❄️one I've been missing❄️

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A/N: Ur gonna feel very single after this :)
This is paired with the beautiful tunes of Little Mix called "One I've Been Missing". I recommending listening to the acoustic version though while reading.
So beautiful, I cry.
This is a Christmas special and takes someplace in between the drama of this book :) Have fun and get cozy!


I'm sorry I ain't been around
But you've been on my mind a million times
I'll make it up to you now

As most can agree, it is truly the most wonderful time of the year. Most Christmas wishes can be materialistic, but some tend to be more giving and long-term. More, romantic. The ones that happen to fall under that list is a hopeless romantic; Mandy. Sure she had her moments of independence, but even when on those days, her life can turn to be rather dull. She had a very special someone on these holidays.

Although she wouldn't admit it to Lou, or even herself, she was feeling rather selfish. It was complicated, she was surrounded by calming slow-flashing lights, her house all primmed and prepped for the holidays covered in the primary colors of Christmas- green, white, red and gold. The presents under the tree, some from her, others to her. The fireplace was at a slow burn and her kitchen had a scent of ginger and cinnamon. It should feel at home and wonderous for her! But she couldn't help but feel that something was missing.

Mandy gripped the mug of her hot chocolate tighter, hoping that it would jolt her up and somewhat help her recognize the problem. But she couldn't pitch it. She used her other free hand to wrap her light blanket over her shoulders tighter. Mandy had just come back from more gift shopping. As others can agree, it's no surprise that Mandy was genuinely a giving person when it came to making others happy. She didn't mean to sound awkward or ungrateful when a gift was given to her, she ends up feeling quite guilty if the present was extremely valuable. The response she would usually get would be 'No, no! You deserve it!' or 'Don't worry it wasn't any trouble.'

We'll wrap the presents
And put up the tree together
Be together

But that didn't matter to her now anyway. She wanted something more. She knew it wasn't something money could buy. She already had it but she just didn't know where it was. Or maybe where he was. It had finally occurred to Mandy that the only thing that could make this Christmas evening grand was something priceless; her loving boyfriend. "Of course, I'm so clingy I can't stop thinking about my boyfriend..."

"Aww, you think about me?" Mandy turned to see Lou, leaning against the grand frame leading to her living room and kitchen.

Lou just smiled as she walked up to him, with her arms crossed paired with a cheeky smile.

"Don't act like you don't do the same."

"Well... I mean-"


Lou nervously laughed at Mandy's tone but reassured her. "I'm kidding, of course, I never stop thinking about you." Mandy blushed, but playfully slapped Lou's chest, who just smirked.

Baby, there's no better gift
And now that I have you here
That's when I feel it the most

She turned her attention to the seat by the kitchen counter, taking a seat as she paced her hot chocolate on the table. She couldn't help but let out a sigh in the atmosphere, her hands and elbows sliding forward on the table, which then led to her adjusting her arms to act as a pillow for her head, lying her head against the cold surface of the marble counter. Lou then walked over to her, chuckling as she got behind her. "Mandy... What's got you so tired."

"Mm," Mandy muttered. Lou raised an eyebrow but laughed at Mandy's antics.

"Sorry, come again?" Lou teased. Mandy lightly chuckled, bringing a sweet smile upon her face. She ended up stretching, groaning in satisfaction as she did. She allowed herself to lean her weight back against Lou. Lou gripped his arms around Mandy from behind, Mandy returning the favor by holding onto is grip.

"Well, I did a lot of gift shopping today," Mandy stated. "Oh?" Lou sarcastically replied, rolling his eyes, obviously not surprised at Mandy. "Yeah, for Moxy and the gang, even the used-to-be spy girls. For Nolan, and of course for you."

'Cause I've been gone so long
But I kept holding on

"Oh, how thoughtful you to get a gift for me~" Mandy just leaned in deeper, which made Lou grip tighter. "I don't know, I thought I'd feel better after today. But I can't help but feel tired. Maybe something's missing..." Silence was brought upon them, but only for a mere three seconds. "Well, whatever you find is missing, I know you'll figure it out. You always do." Lou commented, right before placing a soft kiss on her cheek and going off to make his own hot chocolate. Mandy rested her chin upon her hand, paying her attention to Lou once again. "Well, I'm guessing you want to enlighten me about your day today." She spoke, almost whispering. Lou's eyes widened, as his smile turned up. Showing his swoon-like face that many girls- and some boys- would faint at.

