32. Thoughts Unarrived

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Thoughts Unarrived - HIKO

Between Zari's memories returning and her new job, time had gone into hyper speed. She didn't mind shorter days, but once Gabriel got home, she wanted to slow the clock. Most evenings, after she'd had her way with him, he turned in early, which gave her a chance to write. Only one problem. Since deciding to keep secrets, her muse had gone on a permanent vacay. Didn't figure a song about killing a fish or helping a girl sneak around was the kind of material her fans wanted to hear. They were more into done-me-wrong-songs. Hard to write nowadays because Gabriel did her right—in so many ways.

She climbed back onto the stool and cradled her guitar. So far, tonight's crowd had been rowdier than usual. Must be the full moon. She'd not expected Matthew and Dante to stay for every performance, but they'd insisted. Wasn't much of a sacrifice for Dante since a couple of women had bought him a drink.

Funny, most of the ladies were here because they'd had failed relationships, but according to how they flocked around Dante, they weren't about to give up on finding love.

Behind the bar, Dale and Jerry made drinks as fast as they could, but keeping up with the demand proved challenging until Ellie showed up and pitched in. He flitted around the room delivering orders of hot wings and brews. Thank goodness Dale had expert kitchen help.

Zari looked to where she wanted to perch. On Gabriel. He ambled in, muscles moving beneath the gray Henley, top button undone exposing one of her favorite places to kiss. The hollow of his neck.

When it came time for her break, she disappeared around the corner, she checked to make sure Gabriel headed her way. Didn't take him long to learn the routine. She'd barely gotten in her room when he rushed through the door and hauled her up against his chest and kissed her.

He cupped her ass with both hands. "You didn't wear a skirt tonight."

She backed away. "Sorry. No quickie backstage sex this time."

"And the reason is?"

"I can't do it with Matthew sitting right out there."

"Okay. I can wait until we get home if you're still interested." He searched her eyes and caressed his thumb across her bottom lip. "You alright?"

She nodded. "I'm on pins and needles because of your feelings about Owen.."

Walking to stand behind her, Gabriel slipped his arms around her waist and pressed his chest against her back. "I don't want you worrying about Owen and me. We'll be fine." Gabriel nuzzled her neck just below her ear. "Just so you know, shower sex might be good for you. I'm just throwing that out for consideration."

She loved when he put his lips on that spot. His warm breath floated across her skin causing goose bumps to pop to the surface. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I'll think about it. Now leave before I do something stupid because that's how I get when you whisper in my ear. It's like my brain turns to mush."

He chuckled. "Who would have thought whispering would be a superpower?"

She shoved him back, spun, and faced him. "I don't think I've ever been this happy."

"In that case, I guess your memory loss works in my favor."

"I'm serious, Gabriel. Until you, I don't think my life was so great."

He tilted her chin up and gazed into her eyes. "Sure it was. You have a wonderful family. But—I don't want you to go back—to Dallas. Ever. I want you to stay here. With me."

Her heart pounded. That sounded like something a guy would say right before he proposed! "Good because I'm going to Dallas on Sunday to clear out my apartment."

His arm tightened around her and his entire face lit up in a grin. "You are?"


"Why don't you wait until I can go with you? I'll take some vacation days."

She shook her head. This was something she'd have to do for herself, and Gabriel would distract her. "No. I already have Matthew and my family lined up to help. I plan to put a few things in Matthew's storage building to bring later, and what the guys don't want, I'll donate. When I get back, you'll have your wish. Parkers Prairie will be my permanent home."

Following the show, for the first time, patrons asked for her autograph. That was insane! She didn't consider herself important enough to even have fans, but yet, here they were. At least a dozen flocked around her holding napkins, notepads, and coasters for her to sign in addition to wanting a selfie with her.

She cut her eyes to the end of the bar where Gabriel helped clear the counter. He winked, and her stomach somersaulted. She'd meant what she'd told him. Regardless of lost memories, she knew without a doubt, she'd never been this happy.


The next morning, her phone dinged and woke her. She picked it up and held it in midair, then focused on the text.

SS. So hot.

She couldn't help but blush. She'd gotten a bit wild during the shower sex. She took a deep breath and texted back. No.


What was going on? He never texted during work. Apparently, he'd liked her getting out of control. She responded. Maybe.

Her phone signaled a Facetime call. When Gabriel appeared on screen, he spoke before she could. "Oh, babe, the way you went after me last night tells me which side of maybe your answer falls. I have scratches on my back and bite marks on my shoulder."

