My heart beats fast on seeing your happiness... (Bonus chapter)

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It's a wonderful moment and I can't explain how it means to me ... Feeling extremely happy....

This story "Arrogancy Vs Attitude" has become my Second story to cross the massive 7000+ votes...

Thanks to all the lovely readers and the continuous voting readers, who loved and supported this fighting duo, wholeheartedly... 

Thanks to all those new readers, who have read the story in full stretch and gave their wonderful votes and lovely comments...

Without all your love and support, it wouldn't be possible at all...

Thanks again for making it possible and expecting all your love and support always, in the form of your valuable votes and comments...



Shall we have a quick survey of "Arrogancy Vs Attitude"

Total reads: 42000+ reads

Total chapters : 60 chapters plus a bonus chapter and an epilogue..
( Only epilogue is left)

Total votes: 7260+ votes

Maximum votes in a single chapter: 151 votes....


Dedicating this special bonus chapter to all the Loyal Readers  of "Arrogancy Vs Attitude" ...


It's a best feeling to be loved by the person, whom you love crazily...

You are the wierdest and craziest choice of mine.. We are unique and different.. But I'm damn sure that we will become the idol and role model for all the crazy fighting couples...

Just answer my question, genuinely..
What is the first thing, you note from a girl???
I smiled and replied her...
" She is not you..."


Abhi's Pov.:

Wow.. Finally.. I did it.. Oohoo... My long wait is going to end, today.. My devil Fuggy.. Your Abhi gonna fulfill your unsaid wishes.. Huh.. I need to pull up all kind of wierdest stunts to hide this matter from you, Devil..

Ho god!!! I only know what kind of tough situation I faced to escape from you, Devil... This Fuggy is ready to pounce on me any time... She is very determinant to find out, what am I upto... How many beatings and scoldings... Phew...  Poor me...

So sad on seeing your state, Abhi... (Wipes the fake tears) I'm the only man in this whole universe, who pushed my beautiful wife from nearing me and postponed our suhagraat willingly and purposely... It's a hectic task to escape from her, as this Fuggy seduced me a lot...

(Sighs deeply) But Abhi is very steady.... Alright alright... Don't scold me... I shamelessly drooled her and acted as if I'm a good boy and more like a saint... Aww.... Only I know, what horrible situation I faced at that time....

I have done everything and postponed the suhagraat to give the biggest happiness to my Fuggy... I came to know from her diary that she has a biggest wish and it's her life time ambition too... How can I start our life without fulfilling my Fuggy's wish????

Other than my Fuggy, all in our family know what I'm upto and all supported me , wholeheartedly.. I know my Fuggy will get surprised and I'm dying to see the reactions, after I reveal the matter to her..

Ho god!!!! I'm super excited.. The good muhurat time is nearing.. What this stupid girl is doing inside the room.. I know it's quite early in the morning and that blood sucking vampire is ready to rip me into pieces, for waking her up at the odd hours of the night...

😂😂😂😂😂😂 What shall I do??? The pandit has fixed the muhurat time at 5 o'clock in morning and we need to step inside the ****** at that time... A special Pooja has to be done at 4.30 am...

So, I woke this devil at 3.30 itself... I only know about this devil fully... She will take hours to dress up.... I accept, it's me, who gave her all the instructions, the dresses, the jewels and how to dress up too...

😂😂😂😂... I didn't ordered her... Just begged her to do it and pleaded her a lot to convince her.... Even my mind voice spitted on me very badly and asked me didn't I have any shame at all... But Abhi doesn't mind that at all and will wipe that easily as that of a dust...

To be a good husband, you are to be too smart enough and ready to fall in your wife's legs too, if you wish your wife to act according to your needs.... If not, life will be too horrible and your wife won't obey you at all.... A small free advice from me... 😂😂😂😂.. Abhi, you are becoming a wonderful husband...

Oh god!!! It's 4.05 already... It's getting too late... Damn this Fuggy... Purposely doing all these to irritate me in a good day like this.. Abhi... Stay calm and don't pull up any stunts and spoil the mood of your devil.... You only have to face the consequences, man....

Phew... This is so annoying... I'm standing like a watchman and screaming as if I've poured hot water in my legs... Result is a big zero.. All got ready and are eagerly waiting for us... But this devil will take up so much time to dress her up... Grrr...

Too bad fuggy.. Now a days, you are torturing me too much.. You are playing very badly in a virgin boy's life and you are trying to pour diesel in all my desires.. You are such a tease, devil..

Huh.. I only know how much I have controlled myself from nearing you.. I know you are super annoyed with me as It's been more than 8 months, since we got married..

But we didn't stepped forward in our relationship... You are hell adamant to take me to the doctor too... Sorry darling.. Today is the D-day for everything..