Mandy had learned to keep her swooning episodes silent, and controlled. Although she saw much more to Lou than looks, she obviously couldn't deny the joy she felt when Lou brought up his unforgettable charm that everyone knew and love. "Well! It's sooo funny you mention that! Because today was a THRILL for me."

Cause I need to show you
Just how much I love you this Christmas

"Tell me all about it then,"

It was then that all of Mandy's thoughts and troubles seemed to whisp away like a small breeze on a thick fresh leaf. Sure it was slow and steady, but with time and understanding, the leaf would blow away with ease. They laughed and even cried at the jokes and foolishness they pulled off around the house. They then ended up frosting cookies, as they were hungry and agreed that gingerbread cookies were the best option.

Is it the lights in your eyes?
They've never shone so bright

"Did you put the flour away?" Mandy questioned, her attention focused layout of fresh beautiful ginger bread men and trees scattered on a baking tray which was being sorting into groups and icing. "Yep." Lou said, giving a thumbs up. Mandy looked up, only to look unimpressed at him. Lou stopped smiling as soon as he saw Mandy's look. She pointed her finger at a direction that was onto Lou's left. He looked to his right, behind him, he saw the bag of flour sitting up on the kitchen counter.

Lou sheepishly laughed, putting a hand behind his head. "Nope." He said, pointing finger guns towards Mandy.

I've waited all year to be near
To the one I've been missing, this Christmas
To the one I've been missing
(To the one I've been missing)

Mandy just shook her head with a smile. Amused, rather than annoyed with Lou's antics. "I'll get it." Mandy offered, before walking over to the bag of flour. She grabbed it and walked past Lou towards the pantry. But alas, Mandy cannot be Mandy without her clumsiness. She ended up slipping on some leftover butter that somehow found its way on the floor, causing her to flick the flour backwards. It went all over the front of Lou's suit. Mandy got up right after grunting in pain from the fall. As soon as she turned her attention to Lou, her eyes widened at the affects of her accident. "Oh Lou! I-I'm so sorry! I-" "No no... You know what? It's okay."

"Are you sure?" "Yep, totally cool with it." Mandy sighed in relief. "Oh good."

I feel too lonely to sleep
Boy, when you're on the wrong side of the world
Now with the snow at our feet

"In fact, just try some of my icing." Lou got a hold of the spoon that he used to mix the remaining product of the mixture. Getting a good chunk of it and landing it on the side of Mandy's face, smearing it all over her. Mandy gasped. A part of her was annoyed and flabbergasted, another though decided to play along with this game.

"Lou!" Lou laughed at Mandy's expression, losing his breath. Mandy then filled her hand with some flour that fell on the counter, and blew it on Lou's face. Mandy laughed back at Lou. "That was on purpose!" Mandy just continued laughed, her abs clenching so hard it was almost painful. "So you wanna play it this way," Lou got a hold of the leftover icing that they'd decided they save for something else.

We'll sit by the fire
And we'll set the scene together
Dream together

Mandy then quickly regretted her actions, deciding that she was doomed now. "You wouldn't..." "You better run, little girl." Lou darkly chuckled, Mandy just ran away, trying to dodge his attacks. They were both having the time of their lives, laughing at themselves. The laughter died down and they both decided that it was best if they called it a truce.

"We better get cleaned up." Lou suggested, gesturing to his suit which was now covered in flower. "Yeah. I'll clean up around here. It's the least I can do." Mandy offered, feeling a little guilty at her clumsiness. Lou just smiled and kissed her lovingly. "Don't worry about it. I had fun." Lou instinctively licked his lips, perking up at the taste he received on Mandy's lips. He had kissed her again, which made Mandy raise her eyebrows. She was confused, but didn't object. "I make some pretty mean icing." Lou commented at his icing flavour, quite proud of himself. Mandy licked her lips, lightening up like a lightbulb as soon as she tasted it. "Oh wow, you aren't wrong."

Baby, there's no better gift
Now that I have you here (have you here)
That's when I feel it the most

Mandy raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you just taste the icing from the bowl." Lou smirked. "Where's the fun in that?~". Mandy smirked back, but only lightly pushed Lou backwards. "Go and wash up. You know where the shower is."

"But aren't you gonna wanna shower first?" Lou asked. Mandy shook her head, "No it's okay, I already showered this morning." Lou nodded before going up the stairs. He then froze, remembering something. He ran back down the stairs to tell Mandy one more thing. "Oh, and wear something light, top-wise." Mandy grimaced at the thought. "Lou, it's freezing." "Then just put on the fireplace." Mandy's negative expression swiftly brightened up at the thought. Cuddling with her boyfriend by the fireplace, surrounded the merriest, blinking lights from the christmas tree. "That's not a bad idea, actually," Mandy said.

