The hand signal

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Tw: Talk of sex, sexism, implications of torture, slight language(b word).

I'm this chapter, we discuss how female secret agents or whatever, are always written, or portrayed in media. There's nothing wrong with having safe sex in a situation where everyone consents, I am not sex shaming, I just feel it's wrong how female spies or female secret agents always use their breasts or "feminine charms" to get the job done.

 They always seduce the target, or have sex with them as their way of getting information. And I'm no saying that women shouldn't have sex, I think you should do whatever it takes to get the mission done, but to an extent. I'm just saying that it's an unfortunate situation for the women who are forced into it.

And this can happen with men too, I'm not denying that men can be forced into these situations, I'm just saying that when you think of a female spy or secret agent, what do you think of? 

This does not always happen, I'm just pointing out that it's a reoccurring theme in movies, books and such.

 Was Ethan Hunt ever assigned to have sex with a target?

One of Felicity Shagwell's mission was to have sex with an enemy, and even though she was clearly disgusted by him, she was forced to do it for the sake of the mission.

So in this chapter, Amita has a little realization.


"And this means stop," Wrecker held his hand up suddenly, forming a fist.

"That's the signal everyone uses for stop," I pointed out, fiddling with my binders. 

Wrecker looked bummed and lowered his hands. I sighed and smiled kindly at him, feeling the sadness coming off him.

"It's fine Wrecker. I'm just bitter about ending up here again," I consoled him.

In my stupid cell, with a hard, cold bench as my bed. And a constant guard since they don't trust me anymore. Not that they ever did.

"Alright," Wrecker demonstrated another signal for me, but I was barely paying attention.

"Hey Wrecker, what's this signal?" I interrupted and mimicked the signal Tech had made when they were interrogating me.

"That?" Wrecker frowned. "Umm... oh yeah! That one means kill? We use it so decide whether we kill an enemy or not."

"Really?" I groaned. "They would've killed me right there?"

"What?" Wrecker looked confused. "Who?"

"Tech and Hunter! Tech made that signal!" I tried crossing my arms but failed due to the cuffs on my wrists.

"Well you were bein' interrogated," Wrecker shrugged.

 "Your shift's over Wrecker. I will be taking it from here," Tech said as he stepped into my cell.

"Great," I rolled my eyes. "My potential murderer is here."

"Excuse me?" Tech tilted his head.

"You asked Hunter if you were gonna kill me or keep me alive!" I accused.

"You were our prisoner, what do you expect?" Tech asked as he sat on my bed next to me. 

"Bye Amita!" Wrecker waved as he left. "See ya later!"

"Bye Wrecker," I gloomily said, now stuck with Tech.

It was silent for a while before I got bored and starting walking in circles. Tech continued scrolling on his datapad, not even looking up at me.

I decided to have a bit of fun.

At his expense.

"You know, one time I had sex with a queen of an alien planet one time," I lazily said, but Tech just hummed and continued ignoring me.

"It was weird," I sprawled on the floor. "Have you ever had to do something like that?"

"I have never had to have intercourse with someone. I always show considerate restraint," Tech didn't look up at me. "I have it occasionally."

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows at him. "Isn't that what we special clones do? That's what I was always instructed to do."

"You were instructed to have sex with your target?" Tech worriedly look up. "That does not seem right. Are you sure you heard your instructions correctly? We were never told to do such."

"It wasn't always my mission. Sometimes I was just sent in to a battle. With another squad or legion or whatever. I'm just saying that when I was told to do this with the target they said this was what every enhanced clone did," I uncomfortably said. "They said we have the missions no one else can handle."

"My brothers and I were never told to do something like that," Tech put his datapad down. "Did you ever make anyone else aware of this?"

"I was told my missions were confidential and that telling anyone would result in termination," I said, twisting my hands anxiously. "I'm sure it was for good reason."

"This seems like manipulative behaviour. Did you ever meet anyone else who was instructed to complete missions like this?" Tech gave her his full attention.

"My sister," I smiled as I thought about her. "But otherwise no."

"Have you considered the possibility that as a female agent, you were sent on these missions? I believe this was an act of sexism," Tech pushed his goggles up the arch of his nose.

"It might've been," I brought my knees to my chest. "And when I complained that it was too much due to my enhancement, but they said if I couldn't complete my missions, I was useless."

"Interesting," Tech pursed his lips. "And how did your enhancement make it difficult for you?"

"That's really none of your business," I glared at him.

Tech glanced at his datapad briefly as it lit up then back to me. "I was merely asking to see if I could help. Hunter often deals with overstimulation and I was wondering if it's the same. Does that happens when it becomes "too much" like you said?"