Her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh, no. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm not. Damn, Zari. It was fucking fantastic."

"Where are you? You never call during the day."

"About to run a line to a new house." He panned the phone around the area. "It's beautiful out here. The builder plans to construct more houses. Big lots. Restricted neighborhood. Maybe we can build..."

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Did he almost say they might have a house there? "Gabriel?"

He didn't give her time to say anything else. "I can't stop thinking about you."

"Gabriel, what you said about building..."

"Sorry. Cole's is ready for me. Gotta go. Love you."

"Yeah. Love you, too," she said, but he was already gone. She fell back onto the mattress and stared at the ceiling. Yep, any day now he was going to pop the question. She closed her eyes and thought of wedding dresses. Something lacey. Form-fitting. But before she could imagine standing at the altar, her phone chimed again. This time, Dante.

"Hey, sis. Just wanted you to know, Owen got orders."

She bolted upright. Tears pricked her eyes. "Oh, no. When does he leave?"

"In a couple of days."

"Where to?"

"If he knows, he's not saying. He's pretty bummed."

"Me, too."

"Yeah, we all are."

Zari wiped at her cheeks. She'd just remembered Owen, and now he was leaving. Life was unfair. She hated the thought of him so far away, possibly in dangerous surroundings. "Thanks for letting me know."

"Sure. See you tonight."

After hanging up, she called Silbie and broke the news. She'd taken it better than Zari anticipated. But now, her future sister-in-law was more determined than ever to go to Dallas. Zari collapsed back onto the bed. She'd not even gotten up yet, and already she'd been turned on, gotten bad news, and planned an undercover mission. Damn. Her life was just one big soap opera.

But even soap stars had to do laundry, so she got out of bed and headed that way. Rebel met her with a big lick to the face. She let him out to the backyard, started a load of clothes, then returned to the bedroom.

It didn't take long to get dressed, the bed made, the kitchen straight, and the first load of clothes in the dryer. She put Rebel on his leash, then took off in a trot trying to keep up with him. As she ran, she thought about her schedule. From her classified ad, she'd gotten two calls about piano lessons. After the first of the year, she'd start with those students. Elena had expressed interest in Lina taking lessons, so she'd add her to the list.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays would be for instruction, then Thursdays and Fridays she'd perform at Grillenium Falcon. Dale had mentioned adding a Saturday night performance, and she was considering it. She couldn't help but wonder when her flash in the pan would end because it surely would. In such a small town, wouldn't be long until every citizen had seen her. After that, who knew? She couldn't imagine the same folks coming back time after time to hear the same material. She only hoped some of the interviews and articles expanded her audience.

After her morning walk, she made a quick trip to the grocery store. Maybe he was going to bend the knee soon, like that dragon lady on television always demanded. With all the hints he'd been dropping, it shouldn't take much. Candlelight. Mood music. Good food. Mind-blowing sex. Not necessarily in that order. If he was already thinking about last night, she might have to move the sex to the front of the line. Fine by her. She had something special in mind.

She spent the afternoon cooking and baking. Even though she wasn't a contestant, she was nervous. Tomorrow was the day and winning meant so much to his mother.

By six o'clock, Zari had everything in place for an evening of romance. When Gabriel pulled into the garage, she ran her fingers through her hair one last time, straightened her sweater, and busied herself in the kitchen as not to look anxious.

He opened the door, stopped in his tracks, smiled, then inhaled a deep breath. "Hmm. Something smells good."

She looked up and fluttered her lashes. "Uh-huh."

He laughed at her dramatic display, then his attention went to the living room. "You built a fire?"


He craned his neck. "There's a mattress on the floor."


"Is uh-huh all you can say?"


He grinned. "You want to fuck?"


"Damn. You're tearing me apart. But you know that, don't you?"


He rushed to her, placed his fingertips below her chin, and kissed her. Then he stepped back. "I need a shower first. Been fantasizing about you taking one with me, but you look so hot, I guess that's not going to happen."

"Nope. I have other plans for you."

"Then I better hurry. Be back in ten minutes." He spun around and sprinted down the hallway.



Gabriel didn't know what was about to happen and he didn't care. He just followed her instructions to lie naked on the mattress. Whatever it was, she needed to get on with it because he was already so hard his cock could probably cut a diamond.

