Backgrounds (23)

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"Alright, that's a wrap!"

Typical. Plain Typical. He had never changed. We'd all like to believe that in each in every one conceited, self-absorbed soul, there would be even the slightest spectacle of change and reform that would become the very being of that new person. It would show everyone a pure definition of positive change. 

What is it that dolls see in him that is forever changing?, the way he so suavely walks amongst the parks of the Institution of Perfection. It's as if his past life behind him had been nothing out of the ordinary, and all cannot be ignored except the one moment in our lives when the doll's world's biggest revelation turned out to be the key to questioning everything they were told. Pure manipulation was the key to friendship, that's what he taught Tuesday. At the end of the day, it's your word against everyone else's. 

Tuesday was a complicated girl. She liked to believe that she was never her character, but rather the result of what everyone else made her. 

Like everyone else, she was ordinary, she had developed her own opinions, her words of wisdom slowly but surely turning into oaths of constant perfection. But it is contempt of question when she realised those opinions were never really hers, but the rather the ideal of learning and growing through someone else's who has high of status was the only authentic things that had been able to build up in her blue mind. 

It was three hours after midday, and Tuesday scoffed as she caught Lou wishing everyone the best as they exited the training grounds. Look at him. His posture every so perfect- oh she could never think of the word the same way as she did on the daily. His charming smile inching further off of his face. She could tell he was exhausted, after all, it had recently been transitioning into hotter climates than this season would normally offer. To everyone who knew him, they saw him as just being considerate and loyal to his job. To her it was undeniably fake, he was probably pulling off that smile to deflect the effects of everyone's nefariousness.

She didn't understand the uneasiness in her stomach, and why it was occurring. She should be happy for what is about to happen next, right?


In a mere flash of seconds, she looks up and squints her eyes in suspicion to see two girls walking up to Lou and pull up a conversation. she stayed behind once again to also listen.

"Great class, Lou! You never disappoint!~" A brunette complimented, with a little too much sense of comfort in her voice. 

Lou raised an eyebrow in definitive question, a small smile erupting on his face in amusement. "Thanks?"

Her friend just rolled her eyes at her antics and spoke up, "Don't mind her. She forgets sometimes that you are undoubtedly taken." She raises an eyebrow, sensing her friend's mischief.

"Oh of course I know, I'm just double-checking his loyalty." She winked back at her friend. She then turned back to face Lou with a friendly smile on her face this time. "Seriously though, great class as always!"The brunette gave him a smooth high five as she walked out, her friend beside her commented.

"Keep Mandy happy!". Lou just called back with the same complementary energy. "Everyday!" And with that, he turned to face us. His heart dropped slightly to see Tuesday once again. The last time they had a confrontation, he kind of just left her without a chance to reply to his apologetic comment.

He cleared his threat, some part of him wished he could do it much more forcefully to desperately be rid of the uneasiness in his throat, however, that would be of no help to him. 

"Tuesday." He nodded, walking up to her with his hands in his pockets. She had her arms forcefully crossed over her chest with her signature judging scowl. "Lou." She spat.

An unforgettable silence had become the authority what had ironically been such an open space for conversation. Both couldn't comprehend the correct words to say at the moment. The past tends to be the key to one's hesitation in confrontation. Whether it is regret, it runs down the back of our minds like tree sap- and it constantly sticks. 

That silence had demanded such a slow-paced break, it seemed as though they had both been begging for it to be rid of so that they can finally go about their buisnesses and carry on. Soon that begging had been answered for, and Tuesday was able to break the thick ice, despite the internal effort.

"So," She began, making Lou shift his head up so sharply. "I see everyone's starting to run up towards, rather than walk away from you. Now that's some improvement." Lou just rolled his eyes at her so-called casual demeanour, he had a feeling that she would continue to act this way around him. 

At first, he could see that it was understandable, as now looking back at the person he was to everyone was so destructive, he couldn't blame Tuesday for thinking so lowly of him as a result of it. But now it just became frustrating and almost perpetual to the point where he understands that there is simply nothing he can do.

"And I see nothing seems to change your continuous stubborn urgers to hate me," Lou commented back, his sarcasm and wittiness starting to be smiled upon in the spotlight. Tuesday only smirked back, at least he was acting naturally around her.

