60. Fuel your life with trust and love... (Last chapter)

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Finally... I'm here with the last chapter of this story...

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful support...

I have two surprise news to you all...  Will reveal what it is, in the end of this chapter....


I never thought that we will end up in a beautiful relationship and you will become so much important in my life...

He is so annoying...
He is so irritating...
He is flirty and hilarious...
He gets on to my nerves...
He makes me to lose my temper and instigate me to yell and fight with him...
Yet his behaviours drive me crazy and I'm madly in love with him...
Even I can't imagine a life without him, as he rules my heart and soul...

Ours is a peculiar and wierd relationship... We always fight , annoy and quarrel and will always irritate each other... But we never give up and never left each other in hard and difficult times...

Your hand fits in mine perfectly, as if it's made only for me...


It's like a big storm has hitted them, mercilessly... Both Abhi and Pragya didn't expected that Arjun will end up like this and they never imagined that Arjun will turn out to be a worst monster and will torture a pregnant woman like this...

Abhi's eyes are turning dark red with anger and he wanna rip each and every cell of Arjun into pieces... Abhi fits his hands in fury and his heart didn't melted on seeing Arjun, who is crying vigorously, as he didn't expected such things will happen, all of a sudden...

To anyone who is seeing Arjun will blindly think that Arjun is crying, as if he is feeling sorry and guilty on seeing Honey's condition... But in reality, Arjun is much worried that he shouldn't got into any trouble and is hell scared that he shouldn't get arrested for his doings...

Though he wished to save Honey and the baby , he is not ready to accept them as of his own and he doesn't have any intention to marry Honey too... It's a big question mark, whether Arjun will accept his baby or not...

On seeing the pathetic state of Honey, Arjun is shocked to hell and he want to escape, some how... He made a quick plan and wishes to fake a drama in front of his neighbours, as if he is not at all at fault and all happened, uncontrollably...

But to Arjun's misery, it's Abhi and Pragya, who are his neighbours and everything went out of box and not as he planned ... Even Arjun couldn't escape from there, as Abhi won't leave him so easily...

Arjun made up his mind and try to act good, in front of Abhi, till Honey becomes normal... Arjun least cared for the baby and he acted and cried to the doctor, as if he loved Honey dearly...

Arjun faked cleverly, as if he cares for Honey a lot and requested the doctor to save Honey and signed the consent form too... Understanding his dramas are working in his favour, Arjun is relieved some how...

Abhi is highly annoyed with Arjun's silly stunts and it's boils the nerves of Abhi to the core... Before Abhi barges on Arjun and kill him mercilessly, he is holded tightly by Pragya, who is glaring at him murderously...

Abhi: Leave my hands, Fuggy... Stop irritating me, Devil... I said... Leave me...

Pragya: No... I won't... What do you think of yourself haan... Stop jumping like a monkey... Remember, we are in hospital and we are standing in a critical situation...

Instead of thinking what's needed to be done to avoid the problems and complications, you're hell adamant to go behind that good for nothing as****e... He is of no use to us...

Abhi: Do you want me to leave that ba****d so easily??? He brought a young girl in the name of giving job and played badly in her life, for his selfish needs...

That man eating, heartless moron, used her just to fulfill his lust ... He forced and blackmailed her to live with him and tortured her , as if she is a piece of s**t...

After giving her a baby too, he didn't changed his mind set and behaved like an animal... Didn't you heard what that cruel beast said to that doctor...

He agreed that he vented out all his anger mistakenly, in his inebirated state and he had brutally man handled her, not thinking that she is carrying his baby too...

How can I stay calm, Fuggy??? I never expected that Arjun will turn up like a heartless monster and a worst beast... He made the upbringing of Sarlama and Mohan uncle to a big shame and he is a big black mark and spoiled the family's reputation too...

He is a pet in our family and he is the most pampered kid... Aaliya di treats Arjun like me and Papa always says that Arjun is his son... Even, I treated him as my own sibling...

Sarlama loves him dearly and I don't know how she is going to tolerate all these happenings...
Already she is worried and bothered with his behaviour...

I don't know what to do now, as this will make Mohan Uncle to lose all his Patience... How can I leave him after all this... I won't let this man eating animal so easily... He will surely get punishments for all his doings...

