Many, m a n y, more AUs :') (and Aggies)

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Part 2!! 

So uhh, I will be talking about AUs and personal stories a lot in this one, please bear with me XD

I hope you enjoy my shitty ideas jsdhjkg

• • • 

This page right here is COVERED in Cole and Nina shit :D 

I'm not gonna elaborate on everything because I don't want too much to be spoiled, but unfortunately it's kind of inevitable 😅 

I guess you guys will get some more insight XD (I mean you already got more to begin with, but I draw so many scenes and ideas that there are bound to be hints of plot sjdghj)

The first doodle is a small cute thing XD 

I recently established that Cole is really good with animals! He only hunts if he absolutely has to— which is rarely, tbh. I feel like Nina would cry from wholesomeness seeing Cole pet that lil bunny :')) ❤️

Then we have some spoiler doodles XD Nina's shouting "no" at something.. but I won't say what shkjdghj

And then just a dramatic doodle of Cole from the back—

In the next row I thought it would be funny if Nina compared Cole to a Disney Princess 😂 she's going crazy trying to put the analysis together, and her friends are just staring at her, concerned XD


the list: 

• bad past

• animals like him



Jen, Emilie, and Ashley: ... 

I love them so much 😂

Then the last row has spoiler doodles as well XD

We have angry Cole and manipulative Andrew in his Andrew fashion going at it :)

I might not have him have the knife in this scene, I dunno.

Andrew: My my, lil bro! Not the coward you used to be, huh? 

Bro those words cut so fucking deep into Cole because Andrew is implying that Cole was a coward for running off shdkgjjk o.o

And then we have the other bb brother, Jack, who was caught in the middle of the whole mess

I want Cole and Jack to meet again after five years, and I doodled out some moments with how their interaction would go. There's a bunch of revisions, but here are the first few XD

Jack: I thought... I thought you were dead

we continue with Jack on the next page :) 

• • • 


Jack: What the hell Cole?! You run away for five years, and NOW you come see me?! We— I needed you, Cole! Why would you—?

Cole: Jack... I regret not taking you with me. I shouldn't have left you by yourself... 

This was redone at the bottom of the page. I feel like during the actual scene, Cole would be silent, knowing that he made a mistake and regretting it. 

And I made the mistake of lending my friends my notebook during AP Studio again, and Tina drew Sans with man boobs :')) 

Then another friend (idk if I can say his name, he doesn't have an insta *cries*) drew a pretty woman :> He's literally phenomenal shkdgh

I drew UT!Sonic because I haven't drawn it in a while 😂 We got angry Sans Sonic o.O

And then there's the last doodle from my friend Mysti_Dreams (on insta) saying "Hey bestie" XDD 

Then I have a shitty Blaze doodle, and we go back to angsty Jack stuff :')) 


"Do you understand what you did by leaving?! And NOW you decide to check on me?! Years later?! WHAT THE HELL?! 

...A-and seeing you again... it just... hurts! I feel like I was betrayed by you! I was alone

I just... 

I don't know whether I'm happy or angry seeing you." 

My poor boy 😭

Bruh I had one of my irl friends read it because they like Jack a lot, and they were like "(SWEGGY). WHY. MY HEART. WHAT THE FUCK. THE ANGST."

Soooo... yeah I tortured my friends with this XD

Next one! 

• • •

We have more Cole and Nina shit, as well as more concepts for the Royalty!AU :D

I have Nina meeting Jack! I think I might have Jack be slightly taller than Nina, even though she's like three years older than him. The Johansen brothers are tall as fuck, okay? XD

Cole's like, what, 5'10" to 6ft? And Andrew is like 6'2" XD So I feel like at this point in time, Jack would be like 5'6". He'll get his growth spurt when he's 15-16 😂 (He's currently 14 in these doodles)

Nina: Jack, right? I'm Nina!

