Important Update

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Haha, yay, I'm back..

Look, I know I've been making lots of these 'notes' and then leave you guys for a while, but this one's really important and a little long. So pay attention. There will be three parts of this.

First Part: Unpublished and On-going book updates

The Five Foxes

I've looked over the plot for this and realized it was pretty short and not my best plot, basically it's just a revenge story. So, I'm discontinuing it. I know, I've abandoned books like this one, but I just didn't have a good enough plot for it. It's reasonable.

Crush X Reader Boyfriend Scenarios

Will be continued, just slow updates. Don't worry, I still like the book.

EDIT: I made a renewed version of this book! Go check it out!

Never Ending Darkness...

I've loved TMNT since the 2012 version came out, but I suddenly lost most of my interest in the show now. There's still some of it left, but it's barely clinging on to me. I'm still continuing the book, but instead of chapters, I'll make it one, hopefully long one shot of how it will end.

That's pretty much all I could do for the book, after I publish the one shot, I will probably not make anymore TMNT stories by then. Probably. But I'm not making any promises.

From Egg To Dragon

Everyone seemed to love Frost, the cute little dragon the turtles found, but this story went south. I'll probably also do a long one shot about how it ends like Never Ending Darkness.

Frost: Did you forget meeeee..?

Author: No... I didn't.

Frost: Then why is the book no continue?

Author: It's just writer's block..-


Author: C-Calm down Frost!

Deadly Night(Jamaa Academy Horror Story)

Because of my inactivity due to busy life, I wasn't able to finish it in time. I'll continue it at some point, but don't get mad at me for missing Halloween, the say it was, hopefully, supposed to be finished.

EDIT: The book is already finished.

Jamaa Academy

This book will NOT be discontinued, not ever, it's my first and most successful Animal Jam book ever. It's just gonna have slow updates, I'll probably, and hopefully, update it every 2 weeks or every 1 week. We'll see.

Animal Facts

I have no actual memory of why I made the book, but I think it was because I saw the facts in Animal Jam.. I'll still keep it going but leave it at a number of facts.

Art Book(s)

This art book will not be unpublished until probably close to a hundred chapters, but we're still on like what? Less than fifty? This book will be like Jamaa Academy, it will NOT be discontinued. Just will have slow updates.

My Advice To Be A Great Writer

Will be continued. Slow updates. Meh...

Second Part: Reasons For Inactivity

I've been gone for almost a month, and I see I have more than a hundred notifications, that's a lot. But, as usual, life is keeping me extremely busy. More than before.. More homework, projects, etc.

Another thing is about family, we had some cousins coming over from a far place, they stayed for a week when I had my week off school. Then left when school was already starting again, we were supposed to bond and catch up with each other. It was fun having them around.

Last things are lack of inspiration and writer's block sure, I've been updating a lot more before.. but I just kinda lost it. I'll start updating more frequently at some point.

Third Part: Losing Readers And Followers

I've seen how many views I got before and now, then compared them. I noticed I had less and less readers to see my updates, making the updates seem pretty useless, but I still kept going.

As for followers, I just lost one. In my time of Wattpad, I only lost two followers before, add the one now, makes it three. Not lying, for some reason having the lack of readers and followers makes me lose motivation and start thinking: What's the point?

So... yeah.. that pretty much wraps it all up. Hope you all listened..(if there is anyone even reading..)

See you all soon at my next update.

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