7: Fruit OC Collab

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Hi guys! How's everyone doing? Good, bad, surviving or dying?

I'm sitting in the corner crying, but it's all good. Don't you just love final exam season? 🙃

Yea, so I'm actually going through hell right now, studying and crying and studying some more. I have my biology final tomorrow and I'm so stressed out because to get an A, I need to get a 102% on the final! It is possible though, since my bio teacher is giving up to 15 points of extra credit, but it's going to be rough. There is literally so much material from the year and it's all so complicated. My study guide is 15 pages long of full questions and diagrams, no space wasted. Of course I have 5 exams though, so we gotta focus on alllllllll the subjects. As of right now, I have two exams done and three to go, but I am at that point.

I absolutely cannot handle this anxiety and amount of studying. Like, these test scares are going to determine my GPA which will affect what college I get into 4 years down the line... Why does a number have to determine my life? I don't know, guys; I'm done with high school. The only reason I'm holding on right now is because there's less than a week until exams are over and then... SUMMER VACATION!

Yes, freedom and time and no work for 2 months. I'll probably be able to update more during the summer too.

Back to the art stuff, I don't have anything really "new" to post, but I do have this collab that I did a few months back with Meth, Phoe and Lana that I've wanted to share. Each of us has a fruit OC and we wanted to draw them all together. We decided to merge our best skills together so we could create the best work.

SpiritOfPhoenix , did the original sketch digitally and aren't the proportions, like, perfection? Teach us how to draw anatomy, Phoe!

Then, CryingMeth refined it with a meat layer of lineart. Look at that line variation!

That leaves my job to be... coloring! I actually printed out the lineart and colored it traditionally with Peismacolor pencils. Here's a WIP.

The finished product....

I'm actually so glad with how this came out! I thought it was so cool how we live across the globe from each other yet we were able together a whole drawing like this. What do you think?

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