53. If love is a petal, I will send you a flower...

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I always voluntarily comes up to have a fight with you... But, I have never hated you and want you in my life always....

The person who loves you crazily and madly will fight with you daily, without any reason... But, whenever you are sad, neglected or worried, the same person will fight against the whole world to end your sadness....

Your smile is the most powerful drug in the world... It intoxicates me completely....


Abhi and Pragya are highly shocked and they are deeply embarrassed as the whole family is sitting and watching their fight, as if they are watching a funny Tom and jerry cartoon show...

The popcorns, chips, juices and other snacks kept there and the teasing smile in their lips, made Abhi and Pragya's eyes to get popped out and they both ran away from there, followed by a heavy laughter echoing the whole room...

Both Abhi and Pragya slumps their bodies in a near by coach and uncontrollably, they too bursts out into laughter, thinking about their silly fight....

Abhi: Such a dramabeez family... Hey na fuggy... But it's so nice to see their happy faces and their smiles brings some unknown peace and calmness inside me....  No one's bad eyes should fall on our family and God has to keep them happy like this always....

This happiness in them is what I want to see always and I am ready to go to any extent to protect this wonderful family and to give them happiness, with all my might...

Pragya looks at Abhi intently and he didn't noticed Pragya's looks and keeps on talking on and on.. Finding no answer from Pragya, Abhi turns and sees Pragya's eyes directly, which confess him many untold stories...

Abhi shrinks his brow and gives a questioning look but Pragya didn't utter any word and even didn't mind to blink her eyes too and keeps on staring at Abhi.. Abhi understands that something  serious is cooking in pragya's head and he snaps his fingers before Pragya and brought her down to earth....

Pragya: What happened idiotic Monkey???

Abhi: You arrogant devil.. I've to ask that question.. What happened to you all of a sudden??? You are fine right.. Shall we go to the hospital???

Pragya; I'm fine Abhi.. Little bit tired..

Abhi: Seriously fuggy.. Don't you know that you are saying a lie and trying to hide a big mountain in your hands..

Pragya:  Huh.. You dumbo headed monkey... Don't irritate  me.. Im not in a mood to fight with you right now.. Better run away from here, before I kill you...

Abhi: Go ahead.. Who is going to care.. I'm damn sure... Something is bothering you.. Tell me what's that...

Pragya sighs and takes deep breaths to calm her self down.. Abhi understands that Pragya won't utter anything to him.. His mind flashes with a quick idea to divert her mood..

Abhi: Fuggy.. If you don't mind, Can I hold your hands please??? I'm completely tensed and nervous.. Touch my forehead and check... I'm getting feverish all of a sudden....

Pragya:    You are a drama king... You are absolutely fine idiot... Why this sudden tension in you???

Abhi: About Aaliya di and sid jiju.. They will be happy na..

Pragya: Sure... Sure.   why not.. Let me challenge you monkey.. Next month, we will surely hear a happy news..

Abhi: Really..

Pragya: Haan haan.. I know very well about my Sid bhai.. He is way too romantic and not like some idiots who doesn't know anything about romance.. Alright... Im feeling sleepy.. Have a devilish dream monkey...

Pragya goes and rests in the guest room as Abhi has asked all the Aroras to stay in the house that night.. Abhi smiled sheepishly understanding what  is pragya trying to say to  him... He shooks his head to resist his overflowing emotions but uncontrollably his cheeks turned red completely....

Abhi runs to him room to hide his blush, before being caught by anyone... He slumps his whole body in his bed and quickly picks up his mobile amd  opens the image of his fuggy with him...

He traces  his fingers on Pragya's snap which they took in the party, in which Pragya is standing behind him with her intoxicating smile... He kisses it happily and started to dream about their togetherness and happy life...

Seconds, minutes, Hours, Days and months were passing quickly...  The whole Mehras and Aroras clearly understands that Abhi and Pragya are madly in love with each other.. But all are highly irked on seeing their endless fights and their stubborness not to accept their love...

Four months passed... A lot happened in the meantime... The business is progressing way too quickly... The talented and adorable leadership of Abhi, Pragya, Sid and Purab along with the guidance of Ram Arora, Prem Mehra and Mohan Singh, made wonders and helps them to reach great heights....


One fine day, all are seated in the living room of the Mehras.... Prem Mehra and Ram Arora are completely confused and doesn't know what to do while all are looking at them nervously as the decision is to be taken as soon as possible...

Ram: Prem bhai.. What are you thinking??? What shall we do now??? Purab beta can't go as bulbul is not wishing to be away from him .. Sid beta's presence is also needed as Aaliya beta is having complications in her pregnancy..

Moreover, someone very responsible should be here to handle the business matters here too... But, This is also important na.. What are we going to do now??? We have no time too to think of any alternative options....

Prem sighs: Nothing to think much Ram... I've decided.. Abhi and Pragya are going to US for this project and they are going to be there for one month or until they sign the deal.. No one has any objection in this right..

