talk with me... 😡😡😡😡😡...

Abhi makes an oops reaction and mentally smacks himself as he has completely forgotten about his hunger and wished to have something before they reach their flat ,as it will take an hour to reach their place...

He is beaming in happiness after talking with Mr. Parker and in the happy mood, he is not at all realizing his hunger too... Abhi holds his ears and looks at Pragya pleadingly to forgive him but Pragya is glaring at him angrily...

Abhi: Sorry fuggy... I have completely forgotten that... Please... Please... Accept my apologies and if you want, you can beat me too... I'm feeling damn hungry... If you are okay, can we have the coffee and sandwich as they are pleading to get in my tummy...

Show some mercy on me.... I don't want to die in hunger... Priya maa and Ram uncle will scold you, if you make me to starve in hunger... Please fuggy... You are my sweetie and cutie pie na.... sorry...

Pragya bursts out into laughter on seeing Abhi's antics and pulls his cheeks lovingly on seeing his puppy face... She gives a hard slap in his back making Abhi's eyes to pop out and yelp in pain...

Pragya: Whaattt..What are you looking haan... You only asked me to beat you, as a sort of punishment... I will never say no to this cute monkey's wishes, anytime... I'm ready to do whatever you wish for....

Abhi whispers: If I had known this, I would have demanded for a kiss.... You missed the golden chance, Abhi.... Such an idiot, you are....

Abhi blurts out the matter little audible, unaware of him and Pragya hears it clearly as she is in the embrace of Abhi... Her cheeks turns red all of a sudden and it's very hard for Pragya to control her blush... She with little difficulty makes her look rigid and shooks Abhi hardly who is dreaming about kissing his fuggy....

Pragya: Stop dreaming, monkey and help me to sit in the chair... Come on...  Be a good boy and carry me without any arguments...

Abhi: whaattt... 😨😨😨😨... No ways... I can't carry a big fuggy like you... Damn... My back will get hurt for sure... Hello devil... I'm not a fool to hurt myself...

Pragya: Aahaan... Then you are going to do it monkey... Do it, idiot... Or else, I will kill you... Come on... Quick....

Abhi giggles mentally as his tricks are working correctly and pretends as if he is not  interested to carry Pragya in his arms.... Inwardly, he is dancing for holding his life in his arms...  He feels her only as light as a feather and is ready to carry her like this, all his life...

He places her carefully in the chair and gets the coffee and sandwiches... They are eating and drinking happily, not aware that Arjun is also in the food counter and sitting near by....

They finished off the coffee and sandwiches and moved their trolley and walked towards the exit door... Arjun is looking at the back view of both Abhi and Pragya with astonishment who are hiding from his view like an ant...


Pragya gasps in shock to see a classy car and a driver is standing there to pick them up... While the driver is placing the luggages in the car , Abhi pulled Pragya inside the car and leans on her shoulder and holds her hands tightly....

Abhi: Finally we reached US and gonna start a new life for a time period... So, how is the car fuggy??? Did you like it??? If not tell me, we can change it....

Pragya: You are a fool, Abhi... What's the need for this car and all... We would have hired a cab and went to our flat na... You are wasting money unnecessarily, Abhi.... Hey... Why are you laughing???

Don't mean to say that you bought this car for us.... Whatttt..  😨😨😨😨... Seriously... what's the need for all these, monkey.... You have gone completely mad...

Abhi: Anything for you, fuggy... Scold me as much as you want.... It's not going to bother me at all.. All I want is your comfort and I don't want anything to bother you.. This is the least, I can do for you, fuggy... Will you accept my doings happily, fuggy???

Pragya nods her head with teary eyes and Abhi holds her in his embrace and wipes her tears... The travel to their flat was completely silent and no one said anything after that...

Pragya drifted to a deep sleep leaning on to Abhi, in that one hour travel, as she is way too tired.... Abhi is caressing her head and kissing her hairs, as much as he wanted, knowing well that he can't do it, if Pragya is awake.....


The car reaches the classy and posh residential area and Abhi looks happy on seeing the surroundings... He gently strokes the hair falling on Pragya's face and lightly shakes her up....

Abhi: Fuggy... Wake up... We are home... Come on.... Get up and see how it is....

Pragya lazily opens her eyes and rubs her face and blinks her eyes twice to register where they are... She yawns and looks at the surroundings and her face brightened in astonishment to see the classy building in which the car entered....

Though Pragya wants to argue with Abhi for spending like this, she kept quiet as Abhi is willfully doing this to make her happy... Both gets down from the car, holding hand in hand and walks towards the lift to reach their flat....

Both entered their flat after collecting the keys from the driver, as Mr. Parker has send it through him, as he had gone for an urgent meeting.... Abhi and pragya entwins their hands and steps insidetheir flat by placing their right legs together, as if the newly married couple are entering their new home to begin a new life....

Pragya can't hold her breath as each and every thing in the house is set up as per her taste and preferences... From the paint to carpet, all speaks only about the way Pragya wished... Pragya twirls in happiness and jumps like a small kid...

Abhi is not able to resist himself in admiring his fuggy, who is giggling like a small kid... Abhi's heart felt contented on seeing her happiness and he wished to make her to smile like this always with all his might... While Abhi is dreaming, he felt a sudden wetness in his cheek....

It took a long time for Abhi to register that he is complemented by his fuggy, with a cheek kiss... He gently touches his face and he can't believe whether it happened in real or is he hallucinating the things... But, his lips curved to a smile to see the lip marks in his cheeks, when he looked at him on the mirror...


It took two days for Abhi and Pragya to buy the basic cooking stuffs and set up the kitchen with the needed groceries... As it's a weekend, they utilized it fully, before starting their office work in full swing... In between, Abhi and pragya roamed around the city too happily....

Two days, gone in a blink... Pragya feels that she is luckiest person to get her Abhi and she feels the real happiness, when she is spending her time with Abhi... The only thing which makes Pragya to get irritated is that they have to stay in separate rooms...


It's the fine monday morning... Abhi is yelling and rushing up Pragya to come soon as they need to reach office within fifteen minutes... Pragya asks Abhi to go to the car and says that she will come within a minute...

Abhi reaches the lift and get inside, while the nearby lift opens up... Abhi spots a man covered in a hoody is pulling a girl forcibly , who is pleading and crying under his hold... Before Abhi could react, the lift started to get down to the ground floor....

While Pragya opens the flat door hurriedly, she sees a man dragging a girl hurriedly in the opposite flat and bangs the door hardly... Pragya felt a little wierd on seeing the couple and she couldn't understand why she feels that she has seen a similar person, somewhere....

Pragya brushed aside her thoughts and locks the door and hurried towards the lift before Abhi starts to come again and yell on her for being late to the meeting ... She is not aware that fate is giggling at her and brought her sautan, very close by to her....


So, what's going to happen next???

Who is the man and the girl??? Is it Arjun and honey???

What is going to be Arjun's next move????

Will Arjun do anything to separate Abhi and Pragya???

Will Arjun bring any problem in the business deal of Abhigya????

Will Abhi and Pragya stay stronger and hold each other, to face the big war and will they become couples anf live a happy life????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Just 6 more shots to go, to end this story....

As usual came up with a long update of 3275+ words...

So, you all know right, what I expect from you all...

Yeah... Correct... Press the 🌟 button once and cast your votes, without fail...

Pen down your valuble comments, views and reviews... In line comments are highly appreciated...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Meet you all soon.....

Target: 130 -135 votes....

Until then wait for me....


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