I'm a fire bender, baby (plus more ATLA, Sonic, and OC shit)

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I'm back with more trash to dump in this book XD

So uhhh

Here we go 😂


So this first one

I guess I made some doodles of the QLS as ATLA (I already said who was who last time, I think..)

So uh...

Enjoy this shit :')

Enjoy me being drunk on cactus juice and Shaye being very disappointed in me

Because it's in pen, I failed miserably at a shit ton of things 😅

Anyway, here's what it says in case you can't read my terrible handwriting—

Me: Drink cactus juice! It'll quench ya! Nothiiiin's quenchier! It's the quenchiest!

Shaye: Okay, I think you've had enough.

Me: Who lit Cookie on fire?

Cookie: Can I get some of that cactus?

Shaye: I don't think that's a good idea.

So yeah XD
There you go 😂

And here we have yet another failed QLS Avatar doodle page 😅

I miserably failed 😓

Pen does not let me redraw mouths multiple times so I really didn't do well 😅

Soooo I think I owe the biggest apology to Shaye because that doodle of her and me up there is just awful I'm so fucking sorry—


Lemme say what it says

Claudia: So there you have it! I'm not guilty!

Me + Shaye: *smiling nervously*

Me: She's dead.

Next we have the sucky doodles of the QLS in our roles...

Claudia as Aang... I was really hesitant on if I should make a part of her head shaved like the women of the Air Nomads had it, but I decided not to 😅

Then there's a sloppy doodle of Shaye as Katara, a failed attempt at me as Sokka, another failed attempt at Usako as Suki...

Soph as Zuko looks a little better? I still kinda failed tho :/ sorry

And then I feel like Cookie as Toph was the most difficult for me to design because from what I've been told, Cookie has really long hair. So... I had to make her Toph bangs longer, I decided to have some of Cookie's hair come out from the large bun Toph has....

Point is, I had difficulty designing what Cookie would look like as Toph 😅

Sorry about this trash XD



I know I'm not really doing much with my Twisted AU anymore, but I decided to redesign/redraw some peeps

I definitely redesigned Blaze. I had to. Her Twisted outfit looked nothing like her original one, so I decided to blend the two together

Sonic's changed a little bit...

I'll explain the changes after I show the image:

So Blaze's changes are obvious

She kinda has a vest lookin thing and a single colored crop top

She doesn't have any spikes anymore— no more spiked collars or wristbands XDD

She still has the same ripped skinny jeans/leggings or whatever they were, and now she has the two flaps from her original dress kinda attached 😅 she also has the same belt made of cloth and her scars didn't really change...

And to replace the spikes, her fluff is back ^^ the bandages and fingerless gloves are still there, but that's okay XD

Alright, time for Soncucc

He's still got scars on his chest and over his left eye. I added some on his arm, though, and I gave him more bandages on his right leg to cover up the scars he had there.

I got rid of the spikes on his shoes since spikes made the characters look way too edgy..

Also I gave him fingerless gloves and his quills are a little less messy :3

And I think I made a part of his right ear a bit chipped off 😅

Then we've got tiny doodles of the rest of the couples I ship down there..

Amy didn't change much. Her headband now has studded bits on it and I changed her dress to a one piece and not a two piece. That's about it, really...

I think 😅 I haven't seen the old designs in a while XD

Silver didn't change too much either. His chest fur is still darker (I was debating on whether I should change it to his original color or not, but I decided to keep it dark..)

I guess I just gave him more cuts and bandages...? 😅 I'm not sure XD

Shadow didn't change much either. I can't tell what I really changed in the doodle since it's so messy, but one day I know I'll have to make clearer redesigns -_-

Rouge changed a bit though. I think I changed her gloves and gave her piercings on her wings and more on her ears... her eyeshadow is now darker than before (before it was rose pink)...

I don't know what else I changed since I have her hand covering her lower body and I gave up on the rest of it 🤣

Now the backside of this sheet is a doodle of what Twisted Sonika and Blitz would look like.