Jack: Ah, yeah..! Nice to meet you—

and at this moment he'd realize that Cole is behind her o.o

Oh boy 😅

Then I have a concept for Royalty!Shadow!! :D I'm still working on his role and story, but he comes from Arkolonia, which was taken over by Eggman and renamed to Eggmanland. He escaped from his old kingdom and found refuge in Emeralda, which is the territory Sonic's family rules. He becomes one of the top generals alongside Knuckles as of right now :> 

If anyone has more suggestions for ya boy feel free to let me know, maybe something will catch my interest and I'll incorporate it somehow 👀 

Then I have another Blaze concept, maybe a warrior outfit? I don't want her to be a princess that's sitting around the whole time... of course, when her father isn't babying her 😅

Look at the girl boss 🙏🏻❤️

Next I drew ya girl doing paperwork, Prince Sonk being a badass, and then Amy (who is Sonic's retainer) being shocked and heartbroken that her fantasies somehow didn't happen (she expected them to come true at that point because Sonic had bad luck with all his suitors)

"What..? You mean... you like her..?" 

And then back to tragic past for my boys skjdgh

I drew little Cole and Jack! they tiny boys <3

In this drawing, Cole is about 10, and Jack is around 6-7. 

And I drew young Andrew as well. At the time this doodle takes place, he's around 16-17, but I might change this concept. I want him to start going crazy from a younger age, and that he's already insane by the time he's in high school. 

But in this doodle, he says: 

"What if... what if I fought for power..? Show that bastard of a father who's boss..."

I'm not going to explain :)) Figure it out yourselves bitches XD

Then I doodled the height differences between the brothers in this part of their past :')) I hate how I drew Andrew there jshkdhjgk

At the bottom, I drew a potential first interaction with Andrew and Cole in the story (in present time, I mean)

Andrew: My... took me a while to recognize you...


And of course Cole stares, horrified :') 

For real though, it takes Andrew a while to realize that Cole has been living in the area where he was seeking refuge from the police. I mean, come on, the last time he saw Cole was when he was a kid, like 11 years old! I think he'd be kind of impressed that his "idiot brother" lasted for 5-6 years on his own. 

But that also means something else, and I will not say :)

And then I have a Nina doodle asking Cole if he's okay, just trailing off :>


• • •

Ahaha, haha, more cringe AUs ajhkdjhk

Remember the ATLA x Sonic AU crossover I came up with? 😅

Yeah uhhh I think I'm obsessed with it now and I doodled more—

Katara is tending to his wounds with her healing water—

Sonic: I just don't know what to do. I'm not supposed to be here.

Katara: What do you mean? You've been such a great help... You do belong! Just because you and Aang are the last airbenders, it doesn't mean—

Sonic: THAT'S THE THING, KATARA! THAT! I'm not like you guys! 

Sonic: ...I just... I agreed to help you guys, but I can't think straight when there's another battle I have to fight. It's... hard to explain. You wouldn't believe what I tell you, anyway. 

I would've continued, but I did not feel like drawing more panels 😂

Then I doodled Avery going out of control, and then more of the "What if ILYT happened after Jase was born?" thing XD

Jase is struggling there a bit, and Eggman goes: 

"Hmph! For a moment I thought you were him... You look strikingly similar to your father!"

And then we have an Ezzy up in that row's corner :) 



There was a support conversation between him and Annette and I swear to god, I love it so much 😭 They both are afraid of ghosts and stuff, even as adults :')) So I redrew a line that Ashe said XD

"Ha... just look at me... a grown man afraid of ghosts... Quite embarrassing, isn't it?"

My boyyyyy 😭

And then there's a random doodle down there, and then I drew myself a spider-sona because a few people and I were talking on Meel's server, and they're all spiderman fans, and I was tempted to design myself in a spider suit XDD

And finally there's Amy :')) <3 

Now onto the digital shit in this chapter!