All happily agrees while Pragya is making a teasing smile looking at Abhi, who is sitting there with a horrified look, as if someone has pushed him into a ghost house, all of a sudden...

Abhi shouts bewildered making everyone seated there to get highly irritated on seeing Abhi who is sweating and is in full of tension...

Abhi: Noooo... I'm not at all going with this devil.. You all are trying to make my funeral very soon... Please papa... Don't push me into this devil's trap...

Ram uncle, Priya angel... Someone here, save me please from this devil who will suck all my blood mercilessly... All are purposely doing this na to make me to get trapped with this devil...

Prem: Shut up Abhi... Dare to say a word against my daughter Pragya, I will kill you... Stop calling Pragya beta as devil okay... Go and look after all the arrangements... Iv decided and its final... No more arguments... Is that clear???

Prem roars angrily while Abhi stomps his feet in anger and barges into the room... Pragya giggles hardly while Priya and Ram started their lectures to Pragya not to trouble Abhi at all in the trip... Arrangements for Abhi and Pragya journey goes on in full swing...

The day before their travel, Abhi invites all his employees for a small get together and also to instruct them about what they have to do in their absence... After the meeting, all moves out from there expect Abhi, pragya and Abhi's pa karthi KarthigAbhi who is twisting her shawl nervously....

Pragya touches Karthi's shoulder and asked her to sit near her...

Pragya: What Happened karthi?? Do you want to say anything???

Karthi: Pragya di... I will surely miss you and Abhishek sir... I don't know how I'm going to come to this office in your absence... It will be too boring without you two....

Pragya: Haan... Haan... I know... I know... You can't drool on your sir na... 😉😉😉😉....

Karthi: No... No... It's not like that Pragya di... It's just that... I... I...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂... Don't get panic okay .. I can understand you karthi... Hey Abhi... You stupid moron... Why can't you at least smile on seeing this karthi????

How much she is trying hard to gain your attention and impress you, thinking as if you are some famous celebrity.. At least you can see her as your fan girl na....

But you brainless monkey is  way too stubborn and rudely behaving with her.... Why are you always yelling at her, Abhi...  Poor karthi... Show some mercy on her, Abhi....

Abhi glares at Pragya angrily: Are you in your senses fuggy??? You didn't gone nuts right.. Do you understand what are you talking you senseless devil... 😡😡😡😡😡...

Don't irritate me with your worthless talks fuggy and don't spoil  my mood by talking rubbishly... I've said this karthi many a times to call me as bhai but she is way too stubborn not to say that.. Huh...

You girls are always mysterious, unpredictable and unbelievable.. Try to give proper advice to her and don't encourage her unnecessarily fuggy which is not at all good.. 

Did you get my point fuggy??? Dont bring this topic ever again before me... Im going to meet Mohan uncle and sarlama, fuggy..  You finish all the works and go with Purab okay.. Let's meet tomorrow in the airport...

Pragya: Abhi.. Wait... I'm also coming with you to meet Mohan uncle and sarla aunty and get their blessings, before we start our journey.. Just wait for five minutes okay..

Abhi shruggs his shoulders and walks ahead while karthi hungs her head down as Abhi glared at her angrily as if  accusing her for coming between them and creating unwanted scenes ..

Pragya: Hey.. It's okay karthi... Don't feel this much... You know about this idiot Abhi na.. He won't change at all and will keep on lecturing like this only.. Take care and do your works happily...

Karthi: Pragya di.. I know you will do it... But, I'm wishing to say this...  Please do take care of Abhishekh sir properly... Don't scold him much.. If possible, call me whenever you find time.. please...

Pragya smiles and caress Karthi's head and goes out.. A happy tear escapes from Karthi's eyes to see the god made pair Abhi and pragya and she prays to keep them together and happy always..


The whole family went to send off Abhi and Pragya.. Pragya caress the eight month baby bump of Bulbul and three months baby bump of Aaliya and coos the babies inside..

She gives lots of advices to Aaliya and bulbul asking them to take care of them properly and also not to trouble Purab and Sid unnecessarily with their mood swings.. Pragya got lots of instructions from Ram and Priya and the blessings from Prem Mehra... She walks ahead asking Abhi to pick up all her hand luggages..

Abhi runs behind Pragya carrying her stuffs and they bids adieu to the family to start a new beginning in a new place that too alone for a long time.... They finished off all the boarding formalities and gets inside the flight....

The announcement for the flights to take off is made and the air hostess instructs them to wear their seat belts and gave them the general instructions and precautionary things to be followed in case of emergency or in any unforeseen happenings....


After sometime,

Abhi and Pragya's hands are entwined and Pragya is leaning on to Abhi's shoulder comfortably as if he is her pillow and is yawning in between that as she is way too tired...

Abhi: You devil... Am I looking like a pillow to you??? Move that side and sleep...

Pragya fumes in anger: Dare to rise your tone.... Keep quiet monkey... Remember, we are in flight... I'm sleeping on you only... Be a good boy and make me to sleep as I'm damn tired...