She'd stripped from the waist up but left on her jeans. God, he loved her tits. The shape. The size. The nipples. Especially when they got hard and looked like his favorite flavor of gumdrops. Passionfruit. He cupped her breasts, letting the weight rest in his hands. Then he squeezed them together and moved his mouth back and forth between the two, sucking and licking until she made him stop.

"My turn," she said. She produced a bowl from behind her, reached in and brought out an ice cube and held it to her mouth.

"What are going to do with that?" Not that he cared. Hell, she could do whatever she wanted. Watching her cheeks sink in with each pull on the cube had him about to explode.

She dropped the ice back into the bowl, leaned low and circled his nipple with her cold tongue. He writhed and moaned. God help him. From there, she moved to the hollow of his neck. She loved that spot because they never made love that she didn't give it plenty of attention. Feathering her fingertips to his chin, she pulled it forward, then sucked his bottom lip into her mouth flicking it back and forth with her tongue.

Holy hell, blood raced through his veins spreading liquid heat to every nerve ending. While her mouth worked his lip, she placed a hand on his testicles and ran a finger back and forth over the seam, then settled her knuckles behind them and gently kneaded. His nuts drew high and tight. So fucking tight he thought they'd rip the sac. "Oh, sugar. Careful, but that's good." His eyes rolled back in his head and just when he thought he couldn't stand anymore, she stopped and pulled away.

His eyes popped open. She rested her thighs on her calves, reached beneath the mattress and retrieved a tube of lubricant. No need to ask about it. So far, she'd not been too big on conversation. He'd just wait it out. She flipped open the cap and squeezed the gel into her palm, then rubbed her hands together.

Clasping his shaft like a baseball bat, she leaned low, licked the tip, then circled the crown with her tongue. Around and around. Over and over. While at the same time stroking him with those slick fingers. Slowly at first, then faster. Slow again. Fast. Slow. Fast. Slow. Working him into a frenzy. Every time his climax started to build, she eased her stroke. Exquisite torture. She knew what she was doing. He gasped for breath, and as fast as his heart pounded, it might be his last. Didn't care. He couldn't think of a better way to die than being jacked and blown at the same time. His body stiffened. He clutched the sheets and lifted off the bed as he erupted. She didn't flinch. Held her ground and sucked him until he was dry. Talk about nirvana. He was pretty sure he'd gotten a glimpse of the Pearly Gates.

Hell, she'd put some thought into this. The mattress. Ice. Lube.


"Sweet Jesus. What have you done to me?"

She rocked forward and rested her head on his chest. "You've heard of the Seven Wonders of the World? I just located your seven wondrous erogenous zones."

Damn, he loved how her breasts nestled against him. So soft and warm. "I think I came close to dying."

She giggled. "If you weren't in such good physical condition, I would have stopped at number four. But I was pretty sure you'd survive them all."

"Pretty sure?"

"Yeah. It was a risk I was willing to take. And—I think it paid off. You seemed to enjoy it."

He laughed. "Not sure enjoy is the right verb."

She patted his shoulder. "Are you ready to eat?"

"Babe, not sure I'm able to move. I'm in sex shock. I haven't had this much action in a hell of a long time." His chest tightened. Another mistake. Now she'd have questions.

Lifting her head to look at him, she narrowed her eyes. "I thought you said sex had always been good between us."

Even though his arms were like lead, he mustered enough energy to lift one and trailed his fingers down her spine. "It has. I just meant you've never done anything like this before." God, he needed to confess, but she made him feel things he'd not felt in years. Until her, he didn't realize how lonely he'd been. How hungry for a woman's touch. Not just any woman. One who wanted more than a good time. Wanted him more than anything or anyone.

"I didn't think so. But I found another article about giving a man the most pleasure and figured I'd put it to the test. I need to subscribe to that magazine. Everything I've tried has worked. Tonight, and the phone sex. I should write and let them know, or at least go comment on their blog."

He laughed so hard, she bounced against him. "You crack me up. I'm basking in afterglow, and you're thinking about the internet."

She pushed off him and smirked. "Remember. Only one of us had an orgasm."

"I can fix that. Not right this minute—but later."

She picked up her sweater and pulled it over her head. "I may hold you to that." Then she stopped and stared at him. Took her bottom lip between her teeth, and damn if her nipples didn't form gumdrops again.

He eyed the sweater. "You're turned on again?"

"I love looking at you. You're the sexiest man I've ever seen."

And just like that, he was ready. With energy he didn't think possible, he jumped to his feet and grabbed her hand. "Come on. We're taking a shower."


Boom chicka wooww wwowww.

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