Don't stop me, Fuggy... Let me punish him in my own ways... Hoye.. Why are you glaring at me??? You often forget that I'm your husband...

Pragya: Husband... My foot.. You are a biggest nut case in this whole universe... Stop annoying me, monkey... Always over reacting for everything... Think wisely, before doing anything...

Abhi: You heartless devil... Don't try to rule me... Irritating me always... Showing too much attitude, bossy and always talking arrogantly to me...

Pragya: That's the truth, my cute Bubby... It's my favourite thing to annoy and irritate my angry, over reacting, tail less, jumping Monkey... Aww... I love it, if you roll your eyes like this...

Haan... Keep this in your mind always... Like the Mighty Queen in the Beehive , A Wife is the Boss in the family... Now be a good boy and listen to me properly ...

Call Mohan uncle and inform the happenings and ask his suggestions, what we need to do further... Let me call Prem Papa and talk with Sid bhai and Purab bhai too...

We need to ask them to inform the matter to Honey's family too... Oh god!!! I completely forget this in tension...

If you can, Ask that idiotic jerk, what's the real name of that Honey... All her records holds the name as Honey... We need to give her name and the details in the reception...

Do one thing... Ask that mangoose to fill this form... Abhi... You sign in the form as Honey's brother and don't let that as***e  to sign as Honey's boy friend or husband... Is that clear???

Not allowing Abhi to talk anything further, Pragya thrusts the form in Abhi's hand and moves to talk with Prem, Purab and Sid.... Abhi scowls and grits his teeth angrily and moves towards Arjun, with clear disgust in his face...

Arjun: Ab... Abhi bhai...

Abhi: Stop calling me that... I'm no one to you... I and my wife are here, just out of humanity and we are not heartless to leave a girl in a pathetic state... Moreover, it's our responsibility to take care of the ex staff of the (closed) SM group of companies...

Abhishek Prem Mehra never backs off from his responsibilities and I care for that poor girl, who is like a sister to me... I'm not cruel, unlike some heartless morons, who sees women just as a body to entertain their needs and eyes at them lustfully...

More than that, I can't see the bahu of the Singh's, facing such a worst situation and it's my duty to protect her and save the legal heir of the Singhs too...

Arjun: I didn't married her and she is just my partner in bed... Simply like a mistress... I can't allow that poor, low life  to become my wife and I won't accept this baby to become the legal heir of my family, any a time...

Arjun's cheeks writhed with heavy pain and he rubs it quickly, as he didn't expected such a harsh blow from Abhi, which almost made all his teeth to move from it's joints...

Abhi: If you open your mouth again, I will kill you... Just fill in the details alone quickly... I know how to take care of my sister... Got it...

You are the shameless, worthless low life, who doesn't know the value of any relationship...  You have no capacity, status or class to talk about my sister... Mind your tongue or you will see the worst side of me...

Pragya, who finished off the calls, is shocked to hear the convo between Abhi and Arjun is getting out of box... She runs and holds Abhi's hands and pressed it gently to calm him down....

Pragya: Abhi... Go and talk with Mohan uncle quickly... Don't waste the time... It's getting late...

Abhi... I'm feeling hungry... After the call, Go and get a coffee for me... Please...

Abhi understands very well that Pragya wants him to go away from there immediately... But Abhi is not ready to leave Pragya alone with Arjun, at any cost...

Abhi: I'm not leaving you alone, Fuggy... Let this idiot fill this  form... Then we can go together...

Pragya bites her lips on seeing Abhi, who is whining like a little kid and is holding her possessively, as if Pragya is in some danger... She winks at Abhi all of a sudden and blows a kiss to him, making Abhi's eyes to pop out from its sockets...

Pragya: Just go, Abhi...  I will join you soon... No one can near your Fuggy, other than you... I think no one will ready to keep their head in a Lion's mouth...

Abhi: Nothing doing , Fuggy... I... I'm not moving...

Pragya (in a commanding tone): I said.... Move... Right now...

Abhi muttered Devil, little audibly and walks towards the cafe and ordered coffee and sandwich for him and Pragya... He dialled Mohan's number and informs the happenings and asks his suggestions to proceed further...

In the meantime, he got the complete details about Honey from Sid... Purab too called Abhi and informed that Honey's family is made aware of the news and Mohan Uncle has assured that he will handle them...


