The unexpected betrayal

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Sorry for all the POV switches, I could've cut the chapter short to avoid that, but I felt like that wouldn't be preferred.


"You have my face," I whispered.

Keres grinned. "Nice try, but you have my face."

"Are you Amita's donor?" Tech questioned. "If you're a Jedi... is she one as well?"

Keres pursed her lips. "That's a good question. I don't think so, because I would've felt her strength in the Force. She must have have the ability to feel people's emotions, based off my Force abilities. I mostly deal with... feelings."

"Aren't Jedi supposed to be calm and not show emotions?" Tech asked.

Keres grinned. "I lied. I'm not a Jedi."

"Do we have to kill 'er? It was the Jedi that have to be killed, right? Wait, what is she then?" Wrecker asked from the floor.

"I'm a Sith."

Hunter furrowed his brow. "I don't know if we're supposed to kill her or not. I think the rules are fuzzy with Sith."

"What do you mean when you say you mostly deal with feelings?" Tech curiously questioned.

"The dark side is fuelled by raw emotions, and I manipulate people's emotions to power my abilities. It makes me stronger," Keres said with a dreamy look in her eyes. "Pain, anger, grief, hatred, and so many more. Just thinking about it makes me tremble in anticipation of the power that I control."

"So... my abilities come from a place of darkness?" I asked, realization striking me. 

"Yes," Keres said. "Isn't it marvellous?"

A wave of pain struck me, as Keres cocked her head at me, holding her hand out.

"Oh, your abilities amplify it!" Keres excitedly said. "I can feel the Force flowing through me! I could kill so many people like this, and you'd feel all the exhaustion for me!"

"Wonderful," I muttered before my eyes widened. "Woah, woah, woah! You say that like I'm coming with you!"

"You are. I need you, to make myself stronger," Keres said, reaching into the deep pockets of her robes, searching for something. "You'll be coming with me, and you'll feel all the emotions for me, so I don't have to."

"No! I'm not going with you!" I protested, getting my blaster from my waist. I pointed it at Keres' face, but it quickly flew from my hand.

"Amita, I healed you. This is how you can repay me!" Keres pulled binders from her pocket 

"Amita stays with us." Hunter stepped in front of me. "We can pay you for your services, but you can't take Amita."

Keres bared her teeth. "Why do you think I'll listen to you? I answer to no one!"

"Hunter, it might be best for the squad to let Amita go," Tech carefully said, assessing Keres' fighting stance and the way her fingers kept twitching to the cylinder at her waist. "Consider how dangerous a Sith could be."

"So you want to let Amita go with a dangerous Sith?" Hunter glared at Tech.

"I don't want to, but I recognize that if we don't, Amita will be taken anyway, and our bloody corpses will litter the ground," Tech reasoned, glancing at me for a second. "Amita, I'm sorry about Lily as well. I didn't think it would get this bad."

"What did you expect from a queen who killed everyone in the palace?" I demanded. "She killed everyone in that building, just because they irritated her!"

"What are you talking about?" Hunter looked between us both. "What happened with Lily isn't Tech's fault, she just found us somehow."

"Oh, come on, Hunter!" I yelled, ire rising in me. "Tech's hiding something!"

"I am not!" Tech insisted, but I felt deception coming from him. 

"He's lying!" I angrily shouted. "Hunter, can you not tell that he's lying? He's hiding something!"

"Enough!" Keres interrupted, thrusting her hands out so Hunter and Tech were thrown against the walls. "I am taking her with me, and there's nothing you can do about it!"

"Can you kill Tech?" I asked. "Please?"

Hunter smacked the back of my head. "Amita!"

Keres waved a hand over my face, and my eyes fluttered shut as I passed out, falling to the ground.


I was still pinned to the floor, wiggling against the invisible force holding me back. I needed to get to my brothers and Amita.

"Hey!" I shouted angrily at Keres. "Let me go so I can fight ya!"

Keres snorted. "Why would I do that? I'm not dumb, like you."

"He's not dumb!" Hunter argued, spotting the hurt look on my face. "Wrecker, don't you think you're dumb! Everyone's brains work differently! You're the kindest guy every, and that's what makes you special!"

I grinned. "Thanks, Hunter."

Keres flicked her hand again, making Hunter's head slam against the wall. He slumped to the floor.

"Would you be open to an... ally?" Tech called out to Keres. "I'd love to analyze how Amita's abilities work, and I've grown tired of the empire."

Keres considered it for a moment. "What skills can you offer me?"

"I can care for Amita, since you'll obviously want to keep her contained. I know little of how much nutrients a Sith needs, but a clone genetically modified for war needs a lot of food to stay in ideal shape. I can keep her alive while you do whatever it is you do," Tech offered. "I won't be a bother to you at all."

"What would you get out of this?" Keres asked suspiciously.

"Merely a chance to study Amita." Tech smiled, adjusting his goggles as he spoke. "I've always been curious as to how her ability works."

"Very well," Keres decided. "Carry her to my ship."

Tech nodded and lifted Amita off the floor, giving me a regretful look as he walked behind Keres. "Goodbye, Wrecker."

Then they were gone.

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