'Cause I've been gone so long
But I kept holding on

"Look, you can wear whatever pants you want, but the top has to be light." Mandy was confused, but decided not to question Lou's antics. "Okay." Lou beamed at her agreement. "Great." He replied, before winking at her and making his was up to the master bathroom. Mandy chuckled at Lou, but went straight to taking care of the mess they made.

Time went by and Mandy has managed to fix up the mess they had made, she still managed to organised the cookies into icing order and sorted the icing in piping bags. One of Mandy's talent that was known to majority of the Doll world that knew of her existence was her magneficent organising skills. Mandy was naturally a girl who was designed to always live in an orderly fashion. It was a part of her destiny.

'Cause I've been gone so long
But I kept holding on
'Cause I need to show you
Just how much I love you this Christmas

She then quickly went to her beauty room, making her way to her closet where she kept some clothes that were only worn when she didnt make an effort on going out or looking good. But Lou was here, so finding anything good enough for her was a challenge. She kept looking through the drawers of clothes until she finally found a grey cropped tank top. To her luck, she also managed to spot some black leggings that tug on her skin comfortably and lazily. She slipped the outfit on swiftly and made her way to the bathroom to commence with her face night time routine.

Mandy now finally finished with her complexion and clothes, she made her way back to the kitchen, only to find Lou standing there wearing some sweatpants and a white t-shirt. He stood there holding a Christmas sweater.



Is it the light in your eyes?
They've never shone so bright
I've waited all year to be near
To the one I've been missing, this Christmas

Mandy just shook her head, and unwillingly took the sweater into her hands. As soon as she felt the material and really analysed the sweater, she began to love it. "Put it on~" Lou teased. Mandy slipped on the traditional, red Christmas sweater, instantly feeling snug as a bug in a rug. "I take it that you like it." Lou smirked. Mandy just beamed a beautiful smile and hugged Lou, feeling more content with his warmth and touch. "I love it." Mandy said.

"Well, let me see you. Give it a little spin." Mandy shuffled a 360 degree spin, holding her hands up while doing so.


Lou laughed at Mandy's pretend-like shocked face. She crossed her arms giving a playful pout.

"I'm kidding... Look at you, how gorgeous you look~."

"Please tell me you are wearing one too." Lou looked deeper into Mandy's eyes, in which were meeting with his. "Oh but of course, Milady." Lou took the sweater from the seat behind him, slipping into it.

"Dashing." Mandy complimented. Lou just huffed a small laugh.

This Christmas
(To the one I've been missing)
To the one I've been missing
(To the one I've been missing)

Lou and Mandy then continued to get the job done properly. Lou of course being the perfect doll he is, made the most perfect designs with his cookies. But no matter how in line and flawless they seemed, it could not compare to Mandy's creativity. Lou focused on tidyness, whereas Mandy focused on charisma. It's funny how irony works that way. As time went by, they ended up cleaning everything up and brewing up some more hot chocolate. The small orange flares that reflected upon the walls of the bottom of the chimney. The dancing flames iluminated the scene, creating a calm, euphoric atmosphere in the living room. Lou and Mandy were snuggling by eachother, chatting amongst themselves. They ended up snacking on majority of their cookies but decided they'd save some for their friends, so they had their hot chocolate and each other's company to keep each other in balance.

Time passed, the fire was still blazing and the warmth suddenly caught up to the both of them, suddenly feeling more content with one another. Mandy was leaning against Lou, her arms and hands underneath his- due to being gripped by him. All they could hear was eachother's breathing and the fireplace burning, which is what they wanted, more than anything else in the world right at the moment. "Now this is what I've been missing." Mandy sighed, snuggling into Lou deeper. Lou kissed Mandy's cheek before gripping her more contently, wrapping the blanket around them closer.

This Christmas
(To the one I've been missing)
To the one I've been missing, this Christmas, oh
(To the one I've been missing) to the one
(To the one I've been missing)

Mandy and Lou shared a loving kiss that they both melted into. Mandy truend her body closer towards Lou's wrapping her arms around his neck, still lying on his chest. Lou then instictively wrapped his arms around his waist. "Merry Christmas, Lou" Lou chuckled once again before sighing. "Mery christmas to you too, Mandy."

'I guess I found what I've been missing...'

To the one I've been missing.

"We should sleep on the couch tonight."

"Good idea."

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