The same face

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Tw: Blood, injuries.



And like that, Lily's hold on me snapped.

I gasped and my hands flew to my abdomen, and I looked down at the blood spilling from my wound. Lily cackled and twirled around Crosshair as he tried to grab her.

I stumbled off the alter, tripping over the train of my dress. I fell to the floor, head growing light at the loss of blood.

"Amita!" Wrecker yelled, rushing to my side.

I blinked up at him. "She stabbed me."

"Really?" Tech sarcastically asked, shooting a stun ray at Lily that barely missed. "We hadn't noticed."

"Amita, hold on, we'll get you some help," Hunter firmly said, hitting Lily with a stun ray as she jumped at Crosshair.

I weakly nodded my head, staring at the blood. "Okay."

Wrecker dragged Lily's unconscious form over. "If ya got married, why did she stab ya?"

"She- she didn't like that I dumped her, so she too-took my mind. Her plan was to marry me to prove to me that we loved each other, then kill me as revenge for breaking up with her," I explained, squeezing my eyes shut. "We got engaged, and when I broke free, I ran."

"Can you please clarify what you mean when you said she 'took' you mind?" Tech asked.

"She c-can manipulate people's minds," I said, letting my head fall back against the wall. "It's like you're pushed aside and she t-takes over."

"Amita, this is a lot of blood," Crosshair worriedly said, examining the wound. "I don't think you're going to make it."

Wrecker smacked Crosshair's shoulder. "You can't tell her that!"

I felt the fear emanating from them, and the feeling overtook me.

Hunter sighed. "We have no choice. We have to call for help."

"Who can help with this?" Crosshair demanded, motioning to my abdomen.

"A Jedi."

Wrecker shook his head. "We can't trust 'em. They betrayed the Republic, and they'd kill us!"

"How would we even get in contact with a Jedi?" Tech questioned. "You should've reported them to the Empire."

"I might've saved the regs clone channel in case we ever needed to track them down," Hunter muttered. "They know how to contact a Jedi."


"Do it," I said. 

Hunter gestured to Wrecker, who picked me up as gently as he could and carried me off to the ship. Crosshair heaved Lily up, letting her head jostle as he walked. Hunter hurried ahead to contact Rex and Echo, and Tech kept checking my vitals.

"I hate you." I glared at Lily. "So much."

"Bad news," Hunter said as we caught up to him. "They won't answer their comms."

"They're probably busy or something," I said as Wrecker lowered me to a bunk. 

"What are we gonna do then?" Wrecker worriedly asked.

I let my eyes slide shut. "I don't know."

"A ship landed only a little ways from us," Crosshair reported, running onto the ship and dumping Lily on the floor. "I don't recognize it."

A burst of excitement flew through the air, coming from the direction of whoever it was. Excitement, mixed with happiness.

Tech administered bacta to the stab wound. "Do they have anything that could identify them decorating the vessel?"

"No. It's a sleek, black ship," Crosshair answered, sticking his head out of the ship to peer at it. 

I let out a short groan as Tech applied pressure to the bleeding cut. "Do we attack, or wait to see who it is?"

Crosshair opened his mouth to speak, but was suddenly flung across the room, knocking his head into the wall. A hooded figure stepped onto the ship, holding their arm out.

"Hey!" Wrecker bellowed, lunging at them.

He was pinned to the floor by an invisible force.

"Who are you?" Hunter asked, raising his blaster.

They chuckled. "Does it matter? I can heal your little friend here."

Hunter's glare wavered. "How can you heal it? The bacta is barely slowing the bleeding. It hit an artery!"

"I'm a Jedi."

Hunter glanced at me. "Your choice."

"L-let them help," I managed to say. 

They moved to my side, pressing their hand directly to the wound. I hissed at the contact, but let out a sharp breath as I felt the skin mend itself.

"You're welcome," they said as they stepped back. 

"Thank you," I whispered, putting my hands on the now pink stomach of the wedding dress. "If I may ask, who are you?"

"Keres," they told me, their face still covered by the shadows of the hood. "And who are you?"

"I'm Amita. This is Hunter, Tech, Crosshair, and the one who's... on the floor is Wrecker," I said, pausing when noting Wrecker still hadn't been released. "Speaking of, can you let him go?"


I struggled to a sitting position. "No?"

"He'd make it harder to take you."

I froze. "What?"

They tossed their head back as they laughed, and the hood slid back, revealing their face. "Your fear is wonderful!"

They had my face.

She had my green eyes, my crooked nose, and the slight upturn to the lips. The only differences were the shallowness of her cheeks, and how she didn't have the scar I had.

She was my donor.


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