21: A Blackout Disappearance

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Not to long after Zaria's surname-calling, people started minding their own business again.

Ash looked back at where Selene was, but she was gone! Ash didn't know why, but she had vanished. He hoped he would see her soon. In the meantime, he was glad that Moon had arrived and fixed everything. But what he wondered was why she seemed to be so casual. Maybe she had decided in the end not to go, but to help in the electrical room? He would've loved to have a dance with her...

"So," Lillie began, talking to the causal Moon next to her. "I see you're still alert, even on a wonderful today like this."

"Chase and Elaine have been taken," Moon said flatly. A look of shock came to Lillie's face.


"They've been taken by the kidnapper. I just scanned the whole room for them. They were taken during the power outage."

Ash, was passing by the two when he heard this. He then left to change into more casual clothes. He needed to be himself. He needed to help Moon.

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