• • •

I created reference doodles for Sonic and Blaze in my ATLA x Sonic crossover!! I love their designs please help 😭




As for the quotes... XD

Aang: I'm... I'm not the last one?

Sonic: Ah—! Kid, I'm not really—

and he just gets cut off because he just doesn't know what to say :')) 

And then there's Blaze's side of the story XD

Blaze: [about Zuko] Is he always like this? 

Iroh: Haha, yes... That is my nephew for you. Do you like the tea, young lady?

Blaze: Ah- yes, thank you. 

I'm sorry I love their designs sdkjhgjk

• • • 

I did some color and painting testing here! :D

I really love how all of these came out sdhgk

I based all of these off of real photos I took on my phone XD Background study, babyyy

My friends told me they look super realistic and I'm honored 😭

I kinda messed up on the lake one but I'm proud of the sparkles skhdg


• • • 

Digital doodle dump! :D 

We have some Javery up there, then a Owl House x Blazamy doodle (because Violet planted it in our brains jhdshjkg), a good boy named Caspar, my cringe stupid FE3H x ATLA crossover (Felix as Zuko, Dorothea as Katara, Ashe as Aang, Claude as Sokka, Lysithea as Toph), and then Sonaze and Avery being pretty bb :')) 💖

• • •

Now this—

This is the drawing that prompted me to create the Royalty AU 

Blame Mirage.

We collabed, she drew me this line art, and as I was coloring it, my brain was thinking about what the context for this drawing should be, and low and behold, new AU XD

Kinda mad about how the colors came out, but other than that, I love this so much sjkhdgj

Look at my prince and princess 🥺❤️

anyway next one akdhgjsk

• • •

This was for an art contest held by Vivi (mentioned in the previous chapter), and it was to make a summer related piece!

So I drew the girls hanging out <3

This is probably one of my favorite Sonic pieces I've done :')) 💖

Look at my girls 😭 <3

• • • 

This was for my friend RonixDraws's DTIYS challenge!! :D

It's a drawing of Sonic and her OC, Street, getting ready for a party :>

Look at the handsome boys 

I actually like how the shading here came out too XD

And funny story, uhh, I won first place for this one :D 

I used my prize on my sister :) I had Ronix draw my sister's OC Breeze and omg she looks amazing 😭 (check out Ronix's insta—)


• • •


Someone commissioned me to draw Tidal as a human and I was so fucking happy 😭

It looks kinda weird but it was such a fun and thoughtful commission :')) Thank you so much, fellow commissioner <3 





It was a half body shaded sketch, and I'm still so fucking glad I was commissioned to do this ;^; <3

• • • 


We've done a lot of them, so bear with me XD

For this one, we did a funny and drew Blaze and traded line art to color! :D

The participants in this Aggie were me, miragelights, Rechi_C, slytonlim, KirbyC00kie, and _Meelowsh_ :D

So as you can tell there are random doodles up there, but then the amazing shit comes in 😤👌🏻

(My Blaze looks like shit but Mirage's coloring did it justice)

So 👏🏻 

Can you tell which style is which? XD

From left to right:

Sly's line art and my coloring 

Rechi's line art and Sly's coloring

Mirage's line art and Rechi's coloring 

My line art and Mirage's coloring

And if you look above Sly's Blaze, there's an AU Blaze that belongs to Meel! Meel asked me to shade his, and boom baby, I colored his line art of his All Star Blaze :D (All Star Sonic is his fan comic in the works)

And then Kirby made a funny doodle of Blaze that I colored XDD

Look at us go 😎

• • • 

This was an aggie I just had in the background while we were chilling on VC XD I think I was doing my own thing, I can't remember what tho dskhghkj

I do have a Tidal doodle in there tho 👀

The participants were me, Mirage, lunaerim (or Bec), Sly, Kirby, cherikyuari, Rechi, Ronix, and Fahre :D 

Look at all this talent 👏🏻

• • • 

This was more of a Sonic themed Aggie, though there were some other characters in this bunch XD 

So in this one, we had me, Sly, Meel, Rechi, Kirby, and Mirage (the main squad XDD)

I swear to god 

Sly and Meel are so fucking good????? 


