Birthday Frenzy

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Hey everyone! It's been a hot minute, I know, I'm so sorry for not updating frequently 😭

Because of my lack of time and also laziness, I have drawings from the beginning of August till now, which is October 1st (2021 in case anyone from the future is reading this) as I'm writing this XD 

Anyway, I have three chapters worth of content to share XD I tried to include as much as I can, but I'm not gonna include all the commissions I've gotten since I don't really have much to say about those. 

But like I said, this chapter and the next two were updated on the same day 😂 They're gonna be formatted the same way as last time— I'll show some of the pencil/traditional sketches and some digital pieces so that it's not just sketches in one chapter and only digital in another. Trying to keep it somewhat balanced and related to one another :D 

You're gonna see my progress sdkjhgkjh

Hope you enjoy today's dose of cringe :D

• • • 

Of course, like most of my school sketches, this page is all over the place XD

Aight! 👏🏻 So first we got Blaze, human Blaze, my girl Ezzy, Nina, Cole, an angry Sonk, a sweet bb Tails, and just a random girl doodle for practice XD

The next row has Nina flustered by Cole, and next to that a shitty doodle of Monika discovering she can manipulate the code in DDLC (at the time, DDLC+ came out, so I was in a DDLC mood 😂)

I tried designing an adult Tails in the next one, but I know I drew a really cute older Taiream doodle so long ago... I don't know if the Tails designs match up, but eh, whatever, it's not finalized XD

Then I doodled EG Applejack bc Dreamsiiickles on Instagram started drawing MLP EG stuff and she's making me wanna draw MLP stuff again djgskhg (also Dreams is really sweet, go follow her 🔫

And then, oh god oh hell no, is a shitty doodle of Cole without his bandana yelling after Nina. I was trying to think of the climax of the story, but I think I kinda have one in mind now ;) 

Then, the last row, there's my design for Next Gen Sonic (I added some fluff to his muzzle bc dad scruff :>), and then I played around with my NG!Blaze design. 

Then there's my girl Petra (I love her so much, please—), and I tried designing a NG!Amy and Silver, but they didn't really work out... plus Silver just looks normal, I think I just gave up on trying to design him XD

Next page!

• • • 

Ooooo!! Okay, this page starts something I haven't shared art of yet (at least, I don't think I did... I made sure to double check, and I'm pretty sure I didn't share any of this yet)

So... Did any of you by chance either read my announcements or my Random Updates book? Because you're getting a sneak peek of my new Sonaze AU :)) 

Not all the doodles on this page are related to the AU clearly skdhgk but the whole first row is

Anyway, what is this AU about? 

I'll explain more about it later since I do have the digital piece the concept came from in this chapter, but for now, I'll just say that this is a royalty AU in which Sonic and Blaze are put in an arranged engagement. They both aren't fans of it at first, but their love for one another will blossom :3 

So I was coming up with designs for Sonic, Blaze, Amy, and Silver! Now see, I think I have a solid design for Sonic, but Blaze... oh my god I can't decide on her wardrobe 😭

So uhhhh you'll be seeing her outfits change a lot throughout the next couple chapters XD

In the next row, I doodled yet another shitty and cringe concept, because my brain loves to come up with those -_- 

Basically, what if some time during post time skip, Claude and Edelgard swapped? (Dimitri would be gone at this point...)

I dunno. I just figured it would be interesting because both of them are very calculating and know what they're doing. It kind of gives me a vibe of a more serious version of the Sonic Boom episode in which Sonic and Eggman swapped. 

Listen, when people on opposing sides swap somehow, the story can get interesting 👀 Also, this means Claude and Edelgard would swap genders skjdhgk Claude would have to deal with womanly shit while Edelgard has to deal with being a mannnn hahaaaaa—

guys i'm going crazy skghks

ANYWAY then we have a Rouge doodle because she needs more love, Shadow, and another Monika doodle. 

