Progress (11)

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A few hours have passed since that reminiscent moment of hope. Lou was now pacing back and fourth on centre stage, slightly nervous yet somewhat calm at the turn of events for him. He then brushed his hair back hoping it would somewhat ease him from nervousness knowing that his appearance was good. At this moment, all he wished was for Mandy to be there. Without her, he felt like he was going to be turned down in a split second. His breathe rate didn't increase but he felt like this whole idea was backfiring and he didn't want to take this chance anymore. He looked outside the curtain wondering if everyone was outside and present.

He peaked through the small opening of the curtain just in the middle of the stage, closing one eye and using his other opened eye skim through the crowd which now seemed to be full of students- some excited, some reluctant. His removed the crowd from his view and look back stage. He took a breath in and out hoping that it would somewhat reassure him. He closed his eyes and nodded, "Okay. Now or never." He then stepped out the curtain fixing his tie. Once he stepped through those curtains, the rest of the chatter in the audience slowed down and eventually all attention was on him.

'At least people wanna listen to me this time.' he muttered in his head before speaking,

"Good morning everyone! Today is a new day and you all will be able to leave here victorious and ready to find your desired child..." He spoke as he paced back and forth slowly on stage trying to be fully engaged with everyone in the audience. There were a few claps in the audience, some occasional nods here and there. "It will start out easy, and then as soon as we get into the real challenges it will take a lot of hard work. Don't worry though, I know you guys are able to handle it." Lou finished with the same amount of energy and happiness, knowing his students can do it.


"Okay... Yeah we need to work on this more than I thought" Lou admitted as he was now

He could not believe that people would be failing at such an achievable task, jumping over obstacles or even so learning how to dodge and hide from any grown ups when on the run. 'Do they really need my help this badly?' Lou asked himself mentally. He then shook his head and called the attention of the other students waving his hands to stop all the commotion.

"Okay-OKAY! Yep, quiet down and gather around." Lou got the attention of the agitated dolls as most of them turn their heads to his direction and slowly made a semicircle facing the obstacles in front him.

Lou spoke with his hands behind his back, "Okay, so from seeing how there is a bit of confusion on how to complete these tasks, I'll just give you a demo.. " he began. They all then put their attention closely and attentively on Lou. He cleared his throat and spoke.

"Rule number one! When in sight of a child, you have to be able to make no movement whatsoever." Lou stated like a living rulebook. The students shared glances agreeing that they definetly remember that important rule.

"Because we have to refresh each other's memory- we're gonna start with a simple test where if you are on sight of a child you must stay completely still. When the child- or monitor -draws its attention towards you, you must stay completely still. Sound simple? " Lou asked with a smile, he received assuring looks at one another knowing that this would be a very simple test since staying still like a doll was in their nature. But he noticed that there were some reluctant glances in the crowd.

He then decided to subliminally address this. "Remember, this is the first day. You all don't have to come out victorious. Alright? Today us just about refreshing simple things so we can get back up to speed." Those reluctant glances soon turned into relived and more confident ones. Lou smiled at this.

"Awesome. Okay so everyone get in one line, completely all the way down. " Everyone did as they were told and moved into a line. To Lou's surprise, he saw that Nolan was pushed to the front. He saw is nervous state and honestly felt quite bad for him. He knew he got picked on but never really to it into account that it was such a consistent thing that people just seem to do it without question. He shook his head from thinking about his past decisions and walked over to Nolan.

"Hey man. Don't sweat it, I'll demonstrate. You just do what I do and you'll be done for the day. " Lou talked to him with an elbow resting on Nolan's narrow shoulder. Nolan gave a nervous friendly smile. He definitely did not feel comfortable with it, but wanted to give it a try.

Lou then walked away from Nolan and in front of the contraption. The line that Lou directed the students to get into was facing sideways so they could all face the contraption and Lou's every move. He made his way to the start of the obstacle. "Watch and learn." he winked to the audiences; to which some girls almost fainted from but kept their composure for Lou's sake. He got into a sprint position, ready as soon as the timer went down- which he forgot to ask someone to start the machine for him since the monitor was close to the students.

"Hey Nolan, could you press that blue square button at the top of the monitor?" Lou politely asked, Nolan then walked over and pressed the button. There was a big speaker in the distance that was counting down.


He got down into his position again.


His eyes squinted


A determined smile appeared on his face, having faith that even though he could not do this outside of the Doll World, he could show everyone else that he has got what it takes.





Lou then ran keeping his attention between the monitor and his view. This challenge includes various obstacles being very big toys or lego blocks. He followed his own tactics; as soon as the attention is on you and you have to play 'doll', use that opportunity to look around you with your preferable vision so you know where to move next.
Or when you are running and you want to make time while keeping an eye between your child and where you are going; always keep your attention between those two factors at a 45 degree angle, three seconds in the middle, towards the child, back to middle and then straight ahead. He followed these tactics as he kept running. When he saw the monitor flashing red five times it would indicate that in those five flashing lights are how much time you have before you are spotted. He always would automatically go into doll mode and get back up effortlessly. He finally then made it to the end without problem and got there in a matter of 10.17 seconds. Everyone applauded at his amazing skill and work effort. He then brushed off his clothes obviously not wanting them to get dirty. He smiled gratefully and sent a few thank yous to all the students.

"Now that most of you have an idea of how to run this course, I trust that you guys are going to nail it amazingly! And if not amazingly- then I know you guys are going to try your best. " Lou wished them luck and moved aside observe that actual people running the challenge.

"Alright first up: Nolan." Nolan then walked up nervously to the front of the starting line. He got into a starting position like Lou trying his best to get steady. Nolan looked in Lou's way, wishing for some sort of escape. Lou just gave him a thumbs up with a friendly smile. Nolan looked back in front of him and Lou pressed the button







Nolan ran at surprisingly fast speed, he was doing well at jumping big objects with correct form. The time when he failed was because he didn't stop in time as soon as the monitor went to its final count. A loud sound that came out of the speaker indicated that Nolan had failed. Nolan sighed at himself in disappointment. Lou only shook his head indicating that it was alright and it was nothing to be ashamed of. He went over to Nolan who was still on the floor after he went into doll mode. As he was helping Nolan up he explained what he did wrong in order to educate the students.

"Nolan, don't feel so ashamed for trying. You had amazing form and your speed was actually pretty good. The only thing that you missed out on was when and when not to play 'doll', " Lou reassured Nolan, earning and brotherly smile from him in return. He then turned to the crowd to inform them more directly of what Nolan could have done to complete his exercise. "When knowing when and when not to stay still is very evident. Too early and you will loose time on getting to where you want to go. Too late and you are spotted in action." Most of the students 'ahhhed' in understanding seeing where Lou was coming from. "It's always important that when a child or adult is in your view and is facing away from you, as soon as they are between 90-180 degrees from you, that's where you get prepared to stay still. But if it's just under 90 degrees then it's an absolute no-go!. They will be able to spot you. You will only have about a maximum of five seconds to stop moving and play 'doll'. So keep an eye on that next time, Nolan" he turned back from the interested and now educated crowd now facing Nolan giving him a small shrug on the shoulder with a smile. Nolan gave his usual energetic and friendly smile back. "But everyone do take note of Nolan's form. Because that is how you get through an obstacle effeciently. " He winked back at the crowd being his- somewhat -cheeky self. The crowd then took mental note of that, discussing it amongst one another with enthusiasm; very much liking the new attitude and positivity of Lou that was actually genuine this time.

"Alright, who's next. "


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