"Sometimes when people are feeling a lot of emotions, I can't help but feel them too. And then I just lose myself in what they're feeling," I confessed. "And then it's like I'm not my own person. It's scary."

"That does sound frightening," Tech nodded then suddenly snapped his fingers. "So that is why intercourse becomes too much! With all the overwhelming emotions from your partner it must be overpowering for you!"

"Yeah," I sighed. "I had to keep doing it though."

"You had to keep doing what?" Hunter asked as he walked in, very early for his shift for some reason.

"How overwhelming coitus is for Amita," Tech told him.

"I'm sorry what?" Hunter facepalmed. 

I stepped in to explain what Tech and I had discussed in the last little bit. Hunter ran his hands through his hair as I talked.

"We'll have to explore your limits when you return," Hunter said after I finished speaking.

"When I return?" I repeated. "Return from where?"

"Reconditioning," Hunter grimly said. 

I felt a sudden loss of blood from my head, and gripped the bench tightly. "What?"

"I told you this would happen," Hunter reminded me. "You've forced me to send you to imperial reconditioning."

"I promise I'll do whatever you say," I pleaded. "I'll do whatever you wish! Just as long as you don't send me to reconditioning!"

"Too late," Hunter grabbed my arm an heaved me up. "Let's go."

I checked how Tech was feeling, and found he was sorrowful. I began to panic even more, knowing Hunter wasn't trying to scare me.

He was actually sending me off.

Everything was a blur as he escorted me to the officer that would be taking care of me during my stay with them. The officer roughly seized me by the sleeve and led me off.


It had been an uneventful couple of standard months without Amita. We weren't sent on any missions since we were waiting for our newest squad member to rejoin us. Wrecker had complained that he was bored several times, but there was nothing we could do.

I  just hoped that Amita would come back relatively unchanged.

I hated to admit it, but I missed her bluntness. Sure Crosshair was similar in her attitude, but Amita also offered a glimpse of kindness.

Maybe not to me, as she strongly disliked me, but to Wrecker. Those two had formed a friendship before she was taken away.

And if she could distract Wrecker while I managed to get some work done, I could accept her as one of us.

"She's coming back today," Hunter said, tying his bandana back on his head. "Who wants to come with me to bring her to her new quarters?"

"Me!" Wrecker enthusiastically raised his hand and waved it in the air.

"I'd be interested in going as well," I volunteered.

We looked to Crosshair.

"Why not?" He shrugged and flicked the toothpick from his mouth into the trash.

"Let's go then," Hunter motioned for us to follow and we walked down the hallways together. 

"Oh. You brought your whole squad?" The officer asked once we neared them. "That was unnecessary."

"We wanted to see our squad member again," Hunter crossed his arms. "Where is she?"

"Right here."

We turned to see Amita stoically standing there donning black armour. A helmet rested on her hip and a blank expression rested on her face.

"We'll be taking her from here," Hunter didn't glance at her. "Thank you sir."

"Of course," the imperial officer smiled tightly. "She was a pleasure to have around after we managed to break her."

Hunter nodded and motioned Amita over. She silently walked to his side and continued staring off at nothing.

"We'll be on our way then," Hunter dismissed himself and led the charge back to our quarters.

Amita stayed quiet as she walked by my side, her face remaining void of any emotions. Wrecker gave me a worried look and pointed at her. I shrugged discreetly.

"This is your room. It's attached to ours since we're in a squad together, but not the same room because the empire doesn't want any babies or something," Hunter opened the door for Amita, revealing the empty room with only a bed in it.

Amita nodded and put her helmet in her room before following us into ours.

"And this is our room," Hunter slid the door shut behind her.

Our room had four bunks and clothes littered across the floor. My projects covered the table in the corner, and a picture of us before the end of the war was the only decoration we had.

"Isn't it great?" Wrecker nudged Amita with his elbow. 

"If you like a bacterial infection," Amita gazed at the dirty laundry coldly.

"You're acting weird," Crosshair wrinkled his nose at her. "I dunno if it's better or worse."

I began to tinker with the machine on the table, while the others went off to do their own thing. Except Amita. She just stood there.

"Well Amita?" Hunter eventually said. "Anything to say?"

Anita tilted her head for a second before speaking. "I'm back bitches!"

"Of course," Crosshair buried his face in his hands.

"Yay Amita!" Wrecker hugged her.

"Are you seriously telling me the reconditioning didn't change you at all?" Hunter exclaimed.

"Yup!" Amita made finger blaster and pretended to shoot him.

"Force help me," Hunter looked up at the ceiling.

Soooo Amita's part of the empire now!

This'll be exciting!

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