In the last row, I doodled Royalty!Blaze (that's what I'm gonna call them for now) with a cloak :D

Then I doodled a pretty decent looking Undyne, a random doodle of me, and then Kali with her epic Sword of the Creator x Caliburn rip off, and a shitty Sonk 😌

Next page :D

• • •

Alrighty, another doodle dump XD At this point, school has begun for me, so oh boy oh boy, school doodles while my brain is rotting during lessons 😂

I just drew a random lady with armor for practice, don't mind me kjdshkjg

Then we have bb angel boi Pit, I love him so much, I need to draw him more 😭

Next there's Zuko, Silver bb boi, and Dimitri being the insane bastard he is post time skip

Ah, I also hope you know that a lot of my doodles contain FE3H spoilers, so if you're interested in playing the game for yourself, proceed with caution when reading my art book XD 

Anyway, here's an upcoming spoiler with what he's saying in that drawing:

"Know that I will tear your heads off your shoulders..."

I couldn't remember what the rest of the line was, again, my brain was rotting in class kjsdhgk

The next row has a wholesome doodle of pre time skip Claude meeting post time skip Claude :') <3

"My advice? Keep going and chase our dream, kiddo." 

Guys help I love Claude so much 😭❤️ He's best boi and best house leader—

Anyway, there's Blaze being Blaze, post time skip Ashe, a random doodle of a woman ascending to heaven because I was trying a different perspective but failed miserable, and finally a Coda doodle because I don't appreciate him enough 😭

The last row has funny bone man, which like I wrote there, I forgot how to draw khdjsgjhk

The rest of those doodles are just a mess of ideas for my AP studio pieces. You've seen some of my summer pieces so far, but now I actually need to start working on my SI (sustained investigation) pieces. 

I'll explain those when I get to them ;) 

Next page! 

• • •

Alright, more random doodles XD

I drew a shitty GB!Cole, a shitty Blaze, a random doodle of a dude with wings for arms because for some reason I like that concept, a sad Amy, Nina holding Cole's hand, and then two randos for practice 😂

Then in the second row, I doodled Shaye's Undertale OC Cascade because it's been a fuckin minute since I've drawn her, and Shaye includes my OCs in her doodles very often, so I felt not only obligated to, but I also just.. felt.. yeah. I felt like it XD

We have a Shadow, an Ezria because she's my sweet baby goat girl, a Tidal, a random human Amy I think, and then... o.o


the next row


My good friends Tinatxx and Cate_Atlas (both on instagram) doodled in my notebook :')) 

Tina drew that ✨ass✨ and Cate drew those ✨boobies✨

and then of course Tina, in her classic Tina fashion, wrote all those lovely words around her doodles :'>

I think that's all I have to say ksdghj

• • • 

Now, this is the last pencil sketch that will be in this chapter XD

There will be a lot more in the next two, dw :D

Anyway, I have a new planner, and because my old one from junior year still isn't finished, I decided I would draw in both of them depending on how I'm feeling (the new planner is bigger than the other one so if I feel like drawing small I'll doodle in the "junior" planner and if I feel like I need more space, I'll draw in the "senior" planner.... really just depends khsdgjk)

So here's my introduction to the planner 😂

In case you guys can't read it...

"If you think this is a legit planner... HA— This is all doodles :)

Anyway, welcome to my 2021-2022 cringe..." 

and I have a note down there saying "still not good at anatomy, but I'm better now XD"

Now, onto the digital stuff in this chapter!

