17: Preparing For The Dance

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It was now time for everyone to get dressed and ready for the school dance. Lillie and Sun came over to Moon's house to help their friends get ready.

"How do I look?" Ash asked worriedly.

"Like a freshly baked Malasada... is what Hau would say. You look great," Sun told him.

"And my hair?"

"Do you always worry this much? You look great."

"What about my mask? Is it the right color? What about shape? Size?"

"Dude, stop worrying. You look great."

"It's just... I don't want to make a fool of myself... can you keep a secret?"

"Yeah... what?"

"I'm from another dimension where everything's different. Lillie was scared of Pokémon, you and Moon didn't exist, Yvonne was called Serena, the trial captains are students at a Pokémon School, the school is totally different, no socials, formal events, etc, and it didn't matter how I looked. Okay?"

Sun just stood there.


Sun blinked three times before returning to his normal self.

"Your secret is safe with me, but we should probably head over to the school now."

"What about Lillie and Moon?"

"Lillie insisted that they come separately."


"Now, at the school dance, everyone goes by codenames. Mine is Mr. S. We need to think of one for you..."


"You look like a prince or something. How about-"

With the girls...

"You look amazing, Moon-Chan!"



"Thank you, Lillie-Chan!"

"I'm not Lillie-Chan today, no no no! Tonight I shall be the Lady Felice!"

"Felice means happiness, right? Did something great happen recently?"

"Indeed! Now, a name for you... how about-"

"It's okay, Lilz. I have a name."

Lillie was shocked at Moon using that ancient nickname. She hadn't called Lillie that since... since forever! Lillie liked the name and it brought tears to her eyes.

"C-could you... call me that more often?"

"Okay, but let's not ruin your makeup. We don't want you to ruin your face right before the dance."

Lillie nodded in response to Moon's advice as Moon picked up a cloth and gently wiped the tears from her friend's eyes. She then re-applied some of Lillie's makeup for her.

"There! All done!"

"Thank you, Moon-Cha... no... Thank you, Moonlight..."

Moon was also touched by her long forgotten nickname.

"Oh... Lilz...". Then they hugged, both thinking about their missing friend, Luna... who they had nicknamed Lunala.

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