Ho my God.. I'm feeling so shy, Fuggy.. Tonight is going to be very very special for us, Fuggy.. Yeah.. A grand set up is getting arranged for our suhagraat.. I'm dreaming how you will react at that time ..

Abhi..  Shut down your dirty thoughts and come back to earth, man.. It's getting too late.. Call your fuggy... Oh no.. This papa is shouting... Oh my goodness, all are moving there, leaving me with this devil... Sure, she gonna kill me... Rest in Peace, Abhi...

Abhi comes out from his thoughts and keeps on banging the room door repeatedly... After some time, Pragya opens the door and scowls at Abhi angrily.. But Abhi is standing like a statue, as he is jaw dropped on seeing his wife Pragya, who is looking like a beautiful bride..

Pragya: What the hell is your problem, Monkey... Why are you irritating me in the early morning itself.... I didn't sleep properly too...

Abhi : So what... No one asked you to act as a Nanny to Aaliya di's baby... You only willingly went there and be with the baby, for a long time... You even didn't care that your husband will be waiting for you....

Pragya looks here and there and searched for something very sincerely...

Abhi: Hoye... What are you searching, haan...

Pragya: I'm searching my so called husband, who never cares about my feelings.. I'm not a saint like him.. I don't have any business in that room... So I was with the baby, till I felt sleepy...

Huh.. Dumbo Monkey.. Did you ever seen my husband waiting eagerly for me??? Got appointment tomorrow... We are going to meet the doctor for sure...

Abhi: Heartless Devil... I'm going to kill you...

Pragya: Monkey... Don't scream like this... Tell me one thing... Am I looking like a devil??? Don't you have eyes.... Monkey King.. Look at me properly and tell me how I'm???

Abhi makes a puking face and shooks his head, boiling the nerves of Pragya and her face gets darker in anger... Abhi shows thumbsup, as if he is saying it just for name sake...

Abhi: The dress is awesome and jewels too, as I got it for you... You are also looking okay, as you have dressed up and groomed yourself, as per the instructions given by me.. You have passed in border marks...

Abhi screams aloud and writhes in pain, as Pragya has kicked him hardly in his legs, with her brand new high heels and gave a hard punch in his tummy...

Abhi: Aaaahhhhh... Devil... Move your heels away from my poor legs... Aaahhhhh... Noooo... Leave me, Please... Sorry sorry... I said just for fun, Fuggy... You are looking gorgeous...

Pragya: Hell with your compliments, Idiotic Monkey... You are drooling and eating me through your eyes... The floor is slippery with your water works...

But you will say, I'm a devil and will make faces like that and gave me only pass marks haan.. Get lost... Stupid monkey... I'm not coming anywhere with you.. Go to hell, you annoying monkey..

Pragya turns her face angrily and keeps on pushing out the hot breaths from her nose, as her whole self is boiling in full rage... Abhi mentally smacks himself for his stupidity and feels sorry for pissing of Pragya too much...

Abhi knows very well that if Pragya is in foul mood, all will surely rip him into pieces... Abhi is not in a mentality to see Pragya like this and he badly wants to see her happy smile in her face... Without thinking of anything, Abhi twirls Pragya quickly....

Pragya tries to push Abhi away from her... But Abhi back hugs her and gave a sensual kiss in her neck, making Pragya to cool off from her anger... A blushy smile creeps up in her face and Abhi kisses her soundly in her cheeks and keeps on giving slow smooches continuously....

Pragya (in a stammering voice): Leave me, Monkey... I'm not going to melt, if you kiss me..

Abhi bites her earlobes sensually and his hands gently caress her petite waist, which started to make an electric current to flow in between them... Pragya uncontrollably moans Abhi's name, while Abhi forgets everything and keeps on kissing her...

But they jerked up, as Prem Mehra is calling Abhi continuously... Sighing deeply, Abhi attends the call and replied that they have started already and will reach there soon...


All through the way, Abhi and Pragya didn't speak anything.. Pragya is completely in the sensual kisses given by Abhi and her body is carving more to be in the embrace of her husband.. Abhi admires Pragya and he smiles brightly that he is going to give all the happiness, which his Fuggy deserves to get..

Abhi halts the car abruptly and took a handkerchief.. Before Pragya could react, Abhi ties the kerchief in her eyes.. He gets out quickly from the car and sweeps Pragya in his arms...

Pragya: What the hell are you doing, Monkey??? Where are you kidnapping me, Idiot???

Abhi: Keep quiet , Devil.. It's already late and don't annoy me by questioning me too much.. If you didn't mute your FM right now, I will surely throw you in that yucky puddle..

