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Oh mah gawd you guys, I haven't shown art in ages...! I'mma dump the art I did for the past two months to make up. They're mostly Jamaa Academy beans, and yesterday I made a Corruptor reference.

Oh god, here they are:

A drawing practice of Swift with her paws glowing:

And a black and white version cause why not? It didn't come out too well...

My friend @Quibli asked me this a long time ago, geez, took me this long to post...

Jake and Swift art with a small conversation between Hunter and Swift below it.

Drawing of Hunter and Jake facing off, with Swift being clueless in the background as to why they're like that.

A little comic of Swift, Jake and Izzy playing Pokémon Go. They thought they saw a legendary Pokémon but it was just a Zubat.

Something I did for Easter(really early thing).

A random thing I did with these beans. They somehow found a place with no gravity..

Another random thing I did, ignore my attempt at writing 'Schist' in calligraphy.

Jake and Swift encounter my new OCs, Tyke and Yip who are also in Jamaa Academy. Tyke comes from a poor family, the only rich member being his uncle, he was the one who gave Tyke his wristband, but sadly passed away. So having Jake and Swift give more than a thousand gems for free is a huge milestone.

Small drawing I did with the trio.

And here's the Corruptor reference, I'll explain them one by one:

NOTE: Some of the info was edited here. So some of the info in the pic is changed.


Drones have only two jobs, to guard youngsters until they're two years old or when their venom glands become functional, and the other is to make more servants by biting jammers. They have the fastest acting venom in the colony, and the deadliest. It can turn any jammer into a servant.

Drones, when young, can grow rapidly. In 1 jammer year, they're already 3 years old. They reach maturity at the age of 6, that's when they start their jobs. There are at least a thousand drones in one colony.

They have two antennas on top of their heads, only for receiving messages telepathically, specifically from the Queen or fellow Corruptors. They don't need a partner, they're mostly solitary but go with others when ordered to.

Fun Fact: Did you know that in chapter 19 of Jamaa Academy, Swift and Jake we're actually chased by a Drone?


They are also known as the Queen's guard dogs, but they rarely do their guard job. About two in thirty messengers become guard dogs, only when there are enough to send and receive messages. The things uncommon among other Corruptors, is that they have four legs, a long tail, and two eyes.

They don't have venom glands like Drones, but they do have very fast speed. They usually use it to send messages quickly, but it could also use it for escape. They're solitary, but could go in pairs.

They age slower than Drones, in 1 jammer year, they're just 1 year old as well. They could grow up to at least 10 feet long.


Spies are the smallest Corruptors, about the size of a bunny jammer, but they have their perks. They're very sneaky, being able to crawl into small spaces to spy on jammers, and they're very quick and agile.

They go in either partners or packs, with at least ten individuals. They also have two antennas on their heads to receive  messages telepathically, they only have one big eye. Their spines on their backs are small and pretty useless, but are sharp. In defense, they could roll into spiky balls to threaten enemies.

They age like Messengers.

The Queen

The biggest Corruptor of them all, the Queen is the one who commands every Corruptor in the colony. She has four antennas, two long ones, and two small, curved ones in between, with four eyes and four arms.

She has venom glands as well, but has slower acting venom that only paralyzes the victim. She produces smaller amounts. She lays 100 eggs a day, and is heavily guarded while doing so. When she's unsatisfied with one of her subjects' doings, she will exile them from the colony or have them eaten.

They're the oldest in the colony, in 10 jammer years, they are about 20 years old. When a Queen dies, however, the whole colony will make a memorial and then find a new ruler. There could only be one Queen per colony, if there are two or more though, the position could be passed into one for another generation.

I hope this will satisfy all of you! Enjoy your day/night!

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