Abhi: You are ordering me... The Abhishek mehra... Don't think high of yourself okay... Haan... Don't order, as if I'm your servant and you are my boss...

Pragya: Very funny, monkey... Don't you know who I'm... Tell me one thing... Don't I have the right to sleep on you... If not, say to me.. Im moving that side as you wished...

Abhi hurriedly holds Pragya who is about to move away from him.... Pragya giggles uncontrollably as Abhi pleased through his eyes and asked sorry to her... All of a sudden,

Pragya: Ho god!!! How did I forget this important thing??? God... I'm completely forgetting the stuffs now a days... (Pov.  I'm thinking only about you Abhi and everything is coming secondary to me as you are only in my mind 24*7)

What about the house arrangements and other needed stuffs??? See, I don't wish to have outside food and we are having only home made food okay... Your Priya angel will kill me, if I didn't cook for you...

Abhi: Uff... All done fuggy... You just stop annoying me and sleep... Haan... All the details about our house is in my laptop and I will show it to you after sometime...

Don't worry.... It's a residential area and many Indians too are staying there and our work place is also nearby only.... I hope we don't have any problem till we stay there...

Pragya : Abhi... Don't mistake me okay... That...

Abhi: I know devil... The house has two rooms... You don't need to bother about that... I won't near you in wrong intentions anytime...

Pragya's pov.: Aaarggghhhh... This monkey is completely a  brain less and senseless fool.... He doesn't have any sort of romantic ideas in his mind... What all I've thought but this idiot is hell adamant to spoil everything...

How my plan got missed... I cleverly planned and instructed Sid bhai to book a studio flat na...  I think this idiotic monkey has done all these willingly... God... Why are you not giving brain to this monkey???

Really... Pity on you pragya... You are not blessed to enjoy any kind of romantic moments in your life... Adamant and stubborn monkey... Not at all opening his mouth to utter the three words which I'm dying to hear from this thick headed idiot for a long time...

This dumbo is purposely doing this pragya but will keep on blabbering all sorts of nonsense stuffs unnecessarily... It's not at all easy to deal with this monkey, Pragya...

Your special treatment is only going to work on him to bring the senses in him... Get ready my cute monkey to face your fuggy... Let me see, how you gonna escape from me...

Pragya smiles happily thinking of her plan and leans on to Abhi's shoulder and drifted to a deep slumber forgetting to tell Abhi what she wished to say to him... Abhi who misunderstood Pragya, failed to notice that she got nervous and tensed as they are going to live in a country where Arjun is also there...

Abhi sighs and looks at Pragya who is sleeping like a baby in his arms... He caress her cheeks and gave a quick peck in her forehead as a sort of conveying that she is only for him... He holds her possessively and protectively in his embrace and drifted to sleep, as if he is holding the precious possession of his life....

It took almost 36 hours to reach US... Abhi and Pragya spend their boring time in their flight in playing games, talking seriously about some business stuffs, watching movies and not to forget their trademark fights too....

As they are in a business class, their fights got the attention of the very few high class people there and they look at the duo as if they are some sort of  aliens... Abhi and Pragya  who are dressed in a classy business suits are looking like small kids for everyone who argues on any topics and ends up in fights always....

As only two hours are left for the flight to land, both Abhi and Pragya wishes to get changed into some casual outfits...  Pragya comes out beautifully wearing a long gown while Abhi comes up dashingly wearing a black tee and jeans...

Pragya glares at Abhi angrily....

Abhi: Why are you glaring at me devil???

Pragya: What have you done to you monkey??? Yuckk.... Looking horrible...

Abhi: Youuuu devil doesn't have eyes too... Why not I kill you... If you don't know to praise me, keep quiet... I have tried hard to impress the US chicks but your pouring acid in my dreams....

A killer look of Pragya makes Abhi to keep quiet and he didn't utter even a word after that... Pragya is super annoyed and she willfully teased Abhi who is looking way too hot...  She doesn't want anyone to drool on her Abhi and she is ready to kill anyone, if they to near her Abhi...

The flight landed safely and they comes out of the flight.. After finishing off the formalities, Abhi and Pragya goes to collect their baggages...

Just then, Abhi asked Pragya to go and call their family ànd inform them about their safe arrival and also to buy some refreshments for them, until he picks up the baggages... Pragya too calls their family happily and is busy in talking with them not aware that Arjun is coming near by her....


So, what's going to happen next????

What will Arjun do and how will he react on seeing a stylish and modern Pragya who is filled with arrogant, attitude????

What will Abhi do if he spots Arjun there????

Will Abhi and Pragya be able to finish off the deal successfully or will they have to face a tough time because of Arjun????

Will the conspiracy of Arjun makes Abhi and Pragya closer or make a distance between them????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 3050+ words....

Sorry for errors and mistakes, as it's not proof read....

Cast your votes without fail and pen down your valuable views, reviews and comments....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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