Pragya eyes at Arjun with disgust and she makes faces, as if she is feeling nauseous and will puke on him, if he didn't fill the form soon... Arjun is highly irritated on seeing Pragya's arrogant attitude, but he kept quiet and filled the form...

Arjun understands that he can't do anything to Pragya, as of now, as Abhi is there with Pragya.... Moreover, Arjun is not ready to increase his criminal records and is controlling him a lot...

But truly speaking, Arjun is scared of Pragya, as he has seen the real avatar of Pragya... He is fearing inwardly, as the mighty, arrogant businessman - Abhishek Prem Mehra is not able to do anything in front of Pragya and he is obeying her orders, even if he didn't like it too...

But Arjun didn't understand that it's the love, care, trust, faith and understanding, which Abhi has on Pragya , makes him to do so... Arjun didn't know that , Abhi wishes to fulfill all the wishes of his Fuggy and he can do anything to make her happy, as he loves his Fuggy, dearly...


After sometime,

Abhi is glaring at his watch, the hot coffee and the sandwich and is trying to put Pragya's face in those poor things... He is ready to attack those things, imagining as of Pragya, to subsidize his anger...

Abhi grits his teeth with much irritation and he rubs his back, as he felt a sharp pain in his back.... He rubs it too soothe the burning sensations and turns his face angrily... Pragya looks here and there and finds out that it's isolated and no one is there, other than them...

Pragya sits very close by to Abhi and turns his face towards her... Before Abhi could react, she gave a quick yet sensual peck on his lips and started to eat the sandwich, as if nothing has happened... Abhi want to kill Pragya for teasing him, like this...

Pragya: Hey Bubby... Why this silent mode... Eat the sandwich and drink the coffee.. It's getting cold...

Abhi: My Boss didn't given permission for me to talk, eat and drink...

Pragya: Oh God!!! My darling husband is angry on me haan...

Abhi: Seriously... Husband haan... I don't have the rights to say anything to you and you won't listen to me right ...

Pragya: What's this Abhi??? Don't behave like a small kid... Come on... Cheer up... Smile now or else...

Abhi: What will you do??? You are eating my head... Don't make me to get mad, you annoying Devil...

Pragya: Woha... My dear angry Bubby Monkey.. I can do anything with you... Even I can seduce you easily and will make love with you, if you get mad on me...

Abhi freaks out and shouts uncontrollably, as he didn't expected such a move from Pragya... The seductive smile, the sensual touches and the looks of Pragya are bringing a sudden tension in his body...

Abhi: What the hell... Stop your dirty talks and naughty doings, Devil... Hey don't look at me like that... Oh God... You are such a tease and you are purposely doing all these na...

Hey... I'm saying na... Stop it... Don't do like this... No touchy touchy... Enough devil... Oops... Noooo... This is unfair... Huh...

Please Fuggy... Don't bring any dirty ideas inside me and change my mind set... I don't want our relationship to start at this time and I'm waiting for the right time to come...

Pragya: Seriously, I too wanna ask this for a long time... Why are you running away from me, Abhi??? Is anything bothering you??? Or else...

Is it???... What I mean is that??? Vo... Vo...  Do you have any medical issues??? Do you have any problem to make love with me??? If that's the case, we can consult a doctor too... I don't have any problem at all...

Abhi: Grrr... You are an irritating Devil... Why not I kill you??? How dare you to question me like that??? How rude of you, Devil...

Stop laughing... You will soon get to know what this Abhishek Mehra is capable of and you gonna plead for my mercy... Get ready Mrs. Pragya Abhishek Mehra... You are going to enjoy my love tortures very soon...

Pragya (whispers): I'm eagerly waiting...

Abhi raises his brows and looks at Pragya intently... Masking her blush, Pragya sips the coffee and is biting the sandwich quietly... Abhi makes some calls in between and made sure that their official works shouldn't get any disturbances and problems, in their absence...


Few hours later,

Pragya is wondering why the doctors or the nurses are not informing them anything about Honey and her Baby... Pragya is hell scared and praying for the well being of them...

Her eyes blurred up uncontrollably, as the images of the crying Honey in a pathetic state, repeatedly comes before her eyes.... Abhi understands the inner turmoil and mind set of Pragya and he holds her securely in his embrace...

