16: Moon's House

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After receiving directions from Sun and Hau, Ash ventured to the house of his friend, Moon. He knocks on the door three times and waits for an answer.

"Door's open," someone called from inside. Ash walked in, ringing a bell on his way in. He saw it looked a little bit like a shop.

"Welcome to The Entrepreneur's Alola. How may we help you today?" a woman told him as he entered. Ash looked around the shop briefly. He noticed a girl with short dark hair working on something in the corner. Though her back was turned to him, he still knew she was Moon. He approached her and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped up, slightly startled by his sudden appearance.

"Hi Moon," he greeted.

"H-Hi Ash..." she replied.

"So... this is your house?"

"Actually no," she told him. She walked to a door and opened it. "This is."

That door connected her house to the store in front of it. Her family ran that store and she helped out from time to time. But their house was the exact opposite of the shop. It was tidy, huge, full of space, and elegant. It looked like a rich family lived there. But Ash knew from what Hau and Sun told him that Moon's family wasn't even CLOSE to being rich.

"Here's your room," she said as she opened a set of double doors. They then entered a luxurious suite. It looked pretty comfy to Ash.

"Wow... it's huge!"

"Wanna see my room?"


They then walked to the end of the hall and saw two large double doors. They opened them and found themselves in what looked like a miniature house. There was a kitchen area, a bedroom area, a restroom, a closet, and even a TV and living space room!

"Woah... you'd never tell just from the outside..."

"My parents had the house decorated dramatically. I think I liked my old room better...". She then took a framed picture off a shelf and showed it to him. It was of Moon, with long hair, making the peace sign as she stood at the side of a nice room. It looked humble, friendly, and nice. It looked like what a normal cottage room would look like.

"H-How come you have long hair in this picture?" Ash asked.

"It was before..."

"Before what?"

"Before I tripped on some shears and they flipped open and cut my hair. Lillie and Luna helped me fix it but...". She then revealed a small whisp of hair that was OBVIOUSLY cut sloppily. Moon then picked up a pair of shears and attempted to cut it, but it wouldn't cut. It was as if that one piece was invincible.

Ash nodded in understanding, sad for his friend's misfortune.

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