Pragya: You are irritating me, Monkey...

Abhi: Arrey meri maa... I beg you... It's already late... Please try to understand... Let's fight later... We need to rush up now, before Papa kill us...

In few minutes, you will know everything and get your answers for sure, Fuggy.. Till that time, please keep quiet...

Abhi runs quickly, carrying Pragya in his arms.... He places Pragya down, gently from his hands and took off the handkerchief covering her eyes.. Pragya is stunned to see the whole family is waiting there and Priya took aarthi for Abhi and Pragya happily..

Pragya is quite confused as she is asked to sit along with Abhi for the pooja... Pragya wonders what's going on , where they are and what's the need for a special pooja and that too at early morning itself..

The happiness in everyone's face and the proud look of Abhi explains Pragya that something big and unexpected is going to happen for sure.. After the pooja, the pandit forwards a golden plate and asked Pragya to take the keys kept in it...

Pragya: Please... Can anyone explain me, what's going on here??? What keys are these??? Looking like a house key..

Prem Mehra: Not a house key, beta.. It's the Mansion of your dreams... Your dream house... The Lovely Heaven...

Pragya: Whatttt.. How is it possible??? I have never shared my wishes to anyone..

Ram Arora: It's Abhi beta's gift to you, Pragya beta... Your Husband has made your dream come true...

Pragya with moist eyes: It means..

Priya Ram Arora (wipes Pragya's tears and kisses forehead) : It means, we all are going to live in the same house.. We all know that it's Your unsaid wish and it's your life time ambition too...

The house is designed, as per your plan only.. Look over there... Pragya's Lovely Heaven is waiting for all of us... Go beta... Hold your husband's hand and move forward and step in to our new house happily...

Pragya is stunned to see her dream mansion in front of her eyes.. With a happy smile and with tears of joy, Pragya looks at her husband Abhi, who is just admiring his Fuggy's varied emotions, with full of love...

Abhi flutters his lashes and smiles happily on seeing Pragya, who fakes to be angry, as Abhi has hidden such a big thing from her... Abhi giggles and holds Pragya's hands and asked her shall we move... Both walks forward, followed by their whole family...

Priya asked Pragya to push the rice kalash and asked Pragya to fill her hand impression in the wall.. As per Pragya's insistence, Bulbul and Aaliya too joined Pragya.. The elders happily watched the happenings and prayed for their well being, unity and their kids happy future...

Exactly at 5 o'clock, Pragya inserts the key and clicks the door open.. She is stunned, as each and every corner in the mansion is designed as per Pragya's wishes.. She couldn't believe how it's possible for Abhi, as he had done all these in few months...

All happily looks at the house and Pragya is super happy to see everything... Abhi made sure that all their things reaches the mansion in the mean time and arranged people to set up everything, quickly...

A special invite is given already to the employees of the Mehra Group of companies, without Pragya's knowledge and a grand lunch is arranged for them... The Men got  busy in arranging the needful while the ladies got busy in welcoming and chit chatting with the guests...


In the meantime,

Arjun barges inside the Mehra Group of Companies angrily... He is highly irritated, as the security didn't let him inside... After creating a huge fight and after explaining who he is, Arjun is allowed to enter the company...

But Arjun composes himself quickly and made a flirty smile on looking at the beautiful receptionist, who is tempting him a lot... The receptionist welcomes him in her usual way and asked Arjun, how can she help him...

Arjun feels that the girl is smitten by him and he thought wrongly that he can trap her easily and can use her as his spy to get all the details about the company and also to bring a huge loss to the Mehra groups ...

Arjun talks so cheesy with her and try to impress her with his flirty ways.. But the girl didn't reacted much and she made faces, as Arjun is about to touch her... The receptionist glared at Arjun angrily and pulls down her mangalsutra and shows it to him...

Arjun:  Oops... You are married, already... Never mind.... If you are interested, I'm available to serve you, any time... This is my card, babe...

The receptionist Krystal looks at Arjun irritatingly...

Krystal: Sir... May I know what brings you here??? Do you have any appointments???

Arjun: Hey girl... Cool cool... Don't roll your eyes and scare me... By the way, I'm Arjun... Arjun Singh... The former owner of SM group of companies...

Krystal (In a stern voice) : Sir... I don't care whoever you may be... Just tell me, do you have any appointments...

Arjun: I want to meet your Chairman Siddharth or your CEO Abhishek, right now...

Krystal: Sorry sir... They are on leave, today and without prior appointments, you can't meet them...

Arjun: I don't need any such appointments... It's all that Stupid Pragya's orders only na... Call her... I wanna meet that b****y b***h, who is hell adamant to spoil my life and happiness...