And a miserable failure of a sketch of Twisted Blitz and Blaze -_-

I fucked up on Sonika's quills and I just did not know what to do for Blitz—

Sorry for cursing your eyes ;-;


Alright let's get this marker doodle sheet out of the way

I doodled my favorite Sonic ships and colored them in marker

And I gave them their human counterparts' clothing options 😅

Oh yeah and I drew their children (minus Kali since she's the younger bean XD)

I feel like I should've given Shadow a different outfit option he had 😅

(remember the dumb doodles I made for each character of what their human counterparts could wear? XD that's what I'm talking about 😂)

So yeah there we have Sonic and Blaze. Sonic's wearing his little charm necklace thing with the ring on it and his red and white hoodie, and Blaze is wearing the outfit she has that resembles her original

I could've given her the plaid shirt or the hoodie, but I decided to go for this XD

Next, Shadow and Rouge. Oh my got I was debating on all of Rouge's outfits since half of them wouldn't look good on a Mobian 🤣 so I settled on that one XD and Shadow..... I wish I gave you your leather jacket instead 😂

Silver and Amy actually look okay 😅 I gave Silver his short sleeved hoodie that he had from the start, and I gave Amy a striped long sleeved shirt, a heart locket, and a nice skirt XD

And then we've got the kiddos :D

Left to right, though you guys might already know: Avery, Jase, Ryder, and Crystal




I've done it again.

I'm the perfect example of fandom trash.

I decided to make Sonic as ATLA because I'm an idiot -_-

I'm not sure how far it'll go 😅 there are only a few character selections I'm certain I'm keeping, and I'll get to that

Here's the shitty page

I feel like if I ever do draw Sonic as ATLA, I'm gonna stick to the human versions since Mobians in those outfits... not the best 😅


First off, Charmy as Aang. I'm pretty sure this works best. There's Silver, yeah, but let's be real... Silver was willing to kill in order to save his world. Charmy, as we know from IDW, values life just like Aang does. He didn't want that one survivor that was infected to stay behind, as naive as he was.

I'm still debating on if Silver should be Aang since I'm not sure how comfortable I am with Charmy, a six year old, ending up with Amy, a twelve year old—

Then again, their ages are different in this universe :/

Next we've got Amy as Katara. This one I'm certain I'm keeping. It's just perfect— whether it's the canon universe, Sonic Boom, or IDW, Amy just has Katara's energy.

Her Mobian version will have a bit of a longer braid in the back, but no hair loopies :(

And that brings me to Sonic as Sokka, which again I'm definitely keeping.

I don't know why, I love Sonic and Amy as siblings 😂 They really look like they could be. They both have green eyes and are both hedgehogs...

Maybe they are siblings but were separated at a young age XDD

I'm getting ahead of myself 😅

So yeah

Katara and Sokka's sibling relationship is very similar to Amy and Sonic XD 

And honestly, Sonic is smart. He really can be as seen in IDW and the older games *cough, Unleashed, Black Knight...*

But... he also can act like an idiot 😂 Which basically summarizes Sokka perfectly XD smart big acts dumb 😅

So yeah, Sonic is Sokka XD

And the last Mobian version I drew was Shadow as Zuko. This one is also kinda iffy, but I might settle on it.

I also thought about Silver being Zuko (ahem, his whole Iblis Trigger arc from 06–)... but for some reason, I didn't really see it even though it works very well 😅

I dunno. There's something about Shadow being Zuko that I kinda like. Not sure what.

And then we get to the human doodles.

We've got Amy yelling and Sonic (most likely for the cactus juice incident... "You've been high off of cactus juice all day, and now you decide to eat slime off a cave wall?!" (Not sure if that's how the quote went, but it's something alone those lines))

And the next doodle is human Sonic and Shadow in their roles... I guess I kinda based it off of the Boiling Rock episode 😅

For all of their human forms as ATLA, I tried to keep a little bit of their original human forms I made for them 😅

Example— Amy's hair is longer and braided and has hair loopies, yeah. But I kept her bangs :D

I kept Sonic's messy hair up front, but I had the sides shaved like Sokka's and some of the hair pulled back into a ponytail.

And for Shadow, I kept his hair the same as his original, but I gave him the bangs Zuko had.

Then I doodled the other thoughts I had 😂

Blaze as Suki. This, like Shadow as Zuko, is iffy. But it's kinda the closest option I have for someone as Suki. And no, it's not because of my Sonaze bias -_-

I do kinda like the idea of Blaze kicking ass as a Kyoshi Warrior though XD

And honestly, her teaching Sonic other ways to fight is kinda cool— plus it's kinda ironic since Sonic (and Cream) taught her about friendship, and in this universe, Blaze is teaching Sonic how to not be a sexist asshole 🤣🤣

(Sokka definitely redeems himself tho XD)

So yeah, and again I kept her hair similar to Suki's, but instead of a mini bun, I gave her a tiny ponytail since Blaze originally had one XD

Anyway, then we've got Tikal as Yue. I think it works. Plus, Tikal is sealed into the Master Emerald and Yue became the moon. So uhh, it works 😂

I didn't really keep any of Tikal's old features on her other than her colors... I never even designed her as a human 😅 I probably should—

Okay. Azula gave me the hardest time.