Abhi pats her back and kisses her to calm her down... He sucked her tears and consoled her that nothing will happen to Honey or her baby, as God won't punish the poor souls...

Abhi: What's this Fuggy... My Fuggy is a strong person and she can handle anything...

Pragya: I'm scared, Abhi... She will be okay na...

Abhi: Sure she will... Our prayers are only needed for her... Stop crying ... I can't see you like this... All will be fine soon...

Though Abhi consoled Pragya, he is scared to hell and all the images of the condition of Aaliya flashes in his mind, unwantedly... He hugs Pragya even more tightly to control his tension and fear....


After three days,

Abhi and Pragya are admiring the little baby boy, who is looking like a cute doll... Abhi caress the toes of the baby, while Pragya is tracing her fingers gently on the baby's tummy...

Pragya: Abhi... The baby is so cute na...

Abhi: Yeah... I badly want to go home soon and see our Bulbul and Purab's baby... I'm eagerly waiting for Aaliya di and Sid jiju's baby to come soon...

It's a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by babies na... Their smile, their cryings, their language, their cute cute actions will give an unexplainable joy and peace to us... They are the blessings of God...

Pragya didn't reply to Abhi but takes a deep sigh and looks at Abhi longingly... Honey, who is watching the duo's talks for a long time, understands clearly what's cooking in Pragya's mind...

Honey: Abhi bhai...

Abhi: Haan... Do you need anything, Honey???

Honey: No bhai... Pragya bhabhi only wants...

Abhi: What are you saying... I couldn't get you...

Pragya shooks her head quickly and pleads Honey not to say anything to Abhi... Before Honey talks anything further, Arjun enters the room, out of no where and Honey's face lost all it's colours...


Months passes by...

The day Abhi waited for a long time is nearing and he is elighted that he gonna fulfill his Fuggy's unsaid wishes, finally... Abhi made sure that it's kept as a top secret from Pragya and warned no one to inform the happenings to Pragya...

Pragya tried all her ways to find out, what Abhi is upto... But she couldn't find any single details about it, however hard she tries too... As their trip got extended and they had to stay in US for some more months, it's easy for Abhi to work on secretly, without Pragya's knowledge...

It's been one week since, Abhi and Pragya has returned from the trip... Aaliya is blessed with a baby boy and Pragya spends most of her time with the babies in her house... She ignored Abhi completely, as he is not revealing the secret to her...


One fine morning,

Abhi is screaming loudly, as if he has poured hot water in his legs... Pragya is highly irritated and comes out, dressed up beautifully like a bride... Abhi is stunned to see Pragya in that attire and he takes deep breath to control him...

Abhi: How long will you take, Devil... You are purposely doing all these and wasting the time...

Pragya: Stop it, Monkey... It's just 4.30 in morning... You are torturing me... You woke me up early and asked me to dress up like this... But you are jumping now, as if I'm the one wasting time... I will cut your tail for sure...

Both Abhi and Pragya started to argue... Prem Mehra interrupted them and asked them to get inside the car soon, as it's getting late... The duo glared at each other and gets in the car...

A teasing smile creeps up in Abhi's face, but he masked it up quickly, before Pragya caught him... After all, the Arrogant King only knows how to tame his Attitude  Queen....



We came to the end of this story...

Wait wait...

Lots of questions to be answered right...

What's going on???

What is the unsaid wish of Pragya???

What happened in Arjun and Honey's life???

And the most important question...

When will Pragya and Abhi confess their love for each other???

Will they step into the new chapter of their life and become husband and wife in true sense???


Coming to the surprise news...

My First surprise :

You are going to get a bonus chapter and an Epilogue....

My Second Surprise:

Many said to me that they will miss this Fighter cocks, if the story ends...

No worries...

The fighter cocks won't leave you all easily....


The season 2 of this story is getting ready and I'm working on the script of this story....

Will reveal the story title and cover in the Epilogue...

I will start the next season hopefully by the beginning of April, if all goes well...


As usual, came  up with a very long update... Words used: 3500+

It's time to cast your votes, pen down your comments and views....

Call me soon with more votes...

Expecting a positive response from you all...

Silent readers, I hope you won't disappoint me...

Bidding adieu,



Will be



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