26: Dead Meat

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"We've got to find a way out of here!" Luna yelled, struggling to fight her restraints.

"But we can't!" Shauna exclaimed.

"The chains are too strong!" Chase hollered.

"We can't break free!" Elaine shouted, her strength slowly starting to give away.

Suddenly, their restraints vanished and they all came crashing together in the center of the dark area.

"Ow!" Chase complained.

"What was that?" Elaine asked.

"Our restraints disappeared..." Luna started.

"You're hand is on my face, Chase," was all Shauna said.

"Whoops, sorry," he apologized as he lifted his hand.

"Wrong hand."

"Oops, sorry again."

"It's as if-" Luna's continuation to her thought was cut off by a loud, groaning noise.

Stomping was heard as the earth shook and some glowing thing appeared.

"What?" Shauna started.

"Is?" Elaine continued.

"THAT?!" Chase finished, almost screaming.

"No way... it's a..." Luna began as a small light illuminated the room. The thing was then fully illuminated as the creature roared.

"GUZZLORD!!!" Luna shouted. It was the one Ultra Beast that was actually worth keeping away from... if you cherished your life, that is. The four ran and scattered around the room, but it wasn't long before the gluttonous Pokémon started to catch them.

"Help!" Elaine cried, flailing her arms as she was held upside-down.

"Elaine!" Chase yelled before being swept off his feet by the monster.

"I think he's hungry!" Shauna notes as she was grabbed.

"Luna!" they called to her. "Do something!"

Luna, who was the only one NOT about to be devoured whole, started to think of a way to help her friends.

Then, it grabbed her and flipped her upwards.

"That's it!" she cried in excitement as she started to fall down towards the Guzzlord's open jaws.

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