I tortured myself :'D

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Alright bitches I'm back with more shit for you all

Here we goooo


Okay first off

Remember that little AU of my ILYT AU I made? The alternate timeline where the events of ILYT happened after Sonic and Blaze had Jase?

So I made a lil comic

But it's just cringy generic heartfelt shit 😂

So first I just drew Blaze and then Jase, and then I was like "wait a minute that little AU exists" 😂

So here's what it says if you can't read my sucky handwriting:

Jase: Hey Mom?

Blaze: Huh? Oh, hi sweetie, what's up..?

Jase: ... I know it hurts, but... what was Dad like?

Blaze: ... *she pauses* ... He... He was an amazing person. *smiles* He had this charm to him that made everyone feel hope. His smile... He made everyone feel better when they were at their worst.


Blaze: I wish he could se you. He would tell you how good of a kid you are, and that you're his little fella. *tickles Jase*

Jase: Heheh!

Blaze: He would comfort you and make you feel special. ... He would be so proud of you. I'm sure he's watching from above and is so proud of his son. He's with us in spirit, though. He always will be.

And then we have two extra doodles of Sonic looking down at his family ^^

But yeah that's it




Fun story

Remember how I drew myself as a firebender?

I drew my other Hooligan friends that had elements as their bender selves :D

Including Claudia 😂

Here's the shit :D

So first up we have Claudia as an airbender

She's taken multiple quizzes and all of them said airbender, and it really does fit her 😂

I drew her with her hair up and down. She's kinda too lazy to put it up in a ponytail nowadays, and she also told me "dude I'm not in the fire nation, why do I have a ponytail" 😂

So that's my reasoning XD

Anyway, next up is Julia, also an airbender. I didn't know how to color her hair since she usually has it either dirty blonde (natural) or dyed rose gold.. So I just colored her ends rose gold 😂😅

But yeah she's a more stylish person if anything, she's really into fashion. She's not as much of a tomboy as Claudia (as you can see I gave Claudia clothing that she can be agile in) so I just let Julia have longer robes

Also can I just say Julia's eyes are gorgeous I—

They're literally like a green mixed with a bright bronze. It's amazing.

Alright next is Izzy, who is the only waterbender so far 😂

I gave her a winter and summer version, so uhh yeah 😂

Next page of my friendos—

So next up is Tina as an earthbender.

I put some of her fabulous hair up in a bun and I kinda based her outfit off of the middle class of the earth kingdom and Toph...

I kinda like how she came out, when I sent it to her she told me "I LOOK SEXY AF" 🤣

I love her so much XD

Next we've got Megan, and she's an airbender. She usually wears fairly simple clothes, so I didn't give her anything too extreme. I also gave her a similar airbender amulet that Julia had XD

Alright now we've got Tung, aka art prodigy and also the tallest fucking dude in my grade 😂

I thought he was a waterbender but he said he's fire.. okay then XD

So I drew him. It doesn't look accurate to him, especially his proportions (I have no idea how to draw tall people like him, let alone his proportions specifically 😅)

I colored his hair black but his bangs have blond and pink strands.. so I tried to mix in the colors somehow 😅

I also drew him with a fire nation bun, so let's just say some of his bangs were pulled back to make the bun 😅

And finally we've got Bella, who is my other fire nation comrade 😂

She usually has her hair in a low side ponytail, so I drew that at the bottom, but for her main design I gave her a hairstyle similar to Ty Lee's.

Anyways, I hope you all liked my crappy designs of my friends 😅




Oh god

This is shit


This is when my brain gets bored and thinks it's an interesting idea only for me to fail miserably


I drew some ATLA characters as Mobians -_-

I based most of them off of either personality or their element/nationality (what I mean by nationality is fire nation, water tribe, etc)

... but my ideas were crap anyway 😅

Also the siblings aren't the same animals because of that reason XD


Here's the trash

You can see I gave up 😅

Can I just say real quick drawing a burned eye scar on Mobians is hard as shit? It just makes them look constantly angry, I hate it -_-


My reasoning behind each one

Aang is a monkey.

I feel like that fits his playful nature and I mean, come on, he's an airbender. Monkeys hop from trees to trees.

I was debating on making him some sort of bird, but I didn't feel like it'd fit him for some reason.

