31: Your Destiny

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Moon was now at the edge of a cliff.

"It's over," Zaria told her. Moon watched a couple rocks break off the edge and fall down... a LONG way down...

"I won't let you get in the way of my plans like that meddling Moon!" Jayden told Ash, who was backed up against the wall. Ash saw that the edge wasn't too far away, so he couldn't run very far.

"Now," the two villains said in sync, though they weren't together. "FACE YOUR DESTINY!!!"

"Sure," Ash and Moon said simply, speaking in sync. They then both jumped over the edge and plummeted down to their doom.

"We can be more powerful than you can ever imagine!" they exclaimed, glowing brightly. They then transformed!



(This but the jacket is white instead of grey and it's a lot longer)

They continued to glow with an aura as they flew upwards.

With the others...

"Gladion!" Luna exclaimed, running over to him.

"Hi, Luna... by the way, how in all of Alola did you tame a GUZZLORD?!"

"I didn't tame it, Gladion. It's actually not all that bad. Like all of the Ultra Pokémon."(She avoids calling them Beasts)

"That's nice," he said. "But we've got to find the others! Zaria took Ash and Moon here. I feel it! And Jayden's here, too!"

"Right!" the others agreed. "We've got to help them!"

"Guzzy," she began, looking at the Beast Ball. "Please help us...". The Pokéball glowed as if Guzzlord was saying yes. "Thank you!" Then, suddenly, Luna glowed and transformed!


"How peculiar," Luna started. "My outfit was different last time."

"What do you mean last time?" Gladion asked.

"That's a story for another time," Luna informed him. "Right now, we must help the others.

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