23: Zaria's Accusation

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"The cloth... it's... it's from... G... G... Gladion's..."

"It all makes sense now!" Zaria exclaimed, not even waiting for Lillie to finish her sentence.

"Gladion was nearby during each one of the kidnappings! It's no wonder that Gladion was the one who-"

"Hey, everyone. What's up?" Gladion asked, wondering why people were saying his name.

"What's up?" Zaria began. "What's up? I'll tell you what's up! The jig is up! We all know you did it! We have the proof! Now where did you take our friends?!"

"What?" Gladion asked. "I have no idea what you're talking about! Did what? Take who?"

"Stop pretending!" Zaria shouted. "I knew from the start that your mysterious concussion when Luna vanished was fake right from the start! We all know that you took them! We have the proof right here!" She pointed at the cloth that Lillie was holding in her hands while she cried.

"That's not any proof at all! This piece only shows that I ripped some pretty expensive Aether Foundation clothes! I was planning on fixing it once I found the piece-"

"So that you could hide the fact that you were the one that kidnapped Chase and Elaine! Don't you dare try to cover it up you lying, scheming-"

Moon couldn't take it anymore. She stopped listening to Gladion and Zaria argue.

"No..." Moon whispered to herself. "It can't be Gladion... he's my friend... I know that he isn't capable of such things..."

"FINE!" Zaria yelled. "I'll let you off the hook this time, buddy. But mark my words, if I see ONE more piece of evidence showing that you DID kidnap them..." She swiped her hand across her throat in a beheadding manner while making a sound effect, notifying Gladion that he'd be dead.

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