The animal dilemma

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It's finally time to find out why I asked you that question the chapter called "The first trip" and I have a feeling you'll enjoy it.

Any predictions?

Also, Tech is a total nerd.

It's a fact.

Tw: Panic attacks, feelings of abandonment, self-doubt


I was roughly shaken awake and before I could even open my eyes, I was being yelled at.

"I told you to get back to the ship! What are you doing lying outside it?" Hunter demanded.

"Did- I escaped didn't I?" I rubbed at my head. "I thought I escaped."

"Escaped?" Wrecker repeated at looked at Hunter in confusion.

"What happened, Amita?" Hunter asked.

"I don't know," I said with tears coming to my eyes.

I had been so close to getting out.

Why did they leave me?

What happened?

"You don't know?" Crosshair scowled. "How do you not know how you ended up asleep outside the ship?"

"I don't know, I don't know!" I shouted and clawed at my hair, taking ragged breaths.

I had been so close to leaving this horrible place filled with horrible people.

And then I somehow ended up back here.

"They nearly got me out!" I curled into myself and cried.

I thought Rex and Echo cared.

But they kept coming so close to saving me, then pulling the rug out from below my feet.

And Ahsoka, she... did something. I couldn't remember what it was, but she did something that ended up with me back here.

"Amita calm down!" Hunter looked helplessly at Crosshair, who shrugged.

"They left me again!" I sobbed, the tears rolling down my face.

"Who left you?" Wrecker softly asked as he crouched next to me.

"I thought they cared!" I wailed. "They called me vod!"

"Vod?" Tech asked in surprise. "As in brother or sister?"

My mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Why did they keep doing this? Did they not actually care about me?

Was it because I wasn't actually their sister?

Did they keep holding my freedom right in front of my face, then taking it away, just because I wasn't their sister?

"Amita, tell us what happened," Hunter ordered.

"Rex and Echo were so close! I was at their ship!" I rocked myself back and forth. "Then all of a sudden I'm waking up to your stupid face screaming at me!"

"Rex and Echo?" Hunter said. "Those rebels that tried to rescue you?"

"The ones at the other end of her comm," Tech clarified.

"Amita, we left you your comm so we could eavesdrop on your conversations with the rebels. And now I can see that it's becoming a problem," Hunter sighed. "Hand it over."

I sniffled and took it from my boot, placing it in his waiting hand. He eyed it for a second before crushing it under the heel of his shoe.

"I hate you guys," I weakly said, not having the energy to fight anymore.

"Aww really?" Wrecker sadly asked.

"Except you Wrecker. You're my best friend here," I smiled bitterly at him.

"Great. You hate us, you like Wrecker, blah blah blah," Crosshair rolled his eyes. "Now let's go and write our report on Emilia's death."

I gasped softly. "Emilia!"

Tech pushed his goggles up the arch of his nose. "Yes. She unfortunately was murdered, and we failed a mission for the first time."

"I'm sorry about that!" I apologized. "I didn't mean to ruin your streak!"

"Why do you care?" Crosshair scowled. "I thought you hated us."

"I do. But I understand what it's like to have a winning streak, and I'd be pretty upset if I lost mine. In fact, when you guys captured me, I lost my hundred percent success rate," I said. 

"That's nice. Now let's get back to the ship so I can write our mission report," Hunter picked me up and set me on my feet. "And you'll try not to mess anything else up, understood?"

"Understood," I meekly said and entered the ship.

I sighed and slumped in my seat, thinking about why they would've left me here. Wrecker sat next to me and offered me a ration bar.

"Thanks Wrecker," I replied and took a bite of it.

"Am I really your best friend?" Wrecker hopefully asked. "'Cuz if you were jus' saying that..."

"No you're my best friend. At least right now. I think Echo and Rex might hate me," I bitterly said.

"That's too bad," Wrecker frowned. "But at least I'm your best friend!"

"Yeah, I guess," I hesitantly agreed.

"We're not going back to base. We have a new assignment," Hunter said as he walked up to us. "They want us to go to a planet called Ahch-To to see if there's any Jedi hiding there."

"Ahch-To?" Tech sat in the pilots seat. "I've never heard of it."

"It's a planet they found mentioned in some Jedi texts. It's sacred or whatever," Hunter explained.

"If it's sacred shouldn't we leave it alone?" I asked. "I don't want to get cursed or something."

"The Jedi betrayed the Republic. Why should it matter if we go to their planet? Besides, they're all dead," Crosshair said as he tightened his vambrace.

"They're not all dead," I scowled at him.

Hunter's gaze lifted to my face. "Do you know where a Jedi is? Because that could be considered treason."

"If I did, would you kill me? Would you kill them?" I struggled to undo my tie and started accidentally strangling myself.

"I'd turn you and the Jedi in. It's protocol," Hunter said. "And do you need help with your tie?"


Hunter shrugged and stepped away to change into his armour.

I started choking as the tie pressed into my windpipe. Crosshair rolled his eyes and motioned for me to get closer so he could help. I let him untie it, and threw it to the ground.

I slipped out of my tuxedo, only in my shorts and the sports bra they had gotten me. I put my armour on and plopped down in an available seat. 

"There is a while left in the trip. I recommend getting some rest," Tech advised. "I put the ship on autopilot."

"Will do, nerd," I saluted him.

"Nerd?" He tilted his head at me.

"Y'know, because you're a nerd," I shut me eyes and leaned back in my chair. "Nerd's not a bad thing, you're just a nerd."

"Crosshair calls me a nerd as if it's an insult. Are you certain it's not him mocking me?" Tech asked, uncertainty tainting his voice.

"Depends on how you take it. I interpret it as a comment on how smart you are," I opened my eyes to see him nervously tapping his leg. "Relax Tech, he's your vod. He wouldn't say anything too bad to you."

"I suppose you're right," Tech's leg slowed. "Crosshair can be rude, but he does care."

"Wish that would apply to me," I sighed and rubbed my face.

"He has been nice to you. He didn't wake you up with a warm bowl of water," Tech flicked a switch making a the lights dim. "Have a good sleep."

"You too Tech," I watched him stand up and go off to his bunk.

I fell asleep in the chair, knowing I would get neck pains later. But I didn't have a bed, and this was the next I could do.

"No. You cannot keep it," Hunter firmly said as we returned to the ship the next morning.

"Oh come on!" I clutched it closer to my chest. "Please, Hunter? I promise I'll take care of it! Wrecker will help!"

The Porg in my grasp let out a little meep.

"No," Hunter shook his head. "That's final."

"Please!" I begged. "How can you say no to this face?"

I held it up so Hunter could see its huge eyes.

"No," Hunter crossed his arms. "Absolutely not."

"Pretty please?" I batted my eyelashes at him. "I'll take care of it, I promise!"

"Only you want it. Most of us don't," Hunter waved at all of the others.

"Actually, I think it would be fun to have around," Crosshair nonchalantly shrugged. "I'd be in for having a little... thing around."

"Okay," Hunter wavered. "But that's still only two against three."

"I want a Porg!" Wrecker cheered.

"Well my vote counts as two because I'm the leader, and Tech doesn't want it either. We're tied," Hunter said.

"Actually, having a pet could be a positive influence in our lives. Studies show that having an animal..." Tech trailed off at the murderous expression on Hunter's face.

"Fine! We'll have a pet! But if we get caught, it's on you!" Hunter stormed off.

"Yes!" I cheered.

Mando'a translations:

Vod~~~~~ Brother/sister, depending on situation 

What should it be named? I don't have any ideas.

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