At first, I thought maybe Sally. But then I was like "mmm from what I know of Sally, she's not a psychopath" 😂

Then Wave came up.

Honestly, I don't know how to feel about a hedgehog and a swallow being siblings (hence why I decided to keep them in their human forms -_-). But I kinda started to draw connections between Wave and Azula.

They're both bitches (Wave kinda sorta..)

They're both the intelligent ones in their trios and always act like the boss (despite Jet being the boss in the Babylon Rogues and not Wave)

Plus, if Jet and Storm betrayed Wave— ... I'm not even gonna continue because spoilers 🤣

But yeah. I feel like Wave would break down and have trust issues if they betrayed her 😅

And with the hair, I just made it longer :/


Next we've got Ty Lee and Mai. I made them Tangle and Whisper. Tangle definitely fits her role. Whisper, however, doesn't really, but she's the closest female I know of that could fit Mai ;-;

Let's just say that Whisper isn't as emo as Mai XD

Also, I guess Shadisper? 😅

I wonder if that's a thing... I'm not gonna look it up though 😂

Wait... coming to think of it, it might be—


But yeah for Tangle's hair, I had to change it up. In her original human form I had for her, her hair was short. But Ty Lee has long hair. So I just decided that the long braid Ty Lee had would represent Tangle's tail (which is why it's striped) :DD

I also made her fringe a little messy like her original form but had it in the style of Ty Lee's 😂

I fucking love Ty Lee she's so precious—

And then for Whisper's hair, I just put the fringe over her eye like in the original, but then kept the rest of her hair like Mai's.




We've got more Sonic as ATLA doodles.

But before that...

I also have a doodle of me and Izzy as Zuko and Iroh yelling at each other 🤣

Don't know if I said this in my art book or not, but I've mentioned it in my Random Updates book— the group of friends I watched Avatar with decided that we're gonna dub some of the episodes. We assigned ourselves some roles, and officially, I became Zuko and Toph.

I'm happy about that 😂 Sokka's my favorite, but Toph and Zuko are second and third XD but that's not why I'm happy about it. I get to make a horrible memey impression of Zuko :D

Honestly when we started watching, I kept making fun of his voice and I hated him so much, so my friends were like ".... you should be Zuko 🤣"

So here I am XD

And then Izzy became Iroh, Yue, and Momo 😂


Sometimes in the middle of watching, I'd make Zuko day something, and Izzy as Iroh would start fighting with my Zuko, and it'd just be back and forth 😂


Now that I explained the doodle...

Here's the page 😂


Here's the conversation between me and Izzy—




That's gonna be the whole dub, I swear 😂

Anyway, then we've got Shadow and Wave having some sibling fights :3

Shadow: What are you doing here?

Wave: You mean it's not obvious yet? I'm about to celebrate becoming an only child!!

Azula you maniac 😂

But honestly she's one of the best fucking characters in the show—


Then I drew Amy waterbending

Pretty dope to think about 😂

And finally I wondered if Sally should be Toph. I couldn't think of another good female character to fit Toph. Marine doesn't quite fit, Cream's too polite, Rouge... on humor aspects maybe, but I'm not so sure—

You know what... Rouge might end up being Toph. I'm gonna see, but she might.





The first part of this page is me releasing my anger into a sheet of paper

The bottom part is more enjoyable though 😅


Here it is..

... yeah.

I wasn't doing well emotionally.

Then the bottom part is the scenario or alternate universe where Sonic and Amy are siblings 😂

So first...

Sonic: *nudging her* How's it going, lil' sis?

Amy: I'm not that much younger than you, Sonic...

And then the second image.

Amy got punched in the right eye, which is why it's kinda bruised around the area.

Sonic came in to back her up.


I messed up on proportions and shit, but don't I always? 😂


Next page



This one's pretty fun 😂

The drawing itself sucks, but I love the idea XD

So after taking a bajillion quizzes to see which bender I was, I decided.

For a while I was having an existential crisis on whether I was a fire bender or an earth bender.

But now, I guess I feel like I definitely fit more into fire.


I drew myself as a fire bender :D

I might digitalize it— Tung told me I should, so.. 😅

I kinda wanna draw all of my ATLA crew friends as the benders they are, but I haven't seen them in forever 😅

I know Izzy is a water bender for a fact... Tung is air or water, I can't remember. Julia might be water... Bella might be earth...?

