Confession (12)

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You will need a supply of music, a comfy space and some popcorn. PLEASE READ EVERYTHING VERY CAREFULLY. This is the most effort I've put into a chapter, so read it and enjoy it while it lasts ;)

The song is Someday by the Disney Motion Picture ZOMBIES. By Milo Mannheim and Meg Donnelly. Get ready to play it ;)

Also the song is in BOLD so don't get confused aha :)


As we've said before, time is a construct and does not go fast or slow but simply is shorter or longer. In Lou's perspective, time for him seemed pretty short when it came to asking for the rest of the doll's forgiveness, yet it felt as though it sped by so fast that he could not believe all the praise and thanks he was given. Lou was now making his way back to Mandy's house, with a smile on his face as he kept getting compliments for his new attitude and teachings. Of course he wasn't the full-of-himself kind of guy anymore so he either took those compliments into consideration or returned most of them. All good things, though, often receive some obstacles. Before Lou even realised, a girl with blue pigtails and vibrant violet lips came by with a grimace on her face; crossing her arms as dissatisfaction.

Tuesday. And by the looks of her expression; she was not convinced with Lou's new attitude.

Before Lou could muster anything else to say to her, Tuesday only moved her body to lean forward, of course she was shorter than Lou so she could only look up at him. Lou just stood there; actually quite petrified.

"Don't think I'm going to forgive you so easily after everything you've done."

"What? No Tuesday I-"

"You may have all these people thinking that you are off the hook because you've decided to have a 'change of heart'? Well, I'm not buying it. " Tuesday spat right before she turned her body away from him with her arms crossed and chin up.

"Tuesday... " Lou started by putting a hand on her shoulder in reassurance, making Tuesday go stiff seeing as this wasn't what she was expecting. She turned around half way through his words.

"You don't have to forgive me if you don't want to. I understand, I certainly still don't forgive myself for everything that I've done around here. But just know that I'm still going to do my very best to help you find your child and get you out of here." Lou gave her one of his genuine and charming smiles that would make any girl fall to their feet.

Lou then gave her two small pats on her shoulder and continued his journey back to Mandy's; who secretly saw the whole scene before her. She wasn't hiding behind a bush or anything, but she was standing on the side line, admiring Lou's sensitivity to others and how understanding he'd become. As he was walking closer towards her without noticing her presence she decided to then start walking towards him catching up to where he was going.

"Hey!" Mandy greeted cheerfully jumping beside Lou who has his hands in his pockets. He didn't have a fright but was surprised at her presence; seeing as he was just making his was down to where she lived.

"Hey Mandy. " Lou greeted back with a lower enthusiasm, but with a happy tone still. Mandy although admired Lou's honesty and maturity with how he acted, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy after Tuesday blushed.

The two of them were walking together with so much comfortability and peace, it felt like that there was nothing to be afraid of in terms of a conversation; even if it meant that they were in love.

"So... I saw you with Tuesday~" Mandy teased, hoping to get some sort of reaction that indicates that Lou has no compatible feelings for her. Lou only shrugged at the idea of him liking Tuesday. She did have good intentions is what he will admit, but she wasn't Mandy.

"Yeah well, she's not my type anyway. I'm really into someone that is real and has an understanding to me. Tuesday? She's not that kind of person. " Lou admitted sheepishly, causing a small fit of laughter between the two of them. They continued their stroll to Mandy's living quarters, but as Lou and Mandy journeyed to their destination- he then decided he wanted to take a small detour. So to catch Mandy completely of by surprise he then takes her making a complete 90 and heading over to a hidden sheltered area. Mandy of course, taken by surprise questioned Lou for such a short turn.

Lou was very gentle and somewhat so careful around Mandy, but he knew for sure that she was a fighting, opinionated girl. So he didn't have to worry about other girls getting to her. But of course, he had an over-protective side and was very mindful of the charming yet somewhat awkward girl.

"Lou.. Where are you taking me?" Mandy questioned slowly as she willingly let Lou lead her into the mysterious location that she had no clue of. Lou just shrugged at looked back giving one of those charming looks that no girl could resist. "Just charming you~" Lou said with a soft and true yet unintentionally moving tone. Mandy did not blush this time, though mind her awkward self. Instead she felt compelled and somewhat shocked to Lou's smooth attitude and his kindness, with her mouth slightly parted and eyes wide- but not so wide, just in a trance.

