Chapter Four

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Holly trailed her fingers over the Dryopteris aemula Artemis was currently describing. Soft, triangular fronds met her elfin skin. The Buckler fern, as it was usually called, smelled distinctly like hay and Holly breathed that in. She looked up again at her tour guide. He was busy explaining all the science behind its unique scent. When he was like this, Holly could easily forget that he wasn't in fact Artemis. Not completely. The real Artemis would have been reluctant to venture out into the Manor grounds and show her around. He would have first complained about the dirt that would mark his loafers, or the bugs that would bite. This Artemis was more than happy to take a break from his story, and relax. With her.

Artemis still had his massive intellect. He just didn't use it like the old Artemis. He didn't know that boy. He was just someone he could never hope to be. Hearing those stories didn't quite make him believe. How could he, when his own friends were telling him that he had fought pixies and demons and stopped world dominations, outsmarted businessmen decades older than himself. All before he was 20. It seemed too much, too fake to believe. But now he was content to relax, forget about that old Artemis everyone else seemed to want back. It hurt that everyone expected him to be Artemis Fowl the Second, friend of the Fairies, genius, and criminal mastermind. He just wasn't him. So he showed Holly the grounds of Fowl manor, up to the very hill that was his favorite.

Holly and Artemis crested the hill, walking out from beneath the tunnel of trees and foliage. A lone oak tree stood over a bench, it's branches stretching toward the blue sky. Holly smiled. The view up here was beautiful. Artemis grabbed her hand and pulled her gently toward the bench. Contented, he sat back against the old wood. He had found it not long after his revival, when he had quite frankly, rage quitted. He smiled fondly. It had happened four months ago, when he had refused to listen to Holly and Butler's rather absurd stories. He just needed to get away, and found himself stumbling through the woods away from them. He managed to get here, and since then this had been his favorite place. Holly jumped up next to him, admiring the view. The hill provided an amazing view of the Manor grounds as it was the highest point. The Manor House was feet below them and Holly could only distinctly see the silhouettes of the twins playing below.

"So this is where you run off to," Holly turned and smiled teasingly at Artemis. His cheeks pinked slightly, another noticeable difference.

"Yes, well, I have to get away sometimes."

Artemis sighed, leaning back into the bench. Holly watched his face soften, the lines around his eyes receding. She knew they came from hours of squinting at computer screens. She sometimes forgot how young he truly was. Though, technically he was 21, he still looked the 18 year old he had been when he died. 18. Far too young to have saved the world. She leaned into him, letting him know silently that she was there. She was still his best friend after all. Eyes closed, Artemis murmured, "Tell me more about Jon Spiro. I was 13, wasn't I?"

"Yes," Holly told him, lost in memories. "You outsmarted him then." She proceeded to tell him about their third adventure, the C cube, and how it had almost destroyed them.

Artemis listened intently, somewhere deep inside, this story resonated. He was intimately familiar with it now, mouthing the words as Holly said them. Trying to make himself believe. Jon Spiro. The business mogul, in jail because of him. It just, it seemed too unrealistic. Compared to his other tales, this seemed mundane. No trolls, no pixies. Just him, and another man playing for money. "So, we managed to break in, steal the C cube that he stole from me, and land him in jail."

"Yes, Arty." Holly was tired of this story. She had told it to him countless times and yet he seemed to be in awe of it. She had no idea why. "Artemis, why are you so interested in this one?"

"I just, I can't believe how heartless I was back then. I cut off an innocent man's finger Holly! Didn't even think about it twice, or the risks it posed to fairies if it didn't attach properly. Furthermore, I didn't think when I made the C cube. I made it for money, with complete disregard to your tech. I'm so, so sorry, even though I don't exactly remember..." Holly grasped Artemis' fingers. "I also can't believe, that I was able to do that to Jon Spiro. I was 13. I can't even fully grasp all areas of the plan yet. I'm afraid. Because, if Jon Spiro breaks out of prison, or- or another Opal Koboi comes along, I know I won't be able to make a plan. I can't Holly! I don't remember!" Artemis cried then as Holly wrapped her arms around his torso, letting him cry.

Holly held him tightly, murmuring a few comforting words in Gnommish. Afterall, he had decoded it when he was just 12. It didn't take long for him to become fluent in it once again. "Artemis, when the time comes, you will be able to save us. You may not remember now, but in time you will."

At the time, Holly had believed her words. She knew, and still did, that Artemis would figure it out, that he would come back. But now she was afraid. He was right. He barely understood the plans his past self had concocted back then. How could he save her now, when Artemis was surely blubbering to himself back at Fowl Manor when he awakened alone. He wasn't the Artemis she used to know. Holly's tears fell, hoping against all hope that he would remember. She needed the old Artemis. She curled into herself more, wrapping her arms tightly against her bare arms. The small dress that covered her was barely enough to keep her clothed, let alone warm. The cell she was in didn't help either. But Holly refused to turn around, keeping her face against the cold wall. She didn't want to see what was on the other side of the glass. Who was on the other side of the glass. Because Artemis was right. Jon Spiro had broken out of prison. And he was back for revenge.   

I'm so so sorry. I haven't updated since last November!! It's been hard to write this book because I'm kind of running out of ideas but I'll try to keep it going! The chapters may be updated slowly for the time being. I'm sorry again! Thank you again for the support! I love you all! I know it's supposed to be a journal entry but I couldn't drop that on you and leave! So, here it is. Until next time, 


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