31. River Flows Into You

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River Flows Into You - Lindsey Stirling

All the way to Dawn's house, Zari's brain went to battle. Should she tell Silbie about the chance Owen might be called to active duty? On the one hand, if she did, Silbie would want to see him. On the other, given Gabriel's disapproval, he'd rather Owen go quietly into the night—or another country. Really didn't matter just as long as he was away from Silbie.

Zari reasoned if the situation was reversed, she'd want a chance to say goodbye. No doubt Silbie cared for Owen even though they didn't seem to have a relationship. But that was only because of distance and Gabriel.

A love affair with his little sister might be more dangerous than military combat.

Even though she'd not brought it up, Zari planned a trip to Dallas to empty her apartment and bring more things to Parkers Prairie. Regardless of getting her memory back or not, she didn't plan to return to the city. This was her home now, and with her new job, there was really no reason to leave.

Other than her bedroom furniture and a couple of other pieces she remembered, there wasn't much of her furnishings she wanted. Still, she needed to take stock of what she wanted to keep, then Dante and Owen could have first choice. What they didn't take, she'd donate or host a yard sale.

After the pie contest, she'd head to Dallas. Since her next performance wasn't until the following Thursday, she'd have plenty of time to make arrangements. With her lease ending January First, there was no better time than the present. Everything was falling into place, and that made Zari nervous.

Her life couldn't be this perfect. Nobodies could. There had to be a storm cloud somewhere. She felt it. In her bones. Heart. Soul. Had she always been this way? Borrowing trouble? A half-empty cup sort of girl unable to enjoy good fortune? Or, was there reason for gloom and doom? Something so terrible from her past that once discovered, everything would be taken away. The thought caused her to shudder.

As Gabriel brought his truck to a halt in his mom's driveway, he turned to Zari. "What's wrong? You've barely said anything since we left Elena's."

She faced him. "My life is so great, I just keep thinking I'm going to remember something that will ruin it."

"Like what?"

She looked down and shook her head. "I don't know. It's just a feeling. But surely if my family knew something, they'd tell me—right? And you wouldn't keep anything from me. Would you? Even if it was terrible?"

Gabriel unsnapped his seatbelt, leaned closer, freed hers, then pulled her across the seat into his arms. "You don't have a terrible bone in your body, so there can't be anything bad in your past. The problem is your memory loss."

She gazed up at him. "So, you think fear of the unknown is causing my anxiety?"

He wrapped her in his arms and held her so tight, she could barely breathe.

"Yeah. That scares the shit out of all of us."


It wasn't the unknown that scared Gabriel. Just the opposite. He knew exactly what would happen once Zari found that missing piece she was so desperately searching for. His undoing. He'd thought about confessing. Tell her everything. But why? The end result would be the same. He'd kept the secret too long, so revealing the truth now had no meaning. His only salvation was to hope when it happened she loved him so much, she'd be willing to forgive him.

He didn't know Perry. Didn't want to know him. But no way in hell he loved Zari or he'd shown up here and ask her to go home back with him. That's what Gabriel would have done. Or anyone in love. Hell, he'd fought for Rosie even after he'd stopped loving her. So, if Perry loved Zari, why wouldn't he want the best for her? And that wouldn't be in a town filled with strangers. Maybe she didn't know that, but Perry did. Had to.

Yeah, that same storm cloud gathering in Zari's head was also building in his. Her boyfriend was due to show up anytime, and the thought made Gabriel sick to his stomach. What if she took one look at him and it all came crashing back? What if everyone was wrong and everything she felt for Gabriel turned out to be displaced affection for Perry?

If that happened, there'd be no use in fighting for her because everything they'd shared had been one monumental lie.

He walked to the back door. Zari and Silbie had been in deep conversation for the last fifteen minutes. He liked the bond they'd formed. Hell, he loved how his family had accepted Zari. And more than that, how she'd fit in with little effort.

He spoke over his shoulder. "What do you think they're talking about?"

Mom rolled her eyes. "Boys. Body image. Fashion. In that order."


"Um-huh. Just like guys talk about sports, women, jobs, women, women." Her smile turned saccharine.

He turned to face her. "You think you're funny, don't you?"

"I am funny."

"You think they're talking about me?"

She raised her brows. "What about you?"

"Oh—uh—I don't know."