As they got closer and closer to this location, Mandy decided to administer occasion to her surroundings. Speculating the wonders of their doll nature and the amazing architectural design skill that had been put into use- most likely hired by Lou himself from his past times. The sunlight skipped a few branches and hopped from one part of nature to another. Though its shine was vague- it was so serene and beautiful yet...hopeful.

Pink-cherry flowers as well as small dust was whisking and falling to the ground. Mandy was so in awe of the beauty around her that she completely forgot they were moving and didn't see Lou walk in front of her. Lou saw Mandy's astonished faced and laughed slightly- awakening Mandy from her dream-like state.

"I take that you are definitely charmed by this place?" Lou joked. Mandy was still in awe of the beauty she was surrounded with- even more so when she realised there was a gorgeous fountain that had a statue of a literal angel. 

"You had me at hello..." Mandy spoke, her gaze fixed upon the oak trees and blossoms surrounding her. She finally broke her gaze and smiled at Lou who still had his hands in his pockets patiently waiting for Mandy's full attention. Lou smiled back at her, falling more in love every second that was open and present within that short spur of the moment. He then took three steps towards Mandy, his mind encouraging him to go on and and make the move. He didn't show it but he was shaking inside.

He then made it to her, practically two feet away from her. Mandy at first was confused, but curious. Lou then put his hand out to Mandy, resulting her to put a hand near her chest and her eyes to widen in disbelief at his actions.

"Care to dance?" He asked with his signature eyebrow raise and straight-white teeth grin. Instead of an evil vibe, it was more of a cheeky and playful- yet sincere and hopeful look. Two seconds past, and she gladly yet slowly obliges to his proposal. "Yes."

He took her hand in his, slowly yet skilfully pulling her in close. Her hand moving up to his shoulder blade and eventually his neck. His arm gradually making its way around her waist, gripping firmly yet carefully. At first it was a classic Disney ballroom dance; making circles and rotating around on the dance floor. Eventually both began to become for playful. Lou lifting and twirling Mandy around just to hear her giggle and laugh. Both had honest and sincere smiles upon their faces. Eventually, their dance broke and they took a break by sitting down on the edge of the fountain. The sound of the subliminal sounds of water droplets hitting against its own. Mandy had her hands together sitting up with her legs crossed with a smile on her face. Lou on the other hand- though happy -had a relaxed and laid-back look. He had his hands behind him so he could lean back, his legs parted slightly. Despite his posture- he still managed to look extremely dashing and mature to Mandy.

"You ever heard that story about a zombie, Mandy?" Lou weirdly asked. It wasn't unusual per say, but it was certainly so random and abrupt. "I'm sorry what?" Mandy asked in disbelief, resulting Lou to roll his eyes. "You know, That one about him falling in love with an ordinary doll." Mandy put her hand to her chin and rest on her leg, taking a minute to flick back to her past that may sound familiar to what Lou is speaking of. It hit her, and she clicked her fingers in realisation. "Oh yeah! I remember it vaguely..." Mandy spoke turning her body more towards Lou. Lou moved a little closer to Mandy.

"You know what I love about that story?," Lou asked, resulting a head shake from Mandy. "It's the fact the somebody isn't perfect, yet eventually they are seen..." Lou spots a flower from that had fallen to his side from the tops of the blossom trees, he takes it and puts in behind Mandy's ear. " someone worth." Lou concludes before moving his hand away to get a good view of Mandy and her beauty.

Mandy blushes for only a second- but smiles with gratitude to Lou's subliminal message. Lou smiles back with a lazy yet content look in his eye, as he leans right back into his comfortable position. They both share a moment of silence. "You know... I could say the same for you," Mandy gives Lou a light and playful punch. "pretty boy." Lou chuckles back with Mandy. Lou then leaves a hand out for Mandy, which she takes on instinct. "Come on" Lou leads her to a nearby bench which was only 10 metres away still close to the the fountain.

----------------- And The Song Begins.--------------------- Play Along--------------

"Oh... La la la la la" Lou pulls her to sit down on the bench. "Oh...Yeah!" Lou leans forward with his hands in a questioning-like gesture "I know it might be crazy. But did you hear the story?" Mandy playfully pretends to remember "I think I heard it vaguely." "A girl and a zombie" Mandy raised and eyebrow playfully. "Oh, tell me more, boy. Sounds like a fantasy!" Lou shook his head and Mandy joined in. "Oh, what could go so wrong with a girl and a zombie?"