Krystal: Sir... Mind your tongue... Or else, I need to call the police... No one has come to office and they are on leave today... Only the Senior Manager is here... Better leave from here, before you are being thrown out...

Arjun didn't mind Krystal's words and moves towards the cabin of the Senior Manager, which is very close by to the reception... Arjun pushes the door harshly and his breath hitched, as he didn't expected the sight at all...

Arjun rubs his eyes and looks at the Senior Manger, without blinking his eyes too... Arjun never expected that his work will become so easy... He makes a nasty smirk and sits in the chair and blows a whistle, as if appreciating the Senior Manager's looks...

Arjun: Wow... It's indeed a good day for me... Honey baby... I didn't expected you here and that too as a Senior Manager.... My s**y doll is looking so hot, now... I'm impressed...

So... How are you darling??? You are glowing and alluring... Don't tell me that you have found a rich guy like me... I know, you won't do like that... This Arjun has that much effect on you, hey na Honey...

Now too Arjun is ready to take you back... Even I'm dying to bed you... No one impressed and gave me the pleasure, as that of you... Alright... Just get some lump some money from your bed partner and we will go somewhere okay...

Arjun keeps on talking and his talks gets cut down as he is being pushed down in the floor... Honey is boiling in full rage and sits in the seat and gave a deadly glare towards Arjun.... She calls the security and asked him to throw Arjun away...

Arjun: You b****y b***h... How dare you??? Don't act as if you are a great soul... You are a w****e and m******s of mine... You become my bed partner, only for money.... Have you forgotten all these, Honey... Nah Nah... It's Roshni Simha right...

Roshni: It's Mrs. Roshni Mishra...
Mr. Arjun Singh... Haan... I agree... I have danced to all your tunes, as you trapped and blackmailed me, using my family's name... You man handled me and tortured me... You made me half dead...

After giving birth to the baby too, you didn't treated me as that of a human being... You awfully treated me and even you tried to harass the baby born to us... If Abhi bhai is not there at that time, you would have killed my baby for sure...

Woha... Now only I understood, what brings you here, all of a sudden... Your parents have broken all the ties with you and name  their properties to an orphanage, right..

So, you have become a poison less snake... Isn't it???? A mere begger... 😂😂😂😂😂... You shamelessly came here and try to get money from Abhi bhai and Sid jiju, right...

Better run away, before they caught you... The damages will be severe for you... Vanish soon from this place, as my husband is hell adamant to kill you...

Arjun's blood boiled on hearing that Honey is married and what irked him is her careless attitude and arrogant behaviour... He is an egoistic man, who doesn't like anyone snatching his own property and he feels it as an insult to him...

With raging fire, Arjun moves towards Roshni, venomously .. Suddenly,  the room gets open and a person stepped inside the room with a little baby boy in the hands, who is an exact replica of Arjun.... Arjun falls on the ground and the baby started to laugh hardly and clapped the hands....



Abhi nervously looks at Purab, Sid, Aaliya and Bulbul and pleads them to give any ideas to him.... Abhi didn't mind their glarings and is pouting like a little baby...

Abhi: Please.... You all shouldn't ditch me like this... I'm your Abhi, right... If you all didn't help me, how can I escape...

Please... Save me from that blood sucking, devil... Oh god!!! I'm freaking out and will get panick attack for sure... Aaliya di... Check my temperature... Sid jiju... Call the doctor....

Purab... You idiot... Stop laughing... Get me tablets... Bulbul darling... Make some soup for me, please... Oh no... I'm shivering but these four are not showing pity on me....



Pragya enters the room and looks at Abhi angrily... Abhi makes an oops reaction and brings a forced smile in his face... Abhi's face lost all it's colours and he is hell shocked, as Pragya __________________ ???????????



What happened to Abhi and why he is pulling up all these stunts, suddenly????

What did Pragya said and what made Abhi to get shocked???

Is Roshini really married???? Who is her husband???

Who stepped inside the office and slapped Arjun????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

🔸🔸🔸🔸 Do you guys want, Arjun to turn positive??? Or is it okay, if I put an end card to him, as a villain itself????

Do answer me... Majorities choice will be considered.... 🔸🔸🔸🔸


Given a very long bonus chapter with 3775+ words.... I hope, you all would have liked it...

What else, I will expect from you all... Your valuable votes and your comments only... Silence readers, expecting you all to open up, at least now...

The most awaiting Suhagraat of the fighting duo is on the way... You can get to see their romantic ... Oops... Sorry... Their Fighting romance in the epilogue...

This time, you will get your update, only after the votes comes up soon...

Till that time,

Wait for the Epilogue of Arrogancy Vs Attitude....


Yours Crazy Buddy Mahii,


Signing off...

Will be


Have a good day

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