t h i r t y - e i g h t

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"wait, why are we going to the hardware store?" olivia finally asked as she slowed down her pedaling pace.

"well, what's something that lights up?" i asked.

she pondered on the thought for a moment or two, and then decided on her answer.

"a light bulb?"

"that's not exactly what i was thinking, but yes, a light bulb does light up."

"then what were you thinking?" 

"i was thinking something more on the lines of a flashlight," i admitted, a sheepish smile appearing.

"that makes more sense. the light bulb doesn't light up without the lamp."

"exactly. and i don't have a lamp on me."

she giggled.

when we arrived at the hardware store, we neatly kicked our bikes to the side and ran into the store.

without even meaning to, we split up and began to search aisle after aisle.

not even a few minutes later, we both met up carrying flashlights in both of our hands.

i had grabbed a four pack of small lights while she had grabbed a big one.

she looked like she was ready to argue with me about which lights were better, but i just placed the package down and took the flashlight from her grip.

for a moment, our skin touched.

i could've sworn that she pushed her hand against my finger tips.

we both pulled our hands away at the same time and went to pay as if nothing happened.

"where can we find something broken?" she mused as we picked up our bikes.

"if i had something that was broken, i'd throw it away."

at the same time, we realized where we had to go.

"the dump," we said in unison.

she pedaled ahead of me and i followed her.

i couldn't stop thinking about our hands.

was she starting to have feelings for me?

did i finally feel something that was more than compassion?

was i falling in love with her?

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