Lou stepped up and in a way did a few smooth moves as he sang. "She's from the perfect paradise and he's living on the darker side..." Mandy twirled her way in. "Ooh, I've got a feeling if you get to know me." Mandy was about to move further back admiring the scenery, but Lou swiftly pulled her in by the hand and had her by the waist. Both were head to head. "Right from the start you caught my eye and something inside me came to life." Mandy slowly snaked her hands up his chest, and then playfully yet abrupt-fully pushed him in a innocent away. "Ooh, I've got a feeling..If you get to know me."

Lou lifts Mandy up onto the bench and stayed on the ground dancing with her from below as if she were a ballerina. "Someday...This could be, this could be ordinary. Someday"Mandy looked at him with an honest gaze, fully directing it at him "Could we be something extraordinary?"Lou's eyes widened and then got up by her side on the bench and took her by the arm, hooking it in his."You and me side by side..." Mandy joins in again "Out in the broad daylight...If they laugh, we'll say," Both them jump down the bench and break into a small dance number. "We're gonna be someday....We're gonna be someday..Someday, someday...We're gonna be someday...We're gonna be someday." They both finish their number and run back to the fountain. As they get closer Lou turns his body back to Mandy but walks backwards towards the fountain.

"Girl, you look delicious," Mandy stops, Lou then shakes his head with a smile and pulled her in close. "Oh I mean gorgeous." Mandy rolls her eyes and playfully and points at his chest. "Well, now you're getting fearless" Lou shrugs and continues to stand up at the fountain. "No, I'm just rooting for us.."

Their hearts were soaring  as they continued to sing. Time passed by only second by second. Both noticed that they both had sparks in each others eyes. They danced a choreographed number that just came to them naturally, and as if both of them had already learnt it. Or like any other musical. It may come off is just a normal moment between to dolls.

"We're gonna be someday" They both ended, still hand in hand staring at each other. With one face angled up and another below. The moment was so romantic and perfect that a cliche piano piece could be displayed over the moment. But the thing about this moment is that it wasn't completely cliche- it was sentimental and certainly natural.

"Hey Mandy..." Lou took a moment to look up more and really take her in so he had enough courage for this exact moment. He saw a beautiful, kind loving soul with a pink blossom resting on her ear. Her eyes were relaxed but yet showed anticipation. Lou's eyes widened seeing as it was time for him to finally make his move and win this undying chess game.

"Yes?" Mandy asked. Lou held in a breath and let it out. He looked back down at his hands that held Mandy's and squeezed them slightly. It's time. He looked up and doing that he spoke.

"I like you... I mean no. I'm 100% falling for you, Mandy. Your eyes don't just glisten, but they are always so easy to read because you are so honest and genuine. I never realised how much I actually cared for you until that day where you opened up to me and told me to never give up..." Lou trailed off. Mandy hid her smile, she took Lou's hands to her lips and kissed his knuckles softly.

"Lou, I loved you ever since you made me feel included."


Lou's eyes widened at that. He never realised that Mandy was so fond of him. "Really, e-even when-" Lou was interrupted by Mandy, "Yes... even at those times. Being naive- you can only expect so little and so much because you don't know any better." Mandy looked down again, realising how gullible and lost she realise was, it took her some time to regain her self.

"Mandy?..." Lou noticed her troubled and sad expression and put a hand on her cheek. Mandy was awakened from her trail down memory lane, and looked up to see a concerned Lou. "Don't worry... But Lou," Mandy puts her arms around his neck going for an embrace, which Lou anticipated silently to.

"I love you..." Mandy said as she hugged Lou firmly yet gently. Lou sighs in relief, wrapping his arms even tighter around her waist, closing his eyes enjoying the moment. The two stay like that for a good while. Enjoying each other's company, oblivious to the sun going down and the sky turning into a slow ombre mix of burnt orange and rouge red. The sun mixing with the exposure on both of the dolls complexion- making this moment so much more serene that it already is.

The two of them slowly lean in. Nothing should be getting in the way of them now- it was too soon. Time stopped once again like the last two times. Everything was out of there way and it was just their two souls beyond their own doll world. Lou's hands make it to the space between her shoulder blades while the other snakes tightly and grips the side of her slim waist. Mandy being invited and enticed with his touch responds with her hands sneaking behind the back of his perfect hair and the other snaking around the side of his neck.

They were just inches away, something in both of them wanted to tease this moment seeing as nothing would stop them now. But at the end of the day, the temptation was just to good to resist and get over. The contact was made.

Their lips finally locked and they both melted into the start of what was now their new relationship.

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