14. Demons

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Demons - Imagine Dragons

All the way home, logic battled emotion. Gabriel didn't understand how she affected him so much. Sure, desire was there, but was it more than lust? Couldn't be. He barely knew her. Maybe wanting what he couldn't have came into play. She had a significant other, which made Gabriel a mere stand-in. That had to be it. But everything about her got him going. Those blue eyes. The dimples drew attention to her lips and the way she giggled turned him inside out. Her kissing skills didn't help matters.

Maybe that was it!

He'd been without a woman for so long, all the attention, kissing, touching, and those smoldering looks she sent his way wreaked havoc on his libido. Well, he needed to do something about that. What that was, he didn't know. But in one more day, she'd be living with him, and if he was to survive with constant temptation as a bed partner, then he needed to come up with a plan.

Early the next morning, after Gabriel clocked in at work, he made his way to the office. He figured the request he was about to make wouldn't be refused, and it would definitely help him with the Zari problem.

The receptionist looked up. "Hey, Gabriel. How was your weekend?"

"Okay, I guess. Mr. Kim in?"

"Yeah, you need to see him?"

"Just for a second."

Before she could alert the boss, his door opened, and he stepped into the room. "Did I hear my name?"

Gabriel moved past her toward Kim. "You got a minute?"

"You bet. Come on in."

Gabriel followed, then closed the door behind him. "Just wanted to let you know I'll be happy to take call duty for the next few weeks. And add my name to the out-of-state relief roster."

Kim cocked his head. "Everything okay?"


"Look, if you've got money problems—you know I'll help if I can. Jia got a promotion at work and—"

He shook his head. "I appreciate that, but I'm fine. Just thought I'd pick up a few extra hours. Is that a problem?"

"Absolutely not. But you would tell me if something was wrong—right? As your friend and boss, it's my duty and privilege to help if you're in trouble."

Gabriel didn't think woman trouble qualified for the type of difficulty Kim wanted to help with. Not that he could. Personal problems couldn't be handled by anyone but the person involved. That's what made them—personal. Gabriel wanted to laugh but stifled it. No need to burden his boss with the mess he'd gotten himself into.

"No trouble. I promise."

"Okay, if you say so." He didn't look entirely convinced. "I'll have Hannah put you on both lists."

"Thanks. Now I better get to work before I get fired."

Kim laughed. "Don't think there's any danger of that. Especially since you're willing to take after hours calls. The rest of the men would string me up."

"Thanks, Kim."

"Be careful out there."

"I always am."

Gabriel headed to the Ops center to check his emails and work orders in his queue. Then it was off to his truck to make sure it was fully stocked and rigged. By the time he got there, Cole was already going over the checklist.

"Hey, I thought I'd see you at the bar last night, but you were a no-show."

"Yeah, I hit the sack early." He tapped the clipboard and opened a side compartment to check the contents, then walked to the back of the truck. "Turns out, I'm in a relationship." He hadn't even anticipated telling Cole, not after how he reacted at Grillenium Falcon, but he couldn't very well talk to anyone else about his problems. Not since Mom and Sil were cohorting with that family.

Cole stopped what he was doing and came to face Gabriel. "You're shitting? With who?"

"Zari Davis." Gabriel gave Cole all the details, and when he finished, Cole laughed so hard, he gulped for air. "Cut it out, man," Gabriel said. "This is anything but funny. You did understand the part about me having to sleep with her."

Cole wheezed in a breath. "Oh, the part about you having to keep it in your pants while she's trying to get it out?" He bent over laughing again.

"You know, how long is it going to take Ellie to realize you've got a Jughead Jones love affair with that beanie and leave you?"

Cole straightened and stifled his outburst, patting his hat with an offending look at Gabriel. "Sorry, man. Really. It's just of all the people I know, you're the only one who'd hate having a problem like this. A pretty girl in your bed every night. Doesn't sound like a crisis to me."


Since Silbie and Elena were friends, Gabriel wasn't surprised to see his sister's car in the drive at the Morales-King house. He was more surprised that Elena didn't do the electrical work herself – but he guessed with being pregnant, climbing poles were out of the question.

While Cole put out the hazard cones, Gabriel geared up.

"Hey, Uncle Gabriel!"

He turned to see Elena and Reid's daughter, Lina, coming up the drive with her friend right behind. "Hey, baby girl. Why aren't you two in school?"

He squatted, and she walked into his arms, then planted a big kiss on his cheek. "We don't go today."

"Oh, like a teacher's workday?"