So then I realized monkeys existed XD

Alright next up is Katara

Katara's a rabbit.

I dunno why, I just got that vibe from her.

Also, converting her hair to her Mobian form was so fucking hard, I'm still not happy with it ;-;

Then there's Sokka, who's a wolf.

I'm actually kinda proud of his design. The reason why I made him a wolf is because I read somewhere that they're pretty intelligent and represent good leadership, which Sokka does have. Sometimes he struggled with leadership, but he developed ^^

Also, I figured a wolf would fit him because of the name of his specific type of ponytail 😂 I forgot what it was called, but it had "Wolf's" in the name XD


Then I made Zuko a lion. One, the zodiac sign Leo is represented by a lion, and Leo's element is fire. Two, lions are about pride, and Zuko's trying to regain his honor. So... I think it checks out.

And then Azula's a fox. This one was the most obvious one for me. She's a cunning little bitch, and foxes are known for being sneaky and smart and shit 😂

Toph I had the hardest time with. I originally was gonna go with a badger because of the badger moles, but then I realized the only character I could really go off of is Sticks, and I had a shit ton of trouble with Toph's hair.

So I just made her a buffalo.

I dunno, they're headstrong animals. Just roll with me 😂

And then at the bottom I drew Sokka and Zuko 😂 my two favorite boys


Enough of that cringe




We've got pen doodles again

Here we goooo

So first I attempted to draw Sonic as Link because I know that was a thing at some point

The pen did not want to obey me 😂

So it just turned into a shitty sketch XD

Next I drew a human dude for practice but again the pen failed me..

And then I drew a human female of le species for practice again (for this it was practice for side shots—)

It went better? 😅

Then I drew Mephiles— the one doodle in that blue pen that actually game out well 🤣 (you guys can see the difference in pen from the other doodles, right—)

Dude I needa draw Mephiles more often, he's like the one creepy thing I will always love to draw

Then I attempted drawing human Knuckles from memory. I don't draw Knux that often so I kinda struggled 😅

He looks a little childish there tho :((

And then I drew human Blaze, who's design I know perfectly 😂

And last doodle with that pen, I drew a shitty Rosalina.

Then starting us off with the darker blue pen is a pretty decent doodle of Sonika ^^

I love my design for Sonika, I don't know why 🤣

Anyways, then I hop on the genderbend train for the rest of these doodles 😂

We've got Andy Rose, the adorable boi 😂

And then we've got a failed sketch of genderbend Team Passion... I drew Andy out of proportion compared to Rogue, so I didn't even bother drawing Blitz -_-

I also decided I wanted to redesign Rogue, but that doodle messed up as well 😅



So I decided to redeem the failed sketch..

I didn't do too much better, but hey, there we've got the boys just hanging out XD

Blitz seems annoyed by being pulled into this, he's got princely duties to take care of 😂

And then we've got Silvia up there being adorable ^^

Next we've got the only doodle on this side of the page that has a non genderbent character 🤣

So in that doodle I went back the the scenario I came up with a while back... what if Sonic just randomly became Sonika because of Eggman and everyone else around him— er, her— remained the same?

So I just drew Shadow being like "....." and Sonic being like "I fucking hate this" 😂

I kinda wanna make an AU where I just swap random characters' genders while some remain the same... hmm...

Anyways, then we've got Knuxie Lu 😂 the poor angy girly XD

And then I have my ships plus Tails 🤣

So we've got Shadogue (I've also decided that Shadow's name could just stay Shadow... females can also have that name, right? 😅)

Rogue: Shadz, we've got our next mission 😏

Shadow: Understood.

And then we've got Blitzika— Blitz is being the gentleman he is and he got Sonika some flowers 😂😊

Sonika: Aww, Blitz! <3

Sonika's not really into girly stuff, but she does think that kind gestures like that are adorable 😂

Then we've got Tails down there, the other character's name that didn't really change 😂

Dude I should draw Tails and Shadow (genderbend of course) high fiving each other because their names didn't change 🤣

Well, technically Tails's real name did change from Miles to Miley, but still 😂


And finally we've got Andilvia or Silvandy

Andy's getting over the fact that Sonika doesn't like him back, and Silvia's being a supportive girly ^^

Silvia: You'll get over her. You'll be okay— heartbreak doesn't last forever. ^^

Also I messed up so I wrote "fuck" above it 😂



This was just doodles today on during my Driver's Ed shit 😂

So uhh

Don't mind the workbook page XD

I kinda wanted to see how Amy, Rouge, and Blaze would look like if they swapped.

