The dance partner

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In this, Ahsoka is a Gray Jedi.

Tw: Violence, death, 


Ahsoka led the dance, while I followed her movements. I found my eyes continually pulled to her lips, and I kept having to move them back up to her eyes.

"Is he still watching?" Ahsoka whispered to me as we danced.

I discreetly looked over her shoulder at Hunter, spotting him speaking with Emilia. He glanced up at me and narrowed his eyes, and motioned for me to walk to his side.

"Yup. And he wants to talk with me," I told her.

Ahsoka grinned mischievously at me. "Then let's go."

I shrugged and went to Hunter, with Ahsoka trailing behind me. We stood behind him as he finished his conversation with Emilia.

"What are you doing Amita?" Hunter demanded when Emilia glided away to grab a drink. "I told you not to make any trouble!"

"Do you see me dancing on tables? This kind lady asked me to dance, so I obliged," I snapped, pointing at Ahsoka. "I thought we were supposed to blend in!"

"Just don't cause any problems Amita. I don't know who this is or what you think you're doing, but I don't trust you," Hunter glared at Ahsoka.

"I am Senator Tano. I spotted her alone and figured she might want to dance. Is there a problem with that?" Ahsoka questioned.

"No ma'am," Hunter scowled at me. "She's just not supposed to be out on the dance floor. She has other things to do."

Ahsoka nodded, slowly walking backward. She tugged me along with her, and when Hunter looked away briefly to make sure Wrecker hadn't blown anything up yet, we made a break for it.

"Hey! Come back here!" Hunter shouted as we ran away. "Amita!"

Ahsoka and I pushed our way through the waltzing couples, blending into the crowd. She led the way to the middle of the dance floor, where we hid from Hunter.

"Who's that grumpy guy?" Ahsoka asked as we caught our breath.

"The leader of our squad. His name is Hunter," I explained, watching him talk with Crosshair. "He didn't want me screwing anything up so he must be having a heart attack right now."

"Echo and Rex are waiting for us to get out of here. Are you ready to go now?" Ahsoka adjusted her blue dress.

"Yeah I'm ready to-" a loud sound rang through the air, and I recognized it as a blaster shot.

The crowd screamed and shoved past each other to get away from the drink stand. Ahsoka and I exchanged a look before making our way to the drink table.

A body was on the ground.

"Emilia!" Hunter shouted as he rolled her over.

A smoking hole was in her chest, and a bubble of blood came up from her mouth. I covered my mouth in horror, guilt filing me.

"I told you not to mess around!" Hunter furiously said as he checked Emilia for a pulse. "You were supposed to protect her!"

 Crosshair bolted toward an exit, where someone with a mask covering their face watched. They ran away as Crosshair sprinted after them.

Ahsoka stood with a placid expression on her face. She watched silently as Emilia's body was taken away, and Hunter yelled at me.

"Go to the ship!" Hunter ordered. "We failed our first mission because of you. Go!"

I nodded and quietly left the situation, Wrecker staring after me apologetically. Ahsoka followed me.

"Ready to go to Rex and Echo?" Ahsoka gently asked. "Ready to be free of the Empire?"


Ahsoka took my arm and steered me toward where Rex and Echo were waiting.

"What's wrong?" She asked as we walked.

"Nothing," I brushed the question off. "I'm just ready to go."

"I've been told about your enhancements," Ahsoka said. 

"Yeah?" I looked at her, wondering where she was going with this.

"Did you know the Force is similar to to what I've heard about your abilities? I can feel your stress and regret," Ahsoka put her hands behind her back.

I stayed silent.

"What's bothering you?" Ahsoka asked.

"I don't know," I whispered. 

Ahsoka hummed. "I suspect you might actually have become attached to them. Do you think that might be possible?"

"I guess so," I considered. "I have been known to latch onto the nearest person around when I feel stressed. It's a side effect of my enhancement. I need a lot of emotional support."

"Interesting," Ahsoka held her chin, deep in thought.

"Whatever the case is, Echo and Rex are ahead," Ahsoka pointed at them, standing at a space port.

"Amita!" Echo shouted, running forward to hug me.

"Echo!" I squeezed him tightly.

"Thanks Ahsoka," Rex sighed in relief. "We couldn't have done this without you."

"It was my pleasure," Ahsoka said, glancing at me.

"Let's go home Amita," Rex said as he patted my back. "Finally."

I hesitated. "Yeah..."

"Amita?" Echo tilted his head. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know," I admitted.

"Then let's go," Echo stepped towards the ship.

Rex was confused, Echo was worried, and Ahsoka was... upset, yet understanding.

"I understand," Ahsoka said. "The Force works in mysterious ways."

"The Force?" I repeated. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Ahsoka closed her eyes and took a long breath. "You will see."

"I don't understand," I furrowed my brow at her in confusion.

"You will," Ahsoka confidently said. "It is the way of the Force."

Rex looked at Echo to see if he knew what was going on, but Echo was just as confused. 

"What are you talking about?" I demanded.

Ahsoka sighed. "I wish I didn't have to do this, but I have to maintain the balance. And the Force is guiding me to make this decision."

"Make what decision?" I asked.

Ahsoka raised her hand in my direction. "I'm sorry, Amita. Please forgive me."

"Forgive you for what?" I asked. 

She waved her hand in front of my face and murmured something to Rex. I collapsed onto the floor, everything going black.


I closed my eyes again, breathing in.


This was what the Force wanted.

She was to stay with them.

The Bad Batch.

They would keep her safe.

Safe from the one who was hunting her down.

Safe until the time was right.

To bring balance back to the Force.

I opened my eyes and looked down at Amita, who was limp on the ground. Rex checked her for a pulse and looked up at me in disbelief.

"What was that for?" He cried.

"It was what had to be done," I solemnly said. "I don't like it either, but the Force works in mysterious ways."

"What?" Echo blinked.

"It's Jedi stuff," Rex explained.

"I am no Jedi," I corrected.

"Oh yeah, Gray Jedi," Rex nodded. "But what does that have to do with Amita?"

"She will bring balance to the Force. While she may not be sensitive to the Force, someone is hunting her down. A shadow. A darkness. It needs to be stopped," I looked up to the sky.

"I trust you," Rex sighed. "But what do we do with her?"

"We take her to her ship," I said.

Poor Emilia, :(

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