Her eyes widened. "Lord have mercy."

God, Gabriel hated that response. It meant she knew things he didn't want her to know. No need to lie. He'd never been good at it where she was concerned. She had more power than Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth.

"Don't say that."

"Oh, I'm saying it all right. Believe me, you're going to need the Almighty's blessing."

Gabriel walked to the bar and slumped onto a stool, then took a deep breath. "I'm in deep shit. It's too late to come clean, and Dick can show up any day now. I can't let her go with him."

She folded her arms over her chest and fixed him with sardonic exasperation. "Don't you mean you can't let her go—period?"

"Yeah. What do you think I should do?"

She raised her eyes to the ceiling, then closed them as if praying.

"Mom? Did you hear me?"

She snapped her head forward, blinked, and placed a hand on her chest. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to bask in the moment of you asking for my advice. It happens so seldom."

"You're a real comedian today," he grumbled. "I'm serious. Agreeing to this stupid scheme is the biggest mistake I've ever made. There's no way out. Damned if I do. Damned if I don't."

She side-eyed the girls chatting several feet away, completely ignoring the two of them,  before taking a step closer to him, dropping her voice into a heated whisper. "Matthew says Dante saw Perry with another woman. Probably been carrying on with her the whole time Zari has been recovering. If that's the case, then you have nothing to worry about. Oh, other than you've pretended to be the love of her life, which as it turns out, you turned out to be. And the feeling is mutual, right?"

Gabriel's heart hammered so hard he thought he might crack a rib. This was the best and worst  news ever. He'd speculated the guy wasn't worthy, but now he had proof.

"Yeah, and how can that be? I've only known her a few weeks."

She fixed him with an exasperated glance, as if he was truly clueless. Maybe he was. "I'm a mom. I know everything. You know Silbie's dad proposed on our second date. Luna men fall hard and fast." He might've only been a Luna in name only, but he had always thought of August Luna as his father.

"Yeah, but you said no."

"I didn't want him to think it'd be that easy."

Gabriel smirked. "He knew it was all an act."

"I know."


Zari glanced inside to make sure Gabriel wasn't coming. She'd debated about inviting Silbie to Dallas, but she'd put the shoe on the other foot for consideration. If there was a chance Gabriel would be leaving for active duty, Zari would want to know. She'd want to have an opportunity to see him.

"I talked to Dante earlier, and I have something to tell you about Owen."

Air whooshed from Silbie's mouth. "Oh, no. He's dating someone, isn't he? I knew it. I knew it. I was stupid to think he'd put his life on hold for me. But I did. That proves he was right all along. I'm a silly high school girl with no idea about relationships."

Zari pushed her hand out in front of her body. "Stop! That isn't it. There's a good chance his guard unit will be called to active duty. I'm moving out of my old apartment next Sunday and thought you might want to go with me." She checked inside again. Gabriel sat at the end of the bar still talking to his mom. "We'll have to keep it a secret from your brother, but you'll have to get your mom's approval."

Silbie bowed her head, then looked back Zari. "Where to? For how long?"

"Won't know until the orders come through—if they do. Might not happen. Could be just a rumor."

She loosed a breath. At least there was hope now. "Yes. I want to go."

"Okay. But the deal is, you must ask your mom. I won't lie to her. Gabriel will be furious, but he'll get over it. Your mother, on the other hand, would never forgive me. So—deal?"

Silbie smiled. "Definitely."

The back door opened, and Gabriel focused on Zari. "You ready to go?"

"Sure." One second sooner, she would have been caught. Talk about luck.

On the way home, Zari argued with herself about keeping the Dallas plans from him. She should tell him, but he'd get angry, and she really didn't want to deal with that. Besides, he wasn't the boss of Silbie. Anything concerning her should be decided by her and her mom.

Zari would be thankful for the company. She hated traveling alone, not that she ever did. The last trip she'd taken was—she racked her brain for the memory. Oh, it must have been coming here. To Parkers Prairie. To see Gabriel.

She glanced out the window at the passing landscape. Leaning her head against the back of the seat, sunlight flickered through the trees. She loved days like this. A robin's egg sky dotted with puffs of clouds. She closed her eyes and memories flashed through her mind like a movie reel. A picnic in the park. Her first dance in junior high. Shopping for an Easter dress. Her eyes popped open, she grabbed her phone, then punched the number.

