27: Putting The Facts Together

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Moon was walking beside Ash and Zaria one day after school when she started to think.

"Wait..." Moon started. "What if..."

"What if what, Moon?" Ash asked.

"Of course!" she exclaimed. "I knew it wasn't him!"

"What? Who?"

"Gladion! I just had to stick two and two together and..."

"Aaaaannddd?" Zaria asked.

"I just have to put the facts together! Let's see..." she quickly stopped and put her fingers against her head. When she remembered something, she continued walking. "At the very beginning, when Luna was taken. I WAS THERE! I saw everyone nearby! And I had only been gone for a few seconds and then Gladion was out cold! He couldn't have done that do himself in such a little amount of time. It HAD to have been one of the closest people to the two!"

"Soooo?" Zaria asked. Moon went on.

"And with Shauna, Gladion wasn't in the hallway when I was giving Ash a tour! But I know for a fact that he was heading to class when we started to have all the drama in Cheerleading Club! The person who had taken Shauna had to be someone in the room! Whether it be a member of the cheerleading club or one of the sports clubs that practiced in the gym!"

"Your point iiiiisss what?" Zaria asked again, clearly not understanding. But Moon continued to rant.

"And with Chase and Elaine... someone set Gladion up! I noticed how finely cut the edges of the cloth were. It was as if someone was FRAMING Gladion... this person cut the cloth and then sewed it back on loosely, so it had to have been someone with a knack for sewing!"

"Get to the point, Ms. Mizuki!" Zaria yelled.

"And with Gladion... someone so desperately wanted the trail to lead away from them... so they took him, and left fake evidence behind. It wasn't a piece of the drawstring of Gladion's hoodie that was turned in... it was the shoelace of the culprit! I noticed not to long afterwards that a certain someone had such a finely ruined shoelace that day!"

"So who is the main suspect?" Zaria and Ash asked in unison, not able to take the suspense.

"It's not a suspect... I KNOW who it is... but the question is..."

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