• • • 

So um.. You all know how I'm a dedicated friend and I draw birthday presents for all my mutuals/friends on Insta and Twitter? XD 

Here are all of them that I've done since the last update up until this point

And I kid you not, this is literally the rest of the chapter 🤣

Anyway!! Let's get through these O.O

This first one is for my good friend slytonlim!! He's really cool, honestly a whole vibe XD I talk to him on VC from time to time, he's really chill, and his art is fantastic :D give him a follow 🔫

This one is Luna, Hellovivirose's OC! Vivi is also super sweet— I don't talk to her much but she's very kind, she also deserves more followers 🔫

This one was for arsworlds, and her OC's name is La Masa XD I don't talk to her as much either, but my god she's hella chaotic and she's great 😂 I think many of you might be familiar with her art if you look her up :)) 

This one is for Anhminh.vo3511! She's really cool, and she's also the creator of the Darkleading AU! This is actually a drawing of Darklead!Sonic :D 


She is literally a homie, I love her so damn much kjdghjs VCs with her are wild 😂

It would have been a crime if I hadn't drawn for her XD I actually really like how this one came out! :D 

This one is for __fahre_, another good friend of mine! She's also chaotic and a whole vibe kdgjk 

Drawing her OC was so fun :> I forgot what her name was but she's a cutie <3 


Mirage is also one of the best homies I have XD Istg she drives me nuts on VCs and even through DMs but she's a whole fucking vibe and is probably the most chaotic internet friend I've had XDD 

Anyway, this is her mobiansona! She so pretty o.o <3 

This one is for VioletMadness7! We just recently became mutuals, and she's so sweet and cool XD I'm sure you guys have seen Violet's stuff as well, she makes a bunch of Knuxouge content 😂

This one is actually for a non mutual, but this is Airborne, anotherpine.sketch's sona :) 

I like how the eyes came out in this one 👀

This one was for Saige, aka ChaosVoltage! She's hella chill :)) 

Drawing Iris was kinda hard since I'm so used to drawing a specific body type for Mobians, and I wish the shading looked a bit better here, but I was so burnt out :') At least I got it done XD

This one is for NellaSanchz! I just found out it was her birthday the day of, and I was already working on other projects, so I just got this rendered sketch out :')) 

I'm glad she liked it nonetheless XD Her artstyle is really pretty, check her out on Twitter! 👀


I had to draw for Dreams XDD 

She has a Sonic OC, yeah, but she doesn't draw her a lot and she's more into Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie right now 😂 So I quickly doodled them for her the day of

I'm so good at managing my time guys—

Anyway, here's what they're saying:

Sunset: Wait, Pinkie, what is this for? 

Pinkie: Hehe, they know~!

Sunset: Pinkie istg stop crossing the damn 4th wall— 

I miss drawing MLP shit, damn it Dreams, I blame you XDD

This one was for DanielasDoodles!! She's also super sweet, I loved drawing her sona :')) <3

What's funny is her sona and the way she draws herself normally is very similar to mine— she just has green eyes and draws herself with her hair down XD We both have brown curly hair and the same glasses kjdshgjhk 😂

And finally, the last birthday was for the man himself, TheSegaScourge :D

He's literally super cool. He's one of the most chill people I've ever talked to, and it's an honor to work on his videos :> So to show my appreciation, I quickly doodled a What If poster of all the What Ifs he's done so far! 

(it was a week late but I still got it done skhjdghj)

Up front we have What If Sonic Never Lost his Werehog Form— he's got that Chip bracelet :D

In the next level, we have Shadow from What If Sonic Lost His Memory, in which (I've explained this before because I participated in it) Sonic falls down to earth after SA2 instead of Shadow. 

Next is "Hexpio" (literally Espio XD) from What If Espio Was Trained by Master Zik! It's an obscure but interesting What If :D

Then the last two are What If Gamma Survived and What If Emerl Survived! Both are very interesting as well ^^ 

Speaking of What If... 

This was my piece for the pilot of Black Shadow: Exodus, a continuation of What If Sonic Lost his Memory!! I was there for the premiere, and seeing everyone's reactions to the episode and the art itself was so nice 🥺

I can't draw the Black Arms for the life of me, bear with me XDD

Anyway, that's all for this chapter! See you in the next one where I continue my cringe that I've drawn these past two months 😂

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