I really like Blaze's design, I seriously don't know why 🤣

Alright enough of that crap



Onto digital shite :D


I had to draw more Sonaze fuel 😂

It's been a while (for the people who only see my digital art, at least— so my insta and deviant art followers XD), so I drew it ^^

I'm not too proud of this one— the only thing I do like it the shading.

I feel like I drew Blaze a little out of proportion and the background was too simple and the lighting was bllllleghhhhhhh just fuck me in the asssss

But because it's my OTP, I'll let it slide 😂

I wish it looked better, but there's always next time XD

Okay but I am proud of how I drew Blaze's ear 🤣 it just looks... correct in a way XD




I drew Kali :DD

And here's her profile—

Yeah, I gave her a few talents to make up for her not having powers 😂

All love for the kitty XD

She looks older in this drawing, but know she is younger than Jase by five years, so when the two were in school, she looked a lot more childlike 😂😅

I feel like I needa redraw Jase now since my shading/lineart style changed... 😅

Oh well

I feel like the next SNG profile will be Ryder and then Crystal, but don't expect them soon XD

But yeah long story short Kali is a mix between her mother and father— but she mostly has her mother's traits 😂

I feel like the one thing she didn't gain from her mom was stubbornness. Jase has a little bit of that, but he's usually pretty easy going and loose. The same goes to Kali, just without the stubbornness 😂 She does know how to stand her ground when she needs to, though.


Next piece of shit


I decided to just do a generic character drawing for once

No ships, no OCs.

Just a character drawing.

So I decided to draw Amy, because I've never drawn her digitally in a professional way 😂

So here's ya girl ^^

This is my most successful deviant art post, it beat Tidal's 🤣

Ames is at like, what, over 230 favorites? 😅

Which is funny since on Insta she's got like 60 or something... a lot less compared to deviant art, but oh well XD

But yeah I like the simple background, I like the shading in this one..

It came out pretty okay 😂




This was my first speedpaint in a while

The last speedpaint I posted on Instagram was of XTale Ezria.

I decided to update that since back then, my lineart was clean and I had a different shading style.

.... I drew my firebender self digitally and made an epic speedpaint with Avatar music as well as "In This Shirt" because I saw an Avatar montage with that song in the background..

So no, I didn't put it in because of Tik Tok, I didn't even know that song was used on there 😅


Here's the final product

If you wanna see the speedpaint, it's on Instagram ^^


I wish I was better at proportions and hands, but that's as well as I could do for now 😂😅

I just realized there are a few mistakes here and there and the clothing was hell to draw in that pose...

But you know what? FUCK IT. I'm a firebender and that's that 🤣 so what if the art sucks, it's a perfect representation of me— shitty 😂

Nonetheless I hope you guys like this junk 😂



Long story short, I decided to torture myself

But the long story is that I saw the Face Your Art challenge on Instagram and kinda wanted to do it, but then I read the requirements and I was like "fuck it I'm not posting old art"

So I did something based off of it

I chose nine franchises that aren't Sonic (because I wanted to practice with human faces) and chose characters from each of them. I decided between the characters for each franchise (I had a few options) and so I drew one from each.

It was hell, but I got it 😅

Anyway, here's the shit

Lemme just rank my personal favorites (of how they came out, not the characters 😂)

9) Dipper. I feel like I didn't do too well on him compared to the others.

8) Jackie. Honestly I was gonna put her at 9th but then I realized she looks a little better.. so... yeah 😅

7) Pit. Sorry my boy, but I feel like I could've done better.

6) Monika. She was super close to being 5th, but there's just something about her that just put her below #5

5) Calpurnia, aka Prez. I hate the way her face came out, but I just love the hair so much, I— mmmm

4) Rayla. She was super close to being third, but the shading isn't dark enough on her 😂😅

3) Zuko. I feel like he's one of the ones that was well done. I'm happy about that 😅

2) oooof.... this is rough...
I might have to got with Link here. I'm very proud of his hair and everything, but he's still below #1 only because I feel like #1 came out the best for me

1) Hinoka. I literally have no connection with this character and holy shit I love the way she came out 🤣


Now time to explain how I chose the characters 

So I'll go in order

First franchise drawn was Cursed Princess Club, a webtoon I absolutely adore. Go read it.