She seemed to contemplate this for a moment. "Un-huh. When Noah's grandpa gets home from work, he's gonna let us ride Noah's pony."

The little boy adjusted the bandana around his neck. "He won't buck us off, but my mama won't let me ride him without a grownup."

Gabriel stood. "That's probably a good idea."

"You gonna climb a pole?" Lina asked, gesturing toward the electrical lines.

"No. We'll use the bucket."

Silbie and Elena came from the house and Gabriel couldn't help but smile at Elena's bulging belly.

"Lina," she chastised, "Don't be bothering Uncle Gabe."

"She's no bother." Gabriel eyed Elena. "When are you due?"

She rubbed a hand over her stomach. "Still six weeks to go."

Cole came from behind the truck and nodded toward the duo. "What's up?"

"Not much," Silbie said. "Hey, would you be interested in taking part in the Valentine auction?"

He threw his hands in the air. "No way! I've heard your brother's horror story."

Crossing her arms under her chest, she glared at Gabriel. "It's bad enough you won't take part, but do you have to scare off all the other available men?"

He smiled, saccharine. "You shouldn't complain. I got someone to take my place."

Silbie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right."

"No. Seriously, I did. Owen Filgard. I figured he told you about it."

She opened her mouth, probably ready to chew him out, when Lina interrupted, wrapping her arms around Elena's leg. "Can we watch them?"

"Oh, I don't know about that."

"It'll be okay if they stay on the porch," Gabriel said.

Elena tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She was beautiful and intelligent as hell, and he'd thought Reid would marry her. Lord knew he tried hard enough, but she claimed she didn't believe in the institution of marriage. Gabriel kind of agreed.

"Are you sure it will be okay?" Elena asked.

"Yeah. They'll probably get bored pretty quick. Watching us work isn't all that exciting."

Cole pointed to the north. "What's with all that dirt work? Looks like you're getting ready to build another house."

Elena shaded her eyes with her hand. "Yeah. Nick's moving back, so he's going to be our neighbor."

Gabriel cut his eyes over at Cole. Damn. This was not good news for his friend.

"Well, we better get busy," Gabriel said.

"Okay, you two. Come on, and we'll fix you a spot on the porch," Silbie said. Then she looked back at her brother. "Just so you know, I'm not giving up on convincing you to participate again."

It was his turn to roll his eyes. "Yeah, and just so you know, there is nothing you can say or do to make that happen."

Silbie took Lina's hand and walked away with Elena and Noah trailing behind.

Gabriel pushed the unpleasant thought of spending another evening with Bennett from his brain and got to work.

At four o'clock, Gabriel and Cole finished their last job and headed back to the office. Thanks to all they'd done, Gabriel hadn't thought of Zari but a couple of times. He wasn't sure he could say the same for Cole not thinking about Ellie.

"So. You gonna be okay with Nick moving back?" Gabriel asked.

Cole adjusted his beanie, something he did when he was uncomfortable, like he needed something to do with his hands. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I'm sorry, man. I know you like her, and this throws a kink in things."

Cole shook his head. "Not like I have any claim to Ellie. And there's nothing I can do about it but trust."

Gabriel shrugged.


Before Gabriel left the Morales job, he'd taken the opportunity to talk to Elena about Zari. He didn't feel comfortable leaving her at his house without a car or a cell phone. Matthew planned to send a new one along with a debit card and some other items. But they wouldn't arrive until the day after tomorrow.

By the time Gabriel got the truck back to the office and talked to his boss again, then drove home, and cleaned up, it was past six o'clock when he arrived at the hospital. Today would be his last visit and as happy as that made him, tomorrow held a bigger problem. Zari moving in with him. Even if the doctor's order of no exertion got him a two-week reprieve in the sex department, his stomach jumped and jittered.

He had no clue how he'd pull this off. No doubt she'd have a thousand questions, and he only had a handful of answers. There were only so many childhood stories Matthew could cram in the short time time Gabriel had spent with him. But the biggest challenge he faced involved lying. Sure, their relationship was based on a lie, but beyond that, she deserved the truth.

The elevator doors slid open, and Gabriel strolled to her room.

Zari was dressed in a pair of sweatpants, the matching top had the right sleeve cut off at the elbow to accommodate her cast. She looked up and widened her eyes, grinning maniacally.

"I don't like pudding! Or Jell-O! I remembered that. It was on my lunch tray, and when I saw it, I knew I didn't like it. Isn't that great? Did you know I didn't like it?"

