The senator's guards

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Hehehe we have a love interest now!


I heard the voices coming, and closed my eyes to feign sleep. My room's door slid open and I continued my ruse.

"Oh come on!" Crosshair groaned. "We told you to be up already!"

I opened my eyes and grinned at him. "I'm awake!"

Crosshair rolled his eyes and I followed him to the ship, having to nearly jog to keep up with his long strides.

"We're shipping out to guard an imperial senator on Coruscant," Hunter told me. "And don't forget, we'll be keeping an eye on you! No funny business!"

"Aw that's a shame. I was planning on killing the emperor," I pouted, crossing my arms.

"No," Hunter threatingly said. "We're going to the imperial senate! You can't say stuff like that!"

"I was joking," I exasperatedly said. 

"These senators don't get jokes. They are ruthless and will turn in you in for even the smallest bit of in disobedience without a second thought," Hunter warned. "You better be on your best behaviour so I don't return you to reconditioning."

"A bunch of stuffy senators?" I snorted. "I can handle myself around them."

"I myself have difficulties around them," Tech confessed. "They nearly had me arrested."

"That's because you tried to tell them how the legal system works," Crosshair said.

"They didn't need to escort me from the building," Tech grumpily said. "That was unnecessary." 

"You started tryin' to cut the senator off," Wrecker pointed out.

"I did not!" Tech bristled. 

"Whatever. Can we just get there?" I interrupted their dispute with an irritated tone. "And is anyone gonna tell me anything about the mission? Or are you just gonna tell me not to screw it up?"

"I haven't been informed of the mission yet either," Tech frowned. 

"For good reason," Hunter glared at his goggled brother. "Do you remember Senator Jeen? Someone tried to kill her. We're protecting her while the incident is under investigation."

Wrecker gasped dramatically. "We're guarding her?"

"Why is it such a big deal?" I questioned, watching Crosshair smirk.

"Tech had a bit of a thing with her," Crosshair replied.

"Oh really?" I wiggled my eyebrows. "Is she hot?"

Tech coughed. "I have to go fly us to Coruscant! Goodbye."

He made his escape to the cockpit.

"I swear, if you mess this assignment up, I will bring us right back here and put you back into your cell for the rest of time," Hunter narrowed his eyes at me.

"I promise I won't screw anything up on purpose," I held up my pinky, but he ignored it.

"Yay! Amita's first mission with us!" Wrecker high-fived me.

"Senator Jeen," Hunter nodded respectfully as we stepped off the ship onto the landing bay. "We're your guards while your attempted assassination is under investigation."

"Hunter! It's so good to see you again!" The senator said with a kind smile. "And please, call me Emilia."

Emilia had brown eyes with laugh lines around the corners. Her hair was black and done in an updo that showed off her brilliant earrings.

"Hey Emilia!" Wrecker waved and took off his helmet.

"Hello Wrecker. How's Lula doing?" Emilia asked.

Wrecker laughed his booming laugh. "She's back at the base. I didn't wanna bring 'er here to the danger zone."

"Ah, makes sense," Emilia said sincerely. "It's a very dangerous planet."

"Exactly!" Wrecked elbowed Crosshair. "And you said I was being silly!"

"Hello Tech," Emilia slyly said. "How've you been?"

"Very well thank you," Tech replied. "And you?"

"Other than nearly dying I've been fine," Emilia joked. "Come on, I'll show you to my suite. Your room will be down the hall. I suppose you want the same one as last time?"

"We'll be needing an extra bed," Hunter said.

"Oh?" Emilia raised an eyebrow. "Did you get Omega back?"

"No. We have... a new squad member," Hunter sighed and motioned for me to step forward. "Emilia, this is Amita."

"Hi!" I cheerfully said. "They kidnapped me and are holding me against my will!"

Emilia did a double take and glared at Hunter. "Excuse me?"

"It's a long story," Hunter glowered at me. "And I told her not to stir up any trouble."

"But did you kidnap her?" Emilia cocked her hip and placed her hand on it.

"I wouldn't say 'kidnap' as much as capture a rebel," Tech said.

"Don't mention the whole rebel thing to anyone else," Emilia advised. "They're not very nice about it."

"Understood," I nodded.

"Great. Not let's go to our rooms, yes?" Emilia smiled and led the way.

"Does she have a sister?" I asked Hunter.

"I don't know," Hunter frowned. "Why?"

"No reason," I nonchalantly said. 

As the others shrugged and followed her away, Crosshair gave me a knowing smirk. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"What?" I snapped.

"Hey, I don't blame you," Crosshair threw his hands up. "She's hot."

"Is she... in a relationship?" I asked hesitantly.

"Doesn't matter," Crosshair shook his head. "Imperials can't date."