"Oh but it's not pure stubbornness, its a newly formed intuition. I have to be cautious around your kind." Tuesday spat, now letting her anger start to fester her every word. Lou's eyes rolled, he threw his hands up in frustration as he spoke. "Oh come on, Tuesday! Listen, that all happened months ago! Why can't you just learn to let go like everybody else?!"

Tuesday had her hands on her hips now, raising her voice up to the tone that Lou had his at. "I know what else happened months ago..." Lou faltered at that, knowing exactly what she was insinuating and shook his head to retaliate. 

"I-" but before he could, Tuesday was already hot on her tail to beat him to the punch. "Oh well, I wish Mandy the best, hope she can handle it better than I can. I doubt it though." She bitterly laughed to herself. 

"Hey." Tuesday felt another lump in her throat, she knew she had struck a chord in Lou, and not the good type. His eyes were pierced, ready to cut through anyone's soul like a hot knife through butter. If Chucky had a sickening scowl on his face rather than a sadistic smile, he better have a run for his money because Lou had taken the cake for the first option.

"Don't think I'm not going to talk to you about what you said to her." He spoke, his voice low. He had his arms crossed  Tuesday didn't want to admit it, but she was considerably intimated to a maximum rate. She inwardly sucked in a breathe and let it out slowly to slow down her agitated heartbeat. 

"Oh, w-what? That she was plain useless and good for absolutely nothing?" she snorted in amusement. "Please. I could have done way better!"


Both of them had to stop their little argument, to realise where this was going. Both mutually, and desperately wanted to change the direction fast. 

"Tuesday." He sighed exasperatedly and dragged his hand lightly down his face as he began to lose energy from this conversation. "Look. I'm sorry that things didn't work out the way we both would've wanted to. I was arrogant and complacent about you and shouldn't have tossed you aside. I could have treated you better while it lasted, or at least end it better than you would like."

Tuesday rose a brow, not from impatience, but curiosity.

"But we both gotta admit it. It just... wouldn't have worked at all. Neither of us was good for each other and it was such a toxic relationship. Not just you, not just me, but both of us. You deserve a better guy who can understand you and treat you better than I did."

Lou heaved another sigh, he felt like he had to get that off his chest and those words to her for a while. 

"But Mandy, she makes me better. She was the first person to truly see what good I had left in me and was ready to be a part of my journey. She's meant for me..." Lou had to take a moment to smile, before continuing.

"You were a great girlfriend, Tuesday. Someone else will see that and recognise you for the person you are." He sadly smiled, before walking away from the training grounds, taking a few small glances at her puzzled and conflicted face.

The euphoric light-hearted butterflies had urged to return to her stomach. To confuse her, challenge her once more. But she finally formed something on her own. Her own feelings and her own thoughts. It was almost uncanny, but she couldn't help but slightly smile as he was no longer in her view. She decided that she wouldn't let this compulsive ideal control her, but rather invent her own ideal and develop it on her own.


Typical, Plain Typical.


"Psst" Tuesday rolled her eyes at the source of the annoying sound. She then found Zachary and Stephano foolishly waiting by the shadows of the alleyway. Well, one, in particular, stood out to be more foolish than the other, but that was pretty apparent to everyone else who would be who.

"It's done," Stephano confirmed. Zachary giggled childishly "We got'em good!"

"And... you're sure this little plan of yours and whoever you work for will break them up?" Tuesday asked, hesitance laced in her voice.

"Positive, after all, it's what the boss ordered, so it must be right." Stephano shrugged. 

Tuesday then got curious. "Say, who do you guys work for anyway?" 

"Oh! his name is-" Zachary spoke, but was caught off by a severe elbow to the side. He cried in pain, over-exaggerating it slightly. "Who we work for is none of your concern," Stephano confirmed.

Tuesday only raised an eyebrow in suspicion, crosses her arms and leaning against the weight of her feet, as she had her hip out to the side. Stephano didn't admit it, but he could tell that Tuesday was very much like his boss.

"Anyway. It's a pleasure doing buisness with you." Stephano had nodded and dragged an in-pain Zahary away without another word.

"Likewise..." Except, now it wasn't.

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