Anyway, my choices were Calpurnia— or as most people know her, Prez— or Syrah, a princess that has a Pinocchio curse. When she lies, her nose grows, and the length it grows depends on the kind of lie.

Prez's curse is kinda a spoiler so I won't say 😅

But yeah. I chose Prez only because I felt like most of the other characters on my options list were gonna have generic hair colors, and Syrah's got brown hair (but gorgeous dark pink eyes—) and Prez's blue hair and yellow eyes stood out.

That meant that I kinda had to cancel out a character form Fire Emblem, which I'll get to in a bit (she also has blue hair and yellow eyes)

Next franchise was ATLA. My options were Sokka and Zuko. I was gonna go with Sokka because of his skin tone— it would make him stand out. But then I also realized the Zuko's scar and black hair would stand out as well since no other character I had on the list had black hair, so I went with Zuko.

Also, he has gold eyes. Prez has yellow, so they're not as deep as his. If I chose Sokka, he'd have to deal with two more blue eyed characters 🤣

Next is DDLC. My options were Monika and Natauki, but I eventually chose Monika because she's the only green eyed person on the list that made it, therefore she stands out. (Rayla's eyes are sorta pink so Natsuki would only stand out with her pink hair, and Monika's hair is a pinkish brown, so uhh yeah :/)

Next is Gravity Falls. My other option was Wendy, but I wanted a somewhat even balance of boys and girls so I went with Dipper. Also, he's the only brown haired brown eyed person on the list, surprisingly 😂

Then we've got Legend of Zelda. I was originally gonna humanize a Sonic character and my options were Sonic and Blaze (I went with Sonic) but then I decided that I wanted this to be purely human. So... I decided that LoZ exists. I chose Link. Hey, he's the only blonde other than Jackie! Plus his hair is so fun to draw 😆

Next is Dragon Prince. I was gonna draw Callum because I love him so much, but then I chose Rayla because one, she's an elf, two, she's got white hair, and three, darker skin and pretty colored eyes. She looks unique 😂

Alright, then we've got Star vs the Forces of Evil, and it was between Marco and Jackie. If I chose Marco, he'd just be another generic brown haired brown eyed guy, so I chose Jackie, a blonde with a blue steak in her hair and pretty sea green eyes ^^

Then it's Kid Icarus. I drew Pit, my precious bean 😂 I wanted to draw Viridi so bad, but again, I wanted an even balance between boys and girls, and Link and Jackie were two other blondes in the house.. so even though my girl has pretty hazel eyes to make her stand out compare to them, I chose Pit only because Dipper was the only other brown haired guy and Pit's dark blue eyes would stand out, too 😂

And finally, Fire Emblem. Holy shit. I had difficulty deciding.
I didn't choose Azura because of what I said earlier— she has blue hair and yellow eyes, just like Prez (only her hair is a lighter shade of blue compared to Prez—)
So my other options where two other girls from Fates, Elise and Hinoka, and two boys from the Smash roster, Ike and Roy. I ended up scratching Ike because he has blue hair like Prez, I scratched Elise (as much as I love her) because she's another blondie, and so it was between Roy and Hinoka. Both redheads, one blue eyed and one reddish-brown eyed.
I went with Hinoka because I loved her design and from what Claudia told me about her (she's the Fire Emblem fan, I get my info from her 😂), I love her already XD

Damn it, I wanna draw the rest of the characters just because I love them and they didn't make the cut 😅

I wanna draw Elise so bad she's adorable


I hope you liked my torture :DDD

In total I think it took me like what, maybe 4 hours in the span of a few days? 😅

Oh well

I'm sped at digital XD

Probably because of my sketchy lineart.. 🤣



I'm working on another digital project atm but I decided to get these drawings out of the way 😂

I hope you all enjoyed

And wow, would you look at that, "Serbia Strong meme but it's an hour long" just finished 😂 Right on time! 🤣

Alright, see ya guys XD 👋🏻

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