"Neither could clones, but that didn't stop us, did it?" My lips twitched upward slightly. "Oh I'm sorry, that doesn't apply to you. You were obviously single your whole life."

Crosshair sneered and slapped the back of my head. I laughed and ran away from his reach, hiding behind Wrecker.

"I'll have you know I dated plenty of women!" Crosshair shouted. "Plenty! You can't swing a Loth-cat without hitting one of my exes!"

"Then why are you single?" I giggled and ducked behind Hunter when Crosshair chased after me.

"Because good soldiers follow orders," Hunter said with his arms crossed. "Imperials can't date. It distracts from the job."

"We're here!" Emilia announced as we stop in front of an imposing building made of dark colours.

Everyone filed inside, and Emilia pulled me aside.

"I just wanted to make sure these guys are treating you right. I may be a senator who works for the Empire, but I don't agree with some of their harsher tendencies," Emilia said quietly to me, moving her face so the security cameras couldn't see her lips move.

"I'm fine. They haven't been that mean to me after the first little while," I assured her. "Other than the occasional threatening that is."

"Well if that changes, you let me know," Emilia glanced up at them. "They may be harsh now, but you should've met them before the chips were activated."

"How different were they before the chips?" I asked.

Emilia smiled bitterly. "They were good men. Kind, honest, loyal. And they tried their hardest to protect the ones they loved."

"I wish I could've met them beforehand," I sighed. "That's definitely not how they are now."

Emilia straightened herself and took a deep breath. "Unfortunate, but expected. I just wish there was something we could do."

"There actually is..." I trailed off, unsure whether I could trust her.

"I wish there was something we could do that was allowed," Emilia corrected herself. "Just because I miss their old selves, that doesn't mean I'll break the rules for them."

"Okay," I lowered my head.

"Now go get changed. I'm going to a gala tonight and need inconspicuous bodyguards," Emilia ordered.

"Ugh fine," I groaned. "I don't have anything to wear other than my uniform though."

"You can borrow something of mine," Emilia's eyes glittered dangerously.

"I don't like that look," I held my hand up and backed away from her. "I think I'll go wearing this instead thank you very much."

"Nah, I have just the thing," Emilia grabbed my arm and tugged, but I dug my heels into the ground.

"I don't want to!" I pulled away from her. "They can do it all by themselves! I just don't want to do anything that's making you grin like that!"

"Nope! I want you there! It'll be nice to have a change in company from the usual imperial grumps," Emilia waved Crosshair over, who was more than happy to drag me off.

"At least we don't have to get dressed up," Wrecker sighed in relief.

"What are you talking about?" Hunter questioned. "We have to blend into the crowd too."

Wrecker let loose a string of curses that Tech had to look up the meanings to.

"You look great," I complimented Emilia as she adjusted the straps to her dark green dress.

"Thanks," Emilia smiled. "You look great too."

"Uh huh," I said without looking down at my outfit. 

I wore a tuxedo, as it was always my dream to look great in one, so here I was. Besides, none of her dresses fit me.

"Now let's go!" Emilia lopped her arm through mine and escorted me out into the hallway. "My speeder is waiting for us."

The boys were already sitting in it, looking as grumpy as ever. Wrecker waved as we approached,  and I sat next to him.

"Wrecker is my favourite," I declared.

"Tech's mine," Emilia winked.

Tech started choking and fell out of the speeder. Hunter rolled his eyes and pulled him back on. Emilia threw her head back and laughed, motioning for the driver to keep going when he looked back in concern. 

We hopped out of the vehicle and made our way into the ballroom, and I immediately made my way to the refreshments. Hunter stepped in my path with a scowl.

"Don't get drunk. You get one drink, and that's it," Hunter firmly said.

"Like I'm going to drink," I snorted. "I was going for the snacks."

Hunter faltered. "Alright then. But keep an eye on Emilia. If she dies, this is on our heads."

"I know how these thing work," I waved his concern away. 

He opened his mouth to say something, but hurried off when he spotted Wrecker dancing wildly on the dance floor.

I started shovelling the tasty treats in my mouth, but a tap on my shoulder made me look up in annoyance.

"Amita right?"

"Ahsoka?" I gasped, meeting the Togruta's gaze.

"Oh it is you!" She smiled from montral to montral. "Rex and Echo are waiting outside the building for us!"

"Oh that's awesome!" I almost jumped for joy, but saw Hunter's suspicious expression as he stared at us. "Oh crap. We're being watched."

Ahsoka nodded slightly and pulled me into her arms. I looked at her in confusion, but she mouthed, "Trust me". 

I exhaled through my nose and put a smile on my face, and let her lead me onto the dance floor.

Sorry about the cliffhanger, but it was getting too long :P

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