The Sonic (and the Sanics) on top were all Sly's, and then the Sonic off to the side with all of Mirage's comments by it was Meel's


I am honored to have friends like them kdshgs

then there's my shitty Sonic at the bottom, Rechi's Sonic in the shoe drip challenge on Twitter, and Kirby drew Amy in a hoodie :> 

• • • 

This was kind of a blank Aggie because Meel started a different one the same day and we all went to do that one (you'll see it in a bit :>) 

In this one, it was me, Sly, and Rechi :D Sly made Mirage a birthday doodle and it looks so fucking good 😭 <3

Then Rechi doodled her Sally redesign, autumn bee, and Cream, and then there's me suffering skjdhgjk


Which Aggie did we migrate to?


So in this one it was the previous people mentioned plus Meel, Mirage, and ^^ 

Look at all of our Silvers 😭

The one in the middle with Silver waving was Mirage's sketch, and Meel asked to line and color it, so he did XD 

Do you guys think you can tell who drew what at this point? XDD 

(Masa was just doodling emojis by everyone's drawings because he joined late and there was little space for him to draw a proper Silver skjdhg sorry Masa 😭)

• • •

Alrighty! That's the end of the aggies XD

Now we have a few more miscellaneous sketches 0.0

This is a small ref for my sister's OC Breeze! 

I made it for her because she was too lazy and had me draw and color it (under her supervision)... we needed it because I needed to send this ref to people drawing Breeze because I won prizes and shit 😂

So yeah! Breeze ref! :D

• • • 

Okay this one needs some context 

So a while ago, I was on TheSegaScourge's discord VC like I am every week, and Cheesy, one of the usuals, came in saying "yo guys I had the weirdest dream"

He talks about how this dream was about Cream as an adult being a secret agent and other random shit I could not remember, and then everyone in the VC literally started making this an AU XDD

So when the call got smaller and we were still talking about it, Cheesy asked me if I could sketch Cream in this AU. 

So I did. 

The bottom one says "I may be an agent, but I'm still a sweetie~"


Cheesy established that my voice would be good for adult Cream and now he can't unhear it, so if this every becomes a comic and it's dubbed, ya girl is gonna be Cream XDD

• • •

So Meel introduced me (well, kinda, he invited Marcy to his server kjsdhg) to MarcusLarry627, who is a big artist in the Sonic community on Twitter. 

We were all on VC just talking about shit, and we all started drawing stuff for each other for fun XD

Marcy mentioned he had a roleswap AU with Sonic and Shadow, sent the refs since he was talking about them, and then I went like "you know what I'm drawing them"

And here they are XD

Look at the hedgehog bois ksdghj

I like his Shadow design a lot o.o <3

• • •

I saved the best for last 


one day 

Meel, CodeSonictheHedgehog (Code), and I were on the Scourge VC (we're What If Artists there)

And at this point we've been on many VCs together so we know each other pretty well at this point


We made a team

We're Team Outback Steakhouse (as suggested by Code)

Look at us XD

What's funny is their sonas aren't even like them, and then there's me, who literally looks like me skjdhgj

Meel is the robot guy (even tho I know what he looks like sjkdgh) and Code is the one in the horse mask XDD 

I kid you not he turned on his camera once to reveal that he literally does have a horse mask

It was incredible XDD

So yeah. I drew us in Draw the Squad templates plus us as Team Sonic (as suggested by Meel) XD

Code even drew himself in a Knuckles hoodie so I did my best to replicate it skdjhgjk

(I'm also a lot shorter than them so this is funny sjdghj)

• • • 

That's all for this chapter!! 

Holy shit this took me so long to write ksjdhgkj

Onto the last chapter for today!! 

See ya guys ^^ 

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