I can't remember 🤣 I'm gone needa ask all of them—

But yeah, I looked up some references of fire nation clothing and I made my own :))

Yes, I'm aware that as far as we see in ATLA, no fire benders have glasses.

Fuck that, I do 🤣 Plus, contacts exist 😎


Do I need to explain how I designed myself and what I put on? XD

I'll keep it brief: super high ponytail (like Zuko's in Book 1), crop top vest thingy and another crop top under it, a gold arm band and a black arm band, forearm wear, baggy pants tucked into long boots, that skirt thingy, and fingerless gloves

I also drew two other hairstyle options for me XD

Like I said, I might digitalize it, but I'm currently working on another project :3





I have a bunch of marker drawings that are kinda all over the place

Here's the page :D


So once again, we've got my two favorite bromances combined— Sonic and Shadow as Sokka and Zuko :D

Then, for the first time, I drew my favorite Helluva Boss character, Loona ^^

It just made me remember how much I miss drawing muzzles 😂

If I had a Hazbin OC, she'd definitely be a canine. But I'm not making one 😂

Also the fact that Loona's VA is Blaze's old VA I just—


Speaking of Blaze, I drew her up there

Again, I was feeling really down. Things happened that made me feel like shit. I'm not gonna get into it though.

And I guess the same thing for that Ezria drawing of her holding her heart locket up.

I messed up with the pen but shh we don't talk about that 😅

I was listening to the Avatar's Love as well, so it really added onto the emotion 😂


Then I drew four fantastic characters from ATLA (all of them look terrible though because the pen fucked me up 😭😭... also I can't draw 🤣)

Toph looked the best, I think. I screwed up on her bangs, but at least she looks like herself.

I messed up terribly on Azula's lips and hair. I hate it.

Sokka... I massacred you, buddy. I'm sorry 😂

I feel like I made his face look too childish and his mouth and nose don't look right ;-;

Also, the shoulders -_-

At that point when I was drawing Zuko, I just gave up. These were only marker doodles, so I didn't really care anymore.

So... I unfortunately failed on Zuko's hair, mouth, and also shoulders :((

How do people draw Zuko's hair so well?!!!

I never draw the generic anime hair so this is just... this is a nightmare 😅


Now that we're past that monstrosity, I realized I have not ever drawn Iris Blaze in marker.

So... even though I'm not in the MLP fandom anymore... I drew her.

She lookin majestic as always 🤣

I'm really proud of the hair though 😂

And finally, there's a doodle of me (I really fucked up on my face and the coloring of my skin— I'm not that peach, I'm more tan than red if anything 🤣)

I was watching ATLA memes, and I saw a lot of Zutara content

And it made me realize how much I despise Zutara

So... there's me saying: "Please tell me I'm not he only one that hates Zutara."

Please tell me 😅

Now that that's done...



First one

I decided to try a new style

And... umm...

It's a lot sketchier but cleaner than the messy Draw the Squads I did last chapter 😅


I drew Tidal

Here's ya girl

Kinda proud of it 😂

I might stick to this style, it's annoying to try to make one clean line that's perfect 🤣

Plus, the messy watercolor brush shading is just so fun XD

And I also tried something with the lineart— I made it gradient from a dark shade of blue to red :3

I might not stick to doing that, but I'm definitely using gradient coloring for certain shading stuff 😂 (I did it in this one, I think it goes from yellow pink, but it's on multiply so you can't really tell unless you take a really good look at it XD)

This was super fun for me though 😂


And next, we have a doodle of Sokka

It's a lot better than the one I did with marker, but it's still not the best 😅

I also did the gradient lineart trick here— it was from bronze to blue, I think

But we love our boomerang boi ^^

I needa get better at shading hair 🤣 I lost that ability from drawing so many Mobians, jeez 😂😂

But yeah that was shitty

Sorry for ruining you, Sokka 😅 I love you buddy XD



And finally

I decided to do something I've been meaning to do


I made Ezria an Undertale overworld sprite

I feel like I need to shorten her body a bit since she's not supposed to be taller than Paps or Undyne 😅

But uh, this is my first draft of an overworld sprite for Ezzy 😂

I based her face off of Toriel, which was kinda annoying since it wasn't symmetrical so it caused me to fuck up on her lower body -_-

But yeah, there she is 😅


I hope you enjoyed my shit post

See ya guys 😅👋🏻

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