The bloody surprise

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I'm writing about periods again!

Because it's very normal, everyone with a uterus goes through it. And when pain gets bad, we're told to suck it up because it's "normal".

I think it's messed up how periods are something we're supposed to hide, like it's us summoning a demon or something like that. Your menstrual cycles are one of the most natural things a human being goes through.

I like to bring up periods in front of people, no matter their age or gender (excluding three year olds and stuff, since that would be pointless. Do they even speak English at that age?). Because periods are natural. But I don't go around screaming, I'M ON MY PERIOD LOSERS! GET ME CHOCOLATE!!!!

When someone asks my why I look so pale, and why I just vomited, I'll tell them I'm on my period.

When someone asks why I'm crying randomly over a picture of a cucumber, I'll say I'm on my period.

This is where my comfort level is, and if you feel like you aren't that comfortable with discussing periods in public, that's cool. Or if religion is a reason for why you don't talk about periods, that's fine too.

All I ask of you is that you never feel like having a period is something to be ashamed of. That you never feel like you are inferior to anyone else, just because you have a uterus.

You are bleeding out from the inside. Your uterus is having contractions to shed its lining. Never feel ashamed of being in literal miniature labour, except instead of delivering a child, you're pushing blood out of yourself.

That being said, Amita has fears related to periods. In the past, she has been told that no one wants to hear about her "woman issues" so she is very sensitive when it comes to that sort of thing.

So one of her character arcs will be her developing confidence with her body. I know she's a very open person otherwise, but a lot of that is a shield for some tough stuff she's gone through.

Also, thanks to LizzieJones99 for picking a name for the Porg!

Tw: Period stuff like hormones and screaming in agony, implied bad language.


"What are we gonna name it?" Crosshair asked as I played with the Porg in their room at the base.

"Porgy!" I enthusiastically said. "I thought of it before I feel asleep last night!"

"I love it!" Wrecker said.

I beamed at him. "Isn't it so cute?"

"Why are you being... weird?" Hunter scowled at me. "You're smiling at us."

"I'm not being weird. I just think Porgy is so cute," I coed, rubbing my thumb over his head.

"You're definitely being weird," Hunter narrowed his eyes at me. "What are you planning?"

I huffed. "I'm not planning anything! I just really like Porgy! He's so cute!"

"Okay..." Hunter suspiciously said. "Anyway, we have a day off. So we're going to run a training course to brush up on some skills."

"I have a question," I raised my hand.

"What is it?" Hunter sighed.

"Do we get sick days?" I questioned.

"You get a day off if you're sick," Hunter answered with a confused expression. "But you don't get a sick day if you're just sneezing."

I shifted in my seat, noticing a twinge of discomfort in my abdomen. I stretched a bit, experimenting to see if it would help.

I stood up and went to the 'fresher, dreading what I knew was there. And I was unfortunately correct.

My period had begun.

I sighed and walked out of the 'fresher, awkwardly standing in front of them. 

"So um," I said, twisting my hands nervously. "Do you um..."

"Spit it out," Crosshair impatiently said.

I flinched and shook my head, returning to my seat. Wrecker gave me a worried look but quickly forgot about me when Porgy let out a squeak and jumped off a counter.

"What were you going to ask?" Hunter quietly said to me as everyone gathered around Porgy.

"Nothing," I looked down at the ground.

Hunter looked at me suspiciously but shrugged, turning back to watching Porgy. I started running through the options of what I could use as a pad, before straightening as an idea struck me.

"Where did you guys get that sports bra for me?" I asked.

"We asked our commanding officers about it, and it was delivered to us the next day," Hunter answered. "Why?"

"Can- can you ask about something else for me?" I nervously asked. "Please?"

"Depends on what it is," Hunter replied, wariness emanating from him. "I'm not getting you a bomb."

"I need some menstrual pads," I sheepishly said, unsure of how they would react.

"There are some in your refresher. I placed them there when you were assigned to our squad," Tech said without looking up from his project.

"Thank you," I murmured and went off to the 'fresher.

I put the pads to use, and returned to the shared room silently. Wrecker looked up at me and gave me a confused look.

"What's a mensweal... menstrill... menstrual pad?"

"A product typically used by people on their cycle, meant to catch the blood being shed from their body," Tech monotonously explained.

Wrecker frowned. "What?"

"When someone is bleeding from their-"Tech started explaining it further, but Hunter cut him off with a glare.

"You better not finish that sentence," Hunter warned.

"What? I'm not as vulgar as Crosshair! I wasn't going to say p-" Tech's mouth was quickly covered by Hunter's hand.

"Bleeding?" Wrecker asked, squinting at me as if blood would come pouring out of my face or something.

"It's nothing," I mumbled and busied myself with distracting Porgy from Crosshair's old toothpick lying on the floor.

"Oh. Are your periods not that bad then?" Tech tilted his head and typed something on his datapad.

"They're fine," I replied simply.

"Are you fairly regular?" Tech questioned.

"Tech! You can't just ask people that!" Hunter scolded, sighing deeply.

"Why not? I was unaware that it was a sensitive topic!" Tech's defended himself. "I was merely just trying to gather information on our newest teammate!"

"Wrecker?" I softly said, feeling overwhelmed. "Can we go to the cafeteria please?"

"I'm still tryin' to figure out what a menstrual pad is," Wrecker said, looking to Tech for information.

"Are your cycles irregular? Is that why it's a sensitive topic?" Tech questioned me.

"They're- I-" I struggled to find the words, unable to understand why he was asking me this.

"Irregular?" Wrecker repeated.

"It means not regular," Crosshair answered, a smirk playing at his lips.

"I know that!" Wrecker huffed. "But why are we talkin' about that?"

"Can we please go down to the cafeteria? We don't have to talk about this!" I begged.

"What about pain level? Is it manageable?" Tech inquired.

"My periods are fine! You don't need to pretend you care!" Furious tears came to my eyes, and I went to retreat to my room, but Hunter placed a hand on my shoulder.

"We aren't pretending to care," Hunter said. "We know that periods hurt. We're asking for your well-being. We're not your biggest fans, but we are here to help you. Whether you like it or not, we're squad mates now."

"Okay," I said, just wanting to get out of here.

"Do you understand that we want to help?" Hunter asked, taking his hand off my shoulder.

"Yes," I lied. 

I didn't believe him for a second. This was another one of their twisted mind games, wasn't it? They wanted me to trust them, to tell them my deepest fears, then they'd pull the rug out from below my feet and laugh at me. 

"Alright. You may go," Hunter dismissed me. "Training at 0900 hours. Be there."

I nodded and went to my room, curling myself into a ball in the corner. The pains were sharp in my abdomen, and they were getting increasingly worse. I groaned softly and dug my nails into the palm of my hand, trying to distract myself from the stabbing pain. 

"Amita?" Wrecker said, standing outside the room.

"What?" I snapped.

"I was jus' worried about ya," Wrecked said. "Can I come in?"


"Alright..." Wrecker hesitantly said. "I'll jus'... go then."

More vicious cramps tore through my stomach, making me writhe in agony. I silently cursed, saying words that had made Rex gasp in the past.

And the time went by, until it was 0900.

I picked myself up off the floor, wiped my tears off my face and headed off for the training rooms.

Sorry about the short chapter!

I just wanted to get another part out since I've only really been updating my one shots lately. 

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