Dante answered on the second ring. "Hey, sis-ta. What up?"

"I am so going to kill you! Was it your goal in life to torment me? How could you do that?"

"Okay. A little lost here. Can you be more specific?"

"You cut my hair! Right before Easter! You were a terrible child. Stop laughing!" Zari glanced at Gabriel, and although he fought it, a smile played at the corner of his lips. Damn men.

"Can't help it. I thought the cut looked just like Tinkerbell without the bun on top. You said that's what you wanted."

"No. I said I wished I could fly like her. Not look like her."

"Oh, yeah. I remember. I misunderstood. Do you recall my punishment?"


"Dad shaved my head and grounded me. Gave me a whole new perspective. I think that was the last time I pranked you but not Owen. Two days later, after I told him it was a bandage, he wore that damn pad wrapped around his arm all day. That was funny!"

"Well, save me the trouble of remembering and tell me how many more horrible things you did to me."

"I think you've hit the highlights. Oh, wait. There was that time in high school when you wanted Max to ask you to the Christmas dance."

"Yeah, and I was heartbroken when he didn't. I ended up going with..." Weeks ago Zari had remembered the details of her failed engagement, and that she'd sworn at the time to never speak their names again. "You know who."


"Yeah. Her. Anyway, what about Max?"

"I threatened to cut off his balls with a dull knife if he tried to date you."

"What! Why did you do that?"

"Because he bet his buddies he could get in your pants."

"Oh." As much as she wanted to stay mad, defending her honor was a good thing. "Thanks. But for your information, he wouldn't have gotten me out of my panties."

Gabriel jerked his head toward her, widened his eyes and mouthed what?

She waved him off and went back to the conversation. "I guess I forgive you for the haircut, but I'm still mad about the name spelling incident."

"Hey. No matter how much of a jerk I was at times, I always had your back. Always will."

"Damn you. Just when I want to slap you silly, you turn sweet."

"Yeah, it's my superpower. Never found a lady yet who can resist it. Gotta go. I'm getting another call."

"Okay. See you Thursday." Zari ended the call, then looked at Gabriel who still gave her his full attention. "He's something."

"Sounds like. So, he's coming Thursday?"


"What about Owen and Matthew?"

"Just Matthew."

Gabriel's look of relief didn't go unnoticed. She sighed. "I wish you didn't hate Owen."

"I don't." He took her hand and held it. "I know he's a good man. He's doing the right thing, staying away. I just don't want anything to mess up Silbie's future. She's barely dated, and because of that, she can't understand consequences of getting involved."

"Well—what if he only had a few months to live and all she wanted was to be with him? Then would you approve?"

He jerked his attention to her. "Holy shit. He's not dying, is he?"

"No. I'm saying hypothetically if that were the case, would you be against it?"

"That's not a fair question. It's like asking if she dated him it would cure cancer. With the right scenario, you can alter any answer or situation."

"So, you would be okay with it."

"Well, yeah, if that was the case—which it isn't, so it's a moot point. I don't want her to put her life on hold for anyone."

"So, if she didn't have to change any of her plans, you'd have no objection?"

He let go of her hand and gripped the steering wheel again. "Where's this going? Why are we even discussing this?"

"I'm just trying to be clear about your exact reasons for not wanting him to date your sister. That's all. I mean, if you and I are together, they're going to be a part of our lives, and I don't want your dislike of him to affect us."

"What you mean if you and I are together? Are you saying we might not be if I don't give them my blessing?"

She snorted. "No."

He angled his truck to the shoulder of the road, shoved the gear into park, faced her, and ran his fingers through his hair. "What exactly are we arguing about? I need to know so I can effectively take part."

"We aren't arguing. We're having a discussion."

"Yeah, but is it about Owen and Silbie or you and me?"

"All of us."

Releasing his seatbelt, he rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head. "Let me see if I've got this straight. Owen's not dying. Silbie's future is still in place. You and I are okay. That's everything." He held his hands out, tilted his head, and shrugged. "Right?"


"Can we kiss on it?" He didn't give her time to answer, just pulled her into his arms and smothered with a deep, wet lip lock that had her straining to get closer.

Yep, no doubt about it, she had to keep her traveling companion a secret.


Zari really is inviting trouble, wouldn't you say?

Wonder whose talking here?

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