Her babble made him smile. God, she was adorable. "No, I didn't. Remember anything else?"

Her shoulders heaved a deep sigh. "Nope. But that's a good sign, right? I mean—pudding today—my entire history tomorrow!"

She had no idea how much he wanted that to happen. But at the same time, maybe not. He nodded and glanced at the suitcase and bag on the chair. "You look like you're ready to go."

"I don't know what's going on with those clothes that Lily brought me. But they are not my taste at all. Everything is black, brown, or navy. She said I picked them out, but I can't believe it. I know she doesn't have a reason to lie to me, so I must have no sense of style. I mean, what am I? Amish?"

Gabriel laughed. "I don't think so. Maybe she just didn't bring the right things."

"No. No. She said they were some of my favorites. That makes no sense." She flapped her hand in the air. "Makes no difference. As soon as my Mom sends me another credit card, I'm going shopping. I can't wear something so bland."

"Okay. We'll drive over to Grapevine one day. They have some cute shops. But first, we have to get you home." He wondered if he could avoid such a shopping trip by sending Silbie, but quickly nixed the thought. Gabriel wasn't sure he wanted Zari and Silbie to team up with a credit card. Or against him, where he couldn't keep an eye on them.

"I wanted to talk to you about that. Tomorrow, I'll be released by noon, but you'll be at work, so what should I do?"

He scratched the back of his neck. "I'm taking a long lunch. After I get you settled, I'll finish my shift. My friend Elena plans to meet us at the house. She'll stay with you until I get home."

She rolled her eyes skyward. "I'll be fine by myself. She doesn't have to babysit me."

"It's for me, not you. I'll feel better knowing someone is with you. Just for tomorrow. After that, you're on your own."

She hesitated a lengthy moment, considering. "Does Silbie like me?"

Damn. That stopped him. He'd concentrated on how to remain truthful when it came to questions about her past, but he'd not factored in issues about his family. He took a deep breath to buy some time. "Silbie likes everybody. We have that in common. We're people pleasers."

Zari moved to him and slid her arms around his waist, then looked up into his eyes. "I bet that's one of the things that made me fall in love with you. How did we meet?"

How stupid he'd been to think this kind of question wouldn't come up so quickly. Now, what could he do? There was only one truthful answer, and if he gave it, then his promise to her family would be broken. But then again, if she learned the truth about him, it might force her to remember everything else—or, stress her out and cause a brain bleed. He must have hesitated too long because she jumped back and launched into another tirade.

"Oh my God! You didn't pick me up in a bar, did you?"

Gabriel could barely hear the second question for his mind racing to find an answer to the first. He shook his head to clear it.

"Oh no. Was I a pole dancer? Is that why I'm working in a law office? Because I have no skills other than pole jockey? Is that it?" She rubbed her hand over her face and closed her eyes. "Go ahead. You can tell me. Just tell me I don't like sequins."

The words pole jockey snapped Gabriel from his trance, his mind already conjuring up images of her clad in the bare minimum, creamy thighs wrapped around a pole. Holy crap, she was in mid-rant by the time he figured out what she was talking about. He held up his hands. "Stop. Take a breath. Maybe it's the songwriter in you, but your assumption is better than what really happened, so let's go with that. You might even get a number one hit out of it. You do remember you write songs, don't you?"

"I do! I mean, I've read some of the stuff in those journals." She pointed to the sack. "And even though I don't remember where the idea came from, I remember writing them. Does that make sense?"

He shrugged, halfheartedly. "Yeah." He debated telling her she also painted sometimes, from what her family told him, but he hadn't seen any of her artwork to answer any questions.

She put her good hand on her hip. "So, I'm not an exotic dancer?"

He chuckled. "Nope. And there's your title."

She cocked her head as if mulling it over for a minute. "You're right. How about—Just because I talk the talk and strut the strut doesn't put me on a pole or make me a slut." She paused, before launching into another censure, "even though slut-shaming is—"

Gabriel leaned forward and belly-laughed, effectively cutting her off her mile-a-minute rant. "I was kidding, but there you go."

She walked to the chair, dug around in the bag, pulled out a pencil and one of the journals. "Just want to write that down before I forget because I'm doing a lot of that lately."

The next two weeks with her would not be easy. At least tonight, she hadn't tried to touch or kiss him, and the strange thing about that was he'd wished she had.

Holy shit.

He really was fucked.


*rubs hands together manically* These two are about to be sharing a house, and even more importantly, a bed.

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